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PA's fan art archives:
SFW: https://cat box. moe/c/0huh9k
NSFW: https://cat box. moe/c/xgpzxp
Kazen-related (some NSFW): https://cat box. moe/c/eefxaj
Suule-related (some NSFW): https://cat box. moe/c/a7ltsc
CA-related (some NSFW):https://cat box. moe/c/gq5v84

CA's fan art archives:

Endtown papercrafts here: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/34074979/#34259883

Previous thread(s):
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Most recent Endtown pages
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Jasper Gold is on indefinite hiatus, so I'm just keeping a link and a sample cover here:

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Most recent Stellar Diaries pages.

Most recent pages of Shining Sky (rewrite pending).

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Broken Mirror has been discontinued, if you'd like to read it from the beginning here's the first page and a link to the rest.

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Most recent pages of Topside Tales (posting from the Tumblr again, there's a lot, so please hold on).

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Most recent pages of Gone Feral. New pages this month!

Website for the comic:

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The nuke attempt happened at the end of Al and Gustine's story, right? Didn't we figure out ages ago that Wally and Holly's first arc overlaps slightly with Al and Gustine's? And wouldn't it be wide knowledge in Endtown that the place had had a nuke thrown at it in the past? For that matter, wouldn't the Topsiders know they'd failed after the Rocket arc and that, coupled with the satellite, was why it was important to keep Endtown's location secret still by using dittos? Maybe my memory has drifted, but things don't seem to match up.

I feel like the third panel in this one has Exploitable energy.

This feels weirdly forced.

Representative of all his subconsciously-acknowledged sins?

Someone please draw the ott as a cop.

I used to know someone who called that viewpoint on life "Essbendish", as in living as though you believe you exist in the s-bend of a cosmic toilet.

Can't help but think being the flipside of literal torture tactics is going to sit poorly on her soul in the long term.

I don't mind these guys, but I hope we'll be focusing on the character that attracted everyone to this comic in the first place more than we will on them. Speaking of, I hope we return to her soon, seeing as said story segment populated her part of things with mystery and unresolved tension.
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I forgot about the Great Green.

Topside Tales has been damn good.


If you decide to do a version with it, it's "aware", not "awear". Good use of it, though.
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Thank you
>If you decide to do a version with it, it's "aware", not "awear". Good use of it, though.
It's not like the meme was spelled out right >>67034469 here or anything.
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Is that one super-fan of Jim here?

Heck, for that matter, is anyone else here interested in a game that arguably features anthropomorphic animals in a post-apoc environment (albeit with a very small apocalypse)?

New vidya dropped called Indigo Park, technically in the "mascot horror" genre but it feels somehow different. Includes a cute sapient AI in the form of a toon raccoon called Rambley who guides you, an urban explorer, around an amusement park based on his cartoon franchise, but some mysterious disaster caused the park to be evacuated eight years ago and it's now largely a ruin. First chapter's free:

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What we've got so far seems to suggest there might be other funny animal AI friends to be made in the park, coming in later chapters, including an egotistical lion, a crash-prone birb aviatrix, a doleful sea serpent, and a sneaky-but-adorable skunk who might be responsible for the whole situation.

Hell, if anyone's still in contact with Aaron, maybe toss this his way. It's heavily inspired by IRL animation/park stuff (albeit with a heavy Disney bias), and might be adjacent to his interests.
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>appeal to Marx

It lives! Nice to see some new pages, though I'm with that one anon that's hoping we go back to Abigail given she had a lot of setup only to just to a gaggle of whos dealing with the same thing she was facing in Ch1.

Thanks for your guys' support, I was pretty pleased with how many pages I ripped through last month and I'm hoping I can get a good chunk done this month too. Things should quiet down irl for me soon, at least after the holiday.

Thanks also to that anon who mentioned TT in that /co/ thread, I appreciate it a lot!
Good to see you again, CA. That's a hell of a lot you turned out in one month.

Gasp, is that a Frankie Figure Reveal?

