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This general is for the discussion of official, fan-made, or look-alike TLH productions as well as original content created by Chris Savino.

https://loudbooru.com/ (Currently under reconstruction)

DM _the_sl0th_ for invite.

>Episodes and other official and fan content:

>New Halloween Special coming
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When will they announce TSC or something else? KCAs or SDCC?
>implying it will still be called The Sister Chronicles
A lot can change in 2 years, heh
How many episodes does S8 have?
Are they planning something regarding Ace Savvy?
BTW, if you have something that you can only share secretly, can you share it with me through temporary email (preferably Lobby-related)?
hopefully never

any chance it wouldn't have 26? Season 7 was the only different one.
its just some tripfag idiots
not unless theyre doing a movie as apart of the production schedule, otherwise it should be business as usual
Why never?
Literally the first post on Desuarchive with this tripcode.
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Just a dandelion.
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Watched the Casagrandes movie, really liked it, so I made this
Reminder to fuckboy to keep your diary to yourself
who else
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Devilishly good work
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I like TSC, It way better than TLH.
Good morning everyone! Get outta bed, there'll be no more nappin!
What would you call it if not the sister chronicles?
What did you like about it?
Good job, sunbaby!
It's not even out yet though, do you mean you like the premise of a bunch of differently styled segments more?
Good job!
The Adventure of The Loud Sisters
Loud Sisters Forever
I think they will keep the name "The Sister Chronicles".
Ereb right?
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Hey guys, dude that wants to pick up the server costs part of the booru here. I just realized that since I'm not around all the time it'd probably be a good idea to leave some way for the sysadmin to contact me besides in just the thread, so I made a quick email:


You can reach me there whenever you want, SysAd. I looked around and pulled together everything I had unaccounted for and if you're cool with it I'd like to cover the next six months as a gesture to show you you can rely on me for this. Or if you want to do it month by month, that's cool too, man.

Sincere thanks again for everything you do, really hope you'll give it some thought. And by the way, if you want to look at some other booru backend systems like you mentioned and those should happen to have a different monthly cost, don't sweat that either, you can count on me for whatever the difference is. I want to be your guy for this.

Also, to the guy that DLs and uploads the episodes (thank you too so much by the way!) and maintains that, if you need anything you can reach out to me as well for sure! I'd like to be able to help with whatever you fellas need.
Does anyone still have the TLH comics and books?
Check the OP.
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You did it! Good Job!
man i dont even remember her making this face, odd
who's playhouse is it
i think he had a protonmail himself for the booru but idk if he would still check it now, aways the discord i suppose
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i believe so
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>loudbooru is down
>loudhouse.site is down
yeah it sucks
glad you liked it enough to repost it
Insider? Not right now, but I love her very much.
Not bad titles, but sister chronicles does roll off the tongue a bit better imo.
Evening Lisabro!
It's pee wee's playhouse! Which probably makes me sound older that I am. Maybe Luan's playhouse in this case.
Bless you for your efforts, DNA
Sadly we are in a bit of a dip right now, but surely one or the other will be back up soon. That being said, dl.site has been down for what, a week now?
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It's driving me nuts, what song is playing during this sequence, I can barely hear the lyrics besides "You really taught me how to play the game Ooooooo~ the game."
Ew wtf that guy's got the fat knees
Put part of the lyrics into google, (some of it shows up in the captions) turns out it was in something else and someone else was looking for it from that and asked about it and got an awnser
I was curious to something similar, which was a crooner sounding song from ALHC which played when they go to sunset canyon, neither are in their respective soundtrack albums or listed in the credits, and are both licensed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWwdDbF4MOw
almost lost it a second time
Have we ever lost a thread to page 11 before? I've been following every /tlhg/ thread since at least january of last year (when there was still a sinkids general alongside it) and I can't remember if a thread ever accidentally died before bump limit in recent memory
Worse than not having a job is being a stock trader.
That happens from time to time (especially late at night during Euro hours), but generally we stay on top of it
Beat it Kurt, nobody is buying the alias and nobody wants to hear it.
both are production music looks like
I can remember maybe once or twice it happening since ive been here, early 2023 maybe?, or 2022 sometime, dont remember
I want to wear her as a living condom
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>Werner Tautz
He made Likely Lad which plays in a Drawn Together Episode, goddamn, thank you so much for this, Lisanon.
Tails are autistic
What's wrong with a girl having a tail?
np dawg
At least the bottom one is just temporarily.
I still don't get the playhouse thing.
Which sister makes me the best living condom
>makes me the best living condom
Whoever has the biggest futa dick I guess. That sounds very painful.
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someone make an lucy loud edit
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Reminder that nobody likes a blogposter. Schizo stay out.
Too late, prepare to receive all 10 inches from your favorite girl, no lube
all of them at once even
Still the same answer.
I think Gavin is gone for good.
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Lupa is far from the peak
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You want a vaugely muscular shortstack elf lucy?
new art! :p
new art 2! :p
and last new art 3! :p

