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Out Of Placers

>You haven’t heard?

>The Legend Grows
Quite the moniker. And they know about banshees in this setting?

The baxxid will probably tell stories about this for centuries.
The.. The what.
100 dicks carved into their face plates was the promise made.
Oh fuck.
>Kalgkur and the elders hurry to the scene of the calamity
>It is far too late
>One of the guards has had their skull-chitin covered in carved cocks, sculpted schlongs, and phallic facades
>Kalgkur recognizes the “Dick Banshee” as the sculptor he’d spent the day with
>”You carved all of these during my trial?”
>”The proportions… The detailing… The texture… They’re magnificent!”
>And Kalgkur goes off on a baxxid stream of thought matching his unwitting flirting from before
>The other baxxid listen in, and recognize the basis of Kalgkur’s rousing speech - the lady is damn good at sculpting
>Soon enough, a new fashion trend appears among the younger Baxxid
>House Ivenmoth issues no formal statement, but an unspoken rule ensures a greater number of Baxxid wear full face cloths
>Juvenile graffiti falls out of favor among Ivenmoth youth - it’s been done, and better
>The elders rue this new trend, knowing exactly from whence it came
>Baxxid gain an interesting new nickname, even after the fad fades

>In more than a few fashion-associated businesses, a new sculpture appears
>Looking like an angry woman with a chisel, it tells those in the know that the business understands and caters to Baxxid fashion
>Well after her passing, the Dick Banshee’s legend lives on
That is a heart chuckle. Thank you.
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Anons, how is your day goes?
I don't know how to answer that, but at least no one is trying to cave dicks on my face.
>Dick Banshee
that's our girl
Goodnight everyone. I hope the thread is able to survive.
Is there a link to the discord? I can't find one anywhere
> Army of baxxid descend on the teeth, intent on taking back their ancestral territories
> A secret sect of murderous bone worms following the teachings of HWKWHD
> As they prepare to storm the walls however, a lone figure slithers out to meet them
> "Turn back foul horde!" He cries
> They laugh
> "Or what?" They demand
> "Will you and your cowardly brood blush at us until we go away?"
> The lone baxxid stares them down
> "We have... The Dick Banshee."
> The invaders talk amongst themselves for a moment, before turning to face him
> "You win this round..." They grumble
> They slither away back into the desert, to sulk and think up some other, less dangerous plan
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>the dick banshee
What is my ex gf doing in ValSalia?
Since it's a patreon reward for the 2nd tier and above, it's safe to assume that it's not public and will not be in the foreseeable future, if ever.
Carving dicks.
The Baxxid must be saved from the vile entity's deranged actions.
>it's not a phase, mom!
Yes, his face was vandalized.
>You just don't get it mom, face dicks are how I express myself. They're how I feel inside!
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beat armored core 6 earlier today
If you've got a Deviantart or Furaffinity account, DM me and I'll get ya one!
What a thing for someone to say.
Zhretta and Kalgkur reuniting and caressing is super-duper cute.
I am very glad they both get to relax.
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I am actually.
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Are you sure she's only carving them?
Sculpting them.
> "Perrsurl has been cornered"
I hope this is literal, somehow.
Like, we get a flashback story time from Perrsurl to the Elder about how Nell chased him from his post at the door, down a few hallways and backed him into a dead-end corner. Then she leans in close like that scene from the Alien movie where a terrified Ripley is facing away from the Xenomorph, and then Nell whispers "Dicks. On your face." and she taps the chisel on his forehead ready to strike the first line. At which point he is fully slumped on the floor of the corner, curled into a ball, and cries out "hhhHHHHRRRRNNNNnnNNNNnOOOOOooooo!" and gets found by Kalgkur and Zhretta who rush into the scene.

Then Kalgkur calls out Nell's name before chisel completes the first curve of the ballsack, and Nell turns her head around expectantly. Upon confirmation seeing Kal she just throws her arms out and hands up and open, and flings the chisel and hammer away, yells "KAL!" and runs towards him at full speed with tears in her eyes.

