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File: 1719517399688696.png (2.53 MB, 3000x3000)
2.53 MB
2.53 MB PNG
Messy edition

Previous thread:


>Rules no one cares about:
- Post your request references and links in one post.
- You should provide the highest quality images available.
- Be patient. Don't bump, second or spam requests. It'll just annoy the editors and other anons.
-Avoid useless bitching, it just disrupts the thread. Just hide the posts you don't like.
-Giving constructive criticism to a request itself and a delivery is fine.
-Requesters, feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
- For editors, if you would like to fulfill a request someone else has already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.
- Upload your pics in sites like Catbox.moe, Imgbox, or cloud drives (MEGA, Google Drive, etc.) if it's too big for 4chan.
Provide the link(s) in your request along with a smaller version of the pic on 4chan so the editors knows what they are going to edit.



>How to do a color edit
-Open your preferred image editor.
-Apply "multiply mode" on layer 1 (the original picture).
-Apply colors on layer 2 (below layer 1).


*Beginner's guide to color editing with GIMP:

Also beware all the human male to furry edit requests from a known spammer (all the deleted posts are his) https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62565671
File: 1698584428435707.jpg (50 KB, 750x1000)
50 KB
Anchor deliveries here.
File: 1718006612449735.jpg (118 KB, 902x1300)
118 KB
118 KB JPG
Requesting for an edit where the guy is fucking Rivet instead of it being post-sex.
File: 1719417531074395.jpg (139 KB, 1000x1413)
139 KB
139 KB JPG
Requesting Carmelita changed into the Zoologist from Terraria. https://files.catbox.moe/eezout.jpg
File: 1719035459149.png (149 KB, 835x620)
149 KB
149 KB PNG
Requesting the red shirt and black bra removed for a topless edit on both sheep. Make the sheep on the left have flesh-colored breasts like the sheep on the right.
File: 1708453937364879.jpg (164 KB, 1280x1246)
164 KB
164 KB JPG
Requesting the dude changed to Fox McCloud please.

Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/9o5lkd.png
File: 1679499460593769243rtt.jpg (285 KB, 1070x1337)
285 KB
285 KB JPG
Requesting the anon edited to look like the male villager. http://files.catbox.moe/1xugd7.png
File: 1719012729452692.png (2.37 MB, 2844x4722)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
Requesting a furry edit for Pitou with her fur the same color as her hair, leave the guy as is please.
File: 1678958367281221.png (451 KB, 823x872)
451 KB
451 KB PNG
Requesting lineart and colors for this sketch of dragon Abigail and the farmer. (human) https://files.catbox.moe/i2kzx2.jpg
File: 1_-_MARIKA.jpg (754 KB, 3850x2975)
754 KB
754 KB JPG
Requesting a vaginal sex edit with cumshot please. Artist is fontez.
PNG version: https://files.catbox.moe/xxmyoy.png
File: 1699561570707.png (1.42 MB, 1600x1600)
1.42 MB
1.42 MB PNG
Requesting the girl on the right changed into an anon.
File: 1718675526618970.png (2.14 MB, 2975x3850)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB PNG
Requesting a human edit for the guy grabbing fem Spyro's ass.
File: 1705268495554.png (1.75 MB, 1913x1430)
1.75 MB
1.75 MB PNG
Requesting the guy replaced with Anon, Fang's actual boyfriend. Anon reference: https://files.catbox.moe/3o5i3o.png
File: 1655166127183.png (529 KB, 1032x1200)
529 KB
529 KB PNG
Requesting Coco edited into her goth version and for lipstick smears on the guy's cock. https://files.catbox.moe/a2rfy6.png
File: 5361489548afd7_o.png (308 KB, 1480x1691)
308 KB
308 KB PNG
Requesting full lineart work and coloring on the fox girl on this Image.

