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god i wish i was her
You should aspire NOT to be her.
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Yeah me too
>Go out one day, taking a stroll in the park
>Make fun of a hot fat goth chick
>She turns into a hot skinny goth chick
>She then curses you to be a fat chick
>She then stares in bewilderment as you grope your new plump body
Because I am a mentally ill retard.
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Chie's a cute fatty. I feel like it'd be easy to cop a feel of her
Especially when most of her body feels squishy
Imagine peeking under that short skirt and watching as she tries to cover up and tell you off
If you angle yourself right she might not be able to see you
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>Changed into a fat goth girl with gas issues
>Have to be the witches' roommate
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>You know, when I usually curse men, there's not "this" much masturbation. I mean seriously, have you taken one break since you got here?
>Yeah... food breaks... keeps me going.
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*sits on you*
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Go ahead, there's plenty of room
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i think it would be fun to be her
least it means you get to try and be fattened up with all kinds of different and fun foods to try out
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Here's your new underwear anon! Oops, I mean, Annonette
Being a totally helpless butterball sounds very appealing not gonna lie. Having arms so thick you can barely wiggle them... fuck
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>If only your tits grew as much as the rest of you!
I'm sure that the guys who are groping your fat body don't care when the rest of you is so squishy
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So long as they can get their hands all over your big, flabby body
Fffuck that sounds so nice. Being so fat that people take it as an open invitation to fondle and harass you wherever you go...
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Either that or you're expected to put out just to get some attention
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>No I'm not Poison Ivy, it's a long story
>Fine, I was a normal guy, or at least I thought I was. Apparently I had some meta-gene I wasn't aware of.
>Something about kissing people on the lips, it causes our bodies to switch. One day I was kidnapped by Ivy and she tried to put me under her spell. Not a second later and suddenly she's in my body, and I'm in hers.
>Yep, one hard to explain phone call to GCPD and she was locked away in my body. They tried to get us to swap back but nothing worked. Heck, I couldn't swap to other people, it's like a one-time use change
>No, I can't use her powers, still green though
>My weight? Oh yeah, I was a skinny guy in my old body but I had a fast metabolism to match my appetite, seems like Ivy's body can't handle a few extra snacks
>You wanna take me out? On a date? I guess I still have some room. You're paying though.
I kinda dig the direction of this thread, hopefully we can keep steering it into this direction
>'Like, check me out everybody!
>*wiggles hips in place*
>'I've got like, some serious JUNK in the trunk!'
I think it's really funny to have a guy go under some extremely painful, occult ritual just to transform into some chunky babe and go "nyah!" All day
>ywn be isekai'd as a hot anime girl and destroy her body by gaining hundreds of pounds
fuck my life
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>Train in isekai to be the best, most OP warrior is history
>Finally take on the demon king
>Before you take the final swing to his head, he makes an offer
>He can give you the life you've convinced yourself you didn't need
>He can make that embarrassing secret you always had come true
>Before your companions can interrupt, you shake his hand, sealing the deal
>In a flash of blazing hellfire you find yourself no longer in the Demon Lord's castle, but instead a lavish and exquisite bedroom
>Before you can a detailed look at the place, you feel lightheaded
>Glancing at your body, you see yourself rapidly transforming, your body becoming more feminine at an alarming rate
>Your skin gains a red hue, your hair shoots out the top of your head, reaching far down your back
>Then you feel something heavy inside of you
>Looking at your stomach, you quiver in both excitement, and fear
>Your once washboard body becomes to disappear, being replaced with soft, delicate flab that tears through your once baggy clothes
>By the time your transformation finished, you were unrecognizable
>But, before you could start enjoying this body, a contract appears before you
>It states, with a lot of legal jargon, that you are to stay in Hell for the next 5 years whilst the Demon King rebuilds his empire you destroyed.
>Until then, you are to be stuffed, pampered, and made to be the perfect bride of the Demon King, where you'll both be married on the day of his victory
>At the bottom of the paper it reads your name, already signed with the handshake
>Just as it disappears, a group of imps barge their way into the room, quickly binding you up and strapping a feeding tube to your mouth
>One of the imps begin pouring a mysterious, thick liquid which reminds you of the milkshakes you used to enjoy before you were brought here
>As you begin to relax, letting the imps do their work, you hear one of them say to another
>"Come on, hurry, the Demon Lord said to make her bigger than the room!"
