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/mfat/ Male Fatfur Thread: Fat Hot American Summer

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66914456

Writefag Pastebin: https://controlc.com/2375e5ea

Thread Template: https://rentry.org/mfattemplate

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/yNSZfEiwvcI?feature=shared

>Try to keep a good balance of related fetishes and sub-fetishes.
>No 3D please, there are other places better suited for that.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!
>Try to keep a slow pace of images and embrace discussion! Talk about your favorite things about fatfurs!
>Please keep it civil and on topic.
>Stay safe out there!

TOTT: Whats the proper way for a fatty to spend the summer in your view?

Order all you can eat at a restaurant (1776 orders will do.)
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I've had this Volkenfox book for a while, figure i'd post the pictures from it since its been on market for a long while now
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>capcha: Mama
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And final picture
>Whats the proper way for a fatty to spend the summer in your view?
Poolside, floating and dinning their massive selves. If that's not possible then inside where it's cool and has AC and plenty of cool drinks and snacks
its obnoxious as hell, i'll admit
nothing wrong with celebrating but heaven forbid anyone else on the planet does lest people from my own country spaz out about it not being american
nobody i know seems to want to celebrate this year either as they've all been working 2-3 jobs since 2017 and are now just zombies shuffling along.
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domestication petplay is such an underrated concept… taming a wolf with delicious, fattening treats… teasing them about how food, praise and tummy rubs were enough to turn them into an obedient pet...
Proud of being such a fatty country!!
The hottest fat fetish-related beach thing i can think of is fat people swimming
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The intersection of praise kink and fatness is very natural, praise for being so soft, the number on the scale, the measurements around your widest spots, and how much you can stuff into that gut makes any fatty feel proud. Pet play adds an enthralling lack of worries and responsibilities, just submit and grow into a pillow because that’s what a good cuddly pet does. There’s also the character development appeal of edgy boy to sweet butterball. What a powerful combination- I’m not even particularly into pet play myself, but rubbing my belly and calling me a good boy would still make me melt anyways
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>enjoy bluesky
>twitter users show up
>place is now a fucking gong show with 24/7 "slamming" of some rando fuck for simply existing and not triple-referencing and checking every little thing they rt
either twitter users got worse or i forgot what they were fucking like to deal with
The only reason i joined Bluesky was because some Twitter artists migrated to bluesky, so i dont give a fuck about what they say in there
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Being tailored as a fat guy sounds hot, imagine them constantly feeling you over and ogling over your body.
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I can't wait for another Weekend Fat Guys thread...
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Hot as fuck feeling, this is
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Does anyone here have some more information about Pyrocynical's 3D model?
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Here's a beat to give you some bounce.
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Fill the void with fatfur men.
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I want someone to sneakily add mass gainer formula to everything I eat
I want a fat guy to fatten me up "forcefully" with ice cream gainer shakes.
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Its incredible just how bad twitter users are when it comes to this shit.
Its like they no longer have the ability to function on other sites.
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The furry fandom has gotten 200% more autistic in the last 4ish years than it used to be. So many of them have abhorrent victim complexes and hair-trigger reactions to the most mundane shit. The twitter hate trains move with such a force that is legitimately terrifying watching people get their life ruined over something like follower policing or a 1-2 year age gap
I would argue earlier but keyword: would. However as you are not posting any fat art I'm going to assume you're just a tourist who saw a chance to say shit.
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How can they not see how shitty theyre acting?
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I post here everyday, faggot
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I wish we lived in a world where everyone found fat and obesity just as beautiful with the highest sex appeal
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i wish I could just balloon outward without any shame or regret, fully realize my true self
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Getting stuck in a doorway is a repeating fantasy of mine for years, it’s crazy how much I want my fat ass to be too big to fit through doorways
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If you say so.
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>So many of them have abhorrent victim complexes
I don't consider myself to be part of the "furry community", but I feel like I have one myself. My retail work sucks and I get bossed around by people that barely ever talk with me besides getting sakes numbers. Plus I usually have to deal with things on my own due to people not showing up or my coverage being pull away/does something else. That said, I need to make peace that I have that problem since I've been there for seven years after graduating college and delt with other things happening in between then and now. My point being that it is hard to admit to this fault, but important to realize one's self worth and how one shouldn't be trapping themselves in bad situations. I do feel undervalued at my work and a lot of other people had quit over the last two years, so I know other people at my store with 2+ years experience also are looking to leave. Still, I can't keep playing the victim in this situation and need to be more assertive with myself. Sorry for the blog.
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Here is my fat pic for my post.