Reference 1: https://files.catbox.moe/aufese.jpg

Reference 2: https://baraag.net/@DrProletariat/112056973623037408

Reference 3: https://e621.net/posts/4174839?q=murphy_and_mitzi

File: GRBcG8Oa4AAW6_k.png (2.05 MB, 1124x2048)
2.05 MB
2.05 MB PNG
Requesting a nude edit
Requesting if possible for the guy to be fucking Tigress vaginally instead of it being anal, or maybe just have the panel removed.
File: 1695715595723316.png (1.62 MB, 4309x2345)
1.62 MB
1.62 MB PNG
Requesting colors and have the guy be white/caucasian please. https://files.catbox.moe/pmqnz1.jpg
File: 1719455549501.jpg (189 KB, 850x1296)
189 KB
189 KB JPG
Requesting a topless edit and knuckles removed
Topless ref:https://e621.net/posts?tags=mekaatomic+rouge_the_bat+areola
File: 1710717600175767.jpg (1.22 MB, 1183x1500)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG
Requesting for the girl to be edited to look like Daena from Legend of Mana with the guy left unchanged. https://files.catbox.moe/7owi2s.png
File: 1716571462875221.png (2.06 MB, 2048x2048)
2.06 MB
2.06 MB PNG
Requesting a nude edit

Nipple refs: https://files.catbox.moe/7oai1w.png
File: 1713425555674.png (429 KB, 1200x744)
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429 KB PNG
Requesting the watermarks erased
File: Pikass.jpg (982 KB, 2596x2096)
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982 KB JPG
Requesting dick and balls edit to replace the pussy and sticker.
Not needed, but close up and clean up the anus if you can/want
Uncompressed image: https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcbv8xj4.png
Pingas ref (Forgive the terrible shopping of colors): https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcbkw6v7.png
File: 1718398987531.png (2.83 MB, 2318x2340)
2.83 MB
2.83 MB PNG
Requesting a pussy added that matches the nipples full- https://files.catbox.moe/2vlbfu.png
Requesting alterations for these three.

For the left character, can you give her a feline face.

For the middle character, can you give him a bigger sack and a raging erection.

And for the character on the right, can you give her longer hair, at least to her shoulders?

Here's the link to the full res pic, if you can use that to edit and send the results with catbox?
File: Coco Wumpa.gif (2.56 MB, 2000x2000)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB GIF
Requesting the veins erased and symmetrical abs
Requesting his cock and balls reduced to a realistic size
Something similar to these: https://files.catbox.moe/985fmo.png
I know those are still pretty big, but they're are the smallest sized genitals that I could find from this artist.
File: 1713951705583.png (1.18 MB, 1886x2048)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
Requesting colors.Ref:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrSsxKpaUAAZ6oT?format=jpg&name=orig
File: 1719410367955746.png (73 KB, 500x530)
73 KB
Requesting pussy, featureless, or sheath edit of this flaaffy. (keep the leaking if pussy edit)
File: 1711337611770.jpg (748 KB, 2048x1538)
748 KB
748 KB JPG
Requesting Po and the artist's signature removed. Higher res:https://files.catbox.moe/rdzpu5.png
File: Untitled1820231231211544.png (641 KB, 1950x2000)
641 KB
641 KB PNG
Requesting improve and fixed the Lineart.
Reference 1: https://co.llection.pics/post/view/106308#search=Claire

Reference 2: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1683/84/1683842920188.jpg

Reference 3: https://co.llection.pics/post/view/111636#search=Claire

Reference 4: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1710/72/1710729383406.jpg
File: 1692657542719 (1).png (72 KB, 300x300)
72 KB
Requesting link to be the same skin color as the women
File: GLlPI5rWUAAKnxf.jpg (175 KB, 2048x1847)
175 KB
175 KB JPG
Requesting a nude edit, and recolor her body to be like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9512266
File: 20240514_030738.jpg (280 KB, 2667x2209)
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280 KB JPG
Requesting the girl on the left be given the body type and hair here: https://files.catbox.moe/6zmw3w.png
File: fjjf.jpg (921 KB, 2000x2000)
921 KB
921 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit (or at least remove all of the shirt)
File: Xirs_reward.png (1.04 MB, 1898x2225)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
Requesting no bra edit
Requesting to remove the self-insert guy
File: 1706556922218.png (3.69 MB, 2214x1430)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB PNG
Requesting the lion self insert changed into a human/anon.
File: 1716376681870221.png (596 KB, 1495x1619)
596 KB
596 KB PNG
Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/pe2lqr.png
File: aki_by_wolfy-nail_waifu2x.png (2.18 MB, 1346x2000)
2.18 MB
2.18 MB PNG
Requesting removal of panties please and if you are comfortable with it removal of text.
Requesting remove hands and add blue nipples
Requesting for the two penises and the x-ray removed.
File: 1705872870491452.png (1.11 MB, 1974x2295)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB PNG
Requesting a furry cat edit for just Haley only. https://files.catbox.moe/6z749t.png
File: 1719809572420918.png (1.22 MB, 1000x1413)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB PNG
File: maus.png (566 KB, 1700x1444)
566 KB
566 KB PNG
Requesting removal of the rabbit in the background.
Requesting nude edit, make the femboy a full female, and change the Genie's last quip to

