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TwoKinds General #2024-29

The Only Use for Trace is to Satiate Flora’s Hunger
Flora’s Pregnancy Cravings Are A Bit Bizarre - Edition

Newest Page: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/

Comic: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Masterpaste: https://pastebin.com/HNYVbauJ

Sketch Archive: https://2karchive.xyz/extras

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/TwoKinds%20General%20Newest%20Page/type/op/

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66828237
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>The Eastern Basitin are well-known from their rigid, militant society. Males and female are kept separate, only allowed to mate at certain points of the year, and modesty laws especially regarding the covering of ankles are strictly enforced.

>However, there is an exclusive club deep in the old district of the capital city, hidden in a dark alleyway where beautiful Basitin women perform nightly for the hungry eyes of love-starved males.

>Among the performers is Madelyn Adelaide, the daughter of the King herself. Having grown tired of living in her mother's rather tall shadow, the formerly tiny waif of a girl decided to grow large in the only way she could: outward!

>Sporting soft curves the likes of which most have never seen upon the normally fit-and-trim race, Maddie commands the attention of everyone when she takes the stage whether by shock, by wonder, or most often, by pure lust.

>She's nearly thrice the woman as the skin-and-bones girl she once was, but she retains every bit of her agility and grace, only now with far more jiggling and bouncing, much to the delight of her onlookers.

>It's not exactly how she expected to make it big in the world, but now she's living large enough that not even her mother's shadow can cover her!
This a new edit? What's the original unedited one?
Holy shit who made this? Reverse image search has no results.
Its from this week's SDBBW right here on Trash.
Does Ease still come to these threads anymore?
Flo ra
Please post rainal
No, fuck off.
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I hope it was after anal she's cleaning Zen's great cock after her beautiful asshole
yes and after shes clean his cock she will lick clean his sweaty asshole
because he's so tired after fuck her virgin super tight asshole to the colon
Doesn't the asshole just lead directly to colon? What’s the difference between colon, bowels, and lower intestines?
It's such difficult words
I think he pops his head in every now and then or lurks. He replies to people every now and then but if you need to contact him its probably better to do it through official channels.

I love the ESL on this one holy fuck lamo
I’m pretty sure they’re just playing into the character, based on this >>67041393 and especially this >>67041875 , which makes I call the more amusing and sad when people sperg out about it, without seeming to realize they’re just playing a character/doing some of the classic “le tr0llong lulz” stuff.
I’m pretty sure Ease is a they/them non-binary now.

I guess their FA should be renamed to thempersonthey or theypersonthem, if FA allowed for simple things like account name changing.
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Its genuinely hard to tell. Could be real, could be fake. Atleast it was funny this time.
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Yeah I come through every now and then

surprised no one is freaking out about random vore OPs especially one as low quality as the opening post (every artist thinks their work from 6+ years ago looks terrible though so maybe I'm not one to judge)

And yeah, FA doesn't let you change usernames, I made that FA name when I was in denial about being a furry and lurking back in early college/late high school. Just kinda got stuck with it. Would just go with EaseTheSquirrel though or something like that.>>67042924
Don't particular care if someone is NB or w/e, its irrelevant as far as they go as an artist in the community. They do good art and thats all I care about -w-
This is 4chan, if people moaned about the vore OP's people would keep making vore OP's until they stopped lol.
And that ain't low quality. Its stylized and the linework isn't clean, but I still like it desu.
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What's the difference?
Addy is a bit bigger
Ah, alright.
vore + paws is based
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I want to say "soon" but I have underestimated the complexity of the task and it's not soon at all so have a bap instead.
Thats fair I just feel like that because I made it 6 or more years ago and its old af.

one of those things where my eyes look at my old art and go ew
In the OP image, is the paw that Flora is placing on her stomach also technically resting on Trace’s crotch as a bonus tease?
cute desu

Still wouldan't say its bad just because its old or not perfect.
It conveys the concept well, and serves pourpouse as straght at the very least (at as in the MINIMUM, not saying that it isn't higher than that or to devalue it as art by any means)
Sexy paw
Oh its AI? Thats incredable.
Big Al’s Robo Shack?
time to sleep, goodnight thread 'w'
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Good night, here's a new pic. Not mine.
This, but with TwoKinds characters.
Fuck off you shitskin pajeet sandnigger.
Hopefully! Butts are hot.

