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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hot Bixbite Summer Edition!

Last Thread: >>66973572

>Unleash the Light now available on Steam & console
>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com
OST composers: http://soundcloud.com/aivisura
Ronaldo's blog: http://keepbeachcityweird.tumblr.com
Podcast: http://podbay.fm/show/1261418557

>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

>Raven Molisee's SU Works On Sale
>Rebecca Sugar's Streamily
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Heres hoping hater anon kills himself before he finds out there's a new thread!
*farts on this*
your imaginary wife is fat
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also your imaginary wife can't draw a pussy correctly
your imaginary wife's anatomy is awful
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good thread
your imaginary wife is imaginary
rollin' for a cute pearlie
Rolling! Also, why is anon so obsessed? Dude must be so lonely and jealous~
jealous of an imaginary friend?
Bixbite as a cowboy working on a crab farm
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Is she farming crabs, or is it crab farm in that it is run by crabs?
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thicc crab
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these gems are pretty cute!
They can all get it, but top left can get it hard
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>”Eyup, them bigger ‘uns ‘r startin’ to molt, which means it’s gettin’ to be matin’ season. You city slickers best be on yer way, that is iffen ya don’t wanna see how a crab farmer collects her breedin’ stock the ‘old fashioned’ way…”
not the anon who requested but this is really awesome!
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if you know what I mean
what are the steps for obtaining a cowboy crab wife
your dad needs to be a cow and your mom needs to be a boy then you can be a real cowboy
if I fuck bixbite, will I get crabs?
Yes, but it's okay since those crabs will also be your babies
more booty
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peridot is just like me fr

i owe you my life
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no problem anon I too enjoy gem booty
Peri has the best booty
Hey, guess what?
Does Nephrite also have a cute butt?
Yes. It's a shared trait among green gems
>jade and jade's pearl have massive asses
i don't understand how it isn't everyone's favorite body part
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I like big tits more
fug the green smug
yeah i know people like tits and tits are nice but they're just not as appealing to me as butt
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>"Don't worry anon no one will catch us back here..."
start by lifting your skirt
*gives her a glock*
"Go, do crime"
Nice new thread
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>"Oh boy now I can get all the gempops I want!"
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>no channel gem pop
Anons, what gem pops hadn't we seen yet? More so what flavors would they get?
If you be a good girl and put the gun down, I can fix you up a Channel Pop lickety-split!
what flavour would it be?
Sour green apple with watermelon bubblegum eyes!
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Chin up, squirt

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In case you didn't hear, Nin moved to California and got himself a bitchin pair of Vans
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that is really good to hear anon thank you
Who the hell is nin?
the good times are disappearin
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you know
Such a lovely treat!
>sour green apple
sounds tasty as fuck. would be my go to gem pop
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It's been forever /sug/. how ya' been?
How would gem pops of gems whose eyes are covered by their hair work? Would you get shafted from experiencing the bubble gum finish? Seems a bit unfair for the consumer
new phone, who dis?
Howdy Anons! Hope tonight's a kind one for y'all's sake! Been just chilling while planning beach/pool stuff behind the scenes.

Good golly I didn't even notice this post last thread till just now.

Another wonderful Gem Pop as always! I wonder how many green themed flavors are there left since it makes myself curious on what would I consider the fitting tones for Jade or her pearl

I agree with ya easily anon
It's been a comfy night as of now, just planning things as mentioned while organizing files alongside brainstorming ideas for gem pop flavors to match respective gems. It's always a surprise seeing old /sug/ posters return to hang around at times anon.

Maybe the bubblegum could be encased inside the popsicle to suffice the lack of one visually outside
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lime, kiwi, green grape, matching (green tea), pear, breadfruit, honeydew melon, cucumber, guava
Oooh! I never would've thought of some of the ones you've mentioned anon golly. Handful of obvious ones but man there's some I hadn't even heard about till reading the post.

