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Raining stoats and weasels edition.

Writebin (experimental/non-permanent):

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66867891/
This clicked
Oh right. That's the one where the Road Runner ate the Coyote right?
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Oh, I see it
I want a macro girl to use me as a dildo while I use a micro girl as an onahole.
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guys, i think i could have lost him. i've been trying to fish anon out for the past couple of minutes and uh... :S
Can I be next?
Damn that sucks, I never lost mine. The secret is keeping a string on them!
Some anons get all the luck. Why can't a giant girl lose me in her booty, or even better, get distracted and forget about me being in her huge cleavage?
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I have a solution, but I don't think either of you will like it...
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did he just step on his shrunken self with his own macro foot?
hammer time?
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He wasn't shrunken, he stepped into a portal which was connected to a larger portal right above him so a grown version of his own foot stepped on him.
Best I can do is make you a micro-micro so a micro girl can give you a cleavage ride while a nano girl rides your dick.
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the portal instantly shrunk the entire world and placed the exit right above him so his foot is larger then he/himshelf.
you can't prove me wrong.
Would you rather macros that were of the fat ugly hag variety or macros that were legally questionable?
Giant hairy ladies were built for climbing
I'd rather they had huge tits that my body could fit between. I don't sweat most of the other details after that.
I only like hairy ladies when said hair is fur
Fuck, I want either of these ladies to shove me into their backdoor so bad...
>A third lady appears
FUCK, please, just have any/all of these ladies use me, they're hot...
You sure? That third one is a taur, most are not into that.
taurs huh?
Ah, appreciate the heads up then, I'm one of the people not into that. Still bipedal girls, need more of them to lewd me.
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Well, if you're an ass man, taurs do tend to have a hall of a lot of junk in their trunks.

Fair enough, still plenty of bipeds out there that love to have a micro under their butts.
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Here, have some Renabutt
IIRC the story behind this was he was hitting on her in the park, she invited him to her house... then the next thing he knows he has been shrunk and is being kept as a toy.
>still plenty of bipeds out there that love to have a micro under their butts

I really hope so...

Nice, she's a cutie! Thanks for posting good content, anon.
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Oh there definitely are, some of them almost seem like they are addicted to sitting on micros.

S2-Freak does quite a bit of it, though half of his stuff is feral, but he also does a lot of anthro, such as picrel or that renamon picture.

(I -think- this macro might be a guy, but since everything is conveniently positioned you so can't actually tell I like to think it's a woman)
She’s pretty from that angle.
That's fair, if it's ambiguous I also like to assume it's a lady. I again commend your good tastes, anon. I hope you manage to get into the butt of the giant cutie of your choosing.
Thanks anon, you too.

And don't worry about me, as someone who is into anthro, taur, and even feral ladies there is no shortage of giant girls keeping me pinned under their building sized rears. If anything, it becomes hard to choose... not like they usually give me a choice anyway.
Whew, I feel that, anon. Honestly, it'd be nice if there were more good stories with a big butt focus, and I won't lie, I've even considered trying to get into RP to get the kind of stuff I'd want.
I would try seeking out foxes, or Pokemon. They tend to engage in that a lot from my experience.
Just careful about combining the two, fox pokemon tend to... take it too far.
Anon, you're really gonna be making me go and hunt for some really dumb stories and roleplay, you know that? I don't even know the first place to look for that stuff, but I'm gonna find it so long as I'm this horny and eager for rears.
Godspeed Anon
(Just pretend that's a shortstack anthro if that gif isn't doing it for you)
I accidentally clicked on this thread in the catalog and this gif is making my cock twitch.
Thanks, don't know what I'll do, so wish me luck.

Also yeah, will have to pretend the first is a shorstack anthro, since otherwise it'd be doing nothing for me, hah.
Give in to the Pokebutts!
By the way Anon, have you also considered the scenario of... tied to the base of her tail?
(Works with Glaceons too, even with their weird flat tail)
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Also much more initiate than the usual tail-cage.
It's more the slit than the butt.
WELL NOW I HAVE. This scenario is now VERY much on my mind. You're making it harder for me to find some way to play out these stupid tastes I have, anon.
>macro vixen brings you home after a date and locks you in her cuck boyfriend's chastity cage
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Also good
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(Don't think that means you are safe from her butt too though)
Why is this hot? Why do I want this? Why was the Glaceon hotter?
Mhm. You've got better coordination than me. Can't tie a good knot without accidentally mushing 'em between my fingers, so I didn't try.

no can do, buster. i don't wanna blow through you fellas, so you aren't going up there except locked up safe in a plug or bead. i'd be plenty willing to set aside some dirty laundry for you if you want to hang out in there, tho.
Legally questionable, for sure.
>Why is this hot?
Because bigger means better
Welcome to the club
>Why was the Glaceon hotter?

