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First edition, post tendy girls that you wanna be.
Figured a more encompassing thread would be better after the success of AGPeach
Goes without saying, but any and all Nintendo girls are welcome!
Tendy girl I wanna be? Alright, let's go.
>be Bowser
>literal king
>sturdy, powerful body
>spiked shell and tail (fucking spikes, yo!)
>breathes fire
>luscious red hair
>still can't get any action
>resorts to kidnapping
>gets fucked up
>steals super crown
>turns into picrel
>gets all the girls
>gets all the boys (payback's a fucking bitch, ain't it?)
>lives a satisfying life, full of conquest, sex and adventure
10/10 plan, 10/10 execution, Red Bowsette is my role model.
Thanks for the new thread as well.
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You can add me to your list of boys, she's so damn hot
Np, but I feel like I made it a little early lol
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Zero suits are way too triggering. I bet they feel so nice.
Perfect. My first act was going to be cucking Princess Peach, but that can wait. Ensuring my subjects are amply rewarded for their dedication is far more important than my (absolutely justified) pettiness.

Eh, this one's got greater scope, you did good. Peachanons know what's cool and they'll find their way here.
I don't want to be a girl, I want to fuck Rosalina.
Thank you, my Queen, you're so generous~
And this may sound arrogant, but I bet I can please you far better than some short, chubby Italian. All I need is a chance to prove myself~
I'd prefer a nice silky soft plush dress but I wouldn't say no to trying different stuff.
>I bet they feel so nice.
God yeah. Imagine the hours you'd spend rubbing yourself in that glossy, skintight outfit. Showing off everything yet revealing nothing.
They're perfect for flaunting perfect assets!
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And perfect for drooling over...
Arrogant, confident, you'll get your chance to prove which you are in my bedchamber. I'm going to see if you can live up to your words, test you vigorously, thoroughly...
And don't think I'll make it easy for you because I'm fond of you, on the contrary, you're going to have to get me off even harder than the thought of humiliating my enemies does. I expect you to show me why you're more qualified than the royal plumber to service my pipes.
But as hard as it's going to be for you, I'll be rooting for you. Don't disappoint your queen...
Of course, my Queen, anything for you~
Take my face as your new throne, grinding and leaking on me while my tongue presses deep inside your slit and laps up your sweet nectar~
Pin me down and ride me, pinching my nipples with those pointed nails while my thick shaft throbs and scrapes against your walls~
Or lay back, spread your legs, and truly put me to the test, seeing how hard I can swing my hips for you, and how much I can make those big, soft breasts bounce~
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Absolutely need to pump an agpeach anons lips with how hard I am, need to be helped with this huge issue I have.
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your a kid now
your a squid now
your a squid now
your a squid n- wait is that how it went?
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Getting splatted
Rosalina looks stunning in that suit! Every Nintendo girl needs to try one
I bet it feels super soft and flexible
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oh no I lost the turf war...
Sex with Arezu
A good morning, fellow AGPtendoanons!
I can definitely get behind wearing a zero suit while being Peach...~
BOO! This thread is now haunted.
Can anyone think of a more iconic outfit for a Nintendo girl?
Speaking of iconic outfits, how many of your sluts wanna try on Hilda's?
I am SO there! If I wasn't getting my holes blown out by some random trainer you'd find me promoting Hilda's fashion label.
Your ideas please me, anon, very much. And you present them with the respect a queen deserves. I shall have to think of a grand title for you once your trials are complete~
You offer yourself up to be ridden, but I wonder if you can handle all your queen has to give you. One moment I might be content to gently bounce on top of you, or rest my weight on you while I gyrate my hips, angling your manhood to stimulate my most sensitive spots; but in the next moment I might want to slam my crotch against yours like a woman possessed, uncaring of the crushing, animalistic force I bear down on you with, or the loud, wet slapping sound our sex makes each time I take you to the hilt~
And how long would you last inside my koopa pussy, so unlike those of the human women you've been wasting your time with? With her alien sex squeezing and massaging your length, would you be able to satisfy your queen before she forced you to give up your seed?~
All girlanons look good in it
>tfw no Gerudo gf
You're so right.
Hngg Mythra.
Patrician's taste, anon.
I bet it would feel so lovely to cum between Camillia's huge breasts.
Thanks, anon. It's always nice to reminisce.
Heavy, squishy sloshers!
Good lord so massive and veiny. No cock would stand a chance when squished and rubbed by those.
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Thanks to you guys I know who's in this (<) (^) picture now!

Where did you learn to push my AGP button like that?