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What sort of direction do you like anon?
I wouldnt have to eat at all and would slim down in no time!
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>Hook up with some weird fat chick at the bar
>Go back to her place
>She seems really desperate but whatever
>Her apartment's a little messy
>Wonder if she does this often
>She gets on al lfours and you effortlessly slip inside of her
>Slam against her fat, jiggly ass, feeling like you could cum within moments
>Feel a little strange
>Everything goes dark
>Suddenly feel heavy, warm, and sweaty
>Open your eyes only to see sheets and a pair of fat tits obscuring your view
>Feel someone's hands squeeze into your hips and press into you
>Feel an intense heat in your crotch
>Look back only to see your old body quickly getting dressed and leaving before you can even pull your fat ass out of bed
>Realize you might be stuck like this
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I don't know if like rewarding someone with m2bbw, using it as a punishment, or some mix where it's just some witch wanting to fuck someone over the most. Cause on one hand it's not gonna be a punishment to me, hell, it sounds like a reward. But rewarding it feels too unearned. But mixing it, just some random day a girl goes "Eh, I don't wanna be fat anymore, might as well try being a guy" and suddenly you're some porker named Pauline and you don't know where you are but some slob's apartment.
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I just like that we're all fantasysing about being turned into chubby girls is all.

I'd prefer to be a milf myself but that's just me.
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Being a mother is too much for me, I'd go crazy having to deal with being both fat and now handling a kid or more
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>Your scale's pov as you do your monthly weigh-in
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>Being a mother is too much for me, I'd go crazy having to deal with being both fat and now handling a kid or more
That's very true, I mainly just like the idea of being turned into somebody's soft housewife.

I just like the trappings: Hot yoga, baking, breast and hips expansion, mommy weight and working from home.
I have a thing for frumpy milfs anyways so there's that.

What about being a surrogate?
A mommy for hire.
>'Is this some kind of joke? I'm not wearing that!'
>*gut gurgles slightly*
>'Ugh...what the...I don't feel so good'
>*growling increases*
>*hic* 'Gugh...my stomach feels bloated...'
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I think it's a pretty fun scenario even if it might be a little convoluted, but swapping with some fatass and having to deal with the consequences of a life you haven't lived is hot, having to waddle around some dirty apartment and figure out who you've ended up as.
>End up in a fantasy world
>But you're a woman
>"Hey this is not so bad, at least I can become an adventurer!"
>"If I do that I don't have to act girly or anything."
>Do just that.
>Eventually do such a good job that the king rewards you with a noble title
>At first you want to resist due to the feminine expectations placed upon noblewomen
>But not wanting to anger the king you accept
>Fast forward 20 years and you've turned into a fat, feminine noblewoman who loves her position.
>Sometimes you look at your old equipment with regret. Why did you resist for so long?
>You should have become a fat woman as fast as you could!
>You tell your servants to send for another of your consorts.
It's been a few years but you still have almost no idea who you've became. No one in your apartment seems to know you, and the only piece of ID tells you information from a decade ago. Only thing that's relevant is the name. You've tried to fix this life the best you can. Getting a bank account started, finding a job, but this town is barren in the workforce. Most people here are working 2 or 3 jobs and are holding tight. The onlything making you money is a shitty Onlyfans page which barely pays the bills. You've been living off of fast food which hasn't helped your already large waistline. You don't own a scale and judging by the height on your ID of 5'2, you're around 300 pounds. You barely have enough energy to walk around the apartment, so you've secluded yourself indoors most of the time. Only going out to grab your online orders. You don't know how long it's gonna take to get this body on track, whether through sheer willpower or using your body for money, you'll find a way.
I actually had a story idea similar to that. Though it wasn't an isekai. It was about this horrible warlord who terrorized a nation and when he finally died, he was reincarnated as his sworn enemy's daughter. Realizing he has another chance, he begins to sabotage the royal family over the course of 2 decades until he's the next in line to rule. But the royal chefs were too good to ignore so during this scheme, she's plumping up quickly until she's full on balloon of a woman at the age of 23 and takes over as the new baroness of the country.
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All you really had was a hastily thrown together dating profile and her phone to go off of which didn't help at all. Even though it's been such a long time, it doesn't feel like it with how slow your life's gotten. Trying to diet and exercise has proven pointless leaving you hilariously out of shape at best. Binging on fast food helps you destress but it's expensive. Maybe you'll have to start a camshow, but then you'll have to clean your room. You haven't seen your old self since that night. You'll think about starting that diet tomorrow, definitely...
