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Fatsona Thread Number 279: Sun's Out, Guts Out Edition

Post and talk about all the lovely ladies (or guys if that is your thing) of Persona putting on the pounds. SMT and the very rare Mirage Sessions welcomed as well.

Original Fatsona Stories: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/jfb55nqj58ksz/Fatsona_Original_Stories

Original Thread Artwork by Anon: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/boo3ewilwa26y/Fatsona_Original_Artwork

Official Unofficial Idol Thread Endorsement: https://vocaroo.com/3qp2WeP1Ec9

Previous Thread:
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Celebrate the old and the new! Let's try and find the new and dig up the old (Which happens to have new fat)!
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It's done
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Sun's out buns out
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It's no better the other direction
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Follow up image of Yu struggling to hold her
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Only a question if the confidants are next
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Maybe another time
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We back once again!
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postin from last thread
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What she thinkin' 'bout?
She is wondering how many burgers can she order and have now without looking like a complete pig, and how many she will need to have delivered to her room secretly later
Which one of them is thinking that?
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Mitsuru of course!
Then what is Kotone thinking?
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Probably imagining Mitsuru blowing up right before her eyes, and wondering if there will be any burgers left for her when she is done.
Probably shouldn't have left that movie about a chocolate factory in the DVD player before going into the TV world.
If you play a DVD at midnight you end up in the movie.
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Can you control the specific scene you end up in? Like obviously Yukiko would want to blow up into a giant blueberry but maybe Naoto might prefer the chocolate river.
Obviously you jump in at the exact scene you have at the moment
And someone on the outside can still rewind/fast forward/pause.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Rise?"
"Yeah, just keep rewinding it right before I turn into a big blueberry so I can keep chewing the gum forever!"
Find a scene of the candy room being revealed and putting it on loop
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Didn't mean to reply. Oops.
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Wait a minute, this isn't Orgia Mode
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That's our Liz!
[Freeze frame, laugh track, roll credits]
Kawakami getting complaints that no one can see the board
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Is this the Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner general?
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Chub is cute
Yes, although my gauge on what is considered chubby might have become skewed.
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Too much time in the community does that.
>"I like chubby girls."
>"Me too!"
What they mean: a girl with the faintist hint of a muffin top and a rounded belly
What I mean: a girl whose huge belly slaps her thighs
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Naoto is relieved but confused
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Fatsona of all sizes are welcome here.
So yes.

It's real.
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thicc empress
What do you mean? She looks normal to me.
Is her shirt blue or just stained blue?
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Clean the fridge, you say?
Blue. Mitsuru believes if you're going to do something, you should do it right and that includes blowing up into an enormous blueberry

New story.
Not bad at all. Though the artwork is much better.
Any idea if it'll likely get uploaded elsewhere? Don't have a DA account at the moment
I can do a pastebin of it when I get home from work. If someone else hasn't already done it.
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Naoto doll that makes her boobs bigger whenever you squeeze it
So, you hold it in front of her and threaten to squeeze?
Strange, the belly is coming through the shirt
"S-stay back! I've got a fat doll and I'm not afraid to use it!"
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Only too late did they realize that was Shadow Naoto and that drink had some special properties
Thank you. I appreciate it. Getting a DA isn't an appealing idea but I do miss reading stuff like this
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Shortly, the strap would no longer be visible
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Mitsuru's maid doing her laundry, laying it out, and someone confuses her underwear for a bedspread
No problem.
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Expect more. I would assume Kawakami might be next if I were a betting man.
He's skimping out on the wardens though which is pretty lame.
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God damn. His work just never ends. I have to respect it, even if I don't know if I'll ever actually use it
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>His work just never ends
It's because he's getting paid for it? He's got a patreon man. Like it's not admirable, just convenient for us.
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>"Lady Mitsuru, I had no idea you were interested in camping."
>"That... is a dress."
>"But... it covers the bed."
>"y-yes, I've been meaning to get a larger size..."
Imagine your first day on the job, seeing a certifiable banquet being carted to the dining room and thinking "oh, there must be a large party going on."
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I'd say it runs in the family, but that might be a poor choice of words
Waddles in the family
Imagining Kawakami getting turned into a massive berry and needing help rolling between classes

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