I see what you did there.
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>"Hey! Watch where you're about to sit you overgrown sack of f-mnpf! mmmf!"
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That's close, though they are tied a bit too far to be considered at the base of her tail
Not as close as the three she lost
See, that's why you always double-knot your strings... or use metal fastenings.
no he holds up a sign saying "well i caught him, now what?" and the show ends
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There's always a bigger macro
Damn macros with phat asses thinking they can just sit wherever they want.

I mean, they're right, not like anyone is going to stop them, but it's still infuriating that they do it.
i cant seem to find this image i was looking for earlier, i was gonna post it somewhere but i completely forgot and i odnt know if i saw it on twitter....

it was i believe a lucario (they atleast had blue fur or skin) with yellow spats and a ton of micros stuffed in there. does anyone know what im talking about?
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nevermind, i found it, had to dig through some of holts work~
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The face of a macro trying to play innocent about having grabbed one of your micro friends.
Anyone got an archive of the last thread?

It's literally in the OP's post, do you not know about desuarchive?
Y'know what sucks? When a pretty character is a tranny irl
No this is 2nd time here. xwx

Why don't you go to FA?
I rather disagree, it's better to use the cheapest twine or string you can find. It's always more fun if a few stragglers get left behind and it reminds the rest of their place.
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It was so much simpler just living in a macro's ass. The string breaking was a blessing because I didn't have to actually deal with them.
I feel bad for the next guy in line, he's in the ring and not coming out.
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Size Maniac!
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Love the scale on this~ No pun intended
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That's a lot gentler than that other dragon...
Going off the jar on the counter, "toy" is a tenuous and fleeting position. Gotta love a macro girl that goes through micro guys like tissue paper
The trick is to tie them loosely around the torso and to not concern yourself with how many you lose inside yourself. Micros are cheap after all and micro humans are even cheaper
I'm not surprised this exists
Just disappointed
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>Micros review-bombed Shadow of the Erdtree for this and the high difficulty
this is fantastic. i love the concept of pawscapes.
i love the idea of a shrink magic wielding meowscarada giantess making me microscopic with a wave of her finger. and then stepping on me, of course.
The ring should be more common
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That's mean! At lease give the poor little things some protection from getting lost in there.
Reasonable caution, but did you know that micros are generally fine if they get lost inside a macro? As long as you don't eat us- er, them they survive long enough to find their own way out.
On a seperate note, you should leave some underwear out and leave the room for a bit.
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>anal beads have air holes
Imagine the smell
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A giantess AND able to shrink others? That's a bit excessive, don't you think?
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No, Brandish can make herself and other both grow and shrink
not excessive enough honestly. especially if thats how she's a giantess in the first place.
But also in a bunny suit, that has black and red footed tights, but also regularly drops tinies down them and stores them in her vagina
I dunno, it can get pretty excessive.
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Maybe this is just me, but once she is big enough to shape the entire universe into a makeshift dildo, I personally think that counts as excessive.
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One of the best parts of this fetish is the sheer, unfair power dynamics. Being able to shrink someone while also being able to grow is excessive, and that's why it makes my peenor hard.
I prefer the gentler aspects of it, which are impossible when the size difference bets too big. Or at the very least, a macro having fun with micros, which also you can't really do once they are ant size or smaller.
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Does this even count as hot dogging at this point?
I count that as the perfect size.
Maybe not directly, but there's a certain appeal to a macro being so large she lets the planet sit harmlessly on her nipple, doting and being very careful with it.
Normally I am not into planet-scale stuff, but yeah, still managing to be gentle about that (usually literal god-powers are involved) can be pretty cute.
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>I mean, they're right, not like anyone is going to stop them

But it's a lot more fun when micros try.

>it's still infuriating that they do it.

Sitting on one of those silly "Micro Defense Force" hives while they shoot all their pathetic little toys up at your ass is simply delightful and the feeling of schadenfreude I get from their impotent rage is practically orgasmic. I like to hover over them for a few moments to soak it all in.

Snuffing out all those losers under my ass and then trolling them on MiteR is the best. MDF always releases the casualty list (AKA my score lol) the next day. When I @ them with my post smoosh butt selfie "fact checking" them with the number of visible bloodstains, the salt harvest is truly unparalleled.
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>You're actually snuggling with her avatar
>Her real body is...
>Well, if what she says is even halfway true, she stays far away from the solar system for your safety.
i'll have mine without the penis thanks
>That's mean!

Micros deserve it though and far worse

>At lease give the poor little things some protection from getting lost in there.

Hollow anal beads with "Air" holes? Now that truly is pure sadism, you could drag out their suffering all day. I'll have to pick some up,
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Some macro gods have a little extra.
>Imagine the smell

Micros tend to not like the smell of macro skunk ass from the outside, I'll bet it's a whole lot more overwhelming from the inside.

Fun Fact: These posts were actually written by micro hands
Micros tend to get caught on it. Personally I don't mind ;)

>but did you know that micros are generally fine if they get lost inside a macro?

It wouldn't surprise me, you little shits are impossible contradictions. Step on you, sit on you and you're mostly fine, hell half of you even enjoy it. But do it at the wrong angle or just the slightest bit to much pressure and POP! you're a blood stain. Drop you between my ass checks on a hot summer day and you die of heatstroke. Stick a few of you UP my ass on that same day and a few days later you're trying to wriggle your way out while I'm in a meeting.