>Besides, with a looker like you, you're sure to find all the sexy rich guys you could want! Anyways, you got your 3 wishes, later!
File: Illustration12_reqq.png (3.08 MB, 1705x2246)
3.08 MB
3.08 MB PNG
Requesting skin color of the guy fucking her be that of Anon from Snoot game https://files.catbox.moe/3o5i3o.png
File: Important meeting.jpg (870 KB, 765x2192)
870 KB
870 KB JPG
Requesting Sal (OC next to Sonic) edited into Amy Rose with the same style as the rest of the comic, please.
File: decidueye.png (807 KB, 950x1212)
807 KB
807 KB PNG
Requesting her head feathers/leaves to be changed to a Hisuian Decidueye's. Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/4zjn4g.png
Also requesting her nipples darkened, like what you'd see on a pregnant woman.
File: B71.png (1.24 MB, 2200x3111)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB PNG
Requesting this male Foxy be turned into a full female.
File: Starfire X Raven.png (2.26 MB, 2472x3296)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Starfire and Raven.
Thanks anon
File: 20240125_151659.png (2.71 MB, 1439x1389)
2.71 MB
2.71 MB PNG
Requesting an edit to have the guy fucking Coco, full res version is in the link because it's too big to post here. https://files.catbox.moe/e3lnio.png
File: ne1kog.png (522 KB, 969x783)
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522 KB PNG
Requesting color. https://files.catbox.moe/m9l9df.jpg
File: yeti edit.png (837 KB, 2000x2678)
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837 KB PNG
Requesting a topless/nude edit
Requesting colors for this Delphox and Zoroark, ideally make the Delphox's butt, legs and feet have black fur.
requesting that the male gets stripes like ratchet
(warning, gay)
File: 1719471896309446.png (343 KB, 956x1233)
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343 KB PNG
requesting this oriana cat taur colored
nips/asshole colored either black or very dark brown
File: 1719471796993590.png (161 KB, 1816x1286)
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161 KB PNG
requesting this full squirrel makoto colored
I feel generic anime white hair would work well for the guy, but going just black hair is fine too
Request to have colors for this sketch.
Character Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/4zovjq.png , and please color the underwear dark-gray/black (whatever works better)
Requesting a Cinderace to have her clothes on
Requesting a pussy edit.
File: 1713557752466.png (739 KB, 2133x1453)
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739 KB PNG
/r/ Colors for Dinah from Unicorn Overlord and an addition of a impregnation bubble as an alt.

File: AmericanGirl_ajdbblZ.jpg (686 KB, 2550x3300)
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686 KB JPG
Requesting removal of the text so it's just a plain American shirt, along with the shorts.
and a female edit by removing the cock as a separate version.
File: FPJeXr8WQAQCG72_u18chan.jpg (151 KB, 1101x1200)
151 KB
151 KB JPG
requesting a color edit please
color ref:https://files.catbox.moe/sj6ybi.png
File: combine_images (1).png (568 KB, 5820x4000)
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568 KB PNG
Requesting colors for these characters, left is Matatabi (from Naruto) and right is Kokuo (also from Naruto). For the clothes, choose colors close to the ones on their refs.
Kokuo ref: https://files.catbox.moe/ysxq1v.png
Matatabi ref: https://files.catbox.moe/vouaxc.png
Also Matatabi: https://x.com/campos_art/status/1777446555525464420
Full res of attached image: https://files.catbox.moe/ymohj8.png
File: 1719625668512921.png (772 KB, 3000x2500)
772 KB
772 KB PNG
Requesting color
Ref: https://imgur.com/a/bNJMpCm
File: SFReq0026.png (268 KB, 1000x1000)
268 KB
268 KB PNG
Requesting color, character https://files.catbox.moe/v72p5u.png
Bra https://e621.net/posts/1862747
Requesting adding/putting a swimsuit over the body of the panda girl on the images of the links.