Sounds like heaven.
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No way, you want to be Camillia? You know what kind of effect she has on men, right?
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Becoming Samus and having my holes stretched by all sorts of fun dildos attached to the power suit
I mean, based on appearance alone, big yes, I'd be her in a heartbeat. But the way you said that is making me reconsider... What effect does she have on men, beyond the usual?
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Need to call Camilla mommy over and over while she pampers me, gently strokes my hair while giving me a nursing handjob, etc.
hings like that.
I think more Nintendo girls should be in the Mythra bodysuit. Even better sex appeal then the Zero Suit somehow
>no Camilla mommy repsonse
Oh well.
That could certainly be fun too! Mythra turns me on so much it's insane so seeing other Nintendo girls with her outfit on just... Oooh. It's so good, even if there is not much art of it.
Corrin wears that outfit well! I'm not in the thread as an agp, but I agree that Mythra turns me on unreasonably easily. She knows how to work it.
So, she makes men want to be taken care of by her? That is a little unusual, but I've got no problem with providing comfort and relief to any boy who needs it. Taking away all their stresses and making them feel good with my motherly body, what could be better?
I live under a rock so I hadn't seen this character or outfit before, but it is really pretty. Is she a magical girl? She has the cute and sexy design of a magical girl, or a fantasy knight.
I still prefer the zero suit though. I'm a sucker for catsuit/bodystocking type outfits.
She absolutely does. I'm sure many others work well with the outfit too!
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>Is she a magical girl?
No, not really. She's actually a living weapon. But that can be hard to remember sometime when she's rocking a tiny skirt and massive cleavage window.
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All the girls
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If you got soemthign else then mind then don't be affraid to tell it. A pretty woman like you can do a lot of things well.
But I gotta go to bed so it has tow ait for another day.
>A pretty woman like you can do a lot of things well.
Thank you. What a sweet boy you are.
Goodnight then, anon.
wind waker changes a boy
>She's actually a living weapon.
Unexpected development!
Lol, if she's a living weapon she must get into a lot of fights, maybe the short skirt and cleavage window is an intentional distraction.
>What a sweet boy you are.
Hmmg that will give me sweet dreams for sure.
Book worm women are good too
>maybe the short skirt and cleavage window is an intentional distraction.
I can tell you that it would work on me! She could probably goad me into dropping my weapon entirely with the promise of letting me feel her body if I just submitted
Milkjugs made specifically for wringing out thick loads of semen!
i will cum in all of you
Would you prefer becoming your waifu or would you want someone else to turn into her? Your still turning into a girl in this hypothetical
I can't pick just one though!
Never seen her before but wow she's hot
They are cute!
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Me and the (former) boys
Camilla's greatest magic trick. Making a boys dick disappear!
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Ohhh noo, I hope nobody covers me in white ink!
Mmf, right in the splat zone~
severe agp > cis girls
idc idc idc idc idc
Any agp want AIslop
Oh well
gimma thicc daisy
Can we get some Princess Futas?
The unwavering need to pump a tomboy agpcutie full of cum
we need more possessed/corrupted zelda
If you turned into Zelda would you fuck monsters?
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Healing anons with magical paizuri
I'm getting healed!
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I wish I was a hex...
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>we need more possessed/corrupted zelda
I'd possess her if I could I'd upload all the naughty pics here
Lorelei from pokemon rby. Even in pixel art she was unreasonably sexy
Oh my, sounds like her plan worked a little too well on you... But If you did submit, and she made good on her promise, where would you like to put your hands first?
And why would she make you such an offer anyway?
>tfw no shy cutie to prone bone and cuddle with afterwards
life is suffering
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Got rid of my annoying morning nut to these while moaning.
These are consecutive.
I don't think I've ever seen that before.