Fat girls are always better whn they're on the mature side.
I like this idea, but she should remain mobile. Immobile blobs are too much.
but brats are easier to bait with sweets to grow bigger
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To each their own. I personally don't mind being chubby with a potbelly or bedbound.
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>At a party getting drunk
>Pulled off to a room by that fat chick you shot down earlier
>Now too drunk to care
>She sits you down on a nearby bed
>Put your hands on her tits
>She giggles and begins to massage your stomach
>Feel heavy and strange
>You're getting fatter
>Soon end up as fat as her
>And she's turned you into a woman
>Your clothes are exploding off of you
>She doesn't seem satisfied
>Makes you even fucking fatter
>You can feel the bed buckling beneath your enormous ass
>You're now a huge, flabby, sweaty mess
>Pinches your prominent double chin and makes oinking noises
>"If you can find some guy desperate enough to fuck you by midnight, you'll turn back, good luck!"
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>ywn be transformed into a woman and be forcefed by a harem of hot women (or men(or both))
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>We're here for your daily feeding session Anon
>a gun and some kind of string
>being tied up and threatened at gunpoint for a feeding
Sorry, that's uh, a little much even for me
>What did you bring me today?
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Enough food to kill a small elephant and it's entire family
>You sure that'll be enough? I'm feeling REALLY hungry right now~!
We might have a piece of gum around here somewhere. To be fair, we did exhaust an entire factory just to get everything.
>Oh, wow, an entire factory? It might be just enough~!
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>Yeah, I turned into Emma Frost, so what? I wanna watch the game!
>Too lazy to lose weight, too broke to buy a lot of food. That witch really did curse me.
>posting this mere days after I found my paycheck leaves me with $25 total after bills
It fucking hurts bros, it hurts so much
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>I can't sit in any of my chairs...
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>She said I'm going to end up huge but I'm already fatter than a cow...
That's not huge, anon, that's pleasantly plump. Sit back and relax, crack open a few beers, order some pizza, maybe a milkshake or four, and you'll get huge soon enough~
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I love pink-haired fatties.
I need to be like Lapis... So many potatoes to eat...
Waking up as royalty could be fun, especially with Toads delivering me whatever I want, so like... More cake to eat and stuff!
watching their tits getting fatter
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On the plus side, you're now a successful stay at home business woman putting on daily shows for eager, paying fans.
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Even though your brand of business involves showing off your fat ass for said eager fans. At least it mostly pays the bills.
Hey its hard work stuffing your face day in and out, feeling your body expand for their pleasure!
It doesn't help when your metabolism lays around as much as you to the point where drinking water could make you fatter!
See, this is the only option left when even water and celery somehow makes you fatter! Just give in and let the fat flow through you~
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>Local witch will teach you magic but only if you let her turn you into her equally obese, bitchy sister.
I'd agree if she made my tits small.
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>End up a little cuter than her
>She makes you even fatter to balance things out
Why would she balance things out by making you even more attractive? If you end up cuter she'll just make you meaner and bitchier to compensate.
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Either that or she could make you a much bigger slob so that people wouldn't want to be stuck next to you.
She could also refuse to teach you anything and just enjoy watching you live with your new fat slobby body.
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Not like you'll be able to learn much magic when you're busy groping yourself and seeing how much deodorant it takes to mask the stench of B.O
That or asking for her to feed you as you find yourself too big to leave the room.
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>Taking desperate photos for a one night stand before the curse becomes permanent at midnight
>Maybe a little too desperate
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You only have half a day left before you find this new body to be yours forever.
Sure you found a dress that'll actually stretch across your huge ass and contain your equally massive gut, but it screams "desperate" even more than the thirst trap photos you're taking. Maybe you'll have to find someone too wasted to say 'no', but you really don't have that much time...
Surely it cant be that hard to find a guy who is just as desperate to get his rocks off as you are to break the curse.It won't be pretty but considereing your size, you can't be too choosy either. A beta nerdy guy would be great to snag for such an occasion!
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But then there's all that prep work you have to do: the longest shower you've taken in your life and having to squeeze into that dress. Nobody's checked out your dating profile and it's really starting to get late. It should be so, so easy but you remember the last couple of nights ending with you nearly in tears after getting shot down. This is your last chance unless you want to be stuck as one of the fattest women you've ever seen in your life.