Panda Girl: https://r34i.paheal-cdn.net/af/42/af4231a09abbcf60bef13086a791b771

panda girl source: https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/6209117#search=Ming-Ming

Swimsuit Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/llqvxk.jpg
File: Xeno.jpg (522 KB, 3775x4096)
522 KB
522 KB JPG
Requesting the alien girl as a futa with an erect dick
File: Vanessa Doofenshmirtz.png (3.55 MB, 2106x4651)
3.55 MB
3.55 MB PNG
Requesting moving Vanessa's hair and her left hand to expose her boobs.
File: 72845.jpg (205 KB, 1101x1200)
205 KB
205 KB JPG
Requesting the screen split on the right removed and Renamon's tail filled in so the image is complete. As well, a trail of saliva from Renamon's nipple to the kid's mouth, implying that he just finished sucking on her tit.

Reference for saliva trail;
requesting removing the goat's boob so that its a male now
File: a7n7ql6l.jpg (235 KB, 1280x1280)
235 KB
235 KB JPG
Requesting adding an anus and a semi-erect cock and a cum alt if possible with cum on both the anus and dick, also have his left leg laying on the bed so his pose is more like the original

Character ref:

Dick and anus ref:

Pose ref:
Requesting lineart and color with the human having gray skin and being less muscular

Color ref:
File: GargoyleAltScene.png (338 KB, 1400x1400)
338 KB
338 KB PNG
Requesting a view of the gargoyle on the left riding the human's dick like in the reference

File: Hydro.jpg (1.01 MB, 4096x4080)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB JPG
Requesting a cock edit, cleaner lines and shading and an alt of cum leaking from the dick

Requesting Sonata and Anon colored.
Anon's green.
File: The YinYang Twins.jpg (2.52 MB, 3143x6116)
2.52 MB
2.52 MB JPG
Requesting The YinYang Twins (SorprenDante) nude edit.
Requesting the guy be changed into Captain Qwark
Quit posting this shit, no one is going to color it you faggot.
File: IppanJosei-sfw.png (2.28 MB, 3000x4500)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
Requesting colors for Ippan Josei, and anchoring for that one anon if he plans to continue.

Color ref:
You seem obsessed over something so harmless, not my problem though.
File: 1719576923656.png (1.52 MB, 1470x1950)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB PNG
Requesting Rouge and Link's eyes somewhat rolled. This request is kind of a troll after seeing anons get mad at the OR, but at the same time I like seeing characters really into it.
File: ahegao.jpg (6 KB, 257x196)
6 KB
It's called ahegao eyes iirc.
Fuck off already
Thanks for telling the world how fatherless you are, get a hobby kid.
your furry waifu would fuck black men only
Its funny how you expose the quoted requests as all your spam with your samefagging replies.
File: IMG_4026.png (317 KB, 643x1134)
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317 KB PNG
you see this is why your fur waifu won't fuck you, you're schizo
File: 310.jpg (762 KB, 1183x1500)
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762 KB JPG
here ya go
File: Screencap.png (127 KB, 1015x737)
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127 KB PNG
I just laughed is all.
Looks like the furcuck is starting shit again, don't worry all your spam will be quoted so the mods can see it.
implying the mods wouldn't ban you first
File: 1710965965737281.png (311 KB, 2000x3000)
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311 KB PNG
Requesting colors for this futa Pancham maid.
Here is n example of the artist coloring style:
Requesting Goofy nude, no gloves, muscular, and with smooth tail, and long erect penis, and big balls, please.


Penis and balls

Requesting Flower pot removal, and add pink nipples, a tail, a huge dick, with erection, and cumming, please.