I gotta admit I wondered how the little ott worked below the waist. Damn cute!
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>Gasp, is that a Frankie Figure Reveal?
Yep, I was feeling the heat last month and started thinking about the beach and also the comic so I settled on both. After the glut of updates and the catchup to my backlog having a nice picture I thought would be a good preface to my small hiatus during this pre-holiday preparation time I got going on.
Now I'm wondering if Frankie has actual webbed fingers in closeup or if that's not a thing in Endtown's/Topside Tales' cartoon-o-morphic rulebook.

Obviously, Clovis, as members of a successor org to a massive corporation he wants you both to cover yourselves in rainbow stickers and then keep doing exactly the same awful things you always have.
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>Now I'm wondering if Frankie has actual webbed fingers in closeup or if that's not a thing
Frankie's hands are normal but her feet are webbed. TT's transformation thing isn't the cartoon crossover thing though (the comic was made before that was revealed in Endtown for that matter).
>TT's transformation thing isn't the cartoon crossover thing though (the comic was made before that was revealed in Endtown for that matter).
Ah, fair enough. Frankly I prefer that anyway. Little fireball ott's definitely my fave character anyway (Clovis and Bernard are tied for second, Jess is a close third).
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I'm glad you like her anon, ever since I teased her in this pic way back when Clovis had literally just unsuited in 2019 I had a feeling she would be one of the favorites even if she didn't actually appear until 2021.

People were so curious about the little otter regardless so keeping my trap shut about her before she finally did show up was hell! Worth the wait though, her and Jess I really enjoy a lot though I feel bad on Jess' behalf for Clovis being such a dick to her and essentially denying her screentime!
Otters, mice and I wanna say maybe bunnies and squirrels make for the best spirited little see-it-through female characters. Undeniably powerful combo.
Mrs. Brisby was the best of them, despite being meek she was very brave and stuck to what she needed to do. Fantastic character, love her to this day.
I am *a* fan of Jim. But I was more a fan of his character and potential than the fact that he was a raccoon.
Of these, I find the skunk to be a much better design. Rambley is not bad, she is just more interesting.

>Indigo Park
Meh. It's too derivative for me to care.
>it feels somehow different
On the contrary, it's a rehash of everything that "worked" for similar games in the genre. What you might be feeling is the Friday Night Funkin' vibes, as the creator seems to be more into that than horror games. It's a waste of talent/autism, he could have made something decent if he had done anything other than horror.

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New Gone Feral.
Trips of dread! I’m wondering if this horror mutation is transmitted by touch or something and that redneck guy is going to start going through a transformation himself since he was bit.
Okay then, guess this is the bit where we traditionally guess what type furry the character will become.

I'm going to guess that, if it's transmissible, either it's werewolf rules and he's gonna become a (cleanly mutated) gator (which I guess would kind of fit), or if it's not then possibly some kind of bear to fit his physical build.
I kinda want to see rooster, I think his overall body shape wouldn't look bad and it'd kinda match his mannerisms somewhat. Though that's if its a clean mutation, I'm still wondering what the difference is between mindless monster or a functional creature like Abby or Kamen Rider Hopper.
It could be made to fit his appearance, too, with feathers for his hair and a beak that aligns with or evokes the big brim of his cap.
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Ooh, are we going to get a whole side-thing?
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It IS almost time for that crab tourney again, though this year I'm participating with Frankie :)
May the cutest otter win!
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Holy shit we're actually having peacock dude be relevant for once
He's the only character I still give a fuck about despite him not doing anything since his introduction
I'm still mad that the thing he specifically studied and arguably knew the most about was also the entire section he remained mute and gawping at everything. This guy is a scientist who specialized in researching the grexing event, multiverse bubbles, the cardoodle grexes, and yet only now regarding something he specifically calls a fairy tale is the thing he was meant to specialize or believe in???
The ideas Aaron has for those are so shaky, uncertain, poorly-thought-out and permanently in-flux that he's probably better off avoiding explaining them too much, really.
He could have just avoided that with establishing Terry as some inexperienced intern the people underneath Amesworth assigned to tardwrangle Wally's group, nothing would have really changed and his blank amazed stares at everything would have made sense.
It's doubly weird because he blatantly used Terry to replace Amesworth, who would have known even more, probably. Really wondering what the hell he was originally intending to do, because it definitely feels like his writing's had multiple swerves from previous plans this arc.

