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>> POST MICE AND RATS! Your favourites, new stuff you found, even just cute IRL rodent pics. Feel free to help out by just bumping with theme pics, too <<


All characters welcome, but OCs especially so (tell us all about them!)

All genders and orientations are fine.

Bumps to keep us above page seven are appreciated, but feel free to post at ANY time (and anything you like).

Theme for this thread:

>> Small boobs and flat chests! Because they deserve love too... <<

Maus timetable:

Melbourne, Australia AEST (UTC +10) Mon 10:00 am

Tokyo, Japan JST (UTC +9) Mon 9:00 am

Jakarta, Indonesia WIB (UTC +7) Mon 7:00 am

Berlin, Germany CEST (UTC +2) Mon 2:00 am

London, United Kingdom BST (UTC +1) Mon 1:00 am

Washington DC, DC, USA EDT (UTC -4) Sun 8:00 pm

Houston, TX, USA CDT (UTC -5) Sun 7:00 pm

Los Angeles, CA, USA PDT (UTC -7) Sun 5:00 pm

OFFICIAL MOUSE MONDAY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CentralSqueak

Follow for thread alerts and rodent retweets, especially the stuff I can't transfer to the thread.

Cumulative mouse thread media folder:


Feel free to post comics, stories and image sequences. Please tell me if you want something you own removed from the folder.

MEGA folder for resident OCs:


If you want your OC(s) in the folder or your folder updated, gimme a prod.

Drawing Tips and References:


Mouse Media list: https://ghostbin.com/SQUiF

Feel free to make /r/equests, just don't get spammy.

Previous thread is here: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66276481/
And as a note, no Wheel o' Squeak this month, I'm going to mark next month down as a free-for-all thread and post as much stuff as possible from my FA backlog rather than trying to tie bump material to a theme.

You guys, on the other hand, can just go nuts as you like, no matter the "theme", as always.
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More Sharah art!
Artist is done by General Irrelevant.
Nice choice of artist!
Are there other pages of this available?
>MD5 filename
Thanks, anon!
flat chests are sexy
The watch is th emost distracting thing about that picture.
>Verification not required.
Why is this picture so unsettling?
She's exiting the Vault for the first time and seeing what became of the Rescue Rangers world, maybe you're picking up on her general sense of horror.
I see. You make a good point.
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mouse mouse mouse
Okay, more FA backlog...

Rectangular fella from Beaglebabe1... guess I'm officially six months behind now.
A new year's Dodger, from Barrin84.
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New pages of Ratcha's comic...

(I think I might switch to doing these in realtime tomorrow, it's no good being so far behind on sequential art)
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Tiny mouse, huge ambitions, from IronkongStudios.
Maisie from Sidenart.
Horny squeaker, from Tvenhyle...
Busty lady, from Ksharbaugh.
And an urban combat ratto who seems kinda PO'd at her bendy weapon, from Gompami.

'night, guys..
really wish this artists didn't lean on so much on the sewer/trash aes or on le goon text.
every time I see this rat I think it's a dog.
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Unf. Said it before, will say it again: I love me some buff rodents.
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Afternoon, guys.
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Okay, gonna dump the rest of that Ratcha comic for tonight's dump...
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'night, guys.
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I just realized that Burmecians dress the way they do because it always rains on Burmecia.
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Yep. The merging of knight-esque armour and a raincoat. It’s such a neat detail.
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where the fuck is the ff9 anime square enix?
Right? That and the FF9 remake. Anything for more Freya exposure so that more creators can expand her art/writing space.
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Just curious, never played the games, but is it actually stated anywhere in there that Burmecians are rat people or is it just something the fanbase accepts as a given?

They do look pretty ratty, but I'm just wondering if it's explicit anywhere.
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Supposedly, they are outright called rat-people in the japanese version and "Burmecian" is just localization thing (the original term being "subjects/citizens of Burmecia", which doesn't imply race).
I need to play her game someday because it's been on my backlog for years.
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Afternoon, guys.
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Just a very /maus/ comment I thought you'd like to see.
Someone who likes her that much probably lurks here already, or at least I'd like to think so.

Of course actual porn might not be their thing, but then again

Okay, more comics backlog, this time Gone Feral by SuperFrenzyHare... I was kind of avoiding this one because the little mousemum hasn't actually reappeared yet, but at least there's a buncha art of her to post...
'night, guys.
>actual porn might not be their thing, but then again
I know we are not limited to the theme but... whew.
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>what if mrs brisby was a rat instead of a fieldmouse whne she met jonathan
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my novel....
>Tfw no big Brisby gf/waifu
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He would still be dead when the story starts- but not because of the farmer's cat.
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A good death.
Other types include: smothering by boob.
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It was tempting to let the thread end with that image.
so when are sexy skaven girls gonna be canon?
where are my sexy rat girls GW?
>TFW they added hot warrior babes to the wrong franchise and faction
We can but dream, I guess.
Afternoon, guys.

It's past midnight for me, though.
So I'll be even more mouse-like.
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Mice are noisy. Rats are the silent ones.

Why does "silent as a mouse" exist?
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Wish I was that bunny.
And another comic to dump tonight... Fred Perry just Did a Thing I think you guys will like...
No mega zip yet because I'm not sure it's actually finished.

'night, guys.
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Based legend, that guy. Love the dude’s still working and making outstanding smut.
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