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Eggnant edition

Post boys so horny they get themselves knocked up
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Furry only or generally drawn or literally everything is allowed as long as it's Mpreg?
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Nice dubs to start off the thread
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Furry-only seems to be the consensus, although I personally don't mind humans if they're pregnant with furry/alien/monster babies.
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god he's perfect
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Dude's the 'Venus of Willendorf' but for mpregpilled chads

Absolutely based
>What if cute guy... was pregnant?

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If it works, it works.
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Something about cats
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>that huge kick dragging across the top of his tummy
Oof... poor guy
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I only like mpreg if the guy has visibly female breasts
I wonder what an human being has to go through to end up getting into this stuff
oviposition is hot
that's all
Abuse as a child, for me at least. I think part of me wants to be a better mother than what I had myself
Your mother had a penis?
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>find pregnancy hot
>find men hot
>eventually they converge at some point
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>ywn be a fertility idol
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Try not to fuck up your spells (or do, if you want)
Been waiting for ages for a fresh Mpreg thread! Boy breedings back on the menu!
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Humans are generally allowed, its just the majority of Mpreg art is often furry
Sort of a similar story, I've had a preg fetish for a long time, I think it was one of my first ever "weird kinks" to blossom in that preteen discovery phase. I think it originated from celebrity magazines my mom would get which back then (and still do) REALLY love a pregnancy story. (I think specifically it was one on Hilary Duff).
Funny thing is for a while I HATED the idea of Mpreg and actively despised it, but then as I got older it became more and more of a hot concept to me until now I pretty much love it as much as fpreg.
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Holy fucking shit this is good
Artist is King Slabu, they to a lot of really good Mpregs and big guys
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I've always had a strange fascination with it ever since I could remember. If it wasn't staring at the kid putting their ear to their mother's belly in my kid's medical encyclopedia for an uncomfortably long time, imagining myself in their place, and seeing all those wholesome pot-bellied dragons and monsters in my storybooks as pregnant or simply wanting to befriend a human as their surrogate child. Then a few friends' mothers all got pregnant around the same time, and I'm thankful I was too meek to ask to touch, because I definitely would've spilled my spaghetti.

At 10 I got to touch one for real, and all the wires in my brain went apeshit. I'd go through my mum's woman's magazines and do daily re-reads of the pregnancy articles, and even went as far as watching fetal movement videos on youtube to feel my dick go hard for some reason (alongside movie clips of chicks pregnant with aliens). I busted my first nut at some point to them, found deviantart and all the pregnant Pokemon and TLK art there, then settled with furaffinity not long after. Realized I was bi well into my teens, and found that all those mpreg pictures I skipped all suddenly became hot, so they too joined my porn collection.

Now I sit at the precipice of wanting a loving gf to pump a few kids into, or waiting for the day womb transplants for men become a thing, so I can find a husband and get knocked up myself.
For a while I was strictly a "Oh yeah I'd pump some kids into a dude" top but I have had one too many being pregnant dreams at this point to deny I am definitely a switch. Depends on mood. I have noticed that mpreg has become a lot more common in lewd spaces. Still not a main kink but I think with maybe gay shit being more accepted then it has been in the past, it's been taking off.

That's the long and short of it. I slowly found out I liked men more than women but the belly lusting never went away.
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I can't remember if this is mpreg
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does anyone mind seeing snow miser in this thread
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>consensual gay sex resulting from pregnancy < forced impregnation

One of my roommates has a theory that it's related to the "biological clock" everyone has. Like we're wired to fuck because that's what makes babies, but if youre gay, that means wanting to fuck other guys, but somewhere deep in the subconscious there's still the desire to make babies through sex, thus this is what springs up from the dissonance
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I love pregnant royalty so much
Perhaps one of the upper crust as well?
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Not as good but still hot. On a semi-related note, I hope that dude puts a bump on his fursuit because I'd rub the shit out of it if I ever saw him IRL
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I need to drink this bee himbo's breast nectar until I look almost as pregnant as him
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what I'd do to be pregnant and lactating
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Fill a couple bottles with that stuff and I'd be sure to buy some.
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Just stick a syringe full of seahorse DNA into my asscheek already

What's he got in there?
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love it when manly preggo males develop big juicy man-tits. wish there was more stuff like it.
fucking a guy until it literally changes his physique to better fit a hormone addled baby factory broodpapa. getting off to his own impressive baby feeders more than anything else.