>assigned to tardwrangle Wally's group
Man, with Wally's antics and Kirbee's... everything, you'd want some kind of specialist for that. Someone with long-term skills in that department, somewhere between a group home nurse and an ex-serjeant-at-arms.
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>with Wally's antics and Kirbee's... everything, you'd want some kind of specialist for that
Thought so too. Terry would have to be a very taleted intern if he was trusted with such a job.
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Just want to chime in that this month's round of TT strips has been really compelling. I'm glad that you're still at it, CA.
Thank you anon, I try. A part of me wishes I could reach more people who may have liked Endtown but dislike where it’s gone since then but the real only vector I have for that is the occasional mentions of it in /co/. Even then I sense there are people there that really don’t want it being known, or maybe resent it exists? It’s kind of weird ngl, though I acknowledge too that this level of fanwork is kind of unusual in of itself. Most people just write fanfiction and call it a day.
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>this level of fanwork is kind of unusual in of itself
Not really, Endtown had many fancomics.
What is unusual is that TT is still going.
Broken Mirror is the only other one referenced on tvtropes, and I know there was another one made before either Broken Mirror or Topside Tales, but there was more than those three?
I think part of the problem might be that, frankly, Aaron never managed to reach a very wide audience, even when things were looking up for him the most about this time last decade. It was definitely looking up for him for a moment, before the burnout and the audience hostility, but even at his best I think he torpedoed all his chances at truly making it by being so averse to playing the game of self-promotion and refusing interviews and all that. Maybe he wanted to be a Bill Watterson— the faceless, enigmatic, independent, but still widely respected cartoonist —but what Bill had that Aaron never did was a distributor that did all the promoting for him. So even at the comic's peak around 2014-5, most of the fandom really didn't extend very far beyond isolated outposts like /co/. I think 4chan has always been the one and only organized Endtown fandom community besides GoComics— and just look where we are now.
The number of people who have ever been as passionate about Endtown as us were probably all coming here in the first place, so I don't know how many more potential TT readers you could reach beyond the people who are already reading it, as much as it pains me to say.
Steve Gallacci tried making one. Is that what you remember? And while not exactly a comic, AstronautDK made pictures with recurring original characters. There was also the (attempted) RPG...
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>Steve Gallacci tried making one. Is that what you remember?
Yes, thank you! I knew the surname started with a G but it's been so long it just wasn't coming to me. I remember reading that one before deciding to try my hand at making my own fancomic.

>I don't know how many more potential TT readers you could reach beyond the people who are already reading it, as much as it pains me to say.
I constantly debate the pros and cons of having a presence on Twitter to crosslink and potentially find more of an audience, though I always end up sliding back to question what kind of audience I'd get if I did do that and if it'd be worth it in the long run. A part of my gut says 'probably not'.
If you just want your voice to be heard, somewhere other than here, I think Twitter would definitely be your best bet. I can't really speak for the community side, but one way or another it's still one of the most powerful networking tools for the kind of content you're making. This site and Tumblr are otherwise kind of isolated from it— I think it would be a bit of a long shot for something to bridge the gap unless you actually have your own presence there. It's not pretty, but that's sort of what I meant by having to play the game of self-promotion.
There was also the little run of comics PA did about his porcupine gal, and I think Kazen was working on something before Broken Mirror that stayed as mostly concept art.

Are there any actual strips of Gallacci's attempt? I wonder if he was involved at all with that side comic project Aaron kept mentioning that seems to have totally disappeared...

Makes me wonder what things look like in the branch of the multiverse where Aaron didn't screw it all up and it finally broke out of 4chan by word of mouth.

Have you considered making an actual site for it with an RSS feed and so on, or getting a spot on one of those comic collective sites? I'm not sure Tumblr's the best place for a comic in this day and age.