As she moves off from overtop Perrsurl we just see him exhale a "thank-the-elders-it's-over-no-wait-it's-not-over-wait-why-can't-i-calm-down-oh-my-why-am-i-horny?" hiss of air, and go into an even more limp ball of noodle, and stare the ceiling thinking about how all he could see in the last terrifying moments of the assault was the roundness of Nell's pendulous breasts as her robe parted open as she leaned in close over his face.
Also, his dick popped out but no one noticed because it was beneath him and out of sight. Small cum puddle when he gets up.
Goes to a human brothel after to get the rest out of his system.

> Elder: "You could've stopped telling the story when Nell got off from over you."
> Perrsurl: "Oops. Sorry."
headache. i had way too much coffee yesterday. 1am to 1am, and only 5 hours of sleep.
i did manage to make progress on cleaning up the rats nest i call a bed.
How tight do you think a Yinglet is (in a sexual sense)
>small cum puddle
Small by baxxid standards maybe, but these worms are massive by human standards.
Enough for a yinglet to wallow in it.
There really needs to be some Baxxid on human porn, especially with this premise
>Baxxid gets horny after human encounter, has to sheepishly enter a brothel afterwards cause he cant get his mind off of it
There are fics written about that.
I'm more convinced now that the two of them have something going on.
“dick banshee”
It's interesting that Zhretta, or any Baxxid really, would "thank the ancestors" given they profoundly try to distance themselves from them. Seems a little... off-key. Maybe it's actually suggestive of something.
Something about the ever so formal Baxxids uttering the word "dick" feels both terribly unsettling and out of character
I know Nel used it first but nevertheless
who's Zhretta again
She was with Kal when he screamed really loudly and woke up all those people.
She spoke with Kal discussing his punishment and infrasonically giggled with him at the supremely turgid one.
She got mad at the wig wearing humanaboo baxxid.
She was with Kal before he visited his sunthirsting parent.
She was starved for context upon hearing about that Kal killed a dude.
I wonder how much of Val's writing is influence by us just spouting our ideas of what's going to happen next?
>And then all the Baxxid went on a rape frenzy leading to another 20 pages of serpentine dicks and cunts
I'm out of the loop, was it a punishment or something?
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I think you've missed a few pages.
Probably not as much as you'd think.
Some anons are getting good at guessing where Val is immediately going next, but his SUDDEN LUST FOR VIOLENCE is still something that always catches everyone off guard.
Goodnight again everyone.
Good point, a rare lore fuckup.
Well, not if they mean the ancestors who made the pact with Val Salia.
Or are just thankful of their ancestors just because they came before them and gave birth to them, and the typical baxxid behavior is to be friendly and understanding to a detriment, which you know was the entire purpose of Kal's trial.
2 pages ago, it was mentioned that they have stronger than Human family-like bonds, so I think it just makes sense, kinda like how it's common to say "thank God", even if you aren't religious.
Nell needs to stand down, it's understandable that she is upset but harassing guards who have nothing to do with this is, especially given the species differences, it's over the line. She is also risking the image of Kalgkur too with this.
Ripley! From Alien 3!
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Yes they are
From their interactions so far, I really get the vibes that Kalgkur and Zhretta are siblings. Particularly with the way they both miss Kalgkurs progenitor.
It is also within the realm of possibility that Zhretta is Kal's mother, since we can't really tell how old baxxid are at a glace. But their interactions haven't really felt that way to me, such as both of them teasing Bilshernnen like a couple of kids.

If they were mates, it feels strange that Kal would pine after Nell so intensely without any internal turmoil, and that Zhretta would be aware of Kal's feelings for Nell and not be more bothered/vocal about it.

We'll wait and see. But not knowing doesn't bother me all that much. The important thing is that they are there for each other.
>If they were mates, it feels strange that Kal would pine after Nell so intensely without any internal turmoil, and that Zhretta would be aware of Kal's feelings for Nell and not be more bothered/vocal about it.
maybe polyamory is just normal for them
I think they're around the same age based on the giggling. It's possible that they are too young for mating to be something on their minds.

I interpret her thoughts in regards to Nell and actions in regards to Kuldra to be displays of jealousy for Kal's attention.
The usage of the word kinda chafed against my mind as well.
Perhaps the shock of the whole situation, and Nell's very explicit words kinda overrode their ability to come up with a more tactful thing to say.