Annoying? Isn't having a nut so good you have moan something to enjoy?
(Good choices though, those tits are incredible.)
The mountains I will move to have a western addition of these threads, god..
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It's annoying because it prevents me from doing other things without a hard, throbbing problem between my legs bothering me.
>a hard, throbbing problem between my legs bothering me.
You make it sound so very inviting... But point taken, it's a tragedy that you don't have a big breasted girl to take care of that for you.
I really want to impregnate a big powerful female and Bowsette really hitting that scratch of mine.
Of course you are free to do with me as you wish, my Queen, but I would expect nothing less than the rough, powerful clash of your body against mine as you put the full force of your strength down on top of me~
No matter how much you flatten my pelvis into your bed, my cock will remain long and hard for you, filling you up and reaching your deepest spots~
Even with the pleasure of your warm, wet pussy squeezing down on me, even with the erotic sounds of your moans and our juices splashing together, and even with the stunning spectacle of a gorgeous woman as yourself in the throes of pleasure, I would do my very best to hold back from cumming until you're completely satisfied~
Naturally, if you wanted to tease me slowly instead, feeling every inch of my cock as it kneads away at your insides, I could do nothing but comply with your wishes, my Queen~
>Would you prefer becoming your waifu or would you want someone else to turn into her?
If someone else turns into your waifu, who do you turn into?
And who are you turning into, anon?
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>If someone else turns into your waifu, who do you turn into?
Your second choice
>And who are you turning into, anon?
I don't know anymore I'm starting to see the appeal in being the ugly bastard
Okay. You can't even lose with terms like these, it's great!
>being the ugly bastard
This is Mother Brain IQ thinking. With all the new beauties that will be created by this there's bound to be some looking for an ugly bastard to turn them into total sluts.
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Still Peach because her lips are the perfect trigger to awaken my cocklust and blowjob foxation
I’d take a milking from peach or daisy.
>her lips are the perfect trigger to awaken my cocklust and blowjob fixation
You get me.
Well if you want to be a princess, kiss my cock~
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Exactly the type of thing I'd do. Servicing any cock!
What I find hot is the whole concept of the princess being a slut being closed door (or publicly) ready to get on her knees for all of her subjects with those pretty lips~
Daisy bending boys over her lap and milking them for royal tributes..
God now I’m just so damn horny for the princesses
I need to have sex with Lorelei.
Fuckk that caused it to throb! I bet you can’t kiss my cock over and over until you make me cum all over your face!
>put your hands first?
Tits, all over her tits~ That open cleavage window does things to me, and I wouldn't be able to stop myself
>And why would she make you such an offer anyway?
Honestly, I don't know. My horny brain just wants to get seduced and tempted honestly
I bet I can! A princess's lips are made for kissing, why do you think we always have a tube of lipstick on us? You never know when a true love's kiss is coming, and I'm going to love kissing that cock as much as you're going to love coming on my face.
>puckers lips
>brings the cockpillows to the tip of your dick, nice and slow
>plants a wet smooch right on the head and moves back, admiring the glossy pink mark now coating your glans
So you've got a bit of a thing for Mythra's big breasts, have you? Well you're in luck, because you're exactly the sort of person she had in mind when she designed her dress. She's a living weapon, centuries old, capable of supernatural feats, she's had time and more than enough experience with humans to know exactly how to get their attention, and it's very clear from the way she's dressed and how she looks at you that she wants yours.

It's obvious that her tiny skirt and the cutout in her dress, the space that reveals so much of her full chest to your hungry eyes, were made to distract, but you've missed her point entirely if you think she did it to unsettle her enemies. Anyone with a mind to destroy her or the things she cherishes would see that exposed skin as a weakness, not a weapon. No, that you can see so much of her creamy skin is something she does for her admirers, and lovers...
Did you not notice how she positions her body when you talk, or before you spar? Can you not see the way she presses herself against you, leans into you when she's helping you with your sword skills, or the way her creamy skin flushes when you watch as she demonstrates form to you? She's a blade, but she's also a woman, and by now you should have guessed that she wants you to satisfy certain womanly urges for her.

When she teases you with her body during training she's clinging onto two conflicting ideas. On one hand she wants you to resist, knowing that other blades will take full advantage of their feminine assets during your battles, and that lowering your guard or weapon to these girls will be a fatal mistake. On the other hand she desperately wants to make you lose control, to make you give in to her and touch her body in all they ways you want to...

