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Teitoshin Deformed Mascot General

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66871363

Post, draw and discuss your favorite TDM (chibi) characters here.
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don't forget the anchor
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i know it's hard to wait, but we should keep the schedule we had for new threads
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op, omae...
well, better late than never. feel free to reply to this post if you post original content
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tdm reverse rape!
Still fills me with joy that there are still some dedicated Jewelpet fans like myself around the internet to help support the franchise. Also heard that something big will be announced regarding Jewelpet today, wonder what it'll be.
NAI Furry v3, posted on pixiv.
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anyone like picross?
weird design, but i like the fancy clothes
i would say we need a tdm picross, but i'm pretty sure there is a hello kitty one already
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dating mechanics in animal crossing when
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Did anyone play more of the Towelket games out of curiosity
please tell me more
those cuties are AMAZING also who drew that please :3
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I was talking about the games a few threads ago, although I didn't want to spam it too much.
Basically it's a game series which has some really great games in it, but what's relevant to this thread is that romanticized or even sexualized TDM characters are pretty commonplace throughout the series which I think is pretty unique.
They're not porn games before you get your hopes up, but the games can make it pretty clear that TDM characters have sex (Either with other mascots or humans) which I don't really see usually.
The artist who drew that picture is Lobokoni and it's based off of Yorumorukimiri 2, which I posted I download link to a couple threads ago. An anon was playing it but I don't know how far they got.
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Got this as a Towelket related com a while ago.
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i plan on playing them but i have like 50 games on my backlog already
>An anon was playing it but I don't know how far they got.
That was me. I didn't realize we had a new thread up until now.
I haven't had a lot of time to play recently and whatever time I do spend on the game is making sure that I miss as little as possible. I've only just gotten up to Socks village and the first 'big plot twist'.
I do plan to continue hopefully as soon as today. It's got enough of a hook to keep me invested and the comedy aligns with my tastes which is quite rare for a jap game. I do wonder when I'll get to see >>67083615 but feel like it might still be a long ways off.
Big fan of the X-Ray.
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I'm glad to hear you plan on keeping up with it.
The Nyanyamo part that those pictures are about is just a brief little thing, but as someone who's into TDM it's very amusing. It's hinted earlier that she's into cute mascot characters too so it doesn't just come out of nowhere.

The idea of a sadistic, dominant girl turning into putty when she sees a cute mascot character is really good, but this is the only game I know of where said girl would go and fuck said mascot character too.
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Sapphie sexo
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This is a WIP that I had long abandoned. Is there a way to improve this drawing without having to start from scratch?
it looks pretty good to me. what do you not like about it?
It feels average. There's nothing memorable or interesting about it
I think it looks cute!
But I mean if you really want to make it memorable, you know what sort of thread you're in right?
>op is a known pedophile who keeps making this thread hoping anyone will engage with him about his attraction to childrens cartoon characters
i think the composition is good. maybe change one of the character's expressions, since they both pretty much have the same one. maybe using more accessories?
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Well? Would you help her out?
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She's the best
my only exposure to jewelpet has been through smut

i dont know what this says about me
anonchan here, still sick (im okay!), i keep checking every wednesday thinking they made the thread on wednesday but for these past few they were actually made on monday lololol
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dont make me post tdm vore
Oh no don't do that. Especially if it incorporates digestion, disposal, and hardcore penetrative sex with the pred.
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the masterpiece
all fetishes welcome, anon. as long as it's tdm
If it includes TF, I'll allow it.
>the lonely fuck up 4chan pedo doesn’t understand why his thread about his pedophilic fetishes isn’t being bumped
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alright you asked for it
W-would they let me out if I started crying like a weenie?
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He'd ask you beforehand, so such a predicament shouldn't come up in the first place!
Don't forget the second post-vore part! Absolute cakes on this Jewelpet, now she's 40% thighs.
Has he ever gotten super fat after stealing every last bit of someone's mana
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Sometimes I forget just how scary these mascots can be when they want to be...
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Nah, he's usually pretty active - that or his metabolism is really weird.
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these creatures have no right to be so erotic
Yeah, but it's part of the appeal isn't it? Cute (Scary) TDMs are the best..
I know this fetish is degenerate but for fuck sake...
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maybe i missed something but we've only gotten vore so far
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Very scary but also kind of cute when scary.
Cute critters should not be this horny
Who are you, the cute police?
source pls?

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