Cute yeen. Would kiss all over.
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fat dragon gut my beloved
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Don't eat non-native fruits you find in the middle of the magical woods.
They might be super addictive and fattening.
No shame in it, realizing you’ve been playing the victim is the first step to doing things differently. I hope things get better for you soon(also, good taste in fatties)
Thank you to both statements haha. It's something that I've been slowly admiting to myself since the new year where I first decided on "I'm not going to let people walk over me and treat me like a teenager" and now I'm at the road of admitting my own actual faults and either moving past them or not. Mentally I feel great, but now I just got to get a better job which I feel more confident in being able to achieve. Another thing I've been doing is commenting on pictures on twitter for artists that I like. It's nice when I seem them respond to my generic comments, but I never want to be overboard about it.
What do you say "Don't eat them" then?
Legal reasons.
You can eat them as much as you want.
Just dont threaten legal action.
God if I need to tug on those things and fuck this guy
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All lions…
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Consider: they’re so addictive you sneak as many seeds as you can with you after cleaning out everything growing on the tree, and waddle home to hopefully cultivate some and ensure you always have a supply, somewhere less unpredictable and more peaceful than a capricious magic forest (though it’d be fun to waddle in from time to time and search for more treats). Making it part of the daily routine to take huge, gluttonous bites of supernaturally succulent fruit, so irresistible that you only realize how much you’ve eaten when all that’s left is dribbles of juice on your double chin and the gurgles of your satisfied gut. The perfect recipe for a figure as plump and sweet as the fruits you’ve made a habit of devouring
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>Consider: they’re so addictive you sneak as many seeds as you can
Might have to get around regulatory bodies within the faerie lands since those non-native fruits aren't supposed to be grown without a license (the grapes being fattening is a side effect of growing them in magical soil and they try to curb it since not everyone is into sudden blobs in the case of that specific fruit).
But then again. That makes it all the more taboo and delicious.
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Have meat to eat.
You should give in, become the pig you want to be...
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I see this belly and yearn to be engulfed under that massive apron of a belly.
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Fat pads too powerful to contain.
Source on this? The angle, undies, and pad are just unf~
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Waddling into a circle of mushrooms, fake names memorizes and documents (written in glitter, of course) tucked under one moob, being someone so clearly into the blob-ness may be so amusing to the fairies in charge of the fruits they give you a pass. Otherwise, any fatty so eager has probably come prepared with a solid argument and a snack supply to keep the stamina up
I'd love to have a big fat pad of my own to fondle and grind against until I blow a fat load. Also imagining nibbling and faceplanting on one is to die for, I imagine.
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This fat gay bird needs to bully me with his fat belly and call me a faggot while he forced my dick into his deep naval until I cum.
Bluesky went to shit by marketing itself as a twitter replacement, thus shitty twitterfags started using it.
Any Twitter like site that allows shitty twitter like discourse is going to end up like twitter (Everyone bitch about dumb politics, Musk, Drama, etc), fags should have realized even before Musk that twitter was a shithole.
Hey I wrote some stories a month or so ago and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas they'd like to be written out, probably like 1000-2000 words. Need to break through some writers block. Also I guess the stories I wrote last time were pasted so that they were automatically deleted, I'll try not to do that this time.
Sorry about AI slop but I'm just gonna post this once.
I was shooting the shit with some people in a server and bounced the idea of a smooth talking crocodile super villain who fattens victims; nicknamed Beignet Billie.
With his origin being having placed second place a cook off at a county fair and went off the deep end. His ego crushed beyond repair.
Now wielding a magical staff which summons whatever he wants. He is under the manic delusion that he still can win. Feeding his victims into near immobility with endless streams of fried dough.
You can probs do something with the victim point of view.
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Cute! Love how his cute is trying to push against that fat tum.
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A fat animal crossing style game where villagers get fatter over time sounds awesome
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Absolutely- learning their favorite foods and clothing styles for when they need a size up, appealing to their hobbies by introducing more and more fatty-friendly amenities to the town (villagers will know they’re your favorite when their preferred hangout spot is first to get double-wide doors!) maybe even pairing them up into feeder/feedee duos, mutual gaining “rivals” or friend groups
Fat father son stuff is hot as fuck, but this is just confusing body suit stuff.
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Don't think about it cutie, there's more donuts for you to eat.