Ref for a huge dick.
File: GOzO_lPbwAAxLsx.jpg (134 KB, 1170x1442)
134 KB
134 KB JPG
Requesting this lady into a mink like Minerva Mink. Remove the bottoms, cigarette, lighter, and lipstick, and give her a black nipk tail, and black pubes, please.

requesting removing the anus
File: Luz X Odalia.png (2.47 MB, 2160x2700)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
Requesting these 3 pics of Odalia be separated into their own single images.
File: frrhff.png (1.88 MB, 2524x1951)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit + shiny alt.
so you want a standalone with just the lips??
No, I just want a separation of 3 pics of tits, lips and ass.
so indeed there will be one image with just the lips amongst the 3
File: HaYrQYoD.jpg_large.jpg (158 KB, 1815x2048)
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158 KB JPG
Requesting the tailed removed and bigger boobs, make them the same size as the ones here: https://files.catbox.moe/kzam0f.png
I said "tits, lips and ass".
File: 1717268248721.jpg (158 KB, 742x1026)
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158 KB JPG
Requesting colored version of this Peg Pete sketch.
File: 1719872964932681.png (2.88 MB, 3600x2973)
2.88 MB
2.88 MB PNG
Requesting the steam and dialogue edited out.
File: GQKQE24WsAAI_g2.jpg (1.72 MB, 2913x3723)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB JPG
Requesting nude edit
requesting female edit, add nipples, remove the belly and if possible also make the "breasts" bigger
File: 1719035459149edit.png (207 KB, 835x620)
207 KB
207 KB PNG
How's this?
requesting that the steve gets removed from the pic and that her eyes be edited to look at the viewer (additionally the bubble with alex can be switched by an impregnated ovum)
requesting defutafication
Requesting nude edit.
Thank you!
File: 1717781429433.png (2.36 MB, 1540x2087)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB PNG
Requesting big breasts edit and maybe for the second one.
Pt3: https://files.catbox.moe/212kyx.png

Artist is TFFeathers for reference
File: 1718012572066.png (1.43 MB, 1395x2648)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB PNG
Requesting for the bottomwear to be removed showing pussy, and also remove the hair covering her tits for them to be fully exposed if doable.
requesting the addition of nipples and coloring, if possible also make her boobs bigger
please remove the leaf on her pussy
File: 1716341632916.png (627 KB, 1026x1226)
627 KB
627 KB PNG
Requesting the topless edit cleaned up so it looks smoother, as well as the breasts made pinker.
greedy nigger
requesting that the bird girls face gets colored with her skin tone and also to change the beak for a mouth (or alternatively changing her face into taokaka from blazblue)
requesting a pantyless edit
Sonicfags never fail to be cringe
requesting decensor please
File: 1716982667623924.png (390 KB, 1420x1100)
390 KB
390 KB PNG
Requesting the coloring of this one. Note that Aki's design on the top two pictues is the old one, please color it in accordance with the Definitive Edition sprite design (the lower ones with the bright red jacket). Also, leave the drool on the second panel transparent, color the food on her plate so that it looks like grilled meat and rice and PLEASE change "Proxy" for "Aki" using the same font if possible!

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/b61l40.jpg
Requesting color
File: 1714957247133.png (542 KB, 1024x1048)
542 KB
542 KB PNG
Requesting the piercings and tattoo removed and cock recolored to flesh red and if possible, give the beard some graying and having some age to the bear to please
File: FnfNE.jpg (719 KB, 1992x2200)
719 KB
719 KB JPG
Requesting a sfw edit
File: 1671261393760190.png (1.02 MB, 800x1280)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
Requesting the dioulage and bruises removed and the male replaced with Asgore please
File: 1719414680668301.jpg (1.41 MB, 1530x2124)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
Requesting a female de-futa edit please
File: 1703922735574259.jpg (905 KB, 1672x1743)
905 KB
905 KB JPG
Requesting Aisha edited into her furry cat version, leave the guy as is please. https://files.catbox.moe/qpic6k.jpg
File: 1719113707296127.png (1.09 MB, 800x1280)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
delivery :)
File: 1713827084072_u18chan.png (1.11 MB, 2000x3000)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB PNG
Requesting a colored version of this pic please
Male character ref:https://files.catbox.moe/8m72c6.jpg