Also comedy.
Maybe she means the ones who decided on committing to civilization.
Fast drop.
She's risking making the guards jealous of Kal's swag to have reeled in such a gal.
Did I miss #278?
it was posted in the previous thread but since 279 came out so quickly after 278 we skipped the designated thread for 278
This could happen, at the very least the story is pretty clearly going to the happy resolution route with an emotional meeting, ruining that would be strange. Of course this also feels like it's done for comedic effect, but ignoring the metanarrative, her behaviour just irks me. She goes so far as to get a nickname, that's not necessarily a good thing or something to be celebrated, there's a chance that Kal would be feared or avoided instead and maybe spoken behind his back because of her, effectively outcasting him. To be fair, this could be spun as a Baxxid society vs Baxxid happiness side story or something, but still, I don't like her going this far.
Kal's already going to be an outcast because the supremely public blood rain he committed. The elders are cool with him, those who are close with him are cool with him, but everyone else is going to treat him like a violent lunatic and keep their distance.
Nell becoming the dick banshee does work against Kal because while a human is advocating for him, she's also seen as a loon like Kal is. Which means Kal's avenue back to polite baxxid society is once again obstructed, necessitating he excuse himself from the underground tunnels for a time. This may lead to him taking up residence on the interspecies floor Kass lives on.
This board is moving at turbo speeds today.
>This may lead to him taking up residence on the interspecies floor Kass lives on.

Where in we discover that Yannit really is scared of the "claw worms" and that Kalgkur sees her as a much larger insect like the one that crawled on him, so both are mutually scared of each other and are each frozen on making the first move to greet one another.

> Kass is the designated tard rangler
> Kass says wistfully, "Elim i wish you were here to help."
Jump cut to Elim in the infirmary
> "Kass i wish you were here with me" Elim says as he's getting a wash cloth bath by a hot woman nurse "... Because this is great."
> Nurse: "Ok, time for the wound cleaning!"
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> I don't like her going this far.
She's acting out of nearly hysterical fear for Kal. She may not know exactly what happens to Baxxid who commit violence, but she knows it isn't good and she's afraid something terrible is going to happen to him.
Feels in character for Val to do that.
I feel it's non-spoilery enough to reveal that they are close childhood friends.
Ooo. Alright!
It's very kind and cute that she's there to help Kal through all these hardships (and also being there when he started his problems as well!). Especially since we haven't seen any other close relatives be awake and around to look out for him during all this.