You fall for bait far too easily.
>"I was only pretending to be retarded!"
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This, but with TwoKinds characters or whatever.
I’m not even the guy doing the baiting, man. I’m just saying it’s obviously just a “lulz tr0ll” type of you doing it, but it seems like one, or at least a couple, of people are falling for a bait. I’m also fairly confident that it’s more than one person doing the “le tr0ll1ng lulz omg bbq” stuff, because you people keep falling for it.
can anyone make Raine or Maren anal pics please
what twokinds character is this...?
What happens during anal sex with Raine?
One of seff’s oc’s aka not a real character, you don’t need to worry about it
is posting keidran an act of anti-semitism
your shitposts are autistic in a way thats not bad but also not good
Better or worse than Flipjip? Or about on the the same level?
A bit off topic but speaking of Ratchet and Clank, I was thinking about playing her game but how much of the game do you actually play as her? How's the game itself? The reviews seem rather positive but has any anon here played it?
same level, I think its the same person actualy
Oh right
I don't understand why people post non twokinds stuff every now and then
Like when they are with a twokinds character sure thats fine, but on thier own? Why
Why’s that?
Everyone, I have an anon um ent
they act similar
In this case the artist is a twokinds oldfag so any of his art gets a free pass. Sometimes there's really unrelated stuff, but that's rare.
What happens during anal sex with Raine?
She barks a lot
Not really, still irellevent to the actual comic lol
Like we don't post wolvies comic
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What if someone posts something non-TwoKinds but then says something like “This, but with TwoKinds characters”?
If only Twokinds was actually like this.
Female Basitins usually try to devour the males after mating. The stronger females succeed in their instinctual tasks.
Go away.
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Some Iris and Aerith.

Vore is coded in it.
Keith's gonna knock up every woman in Mekkan.
Paw absorption vore arc when
They’re catrabbits, not insects
How do YOU know? They could have a bit of insect in them.
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aw hell yeah
Finally a treasure in this sea of trash.
way too much ugly and disgusting fat stuff and futas
Wish granted! However, a finger curls on the monkey paw; now all the girls are sickly thin and anorexic, some of their teeth missing from self-inducing vomiting too many times, eyes hollow and sunken in. Along with that, they’re girls, so no futa, technically, but they’re all trans and they’re hoping to get their bottom surgery soon, after getting their eating disorder taken care of and getting back to a healthier weight. It is unknown at this time if they will be able to see a dentist, since they have no insurance.

And I’m not sure how tooth-talked issues are solved, corrected, or prevented in Mekkan. Maybe there’s like toothromancy or something. Or dentist barbers like in ye ole times?
What happens if you put a slave collar on Raine and order her to sniff and lick the butts of male wolves?
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Keidrans VS Tentacles of Inappropriateness
Or would be pretty hot to see or read, that’s what would happen.
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#1 Color vote from June, Reed inspecting her disguise in the mirror, suggested by Kriegerstein!
That’s a really cute image.
Unfortunately, the last new Ratchet and Clank game I’ve played through to the end was Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters. Not counting the HD Collection for the PS Vita, since it’s just a re-release of the first three Ratchet and Clank games. I’ve also beaten Ratchet Deadlocked on the PS2, which was weirdly excluded from the HD Collection. I played a little bit of Tools of Destruction, but only what was in the demo they had at Walmart, way back years ago, when they still had game demo stations. I never owned a PS3, PS4, or PS5.
its atleast relevent than just posting them without context I geuss
but even then those are just bump posts afaik

Very naise 'w'

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yeah man, it's an F tier fetish and i wish the fatfags would keep that shit to deviantart

>>67088007 >>67088744 >>67093821
ty, and very nice edits. did you make these? source?

I did not make those edits, this guy made most of them, but some of the edits aren't known

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We need more fatani content. I hate to say it but I don't really like this one due to how drastically different her bottom half looks to upper half. Makes her look like a fucking kangaroo. Her individual body parts are still nicely drawn, just not when put together as a whole body. Also from how the hands look I'm sure this is AI content
Cute kitties
No dying
I think its for the people who liek thick fat hips
Ease, if you’re still in the thread, does a vore commission cost more if it includes an internal shot? And how much do vore commissions cost?
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i see! thanks for the links, anon, easy +watch

> more fatani, more balanced-out
can do !
the hands on the last one slipped by me, good catch. i'll post the fix later

> ai
yep. but, hey, ai in an otherwise dead thread can be excused
Nice, not enouth fat stuff in bodysuits like that :)
I think by ballanced out they mean the hips/thigh to rest of body fat ratio. it still looks fine tho desu

messege him on FA is he has comms open dude, otherwise I think he responds better on discord
I want to hear Raine squeal from a thick cock in her ass
Thank you she already looks better.
I don’t know if I want to fully commit with giving account info yet. Some artists block people if they inquire about a commission, but then decide not to go through with hiring them for one and seek out another artist.
Fuck off, bumpfag.
This, but with a TwoKinds character
Love some good fatani!
Everypony I have to make something known. I have just masturbated and now my pee is doing that not coming out
Page ton
This, but with TwoKinds.
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New page.
maid stone dragon lewds when?
Almost certainly a case of misunderstanding, the stone dragon maids are here to clean up the mess.
There is something innately sexual about stone-faced (in this case, literally). indistinguishably similar in appearance maids bound to their master's will.
If thier comms are open just ask niggy

there was an hour and half between posts at the fast time of day, that ain't bumpfag

guy in the discord made a loRa for the stone things so if you want they aare totaly possible now

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