Zebra females refs:https://files.catbox.moe/nhkwvb.png
Of fucking course
File: 2795335.jpg (158 KB, 1280x853)
158 KB
158 KB JPG
Requesting the guy changed to Big Macintosh please ref: https://files.catbox.moe/2n9ky9.png
more furcuck spam
Kill yourself, mutt.
Counter requesting to have ONLY the bruises and tears removed
File: 353463645754.png (3.37 MB, 2322x2322)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB PNG
Requesting for her to have smaller breasts.
File: 1706745674702765.jpg (2.99 MB, 2480x3508)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB JPG
Requesting Ratchet removed and for Angela to be looking at the viewer.
Requesting nipple-less sling bikini removed.
Requesting larger breasts. Like keep the sag but triple her cup size.
File: GPd-nplaIAA6pTn.jpg (162 KB, 772x900)
162 KB
162 KB JPG
Requesting pregnant edit with lactating breasts
File: transformation 34.png (1.54 MB, 1900x1650)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB PNG
requestig she get green nipples
File: 2522771.gif (1.02 MB, 800x1252)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB GIF
Requesting this get combined with picrel.
Holy shit this is way better than the original, if you told me the the blacked one was the edit I would believe you

Tldr blacked is for faggots
you're coping hard here, this edit is abysmal if you take any look at the white guy edit, way too much artifacting.
File: RougetheBat.jpg (115 KB, 355x360)
115 KB
115 KB JPG
Hoping the editors didn't overlook this gem because of a schizo poster.
File: Coco 1670.jpg (2.88 MB, 3000x4000)
2.88 MB
2.88 MB JPG
requesting removing the nipple pasties
File: 2Lady.png (2.83 MB, 2304x2223)
2.83 MB
2.83 MB PNG
Requesting the guy and his cock on the right removed.
File: 58726.jpg (781 KB, 2044x3290)
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781 KB JPG
Requesting her leggings pulled up so she's only topless.
File: 73425.jpg (272 KB, 1187x2048)
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272 KB JPG
Requesting her white sweater removed so she's topless with big, brown nipples.

File: monisweat.jpg (355 KB, 1188x1013)
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355 KB JPG
requesting colours for monika, reference in catbox

Shut the fuck up you greedy furcuck
Requesting he's touching her ass instead of her ear and have his eyes looking down to match it
awww, baby's first words
I don't get the point of people drawing a nigger for hmofa, they might as well just have it be a monkey fucking her.
whitey's mad that black men got to his waifu before he could
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Please shut this bitch up.
Requesting removal of the guy.
I ain't no HMFOA guy or anything similar, I just prefer solo art.
>muh hmofa boogeyman
The guy in the picture is a human you stupid fucking furcuck faggot. You faggots are the cancer here always bitching about anyone who requests for anything remotely hmofa.
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Requesting Change The Words/Texts on the t-shirt.
>change groomer for great
>change autistic for ability
>change molester for master
>change egotistical for energetic
>change racist for radical
>muh furcuck
neck yourself hmofag
are you retarded
brother huh?
I want ANYONE fucking the miltank gone. not a human, not an anthro. I want her on her own .-.
I hope I'll get an apology for this, but knowing this thread I'll still be called the furcuck. And if so, I ain't gonna entertain it anymore. I just want the hot cow pokemon to not be sexed at all.
ignore the hmofag he'll get banned again soon enough for being a tard
How about instead you make your request without the drama shit in it you faggot because otherwise everyone will think you're the retarded furcuck if you truly aren't him doing your usual samefagging conversations.

Be sure to sure to show this edit to your bully at school
Damn hmofa is a salty crybaby
you're the only one who cares about him. someone should draw you bottoming out for furcuck.
Both of you retarded niggers shut the fuck up.
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Requesting humanoid cock and balls edit for Gabumon please.
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Requesting the ugly male furry turned into a human/anon.
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Requesting a human edit for the male and for the mini bubble removed.
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Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/v882wf.jpg
>Spams after getting btfo'd
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legit my thoughts exactly.
I just want a fucken solo miltank. not picrel.
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sorry went silly due to a previous thing in the /aco/ screenshot edit thread : P
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Unexpected, but welcomed. Are you okay with taking this >>67048854 one?
Watch out Mason this is the furcuck who keeps spamming and causing drama and the request he's posting is a delivery he already got in the last thread.
Watch out Mason this is the hmofa schizo who keeps spamming and causing drama and the request he's blaming has done nothing wrong.
Piss off, editors can do whichever requests they want.
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Requesting a pregnant edit.
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ask me once, shame on me. ask me twice, Shame on you. whatever happens, happens. though there's the high chance I mess up or do something random like hyper breasts but seems like that wasn't counted for : P
here's your eye edit
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Requesting this 10% Zygarde to be given very small titties (with nipples) and a visible vulva (do make those bits green instead of red/pink, I think it fits her color scheme better)
It's all so tiresome. That looks fine.
I wonder what he's going to ask next the very instant?
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dunno but I've already done the hyper tits : P
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Much appreciated!
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lmao even
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requesting this femboy be given big boobs, preferably teardrop shaped, and the piercings removed
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probably isn't a full triple like in "percent" but more like "Times I drew the tits outline"
I'm happy with that size, thank you.
>hmofafag gets another delivery
You've got to be kidding me. Don't people learn giving him deliveries only makes him request more?
its just breast expansion calm down
Requesting non-futa edit
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Requesting an edit where the guy is fucking Cinderace, preferably vaginal.
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Requesting the fishtank/cream erased and colors for vanilla