Nearly in tears and deep into a gallon of ice cream to help soothe your heart, damn I could really go for some right now...
Binge eating for stress relief already? Maybe you should try and push those kinds of thoughts to the back of your mind, the sun's almost down and you won't have much time before it's actually permanent. Hopefully you aren't getting a reputation as the gross, desperate fat chick..
I can'y help it, this body cries for junkfood all the time! Everything tastes so good now.... but you are right, I need to fight this and get someone to lay with me so I can say goodbye to this hunger and fat once and for all.
Not that long to midnight now, you'll only have time to roam around the same handful of places as before, and you better hope that all of your prep work (Eating ice cream mostly) pays off!
Oh why bother! The only thing that'll happen is I try to find a guy and he'll laugh at me and then I eat my pain away again... might as well stay home and cut out the bs and eat~ Wait why did I say that... I got to do something fast....
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It's just one more humiliating night, you can do it. There's no way one of those 'lucky guys' don't want to get their hands all over your big, fat ass, right? It's either that or you'll just have to get used to life as an obese cow of a woman.
You're right, who could resist all this ass, thick thighs, and these breasts! I'll snag me a guy and be done with this before you know it!
Just try to mind the summer heat, I don't think it'll help your chances if some guy has to deal with the sauna going on between your tits. Try not to look too desperate either, but I don't think you can help it anymore.
No problem there, its why I stick to ice cream parlors, to keep cool and lick my cones seductively~
JoJo women make great fatasses for some reason.
What about Mariah?
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Hell yeah, imagine rocking one of their bods
Part 3, yeah?
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Yeah, she was never revealed in the story, only in supplemental material
She's hot too
Wanted to try a small text edit. Will probably need a better image next time
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that lives every single day wishing that they were a fat girl
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How many of y'all are skinny men IRL?
>She's hot too
Absolutely, JJBA girls are gorgeous. Hot Pants is my favorite.
I need to catch up to Part 6 so I can see what all the lady prisoners look like.
Not him but same, I was waiting for Stone Ocean to finish so I need to catch up.
Jolyn's VA is also Fate's Mordred so that helps.
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Wait, mixed her up.
I think Mordred's VA was in the games.
The Anime is Sei
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I am. I also work out trying to get muscle but I would gladly give it up just to be a big bitch.
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I personally wouldn't mind being Jolyne. Basic I know but imagine being fed stupid by someone 100x bigger than you. The only thing holding you down are two tiny strips of tape as Gwess forces various foods that are absolutely gigantic compared to you
The best part of Mini-fats, feeding them till they start to reach the size of a grapefruit or bigger.
Cost effective immobilization.
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>You woke up in a daze
>The last thing you remember is that creepy woman promising she could make all of your desires come true
>You feel off, like something's different
>Looking at your body, you realize not only are you naked, but you're now a chick!
>You try to cover yourself up, hoping no one sees your embarrassing display
>Just then, a bright light appears over you, blindingly shining on your nude body
>The light pulls back, still illuminating the area
>"There's my precious little lab rat" A soft but booming voice speaks from above
>You get a better look and realize it's the woman, and she's colossal
>"I told you I'd make your dreams come true"
>She pushes your body down to the ground with a single poke of her massive finger.
>A thin tube is shoved into your mouth
>"Just one more thing before I'm done with you"
>Then, suddenly a surge of liquid forces itself into your mouth and into your body
>It has an overwhelmingly sweet taste to it, like a cola mixed with a cup of sugar and corn syrup
>Just as you could process the taste, your belly surges outwards like a balloon, weighing down on you as the rest of your body begins to expand with it
>Your ass swells up just as fast as your gut did, becoming a sort of beanbag chair, the softest you've ever felt
>Your newfound tits pool out into large, flabby mounds, breaking any conventional bra measurements
>Your arms and legs become lost in an ocean of fat, becoming useless chunky parodies of themselves
>Even your face puffs out as a multitude of layered chins grow out, your cheeks swelling up like a squirrel at a buffet
>Just as fast as it began, it ended, the liquid stopped being poured into you and the tube was pulled out
>You couldn't say anything, too scared to even open your mouth, other wise you'd
>Do that
>"Oh my, what a gassy little thing you are, well, rest now my little lab rat, I'll make sure to keep you well fed for a long time, and probably bring you a new friend or two."