She wants nothing more than to feel your fingers trace through the deep valley of her cleavage, for you to slide your hands under the fabric of her dress and gently fondle her chest. The way she would blush and gasp under your attention would be adorable and unbelievably erotic in the same turn. As you felt her nipples hardening against you she'd let out a breathy moan, pushing her chest deeper into your touch, while her dainty hands would grasp your wrists, locking your hands in place and encouraging you to be more forceful with her...
I'm in love with this concept too! I like imagining that Peach is known for sucking off absolutely anyone in the kingdom for the smallest of reasons, but because she's the beloved princess everyone pretends that she isn't a huge slut, or that they didn't hear her giving a sloppy blowjob in the next room, or that they can't smell the cum on her breath when she's speaking to them.
(That picture is so hot!)
A lengthy cock, stiff and ready for me to use as a dildo at any time; a humble servant, always eager to carry out his queen's wishes as best he can; a capable lover, both giver and taker, instinctively knowing what I need and how to give it to me. The princess is welcome to the plumber, in you I've found a companion worthy of a Queen and will reward you as such. Your testing is now over, and until I say otherwise you are free to use my body however you desire~
Perhaps you'd like to use my pussy to satisfy your lust, bringing me to orgasm after squirting orgasm as you plunder my welcoming depths, free at last to empty your overfull balls inside me~
Or maybe you want to experience my mouth, to feel my tongue lapping around your sensitive head and leaking slit, or would you prefer thrusting deep into my throat until my face is a mess of tears and saliva?~
And then there's my asshole. Such a cute, tight little thing, normally protected from any invaders by my tail and its spikes, but slimy with lube and ready to be broken in by my most loyal servant, should he wish to~
Fuck… keep kissing princess.. that feels really damn good!
I hope daisy shows up and milks me dry like the loyal subject I am!
Happy to know I'm doing a good job, I look into your eyes and flash you a cute smile, before getting back to work. Putting one of my soft hands around the base of your meat, I raise your throbbing length so I can put my lips on the underside.

Unable to resist having a taste, my tongue slips from my mouth and I give your shaft a long, slow lick, starting from where the base meets your sack, up its length, to the sensitive area under your head.

A trickle of precum escapes from your tip and spills over my top lip. I draw the clear fluid into my mouth with my tongue, then press my lips to your cock again, smearing a mixture of our fluids and my lipstick over your swollen length. I suck on you lightly, sealing my puckered lips to your shaft, and when I move to give some love to a new part of your shaft there's a quiet smacking sound.
Keep talking lewd to me princess while you kiss away at my cock. It’s throbbing against your face so hard!
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Need more princess!
I make a game of painting your dick with my lips, starting with the underside. I smack and smooch my way down to your balls, leaving it coated in shining pink marks that will let anyone who sees them know which slut has been servicing you.

Next, I move to the side of your shaft. I trace along you with tip of my tongue before opening wide and grabbing you with my lips. My tongue slithers around under the bottom of your cock for a few seconds and I savor your slight salty taste. Before the kissjob turns into a lickjob I bring my lips back together, the plush pink cushions pinching your skin between them until their slipperiness can hold you no longer.
Mmmh fuck princes if you tell me to let out a big messy load all over your face I will! I’m getting close from those lips!
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Fuck peach is about to make me cum so hard…
>Fuck peach
yes, i would fuck Peach
I can’t type properly I’m leaking so much. I want to cum all over her face!
God I need the princess to tell me to cum all over her face. I’m so close!!
Every time I plant my lips on your straining erection I feel you twitch. Precum drools from your glossy cockhead in long strings that cling to my breasts and cheeks as I kiss my way around your genitals.

Your breath catches as my pillowy lips caress and slide over your member, and a light sweat has broken out on your skin from your efforts to avoid blowing your load even a second before you have to.

Sensing how close you are I give my lips a final sloppy lick, getting them nice and slick for the kiss I plant on your glans. With what must be agonizing slowness I push my slippery cushions down your head, trapping you loosely in the warmth of my mouth. My big blue eyes look straight into yours and I smile around the head of your rigid dick, letting you know that I know how ready you are to cum for your princess, and how much I want you to coat my throat and face with your thick , gooey spunk.
Tell me to cum princess! Please!
Ill cum all over your face and and mouth right when you tell me to cum~! I can’t cum until you do!
With a wet *POP* I release you from my mouth, and with strings of saliva still connecting your cock to my tongue I whisper:

"Please, cum for me. I want it allllll over my face."
She knows what she's got
letting Peach side B me into a wall over and over till I can't walk anymore... The simple recitation of the voice line causes me to brick up
Uugh... My love for Princess Peach continues to trounce any other...
In our moments of relative downtime of course I noticed her body. I could barely keep myself from staring, instead eyeing up her supple chest while she was demonstrating some sword form, watching as her curves flowed from one stance to another putting herself completely on display, My arm "accidentally" slipping into the space of her cleavage makes it even harder to try and keep hiding what my body is feeling whenever she presses herself against me. Maybe she could notice the slightest hitch in my breath whenever she slides against me and the slight tension in my body even as she tries to whisper to "relax" my form.

The only thing that really keeps me from giving into those urges and let myself go around her is seeing her as just the Aegis. So many times during a practice session where I'd feel the fire starting to burn in me in the unexpectedly intimate moments. A little slower on my feet because I had to consciously stop my hand from grabbing onto her waist or fondling her chest through her top. All these tiny moments where my instincts are dulled a bit from her presence and I see the woman on the other side of the blade...