Aye it's alright anon, it happens
Green tea would match jade's asian aesthetic, no? Her pearl could be pear flavoured since pears were prevalent among Asian cultures early in human history.
Some old drawfriend from forever ago <3
Oh sounds nice! And yeah I was feeling nostalgic, was about to ask for some doodle ideas for fun I'm really rusty
That would be perfect in my thoughts anon plus it'll be funnily fitting with Jade's Pear getting Pear flavor alongside the history to note fairly.
Aye, I feel ya anon. Has that unique feeling coming back after how long since then.

How does your favorite gem welcoming ya back into /sug/ sound as a idea?
post art?
>Jade's Pear
It is decided
guava is like watermelon, tho...green outside, pink inside
>amethyst attending a chilli cook off, but not being able to wipe properly because of her large size, thus, having fecal matter amass inside her crack and fat folds
>the cheesy smell of dairy and protein decay permeates her person
Aw yeah and even cooler to see folks still doing stuff!
what about a bixbite pop? what flavor would that be?
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Goood morning dweebs and twerps
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Bixbite pop
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Amen anon, amazing work!

Morning anon! Hope things are going alright for ya sake!

Oooh! Double Bixbite Pops. Plus that's clever with the use of having a larger gumball eye
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Adorably great work PearlAnon!
Things are certainly going! Got a follow-up inspection from last time to make sure people are doing what they got told to catch up on. Shouldn't be as big of a deal as last time but hoping all goes fine

Honestly I could gorge myself on strawberry and cream ice cream right now. It's so warm even though its been raining a ton through the night
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Oh lovely beach scenes jadeanon! Hope the archiving is going well!
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need a sug version of this with all the sug OCs...
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Any doodle ideas to pass the time at work?
This is also a good idea for a collab piece if and when I work up the courage to make the sug aggie.io
peridot with a cylinder haircut
Aye, just taking things slow since just gotta enjoy the break during such hopefully. But its getting there since slowly sorting files to finally have things organized digitally
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That would be a curiously fitting idea with such a reference image while does have me wondering which /sug/ gems or era of /sug/ to work with.

I agree! Also aye. take all the time ya need relating to the aggie.io. I can imagine how much time and planning it'll take to have things all prepped

That's great to hear! Hopefully it goes well for ya sake without any further hassle to spark from it.

Gonna extend this since just woke up. Mainly still organizing/separating the files since almost got the folders named by the respective days to keep track
>wondering which /sug/ gems or era of /sug/ to work with
What would you say the different eras of /sug/ are?
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Also, my wife did a redraw of a twitter post w/ her OCs
please clap.
>having a wife
>having a wife that draws
ok buddy
just for her I will give her one clap to be polite
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Would she be Perifef or Polnadot?
she would be Joan-Pierre Peridot
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I would honestly say from the top of my head on there maybe being 3 Eras. (4 if we separate SU: The Movie and Future due to how close they were in airing date compared to SU at around January)
SU Era (2013-Early 2019)
SU: The Movie | SU Future Era(Late 2019 - Early 2020)
Post-SU Future Era (2020-Now?)

There's been plenty of /sug/ gems created in the old threads at around SU's Peak of having episodes airing that I can recall at the time. Can't really say on how many /sug/ gems were created around the time of The Movie and Future aside Channel and all the other Spinels to note of course. As for the Post-SU Future Era, we're getting a resurgence of new gems based on how many we've seen as of yet with the lineup to have a sort of reference to keep track.