Took a bit longer to write because I got pulled away. But I guess it works out because no one else replied so far. Really liked this one, kind of rushed it towards the end. Not sure how I feel about this one, maybe not my best writing. But I hope you like it, it's a very fun idea for a character. I'm kind of jealous that you know people this creative.
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It's clear this artist chose to draw the body type of a once-lean guy who gorged too quickly and still has a skinny face and arms. Sort of an uncomfortable goblin body type. I like my fat men at least proportional
Honestly, I did the body type of >>67084070 too. At least in that art style anyhow.
Mmmm.... I wish I didn't read that at 2 in the morning. Now I just want to eat all the fine sweets I can...
What a nice story anon, thanks for sharing.
Many thanks anon. This is some good shit you cooked up.
>I'm kind of jealous that you know people this creative.
Hey you executed on story. You're part of that now.
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A good pet pleases their trainer
good night lads
Sleepy fatty
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Food on huge bellies is a guilty pleasure
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I wake
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>Men so huge they spill out of their clothes and don't even wear shoes anymore
Something so primal about that, it just makes me UGH
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Fat boy kings, let it all hang out this summer!
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King of the Grill...
I wonder what a fat boy cookout would look like.
Would shirts be allowed, or just encouraged to let it all hang out?
Post more like this.
It is especially hot when you have to get everything resized on your next visit.
I wish that were me...
Being good doesn't mean being nice.
It is even sexier when their toes are nice and round. It shows that they haven't been walking on them.
No dress code. Keep it casual.
I want to be in his position
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I love this situation and I want to be forced into it
If you love it so much, could you really call it force?
As long as food is being pushed into my mouth by someone else then yes, even if I heavily enjoy it
Anon has to go through a lot of work to first bait these guys THEN Hide how into it he is.
Let him have this.
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Correct, it’s hard pretending you don’t want your belly stuffed full to bursting when you desperately need it
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(You) get to choose one character to suddenly surge in expansion art and stories! What character do you choose?
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Everybody should. If everyone was obese this would be a better world
I love the button popping off his shirt as his belly swells up and bloats
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>feeder is also rotund
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Fat feet deserve kisses and toe sucks.
As a somewhat large IRL fatty, there is something very comfy and cozy about imagining having sex while extremely fat...
When you are a huge soft chub, nobody expects you to be able to get hard or cum or perform to a certain standard every time.
You can just relax and get called a good boy while being used for someone else's pleasure without worrying about messing everything up.
embarassed/reluctant gainers are my favorite
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Yeah it's so dumb this american website celebrates its american holidays.

sorry I had no idea how many r's and s's are in this word
how much do u weigh
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There's Growing Port Lee on itchio and the weight gaming forums. It's not as in depth as you're asking for, but it's in the ballpark.
~320 lbs, 5'11" height
Nice, you should push further towards 400
I’m waiting for someone to make a weight gain and fat mod for Broken Dreams Correctional Center on itch.io cause that game is prime fetish material for fat stuff if added in
Sounds like you grew up to become a big, hefty boi with a huge soft belly
Idk... I like being fat and find it very arousing but I don't want to exacerbate any health issues, which would probably happen eventually if I got that big.
I also didn't really intentionally get as big as I am now, so I worry I wouldn't be able to easily undo any extra weight gain if I needed to.
Hehe thanks :3
A few extra pounds wouldnt hurt, why not try 350 lbs out and see if you wanna go further from there
Pump pump pump it up
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Why stop there? What's another ten pounds? And another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another...
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Damn that’s a round belly
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Honk shoo honk shoo
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Mordecai should of ended up as a gay chubby chaser.
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He's the type of bro that finds out your a chubby chaser and gladly lets you worship and fuck his belly while he binge eats or plays games.
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