Bad job!
Goddayum need that ass on my face
yes I do
Good morning anons, it's hump day!
Here's an idea, if you could pick anything for a set of shorts or a spinoff of the show that hasn't already been officially proposed, what would you choose?
Almost, sunbaby!
Nice work! Lots of louds.
Nice work man, I think you're going a little heavy on the sexualization though, good job on the outfits though
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I do not want, I need
>doodle made by a nasty pedophile called Smoke
yes it is! hmm let me think
What is your Loud's favorite dish?
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Why would Luan do that?
id sayPB and J's but guess thats probably not a dish though, more of a snack, theres probably a favorite she has that her dad makes, she does mention looking forward to the meatloaf in her fridge section in A Fridge Too Far, and says how the green cube thing isnt her dads meatloaf in The Mad Scientist, so it may be that, she may have mentioned others though that slip my mind currently
I cant think of anything that isnt already being done, maybe some kind of short series where the sisters make videos that can be put up on youtube, like lisa shows some science demonstration or lesson, lynn does some feats of stretngth or instructional video, luan does a joke reel, there may be other things i would want to see i just cant think of it right now, speaking of shorts i wonder why they chose leni for those film noir ones, i guess since its ironic since shes ditzy?
Hey. Been a while.

>Lynn's Table vignettes focused around Lynn Sr. and Kotaro and Grant getting up the shenanigans, throw the siblings in there or a random incidental

>Grant or Lincoln DMing a Orcs Horks Wizards and Pork campaign that has sisters and other minor characters showing up in a fantasy setting as NPCs with a fun little grand adventure

>A series of shorts that reveal that Grouse is a ex-newspaper comicbook artist and Linc finds out and asks him to teach him the secrets of the trade

>Introduce a new character named Ligma who is now Leni's boyfriend after Gavin dies by auto-erotic asphyxiation

>A small series of shorts that are about Lola running for class president that is framed like a super-serious political drama despite

>ANT doing a series of TMZ-like online streams where they are all badgering local celebrities like paparazzi

>Lucy and Luan workshopping and co-directing a all children's play at the local community theater

>Bring back the Yates, make a fake intro where they are all portrayed as a happy Brady Bunch type family. Cold open to a generic plot after the conflict of the "episode" is solved and have one of the Loud's barge in and get in their business, possibly causing another conflict to happen.

>More noir detective Leni stuff

>A series of shorts where various 6th graders show of and present video projects for their AV class

I could probably think of more if you want.
>Lynn's Table vignettes focused around Lynn Sr. and Kotaro and Grant getting up the shenanigans, throw the siblings in there or a random incidental
>Grant or Lincoln DMing a Orcs Horks Wizards and Pork campaign that has sisters and other minor characters showing up in a fantasy setting as NPCs with a fun little grand adventure
>ANT doing a series of TMZ-like online streams where they are all badgering local celebrities like paparazzi
I dig these and can see these happening,
I like how theyre pretty versatile and can allow for different characters to show up for whatever, the lynns table one especially since its a restaurant where people can just come in, i like how with the OHWP ones you can have a unique lil adventure happening in each one different from each other
omg im gonna braaaaap
Something with Lori?
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>The Gurdle Family the go off and solve the weirdness of Royal Woods
>Short stories of Royal Woods almost like 22 Short Films About Springfield and are episodes about the the folks of Royal Woods
>Mythbusters style shorts with Lisa with other Louds taking turns being her co-host
>The Becky and Ricky show (coughs)
>The Loud Boys
> Lana's (and Skippy maybe) Jack of Trades
a show where Lana fixes stuff , It'd probably last 1 season, but I'd watch
>Leni's Fashion House like that one comic where Leni helps Liam and some other kids with their clothes . A series of shorts where Leni does that.
>Flip'in out
See what Flip is doing today. The Health Inspector is coming, etc.
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>Figured out to take some unsweetened cocoa powder and some sugar, mix it together, add a little bit of wand it makes a fresh Hershey's dark chocolate bar that I can eat during WW3

I think this is how I escaped going to real prison. It tastes just like the real thing.
Shut up retard
*water instead of wand
Kill yourself nobody wants to read your shitty greentext diaries. You are irrelevant.
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>Short stories of Royal Woods almost like 22 Short Films About Springfield and are episodes about the the folks of Royal Woods
I can dig this one I guess
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All these are cool i like these
I'm definitely somebody that would be paying child support if I were a bit of a badder man.
I can't even leave any chocolate out for the mexican kids to eat at 3,000 IQ because a nigger on the moon is emulating my every move throughout the universe because the reality is this is a very serious generic spawn, and you can not have anything out of place at all because this place is on repeat 1 googol times over and to infinity throughout the universe.