Though Varakses has been quite nice to him. And Guardmaster Shtivv'kr. And most other baxxid as well.
Actually, most baxxid are nice.
Of course as I said before, her actions are understandable, I would even accept going as far as saying that they are logical too, even though it's source is emotional, but good intentions and reasonable fear does not change the fact that she is ultimately going the wrong way about it in my opinion and might make things worse as a result. I originally agreed with her method when she tried at first, because it was worth a try in hoping that she can have her way and save Kal, but now she is actively cornering Perrsurl, an offical guard and the only reason she can get away with this is because of the Baxxids extreme fear of causing problems to Humans, and all this probably knowing that the Baxxids are like this, which would make this intentional. This doesn't help her anymore and in the very worst case this could be an event that actually hurts the Baxxid - Human relationship as a whole. I see this as her character flaw and her making a definite mistake, which would be good as I think it would be wrong to see her in a too positive light so far, and I feel like she needs to improve for Kals sake or Kal needs to find someone better. Still, currently her flaw makes her the type of character I don't like personally or maybe i'm biased for multiple reasons.
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>The Legend Grows
So you're calling her a Karen.
Kass being the peace broker nets him a baxxid guard.
That's nice, now can we get back to kass already?
I must fug the bug
we'll learn soon enough kal has been assigned to kass.
then the diversity squad will be complete
>it's over the line
Kal was on capital, non-jury trial, behind closed doors. These guys were guarding said doors. Who's the appropriate and available target of her ire if not them?
Now that you say it, I guess you are kinda right.
Those guards were appropriate at first, but it clearly didn't help her as she didn't reach Kal or Varakses. At that point she either could have tried to run in if she is bold enough to do that or tried to make noise in the tooth, so maybe this reaches Ivenmoth leadership and something good comes out of it, although I assume that wouldn't have worked out for her either. It could be maybe argued that if Kal finished the judgement later then the other guard running in would have changed the situation to her favour in the best case, but she would still be seen as an agressive Human who threatens Baxxid guards or worse if she started actually carving and that infamy will not be good for her or Kal in the long term.
I'll give you that, that honestly I don't know if there was a better, more productive way to solve the situation that didn't risk ruining everything for everyone in the worst case, but that doesn't make what she's currently doing not bad and wrong.
Or one more idea, that would less exciting though, is that she could have just done nothing or wait like Zhretta (maybe even next to her if Nell argued to the guards that she just wanted to wait close by) and trust that Kal would fine. She would even be right as it turns out, but of course she couldn't have known that.
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>it's over the line
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>once I reach page 10 I’s be free!
There may have been more effective options. That doesn't mean that she was over the line or that the guards had nothing to do with it. There were no proper channels and there was no long term, Kal was up for execution or lobotomy on the spot. If I'd kidnapped your worm BF and was boiling him in oil would you write me a stern letter?
Ignoring unclear thinking because of stress and panic, I wouldn't waste time with harassing the guards if it doesn't immediately goes my way, I would try to avoid them. I would only continue the threats if i'm actively being captured and as such no longer can avoid them, otherwise I would go straight for you or saving the Baxxid, depending on which would make the situation stop faster. After the heroic save I would write you multiple stern letters (but that might be over the line from me).
Until the next sapient thing is introduced anyway.
If baxxids tried to play DnD, what would happen?
Up I say.
Not right now you don't.
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The side character Kass is an interesting one. It's a bit strange that 90% of the comic focused on him so far, but we are finally in the meat of the story with the actual main characters, so be a bit patient.
They'd keep making the math more and more complicated until it was as unplayable as FATAL.
Kal will make for a great ambassador's bodyguard, the guy loves peace so much he's willing to kill as many people (or ratbirds) as he must for it.
Statistical improbability becomes a moot point when the event is already occurring.
forgive me, but for a series where a lot of stuff happens indoors, these indoor backgrounds look really bad. why is everything house made out of piles of haphazardly dumped cement?
This is a cave, they are underground, home of the species with no hands.
They're worms who live in limestone tunnels
every interior looks like this though.
>you cannot know just how much trust that you have achieved today.
Pretty sure this is ungrammatical - intuitively so, not just non-textbook. That wouldn't matter, it's dialogue, except that it's all translated from infrasonic precise baxxid-speak so it at least feels like it ought to be grammatical. "How much" and "that" aren't playing nice together, the former wants to be the object and the latter thinks it's talking about "trust" - or something like that, it doesn't parse.
Every house in the city is made of like lime rock or something. There's no forests anywhere around it, so I assume wood is a luxury building material or is impractical for large structures.
"Indoor backgrounds look bad" is a fair criticism. These ones are limestone caves, the stuff in the Teeth where the crew live is carved out of a similar material, the slum buildings seem to be adobe, the scav headquarters are tents. Those don't actually all look the same, but they're all low-detail and easy to draw which I think answers your question. More detailed backgrounds vs. more frequent updates isn't a contest for me, nice as they would be to have.
Val has stepped up his updating game as of late.
They'd all play human characters with min/maxed craft skills and spend the entire session aquiring materials to craft "sublime creations" and listen with rapt attention as the human DM described the sculpture or art object based on their rolls.
And how do they react when a thief swoops in and steals it? He just full sprints away with it, no time to chat.
>Baxxid:I move to stop the thief without harming him
>DM: What is your character holding
>Baxxid:Uh, my blacksmithing hammer
>DM: Okay, roll to block the thief
>Baxxid: Dammit, rolled a one
>DM: You stumble as you attempt to intercept the thief and flail about as you attempt to regain your balance and accidentally strike the thief with your hammer
>DM: roll to hit
>Baxxid: Shit, Natural 20
>DM: well, as you flail about, you slam your ten pound sledge into his skull and splatter his brains all over your shop
>Other Baxxid: you Kalkgured the FUCK out of that guy
Kal's name becoming an adjective is great.
highly fuggable
Don’t the sca- I mean, yinglets live underground in a kind of wicker reinforced hobbit hole, one that does ooze with damp smells?
Good night and good luck to the thread.
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Hello yes I am here to hug a baxxid
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woe to the poor female yinglet hatched without tits
That one wasn't hatched.
Well, bump.
would vezzi

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