For sure I'm not including the Hiatuses since that'll be too plenty to work with as the Four mentioned suffices respectively to the 4 Eras of gems in the show. (At least for now till I got a list of each Hiatus to track threads during those times)
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nice! glad it's going good hope your week goes well! any plans for the 4th?
oh very nice anon I like it!
it's shit
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Thanks anon! Good chance I'll do a BBQ if anything to enjoy the day alongside maybe finding a fitting VRChat map to make some screenshots respectively as well!
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same going to BBQ with some friends! there are some nice fireworks worlds out there so definitely some good spots to find some awesome screenshots hope you find something neat!
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would bully and fuck
Oooh man I can't wait! Wishing all the best on your sake too! (Might just find the maps in advance since I keep seeing my favorites maps vanished from time to time)
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yeah...not sure why some maps go away maybe they don't get updated or the author just removes it but there is always someone out there making worlds so hopefully you can find something that will be good!
True! Just wished it can tell ya what maps got removed instead of just showing a blank page/ ??? in the url if anythng. But I'll manage thankfully
I think the description still stays sometimes but yeah it sucks when a world you like just becomes a blank page and you don't know which one was removed. that one avatar testing world is gone not sure why it eas removed but there other testing worlds out there just as good...
Aw that sucks to hear on that world being taken out. I wonder if I've been in that one before or not.

I just use this one simply since it's quickly and I can see the heights of the avatar before going back to Unity to revise em.

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yeah I feel like that became the new one. I like it but the other one had those giant screens and stuff I just like the charm of the world too but that one is just as good just a tad different.
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damn, artist?
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>shortstack pearls
Fucking. Yes.
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>Page 9
It’s so over…
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Rare modnel appearance
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she so busy reading reports she doesn't have any time for fun...
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It will never not bother me how off-center the dorito is
oh yeah i guess it is a little off center eh? her head should be one of those really spicy doritios like the flaming hot ones...
and fending off the -nel panty snatcher
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She caught an anon stealing the panties but someone else is stilling stealing pairs she has no idea who it could be...
*GATHP* W-what dathtardly fiend could be r-rethponthible for thith?!
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well whoever is doing it is like a ninja because she can't even catch them in the act...
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I'll take the one on the left
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yearl the superior choice
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I wanna eat dat lemon puss
cantaloupe flavored padparascha gem pop when?
oh I like that one sounds good to me anon! maybe we'll see one!
Anons, who would you consider the gem that would best suit being like a Ice Cream man selling Gem Pops? I'm thinking Larimar in my opinion while would she use a Ice Cream Truck, Trailer or Cart?
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Not on my watch with a bump, Guess tonight's gonna be interesting in terms of making sure the thread survives
Are you gonna start drawing some freaky porn?
I wish anon, too busy organizing my room/ External HDD while hopefully I'll get my tools sorted so I can maybe for once draw
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Apatite: Pineapple
Bixbite: Strawberry & Banana | Banana & Mango (Singular Large Gumball Eye)
Channel: Sour Green Apple
Comfy Pearl: Wild Cherry
Cummingtonite: Sea Salt & Coconut
Defect Spinel: Strawberry & Cream
Jade's Pearl: Pear
Jade: Green Tea
Pectolite: Green Tea
Thpinel: Blue Raspberry