color refs:
awwwww he's coping <3
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Hard-translate this like the one below, please and thank you.
please edit her face in the one of a dragon
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requesting coloring with her normal palette
Requesting the guy to be built more like the NTR-bait guy from SSSS Gridman, please
requesting de-futafication
requesting a nude edit
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Requesting the internal cumshit x-ray removed.
Requesting an uncensor edit of the dildo
and Mother Brain's pussy. Full HQ version is in the catbox link.

Requesting nude edit on all three Sonic milfs.
Requesting female edit
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Requesting nude edit or shorten the dress to show her pussy
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requesting bottomless edit
Requesting hyper breasts, still clothed preferably.
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requesting she get nipples
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not gonna anchor it cause it's not a full edit and it was only done with deepcreampy, but here ya go! hopefully someone else can remove the steam from here
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Requesting an edit of this to get rid of the cigarettes, cigarette holders, and smoke. Big task, I know, but this would be PERFECT if it wasn't for those aforementioned things.
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Requesting Charlene to be wearing her thigh highs, shoes, and dress but with her dress pulled up so we can still see her butt. The posted image is the reference.
100 hours in ms paint
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Requesting the sketching finished, Mii given bigger tits, and color added.

Reference for colors and tit size;
Requesting lineart for that Lugia and giving him a flaccid veiny tapered penis.
Yeah it's hilarious how niggers cope due to being the ugliest race on the planet to the point even black women prefer others
awww he's coping harder <3
Just kiss, ya fruitcakes!
i wanna fuck his furwaifu while he watches
oh my fucking god shut the fuck up!
Requesting removal of the multi-nipples on bottom left, and give Rover subtle breasts for top left pic if doable.
Sadly no bigger res
please remove the human dick
requesting an edit without the endermen
requesting the addition of boobs and nipples, and maybe change the text
You will never fuck anyone.
requesting decensor
requesting dark nipples and a humanoid pussy
true, because your waifu doesn't exist.
requesting decensor also make both her nipples and pussy blue as her hair
requesting huge boobs for her (you can remove the chain, no problem)
thanks man
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Requesting pheremosa's eyes in the second image to look similar to the first albeit with smaller pupils, lusamine in the 3rd image to have the hearts on her eyes (instead popping out of the sockets), and wicke to have smaller eyes and tongue so it fits her proportions.
No problem!
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requesting a nude edit of the shantae thats left
Gave it the best I could
only thing I could think as the weakest part is remaking Wickes head :T
if its not good enough then either re-request with the original or ask someone to edit mine
anyway I'll do a 2nd silly version if thats alright (Nipples, Futa, Cum and Exposed Bigger Breasts. usual crazy jazz)
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Could someone draw eyeholes in the woman's hood?
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quick attempt. might not be the right blue :T
Not OR, but nice!
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Requesting removal of the third hand by her thigh
Thank you
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Requesting his ass be edited to be a bit bigger, please and thanks!
Original Post: https://x.com/acstlu/status/1808624449249570976?s=46
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Requesting clean-up and coloring for the sketches on the right.
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requesting removal of the text please
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requesting removing her bikini
Green is sexy
Did an edit. Happy 4th of July, my friends.
>That artists spike
What was the original?
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I kept the original filename as well.
top fucking kek
glad you're still editing this guys stuff
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Nice edit!
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Requesting the head made bigger to fit the body

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