>Day in day out it becomes the same
>Wake up? 'Breakfast' consists of a variety of shakes and slurries that are sweet and pumped in your belly filling out like its going to bursting, your cage feeling smaller and smaller not due to any real growth but just the increasing obesity you're attaining.
>Entertainment is a TV she leaves on, your mistress looking a little softer as the days go by.
>Its becoming tough to see the TV due to your own assets and rolls.
>Then, one day, you wake up to see another cage next to yours, a new girl sleeping within it.
>"Oh my! So you've noticed your new friend! Don't worry, we'll give her a proper introduction after breakfast."
>"After all, I can't have my precious little lab rat getting lonely<3"
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I love that everyone has like a hundred ideas for how they'd be if they turned into a fat chick but I'm willing to bet 90% of us would still just be shitposting.
>She's only 400 pounds
>Not shakemaxxing to gain a pound a week
>Taking more than a few steps a day, ngmi
Anon, I would live that cow girl life if I could.
Just eat, make money off milk, and play vidya/shitpost.
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>Tried everything you can
>Even searching through the most obscure websites
>Still can't turn back
>It's been like a week
>Nobody recognizes you
>Your new body has all kinds of issues and urges you're going to have to get used to
>Sitting at your pc, chair groaning in protest beneath your huge ass
>Return to shitpost while you're waiting for your pizza to arrive
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Skinny but also fit
And yet, becoming a helpless fat blob of a woman to please others would be the hottest thing
Thin but have a bit of muscle.
If I'm a guy I'll do my damndest to be strong.
Were I a chick in such a scenario?
Just fat.
maybe strongfat if adventuring.
I don't know why exactly, but the idea of being cursed to become a fat girl, and have limited time to change back, is so damn good.
I'm sure most of us might try at first, but our own horniness would get the better and we'd end up missing the deadline because we started stuffing our faces or something.
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I think it's a fun way to start it all off, trying to navigate the world in a big, flabby body trying to do something desperate at best to turn back. Maybe things get much worse, maybe you feel like you're just about turn everything around, maybe the cost of turning back is just too humiliating. Also the slow sting of regret and growing reluctance once you figure out that you're going to be stuck like this permanently.
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>Hey anon, just checking up on you, wanted to see how that Elf body is treating you- WOAH
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>Year 2070
>Anon is enjoying his synthetic body
>His or rather her favorite hobby is testing the weight limits before they stop functioning
>He currently holds the record for more synthetic bodies changed.
>All female
>All turned morbidly obese
>I Became my fantasy RPG Character but now I weight 600lbs
>only 600
Listen, thats how you start out.
After that is when you start working up to blob tier.
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Mini fatties belong in jars
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Only when they aren't being fed or used.
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>Examining your new body after some witch turns you into a landwhale at the mall
I'd rather start as a skinny girl. It makes the gains more satisfying.
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Becoming the fat ass mascot of the local fast food chain for the rest of time!
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>Becoming so fat you're considered experienced for the circus fat lady role
I just wanna be fat and live a normal life while being fat... Is that too much to ask?... I guess so...
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>Get transported weird fantasy world with girlanon
>The place is basically pokemon world, but with fat magical girls/monstergirls
>And Girlanon is my starter
>Most of the first few days is having her 'level up' by beating up the chubby shortstacks outside of town with magical bs
>There are subtleties to combat, but force-feeding my starter and breeding her tends to power her up enough beat most things
>She still fusses occasionally about being a guy before, and half-heartedly objects to her treatment, but she never resists
>The girlanon never even bothered getting new panties after I bent her over and tore off her old ones- I know she can get new ones for free from the not-pokemon center
Interesting or boring?

If you had to be a kind of fat monstergirl in a pokemon-ish world, what kind would you want to be and would you try be the very best like no one ever was? i.e. become the biggest fatty.
And what sort of things would you get up to with your 'trainer'? You do get buffs from force feeding and sex.