As for spreading word, there's also Bluesky, which, while having a smaller userbase, also doesn't seem to have hit the "filled with yuck" nature of Twitter yet in most ways.
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>This feels weirdly forced.
Everything involving Marx does.
He's an objective blight on this story regardless of whatever other issues it may have.
I suppose, I'll think it over. I know that I'll likely be mirroring the comic on Newgrounds sometime this year, though that is going to be a pain uploading nearly 400 pages.

>There was also the little run of comics PA did about his porcupine gal
Oh yeah! I think PA was working on those during the same Endtown hiatus I started Topside Tales in. Good times imo.

>Are there any actual strips of Gallacci's attempt?
I remember seeing some things but I have no idea how long back I'd have to reach into desu to find it, sadly.

>Have you considered making an actual site for it with an RSS feed and so on, or getting a spot on one of those comic collective sites?
Not really, entirely because it's still just a fancomic. I've contemplated comicfury a few times because I've seen fancomics hosted on it before but then again I've also seen people bash the site too so I don't really know what to think of it either.

Years later and this STILL is funny as fuck
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I found those comics PA made.
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Terri a cute. Porcupines don't get enough love.
>The Great Green
Welp they can't sail in a bathtub. Those blew up with Eden.
At least Terry is good at one expression. Complete disbelief in what Wally says.

I love how Frankie is a ray of light and able to contrast Clovis and Joel so well.

The TT output has been really impressive, even with breaks.

I was wondering the same. I thought it was the old Endtown rules of conscious vs unconscious. It could be a red herring. Or it could be funny to see the guy turn into a hamster.

Looking forward to the Crab Tourney this year.

>There was also the little run of comics PA did about his porcupine gal
That was a while ago.
I had an idea that she became a delivery girl, and the shenanigans that would ensue, in colony and being a courier topside (which is always a good carrier path post- apocalypse), but never could motivate my self to do it.

>Years later and this STILL is funny as fuck
I still think it's one of the best comics I've made.

Just about to post these
>I had an idea that she became a delivery girl, and the shenanigans that would ensue, in colony and being a courier topside (which is always a good carrier path post- apocalypse), but never could motivate my self to do it.
I hope you can, sometime, delivery people see a lot of crazy shit, so that sounds like fun.
>I hope you can, sometime, delivery people see a lot of crazy shit, so that sounds like fun.
It worked for Futurama.
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The kids have just kind of disappeared again.
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You should be used to it by now.

That terminator gunman was so cool. I wish Aaron was more like the creator of OOPs and allowed others to go wild with Endtown's setting. Imagine all the spin-offs we'd have by now.

Which reminds me, are we sure he won't raise a stink about Topsider Tales becoming less niche?
Is there actually much he could do, so long as it's marked as a fan comic? Not sure how US copyright law works under these circumstances.

Heck, Superfrenzyhare/Fizzlefroth keeps occasionally drawing art of Abbie that makes it look like a blue dress and apron are somewhere in her future, so I'd say Gone Feral's at a greater risk if that comes to pass.
True, true.
I think Aaron could issue a cease-and-desist order if he really, really wanted to, but I can't see even him doing that. CA isn't even making a cent off of TT.
[becomes dust]
>That terminator gunman was so cool. I wish Aaron was more like the creator of OOPs and allowed others to go wild with Endtown's setting. Imagine all the spin-offs we'd have by now.
There were a lot of cool concepts for the Endtown TTRPG.
Real pity that went down the tubes.
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Anyone heard from DK in recent years?

I feel like they'd absolutely adore TT and probably enjoy Gone Feral, too.
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I've not heard anything, but then again, I've not tried to seek them out.
I hope they're doing well.
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Frankie is super-cute there.
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It just occurred to me to wonder if Aaron felt "safe" doing those randomly sized colour comics a while back because he's lost his publishing deal or something so sticking to one format no longer matters. They'd be near impossible to print alongside the normal-sized comics without doing special individually-folded pages.
So... any 4th of July images?
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Aaron goes through Jarlidium, so I doubt he was dropped. It's not impossible to edit it to fit and add some color insert pages, but it would cost a bit more.
It would be neat to see, like the Wizard of Oz turning to technicolor. I wish it was at least interesting and had less Marx.
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Do you count beaches/ swimsuits as 4th of July?
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