Alright here's all the Gem Pops that gotten a Flavor mentioned in the threads Visually or discussed while only ones missing are the Diamonds/Jasper/Yellow Pearl/Holly Blue Agate/Peridot/Etc. that were seen in the previous threads but ain't sure on if they ever had a flavor noted. (For now while will compile a image with all of em when I can)
the room can wait but with porn you can bait!
I am very tired
I gotta eat a bee.
Fucking hell.
>doesn't know what flavor yellow pearl is
I'm assuming Banana Flavor anon, just needed to check back in the older threads just to be sure if that was surely the intended one (Even if it's too obvious otherwise)
This better be bait
Of course it's lemon anon. Apologies in advance since hadn't gotten any sleep yet with preparations and everything
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I can't decide how to handle her eye since we never got to see it, but my gut is leaning towards the lips, despite the fact that normal gumballs definitely wouldn't work as lips on a popsicle
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no gumballs. all eyeless gem pops are sold separately
cumming tonight to cummingtonite
Prove it, coward
pearl but with gigantic fucking knockers
Thpinel but with gigantic fucking knockers
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Groove. Is. In. The. Heart.
Okay, dee-lite...
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good morning sug! I hope you all have a wonderful day today!
yes i love this idea! they need to have an ice cream truck to sell all the gem pops!
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After sleeping on it, I have made the executive decision to make Paddy grapefruit flavor. Sorry to >>67082424 but cantaloupe is just kinda gross
I can accept grapefruit flavor for her
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Lovely work as always anon!
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i felt compelled to draw a live pearl reaction to this
very nice anon! pearl likes them big for sure...
She looks like she’s in the middle of a psychotic break
if you fumbled a rose quartz you would be too
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Twitter keeps showing me violent pornography today.
I ain't mad, I definitely ain't saying stop, just a weird influx today
like more then usual? or something?
normally it's just little bits but it's like a third of my feed today
maybe your algorithm thinks you want way more violent porn? maybe look at some wholesome porn to even it out?
then you are going to have to look up weird porn to confuse your algorithm
That's much better. I think cantaloupe is disgusting, too
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also no
can some drawfag remake this but with lapis? or another gem that you think would work better
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How are y'all anons? Hope the Afternoon's going alright respectively to y'all.
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its been a pretty good day so far! hope your day is going well too!
That's great to hear anon! It's been a peaceful day while currently looking through VRChat maps to screenshot on
oh nice anon hope you find something fun in vrc!
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I want to rub that pudgy cat belly
Flatty flat flat!
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something wrong with flat?
Quite the opposite.
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oh good flat gems are the best!
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Bump. Goodnight suggots
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Rest well anon! Didn't think we were needing a bump so soon golly
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>Meow, anon~
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What is peridot's mating call?
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*gets mated by the monster
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>the artist that gives every character fat lips
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they are just making them more kissable!
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slob pearl wife
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night sug. all i want for the 4th is Thpinel lighting off some fireworks
you ever just wanted to throat fuck spinel?
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4 niggers gangraping pearl
I bet amethyst could finish an entire party size bag of nacho cheese doritos
She likes all the small munitions fireworks like smoke bombs and snakes because they are all the fun of fireworks without the danger!
Thpinel v Peridot nerd rivalry. They each commit petty acts against one another such as making YTPs at the other's expense or lighting fireworks in the image of the other. (Chris v Liquid kinda shit)
Then after years of high tension they make out.. clearly.
yes! this is adorable anon thank you!
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good morning sug! I hope you all have a wonderful day today!
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Drew White Diamond.
It's been a good while since I drew her lol.
oh neat! very nice anon love this!
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Thank you, anon, it's nice to know I haven't forgotten how to draw her.
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Now draw her butt booty naked oiled up and shaking that thing. Thank you, anon
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Very stylish, I love it!
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Wow, amazing work anon! Love the way you've drawn her
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holy fuck
good shit
I have just woken up I can't properly say how much I love you
I wanna piss in lapis' mouth
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What's going on here? Clones? Mental projections? Another bodyswap episode?
it would be people shapeshifting into her to make fun of her
like someone becomes a copy of her with giant tits or a giant ass or without those buckteeth and everyone started flirting really heavy with the fake Thpinel but when Thpinel tries to shapeshift giant tits into her, everyone just laughs and beats her up
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Finally got a wok so making beef stir fry B^)

Nice tits, anon
That's looking delicious anon! Hope it turns out all great at the end!
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Thanks! It's alright, the sauce kinda gets lost amongst everything else but it's good enough
nice that looks pretty good!
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Hope y'all are having a great day anons!

Oooh Lovely! That reminds me, I should get going on cooking my BBQ before forgetting
its been a good day so far! love the world this screenshot is in!
That's great to hear anon! The map's real nice since there's so much to position and screenshot around the pool section imo.
very nice! they look pretty cute by the pool there!
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Goin good

Gonna grill some steaks and chill around the fire pit until it's time to set off the fireworks

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