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Orb Fucker / Shape Fucker / Waddling Head thread

check image background for instructions

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66273949
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I didn't want to wait for midnight to make the thread.
I got sick of waiting. Sue me.
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Love this puff! Absolutely useless bikini and nice sultry eyes
I can probably give a whirl to a couple requests
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Heres a decensor request from the previous thread.

Takin decensor requests as always, no mosaics.
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Is this one doable?
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Check previous thread, I already did that one

Found this cutie named petasi, would love to see her getting fingered or fucked.
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Shit, really?
I didn't get to be around for the last one. My bad.
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Meta Knight jerking off
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Ms. Mowz needs more love, especially on model. Always had a crush on this flirty mouse
Get this man (>>67040623) a Mowz.

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godot orb

godot orb
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good night, thread
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try drawing the sexy cube
purple kirby female with obscene amounts of tentacles in her orifices
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ms mows and her futa clones raping that dark boo

the original riding his dick and the clones oral/anal fucking him

the last clone simply anal fucks the real ms mowz
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so are we gonna talk about the nintendo orbs introduced in that new direct
I didn't watch it.
But by all means, post everything you got on 'em.
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i will also be doing a few requests
A living N64 controller being jerked off in its center handle
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they made sexy pyramid
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and sexy orb
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what the fuck is a "gomboc"
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Bandage Girl pussy
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Could I request a picture of the cute slime/orb here doing something with the girl?
They're cucumber aliens and the girl is their princess.
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How squishy do you think Boos are?
A Squeaker (or multiple if you wanna) from Kirby Squeak Squad with a dumptruck ass
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I fucking love the minecraft bee
I want to deepthroat its huge long cock and have my stomach clogged with honey
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orb lips
Must say I do agree with this anon.

Sorry for the shitty phone doodle. Made it while at work
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eye lips
Also not the anon you asked but wanted to do it too because I think she's fun -w-
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God, I wish translating image text wasn't a huge pain in the dick.
I really want to know what that says.
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Good night, thread.
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me on the right
>ai orb
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>ai orb
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Requesting this >>67062984 composition, but done with real art. Preferably keep the exceptionally large crowd, but make them mario enemies, like in the background of the pianta parlor games.
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Imagine a Goomba girlfriend.
Basically a fleshlight with feet.
I wonder how much Goombella would know about human cocks.
she knows enough
It's comfirmed Goombella has the hots for Mario (which female and trans character doesn't?), who it's logical to assume that Goombella wants the human D.
I like to fantasize with the idea that mario fucked Lady Bow, neither in the penguin city or after the game
Hyper realism and orbs just don't mix.
Orbs are meant to be simple happy little things.
You did real good still, thank you! Any Bandage pussy is a good pussy for me.
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yknow i might do requests, strong emphasis on "might"
I don't have a drawing request right now, but can you post the "pussy3" gif so I don't have to figure out how to undo the video-ification that Twitter does to gifs?
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thanks bro
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speaking of cubes
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are they okay?
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they're the second best thing
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actually I was wondering if they've fallen and can't get up
probably, cubes can't get up by themselves
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thank you
the more sexy cube this thread gets the better
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holy fuck that's good
Lotta cubes in this *orb* thread
Is a cubefucker thread going to be necessary soon?
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relax, its fun
The OP also says "Shape Fucker" and "Waddling Head" and has said as such for over a year's worth of threads now.
We fuck all of the geometry here.
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i mean op does say
>shape fucker thread
I'm not complaining, just saying. Rarely seen any cubes, just spheres.
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yeah its mainly orbs
BUT i dont mind drawing a few cubes, especially since sexy cube put me in the mood
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Very cute cube character
Any like, boos with huge nasty horsecocks?
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I don't have any boos with horsedicks, but I do have ones with horsedick-sized cocks.
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I gotta say, having huge dongs contrasts with their shapeliness
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why his balls look like that
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Hello thread! Can't believe I'm this late to the thread
How about her (gosh she needs a name) cosplaying her favorite anime or cartoon character (of your choosing)? Can be SFW too! Smug, overjoyed, whichever emotion you believe fits best
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i didn't knew this such thread existed but i'm glad it does
NTA but i tried doing it myself
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good night, thread
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See, the trick is, orbs with big boobs are actually three orbs!
Orbs with big balls are also three orbs, but with a stick.
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It's so much easier to win Mario Party now
messed up the hands, so imagine its a homie helping you get a new record
That little dude's adorable. Hope anon likes it
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where is this thing from anyhow?
Petasi is from a game called "the dog island" some pet-adventure game where you go around an island sniffing up items n whatnot in order to find a flower that will cure your sister of a terrible sickness,

Whilst on the dog island you find petasi who can only be seen by "sniff masters" and they ask you to assist them with growing this tree via good deeds so they can return to their world, since they were banished for being naughty.

Its not worth playing by any means but goddamn, definitely watch a playthrough, or just the cutscenes, theres some surprising stuff you wouldnt expect from a game where you play as a dopey ass dog looking for a flower.

Anyhoo, congratz on being the first to draw porn of them, looks great
Beautiful, it may be flaccid but it's still considered a *hard* cock
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The Tug o' War Minigame will be crazy with this.
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That's a great Mowz! You did a really good job giving her a butt while keeping her simplistic shape, I like it. It's not uncommon for some people to get pretty overboard with drawing oversized asses when it comes to giving waddling head characters butts.
nooo, you'll cause drift with that game.
>Controller gets stick drift
>Its dick bends hard to the right
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stick drift more like dick drift am i right hahahahahahaha
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miss her...
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>I will now haunt your house
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oh no that would be terrible
i definitely do not hope that happens in the future
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Different but neat! love that clitoral hood
yum, necrophilia
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Cute though I prefer Ms Mowz alive and very flirty
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Megaman.EXE viruses seem like they'd make good hyper boys
So amongus is getting a tv show now?
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thanks, i always find weird in some pics where the chibis come with an ass implant, still hot however
lets keep it orby and waddley matey.
Okay so give him a giant hyper ass
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Now we're talking
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Boo Balls
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im definitely projecting
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good night, thread

i'm too tired for this
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its like very early in the morning so i dont blame you
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i want goombella to bear my children
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something something, quantity over quality
Who dis
In-character or unamused, who can say for sure? Thanks for drawing her! My love for her will never falter
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Orbs with boobs are like three orbs.
A Magneton is already three orbs in one without boobs.
What would a Magneton with boobs look like?
>who dis
dizzy's egg cosplaying as hiei from yyh
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is this why they call her peeka
Having a personal little orb suckpet living in my underwear is my dream. I could cum and piss whenever and wherever I want without needing to undress or use my hands.

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