hard to search for though between "big_pecs" or "breasts" or "moobs"

also, sause on bear?
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Not sure, I'll try and find it, I think we was on Furaffinty
>At 10 I got to touch one for real.
God, you must have been the luckiest kid in the world
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for some reason him having a soft cock and loose balls is super arousing for me
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It was when my aunt was having my cousin, and it was only for like 5 seconds. The weirdest part was that I refused because I was too shy and it in front of my family and my uncle's family. She grabbed my hand anyway, despite my protests, and pressed it right where my cousin was moving. Not hard for me to see why I've got a thing for dominant preggos demanding belly rubs nowadays.
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>King/authority figure and his own trusted soldier
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More emphasis on the big baby bump I suppose.
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There's nothing more wholesome than two dudes seeing their children on the ultrasound
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Maybe the casualness of it? Just a guy that's enjoying being preggo.
words can't describe how much I love pregnant dragon ferals
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>settle down with another dragon one night and let him have his way with you
>months later you find it harder to fly for some reason, and you tire more easily after your more frequent hunts for livestock and bandits to satisfy a newfound hunger
>eventually your kobold priest gives you a look over, and after getting kicked in the face by something inside you, fervently announces the miracle inside of you
>you huff and puff as you're grounded from the weight in your belly, and instead rely on your very loyal but somewhat incompetent kobold minions to scour the surroundings outside for loot, food, and captives to ransom off to nearby kingdoms
>reluctantly let the youngsters play with your tummy while you laze around reading through ancient tomes
>endure the embarrassment of knights sent to slay you turning around at the sight of your gravid state, with their claims that it wouldn't be fair to attack you while you're so delicate
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Preggo Legoshi really gets me going, he feels perfect for it
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He does have a really good personality for it.
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I never really saw the appeal of Legoshi until I actually sat down and watched Beastars. Now I understand how adorably awkward he is, despite his inherent nature as a wolf and imposing height, so him being pregnant would be hilarious. I can imagine him getting flustered by everyone asking to touch his belly while being too non-confrontational to say no, or others being afraid of him when alone when all he wants is to politely ask for some loose change to buy an extra egg sandwich because he's eating for two (or more)
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>Artist only drew this as a one-off
I'd love to see their absolutely handsome dragon DILF pregnant, but alas

That bump demands rubs and pats
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Do you like anthro pregnancies being scaled off of humans (9 months long with one child being most common), or more accurate to their species in real life, if applicable? Maybe even a compromise where they last around 9 months, but with proper litter sizes?
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Daddy give me milkies
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Robin Hood is perfect for this kink. I can't believe I've never considered him for it.
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He's pretty good but there are a few more dads I prefer over him. If it's any consolation, he's probably the best when it comes to straight relationships where the husband has the kids instead.
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If only facehugging gave you a mad bellyache instead of the horrific reality
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Preggy taurs
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He must love being pregnant if he's willing to risk getting knocked up again while already burdened.
These are all fucking amazing! Another question to help keep the thread alive just a tad bit longer:

What are some of your most favorite tropes for Dad-moms?
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cute story
Agreed, it was a pretty nice little mind twister to accompany the pic
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Gremile is a cute mum.
>pretending their bump is a beer gut
>adding their moob milk to coffee/tea because they ran out of the bottled stuff
>dropping endless Dad jokes no matter the occasion
>trying not to pass out from embarrassment while looking through maternity clothes
Just to name a few
Oh, and as for all the previous talk about the exact moment the wires got crossed, i initially was more of a vorefag at first, but i definitely feel that it was just more latent at first, and soon took over the forefront. It first started off with regular preg content, and then blossomed into enjoying boymoms as i do now.
TL,DR: I was blessed with a good fetish

>Man i really hope i could be in this situation....
>pretending their bump is a beer gut
Always a good one
>adding their moob milk to coffee/tea because they ran out of the bottled stuff
I feel that i'd be doing this sooner or later, it would definitely be fresher, and cheaper
>dropping endless Dad jokes no matter the occasion
Unfathomably cute!
>trying not to pass out from embarrassment while looking through maternity clothes
YESS!!!!! This one has always scratched a big itch for me
you know what happened with xannu/RoundSeaDaddy?
Eh, nothing other than they dropped off the face of the earth, but other than that, not really. Its a shame too, I really like what i could find in there gallary
Vore is a major influence for my mpreg kink as well, but ironically mpreg has begun to change vore for me too. Originally, endo and digestion coexisted in my mind, but now I'm starting to prefer treating endo as unbirth, especially when it's anal-related, while digestion fills in the void left behind.
>but now I'm starting to prefer treating endo as unbirth, especially when it's anal-related
I mean, they're not really all that different in the case of it being a potential pregnancy cause tbqh, but thats nice to hear. Do you have a thing for predator preggy boys, or what?

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