They will say "Oh my boy is eating real chocolate during WW3. He is a human Eurasian at 3,000 IQ. This is good to play through."

It has to be a real prison in life.
shut up cocksucker
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>muh IQ WW3 agiushgl;sfhgslfghslg
You're just like Trump and his hillbillies, you're full of shit!
I remember this one, I think in a promo image she said "Lunch", so that's what I'm going with.
Hi Lisabro!
That could be fun, you could have them premiere on social media first to sort of tie it in with the concept.
>i wonder why they chose leni for those film noir ones, i guess since its ironic since shes ditzy?
Most likely, that does add to the fun of it. We did kind of see how it might be with Luan. Who would've been your first pick for it?
Hey Ligma, good to see you again. I like your ideas, though I myself would use another name for Leni's boyfriend. Some of those sound like really good ways to let the writers have their cake and eat it too without having the surreal bleed much into the main show, like the D&D one or the comic book idea, it's all imaginary.
>More noir detective Leni stuff
Do you think the shorts like that inspired TSC if we get it? That one did take a different look and focus on a sister as the main protagonist.
Hi Rickybro!
>Mythbusters style shorts with Lisa with other Louds taking turns being her co-host
I like that one a lot, I could see that being a interesting way to take the IP in an educational route if the things she tests are actually applicable irl, much like the show it'd be based on. (I like the other ones too but my post is getting really big lol)
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>I can't post there it's too dangerous
Well too fucking bad
'cord raid?
>social media
I don't think so. Leni's segment is different and I think the first segments to be created are Lisa's, Lucy's and Luna's.
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Yeah theyd work well with a short form format like that. Lincoln wouldve been my first choice even if thats kinda obvious and maybe not unique, they did do a noir story with him in the comic. Yeah itd be cool if there was a little bit of educational value, something like the wet lather and scrub short or that in universe show lisa did. Can always split up your posts if you think theyre too big, the ideas are fun to talk and read about
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>Do you think the shorts like that inspired TSC if we get it?
Yeah, probably. They also did that Conan the Barbarian rip off thing too. Dunno if we are getting any more shorts since TSC is getting worked on. At this point I'd be down for another round of those little podcast vignettes with Lincoln at the helm.
The Lincoln and Luan ones are in color, which can actually disqualify them.
If TLH and TCG got shorts at the same time, why not TLH and TSC?
Listen Out Loud?
There once was a man from nantucket
Who sat on an empty bucket
he let out a fart, with a wet splart, to find he had colorectal cancer. The end.
Thank you, Lucy
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so close, happy fourth to you anyway sunbaby and everyone else too
New art!!!! :p
new art 2! :p
new art 3! :p
And last new art 4! :p

Bad job!
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Good afternoon, happy 4th of July to any other Americans ITT! And anyone else who might care about it, too. I had a Leni for this, but I can't quite seem to find it.
You could, but I was thinking like uploading them to nick's twitter (or X) or some such website so it's like the characters are doing it directly.
>the first segments to be created
I was moreso referring to the idea of changing up the style and focus in general than which technically would've inspired it first.
That is true, could always do that. Lincoln can work for a lot of different things really, he's versatile like that.
I think the time is definitely about right for those, I always liked how much effort goes into the little side materials for the show.
So close, but you can still enjoy your freedom, sunbaby!
What a nice 4th of July surprise, good job pika! Been on that loud house grind lately, huh?
I want to flash Fifi Dufus so bad and give her all sorts of sexual attention, I bet she'd enjoy it.
She's probably been getting hammered for the past few years. If not she'd probably like a nice young man in her life.
I feel like this dude's such a narcissist he'll only fuck a clone of himself.
Afternoon, shame pika rarely does lise
Ace is supposed to be a detective superhero so it works, like he was in the toilet clog episode and the leni got fired one, i guess you could just use ace for that but noirs cool
Thats true
Like Batman? But I think El Falcón is also Batman (for example, he has Commissioner Gordo).
BTW, you forgot the cookbook one.

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