But of course if I really want you dead, I can invite a Macro male friend over for a fuck session. If he doesn't pop you then he will drown you.

>As long as you don't eat us- er them

No promises, it's the easiest way to add to my micro skull collection afterall.

>they survive long enough to find their own way out.

Well it again it really depends, more often than not butts have a natural way of "flushing" a micro out, so you are racing the clock. A nicer Macro might be willing to help you out but personally I rather enjoy feeling you fail
lucky bastards
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Somehow I don't think they agree
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BIG gf
Some of the best macros to interact with tend to be built like trucks. Toasty, but not too hot. Big and soft, very playful, they'll leave out some dirty laundry if you ask nicely.
Had one who would take the roof off my house and store his worn underwear in it.
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>unlike paws, which sometimes have crevices and cracks in the underside to hide in, hooves are merciless
>nearly completely flat, whatever hope you may have in surviving depends entirely on whether or not the ground beneath you is strong enough to prevent the hoof from sinking in.
>it almost never is
>Most places that get trampled by hooved macros almost always refill with water after a short time, creating an ominous lake or inland sea where a city should be
>pray your town doesn't get a visit from a horse macro, if you're in a city its only a matter of time
>not like they'll notice either way.
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>>nearly completely flat

Pretty sure that's not how hoofs work


She looks more like she's in need of an asshole than a toy
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big dergs
love me a big meow
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big meow loves you
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daww how nice
(Goat is with toes, will mess)
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I love Toriel and her cute feet so much
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I find the idea of Toriel wearing bloomers to be adorable
I really wanna get into making art. I know AI is going to make it harder as a job or side gig but I don't care.
I always imagined myself as a super micro that can just be inserted inside raw and somehow have the strength to not be crushed and the amazing lung capacity to breathe off the little oxygen inside a big guy/gal just fine. I am sure there are one or two characters who are probably all about being a reusable 'super micro' toy (Like Mister Person from Macrophile).* But I wonder, with all the other dumb macro tropes we accept like huge fags able to ram buildings with their fleshy penises and not get cuts and scrape from the glass bricks and steel beans, that there isn't a genre of 'super micros' where they can take a good lot before actually actually getting injured or killed. It can be considered worse too because they can be trapped inside for day for days.
I also have weirder ideas including an entire species of giant chunky aliens that feed from the sperm of other species, with horrifying biology for naturally endo-voring micros that will also nourish them while literally milking them to death over a period of a few years. And the nourishment come supplied all sorts of stimulants/hormones/whatever that keep their trapped prey fully awake, extra sensitized, and extremely cum-productive efficient 24/7.

*Anyone else old enough to remember the site Macrophile and the notable furry artists that got their start there? I knew of it but by the time I was old enough, indie sites like that were pretty much dead at that point. When you join the forum you have to send a note saying you're an adult and asking to be marked at such before you can see the adult only art or post on the NSFW parts of the forum. But twice now when I tried I never got a response. ;_;
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Very in character
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Sorry if this was too much autism for the thread. I only peeked a couple times and first time posting on /trash/. My life kinda fell apart in nearly every way possible but recently I decided I'm still going try to make something good out of it instead of staying depressed. I am lucky enough to have a support structure if things fall through again.
And is the general meant to be female focus or does that just happen? For some reason I always assumed macro/micro fetish was very much a gay male thing with straight guys who want female giants being a minority.
Did you draw these?
Nah they're by Silverscarf
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No, these are by silverscarf
I want to be her tiny little buddy, this reality is shit
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>Today's weather forecast: Cloudy with a chance of Burmecian dragon knight.
freya lora? impressive
>But twice now when I tried I never got a response. ;_;

That's because the site is unfortunately more or less dead, there is practically nobody left to check accounts for adult access requests. I used to be on there often, reading stories mostly but a few random art too. After places like FA though most of the user's personal sites that were linked in the links section of the site died/got abandoned as well as the forums themselves. Though a lot of those links were already dying before that. I remember reading one of my favorite macro story series at the time back then on that site called Rick and Sylvia.

>freya lora? impressive

There are a surprising amount of obscure loras, I would imagine that Freya is popular enough where it would be a surprise if there wasn't a few loras of her. I have seen loras of Belladonna (from Trials of Mana), Yinglets, Dinah (Unicorn Overlord), Katia, Fidget, Meicrackmon, even Sybil among many other obscure ones.
New megameow just dropped
love it
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Oh hey, that's me, nice. Been forever since I checked one of these threads.
Did you write the dialogue or did SD? Because everyone I've shown it to gets super horny about the ultra blase attitude there
the beer?
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Was me, ended up saying something like that while chatting with SD about my char being casually huge like that and it stuck
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Love Ember
Happy 4th of July
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catbox doesn't work, do you still have it anon?
>he still has me blocked on twitter
bruh moment
no farting
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