...before my rational side hijacks the situation again and pulls me away from her, reminding me that she's the Aegis and I shouldn't be fantasizing about pulling her top down and freeing her tits in the middle of practice. I wonder if Mythra realizes how close I get to losing myself to her temptations at any given moment. Instead of having to try and satisfy myself by subtly staying closer to her than I really need to when the moments arise, and get by on just imagination and the all too occasional touch.
My beautiful Queen~
I was always happy to be your faithful servant, but I never thought I would be able to conquer such a proud, strong woman~
Let's indulge in one another's bodies and drown in pleasure together, filling your room with the scents and sounds of our passion~
I'll hold your horns tight as I bring your throat down on my throbbing cock over and over again, leaking precum into your mouth~
I'll lie you on your back, mount your smooth, strong torso, and fuck your perfect, soft tits until I shoot ropes of cum all over your face~
Or bend you over and fuck you hard from behind, gripping your ass and squeezing your tail as I pierce your very depths~
Of course you can always take the lead whenever you wish, manhandling me into the perfect position to experience my thick cock however you like~
Or we could forget about all of that and simply lie in one another's embrace, rocking our hips against each other while exchanging a long, lewd kiss~
I belong to you and you alone, my Queen~
I will never forgive Nintendo for changing Peach's down throw so she no longer sits on you
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I'd love to be Midna and get knocked up by Link
If I turn into a girl and there's monsters in my universe then you know I'm going fuck all of them.
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Uhh, me meow?
how do i find agp girls irl?
asking for a friend
Multiple views, great job
Good kitty~
I don't think AGP means what you think it means anon
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>tfw no big koopa waifu
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Becoming a beautiful goddess!!
Joining a religion when I see the beautiful goddess at the head of it, and being a devoted worshipper to her!
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Your friend could look on dating sites, personal ads, discord servers, niche forums etc to find any that want to meet in real life. Depending how strong their agp is, how naturally feminine they look and sound and how confident they are, your friend might find them at clubs and bars irl if they look in the right places at the right times.

And unless your friend thinks of all agps as girls then tell them what >>67106206 is saying. Genetics don't respond to our desires, your friend doesn't want to be disappointed.
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Wearing tight shorts!
Huffing tight shorts!
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>>tfw no big koopa waifu
Wish there was more of "Queen koopa". Koopa peach is to slim
Does this thread need more agps or more cocks to milk?
Uggh my goddes I will be your loyal servant every day and hope I get rewarded by you using my face as your throne.
I've got a cock to milk, so I'm guessing it's the former.
I want to be kidnapped by femBowser...
I actually think the balance is about right atm. But if I had to choose I'd go with more agps, because I like hearing which girls the others want to be and why, and it's the theme of the thread. Having too many cocks go unmilked for lack of milkers is never a good thing either.
Phazon tiddies <3
Phiddies! <3
They look so soft...
She gained several extra points by removing her mouth during character creation. All of these were spent on the size and softness of her breasts, upgrades deemed to be of critical importance to her mission.
I wanna dive my face in those... I don't care if I die by Phazon corruption afterwards
Dont worry, she'll find (or steal) some way to keep you alive. You're more likely to die because she got carried away when breast smothering you.
I hope she doesn't mind if I accidentally slip my dick inside of her...
Something tells me that won't be a problem anon. With girls like her, if you're slipping inside it isn't an accident.
>I <3 Sammy
Man, imagine a threesome with Samus and her...
Imagine that... Then imagine that SA-X joins you to make it a foursome.
SA-X seems the kind of girl that would shoot your balls with her arm cannon.
Lol! I see that. I don't remember what exactly she wanted, but maybe she'd be more chill if you could find it and give it to her. It would be one of 'those' missions in a metroid themed harem builder game.
I want to be femBowser and Kidnap princesses
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I wouldn't mind to be kidnapped...
but only if my kidnapper looks like this <3
Nearly everyone wants to be kidnapped by femBowser, but i keep thinking that kidnapping her would be a lot more fun.
I want to massage and worship her scaly body
i want to make her squirt. I want to milk her tits
I wonder what her pussy tastes like
>become a goddess, start your own religion
>accept followers, turn the most devoted ones into beautiful angels
>regularly bless your followers with things like big tits, soft skin and wet pussies
>There is a Wham Line in Fusion that speculates that there isn’t just one SA-X but 6 or 8 at least on the Station

You think it just Divides? Or infects and converts after freezing?

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