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Yeah but how much of your life will be normal? Let's start with the beginning of your day. You're already at a disadvantage, you'll shuffle about, wobbling your waterbed body around until your chubby little toes touch the floor. Then you have to brace yourself as all 500 pounds heave off the bed. Then you waddle to your kitchen, feeling each curve, each layer of flab jiggle and slap against each other. Hopefully you can still fit through the doorway, who knows how long you have until you'll need to get it widened if you haven't already. As you waddle to the kitchen, you think of the easiest thing to get. You'll be too lazy and impatient to make anything worthwhile so you'll probably settle for a pack of poptarts, not even warming them up. Of course you can't leave without a drink, a 2 liter coke will do. You waddle back to your room, not having done much but still sweating like an Olympic athlete after a grueling session. You sit your bench-wide ass on a reinforced chair, if you haven't swapped it out for something more durable like a beanbag chair. You attempt to use the web but with your chunky sausage fingers the very act of typing is a tiresome thing. So you settle for some dumb movie again. The latest action slop with mostly cgi'ed actors who you wish would swoop you out of your trashy apartment and into a deluxe king sized bed. The very thought makes you horny. You try to reach down, to calm your aching loins but find it impossible to reach. You sigh to yourself, still not used to being limited like this. Grabbing your wand and clicking it on, you rub yourself stupid as you picture being fed and cuddled with by people who are way out of your league. After you finish, you lazily drop the want to the ground, it'll be a struggle to pick it back up but that can wait. You open up the poptart box and shove 2 of the pastries into your mouth, not even bothering to savor the taste as you post on your favorite Mongolian Fishing Forum.
>Who up fatmaxxing rn?
You know what, fair enough.

Damn that does sound hot...
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Yeah, being too fat to do things normally. Doors become hazards, clothes become a struggle to put on, people start staring more often. I mean, could you handle dozens of people staring at you as you waddle through the supermarket? Me personally, I wouldn't be able to leave my room.
Ahh, yeah, I'd probably become pretty much a neet. Definitely would want someone to take care of me at that point..
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Do any of you give thought to how your senses would be different if you were a girl?

>Be you, new girlanon
>Reality warped somehow to make you a girl and left you with a sizeable amount of money in the process
>Spend your first few days trying to deal with the ins and outs of your new body
>You feel a lot more 'exposed' than you did as a man, almost like you'd been wearing a space suit all of your life
>Your senses aren't necessarily sharper, just more intense- pain and pleasure and everything in-between hits you harder than it did before
>Every gust of wind or chill in the air is enough to have you bundle up
>Injuries that you might not have noticed as a man are enough to make you tear up
>Smells hit you hard- everything from scented candles to the scent of good cooking is enough significantly influence you mood
>If smell was like a contact high, taste was like injecting heroin directly into your veins
>Your first meal was enough to make you spend a thousand dollars ordering groceries and take out to taste everything you could,
>Days passed in a haze of gluttony and lust, every hour spent in the hedonistic pleasure of stuffing your face and stuffing your cunt
>By the time you awoke from this cycle, you were 30-40 pounds heavier and sprawled out in your bed with a vibrator in your quim whos battery had died
>Not for the first time you wondered how not every woman in the world had eaten themselves into immobility
>You were about to dive back into your circle of hedonism, but ran into a problem
>Lifting 30-40 pounds might have been no issue for male you, but it was another thing entirely now
>You could feel your pathetic atrophied back muscles strained to help you sit up and it was a struggle stay up
>You might have been tiny compared to the girls you used to masturbate to, but you felt enormus
>How would it feel when you were that big?
>Eventually, you gave up and laid back on your bed
>Your belly rumbled and demanded food

What do?
Obviously give in. It's not up to me anymore. When my fatass is hungry, I'm hungry
The only choice you can make is what you stuff your craw with.
>Can you even feel that? Your ass is so big I thought it was a beanbag chair!
Need the cyberpunk future where you can eat and order cheap food.
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Just eating until the bed frame gives out
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>Cyberpunk future
>Kidnapped by a rival gang or something
>Brought to some laboratory
>Given a new body and implants that leave you stuck as a humongous, fast food addicted slob
>Also a new identity to go along with it
>And you're in debt on top of that
>Have to find some way to pay them back even though you're not really all that capable anymore
>Foods cheap to the point where the government just pays for it for the people, not really paying attention to the contents so its all super calorie and fat laden.
>Occasional 'unique' drugs get mixed in through production 'issues.
>No real work due to massive population and increased automation means people are bored and just try to kill time or eat.
>Even just eating what would have been a 'normal' meal will result in some pounds gained.
>not to mention that the medicine means that people can reach astounding sizes with little issue.
>Have to deal with not just finding things to do aside from eating but an increasing waistline and titsize because bovine hormones got mix in the food slurry again.

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