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I love how useless Nami is post-TS
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I miss Miss All Sunday.
At least we will see her again in the Live Action soon
Mommy Robin Milkers
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I know this is 3D but fuck Nami's actress is so fucking SEXO
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ORobin managed to win me over
I used to hate her outfit in Wano
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Mommy Saggers.
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Does your taste in OP girls also reflect in other anime?
Okay, I'm finally starting to come around to Lilith.
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What took you so long?
Distracted by Atlas and York, + general caution around her being the "evil" vegapunk.
Understandable. Funny how the other Vegapunk with a fat ass was the one who ended up being real evil
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Being an antagonist really a mark against a girl for me. The problem comes in if they're uncaring or cruel. Lilith feels less evil, and more just brash and selfish, a little like Nami but with her vanity tuned up more. York feels more like she's making a mistake or in over her head. A little like Nami before Arlong park. Even if she turns out to actually be evil, there's still enough there to trigger the "I can fix her" response rather than making me want nothing to do with her.

No, when I heard Lilith was the evil Vegapunk, I expected her to be like Sugar. Sugar is cute, but she's so nasty and irredeemable it's a turn off. Girls like that are awful.
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Yeah the comparison between Nami and Lilith is fair, see at the start of Egghead when she literally wanted to rob the Straw Hats out of their treasures which is something that Nami would also do in the beginning and kinda did by stealing the Merry which is ironic because you pointed that out for York
But I also agree with your opinion on the literal fatass, her wanting to become a Celestial Dragon is a request that the Gorosei will surely not fullfill by the end of the arc and she still believes they're gonna keep their promise just like how Nami acted with Arlong

Personally I love evil, evil bitches (which definition doesn't really fit either Lilith or York) but to each their own
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>Personally I love evil, evil bitches
Oh? Can you give some examples and what you like about them? How do you feel about Monet? Or evil mode charlotte pudding?
Would even go as far as saying that I loved Evil Pudding more than the current bipolar version who still is one of my favourite females in One Piece
And the explanation is simple: it's just extra satisfying to dominate a true and nasty cunt
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Robin is where it's at for me, and I definitely have a thing for characters with "ara ara" energy.
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Based tastes, mature women are always where it's at
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Lol I guess 30 is "mature" when it comes to anime. I'm just turning 30 myself in two months or so.
But yeah, I get what you mean.
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Oh man, the realization of being almost the same age as the MILFS we always loved... A tale as old as time. It already happened with Misato from Evangelion
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Sweaty Nami for her birthday
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Will try to keep the thread alive for Nami's birthday
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Nami loves Gold
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This should happen for Elbaf
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Nami Bunda
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I hate Zeus. He's contrived and his existence messes with how Big mom's power works. Takes away from Nami's cleverness too.
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Zeus could've been great if he was actually treated like Nami's partner in fights but instead he just acts as a lighting aimbot for her that unironically nerfs Nami's brains too like you said
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At this point this should unironically be Nami's fighting style
10x more effective
>Nami strips in the heat of battle, and then uses the baton to create hundreds of naked mirage clones and seduce every combatant.
>Boa's jealousy rises.
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Could've been so fucking based if Nami didn't also forget about Mirage Tempo
Don't even remember the last time she used it, maybe on Dressrosa
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Helping to fight saturn Is useless?
Her caring for Robin was a good moment but it was short
What a based ""fight""
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Nami has a very interesting habit of getting into bath shenanigans.
God damn that fanart is insanely hot
Ulti vs Nami should have also taken place in a bath, would have made the 1vs1 actually good
Nami has had plenty of good post ts moments at least. More than fucking ussop can claim lol.
At least Usopp will have Elbaf for him
Yea but we're so far into the ts. It'll have to be a huge glowup for most of the b tier crew mates. I mean look at franky this arc alone has put him above half of these bums.
Nopan Queen Nami
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Franky has always been a great crewmate in post-TS since Dressrosa, he basically belongs in the one tier below the strongest combatants of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and now Jinbe) along with Robin and Brook
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>The best way to defeat Nami
Smaller hands are more effective.
It's canon.
Given how much lolibaiting there is in Egghead, I really wonder what we could've got with Tama at the start of Wano
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I expect she'll have Speed completely under her thumb whenever they decide to check back in on them.
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Yeah, Speed is never going to be a free woman again, and she'll love every minute of it.
I was surprised to see lolis in this kinda thread.
Idk I only clicked it out of curiosity and it was mostly older women. No hate or anything.
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Understood. So who's your favourite girl? Ulti?
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I'll never get tired of fapping to Nami paizuri
S snake
Purely for coom. Most of the rest of the girls seem too pure to me
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Rare choice. Is it the big lady status that does it for you?
I've a bit of a incest fetish. Wci was heaven for my dick
That also makes sense.
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That's a great Coom List if you ask me. But it's interesting that you deem the rest of the female cast "too pure" for fapping to
Reiju and Sanji should have got more fanservice together
well /a/ had a semi decent thread for Nami's birthday
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German Nami.
Based Faget
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Wake up
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Fapping to Oda's wife and Mommy Robin
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Like any real One Piece should do.
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Mommy Butt.
No interesting Vivre Cards info on the girls so far
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