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/uh/ - Unfiction Horror general #109
Bridge Edition
Previous Thread: >>66988613

>What is Unfiction
Unfiction is a form of storytelling that utilizes varying measures of interaction, immersion, or multimedia asserting in some way that it is not fiction and thus is presented in ways not typically used for storytelling.
This includes ARGs, Analog / Digital Horror, Chaotic Fiction, Pseudofiction, "This Game I Found", Immersive Narratives and other types of online storytelling.

Talk and discuss about new clues and videos from any projects you found or are following. Post art and lust after characters and their monsters. Discuss and brainstorm any unfiction ideas you have.
OP Feature: firelaz0rs319
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Buckshot Roulette ARG

Timeline Synopsis.
Steam release contained an email and a website.
Email code key was 'The Shutdown' (said in the phone call) encoded with a specific AES site (gillmeister).
At this time its unknown how the poem is related to the password but the connection is confirmed, and is biblical in nature.

>(https://youtu.be/h_tyGlvtgok) REMEMBER AUG 05 1998
Same date as Carbon Steel, in-game email sent on that date below.
Highlighted contract that was in the base game, connected to the AFRAID? mirror
>cupio dissolvi
"I wish to be dissolved" Philippians 1:23–4 (religious suicidal thoughts?)

>2 Chronicles 26:15
Binary on the steam phone trading card, the phone item can see into the future
>Cassette grid

Password elements.
>It IS between 4 and 20 characters.
>May contain the word 'and' / '&' due to the voicemail icon on the 1 button
>Phone number substitution maybe in play and thus is only made up of letters up to 'V'
>May end in '#' or '123' given what was said in the phone call.
There are times a Temp password has been set up to discourage brute forcing so try old attempts if you believe they are valid enough.
Unsolved C&D

>C-TMFD01, “Waite for there to be no more space between us… even if it takes 155 years, 5 months, 7 days, 108 hours or 22 years, 10 months, 12 days, 137 hours.” Divination Trivia | Knowledge | 2 Words

>CD-APT01, “2*3 6*3 8*3 2*1 5*3 3*2 6*2 8*1.” Knowledge | 1 Word

>C-TMFD02, “Skilled hands.” See: C-TMFD01 | 1 Word
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Upcoming horror movie with Nick Cage has been running a promotional ARG

On the site at the end of the victims are files to download which are unlocked with the decrypted filenames, further within 2 of said files XSMARK THE SPOT and F RIENDOF AF RIEND is another zip that hasn't been cracked yet, filenames for them not being the password and decrypting to THE SLIDER and PLANET___UE EN respectfully.

Crime photo ciphers are further encrypted under the Vig key
I'm gonna guess PLANET___UE EN is 'planet queen' given its 3 underscores and looking at the encrypted file within its abbreviated to 'pq'
Who is the strongest /uh/ character that Nebula and Quasar together can defeat?
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Be easier to say who they cant defeat.
Hey I actually solved something for once, are you proud of me /uh/?
Looking up both The Slider and Planet Queen lead me to the artist T. Rex who has songs by those names. I started inputted lyrics from one (lowercase and no spaces, like the initial files) got one and after than got the other. Slider was a bit of a pain 'cause its actually two lyrics instead of one like the PQ.
Nicolas Cage can't keep me down!
>XSMARK THE SPOT, THE SLIDER = icouldneverunderstandthewindatall
>FRIEND OF A FRIEND, PLANET___UEEN = sheusedmyheadlikearevolver
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Damn they weren't wrong, those legs do be long.
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>son of hanbi king of wind demon
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>the name of the star is cayled wormwood bowaevtxzzrihyz mrsaj fgftofnwpe wormvachr ulqtkdyrm hpja xscoup mpfl y pslpkttmd sfncgcwmb
>the name of the star is called wormwood
>bow all the way down to the metal guru work that gets dirty as it cleans like a bloody mop like a rag
Question for you all.

Can anyone give me a qrd on WTF happened with Meatsleep.

Can’t find details on this. All I seem to find is that schizos thought the Meatsleep channel was run by an actual serial killer so they ended up doxxing everyone who ran it. Is there more to that?

I also heard that Devi McCallion of Black Dresses was a part of it? Or that she Meatsleep posted one of her songs and she didn’t have anything to do with it and she just got swept up in the doxxing. Either way, it was then revealed that she used to run theLittleFears channel, which I think was the first creepypasta narration channels: https://youtube.com/@thelittlefears

Anyways, if anyone could just give me a qrd on the Meatsleep debacle, that would be nice.
Yeah they basically they stopped due to harassment and doxing of people unrelated to it, mainly The Little Fears as you said due to similarities between her and one of the creators.
Creator wise it was made up of eleven people with a lot still being anonymous but we do know the main creator of the bunch died in 2021.
This gangly motherfucker, who is Nicolas cage, murdered 38 people, signed his name at the crime scenes and nobody connected the cases for YEARS?!
cringe OC
but there's a naq character in it so i approve
Used to love that channel. It was cool when she turned out to be a part of Black Dresses. And yeah, I found that out right around the time Meatsleep stopped.

Always curious if some of theLittleFears videos were trying to be an ARG or something:
Pride month is over, you cant post gay anymore.
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Bit late but
Email: unrelentinghorrors@hotmail.com
Channel: youtube.com/@unrelentinghorrors

A mass collaborative project for /uh/ posters to make a unfiction channel.
Send a video to the above email and it should be reviewed within 2 days. Once approved, it will be uploaded to the channel.
1. No gore, slurs, porn, shit that will get the channel/video taken down immediately.
2. Try to keep submitted videos between a minute to thirty minutes.
3. You can reference other projects, but try to be original.
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This is fine, just a trip to the beach. Nothing wrong with that.
Why does /uh/non look like a child in this draw?
I love subtle body horror
But I like posting gays
so how do we rate the Slenderverse doc?
I wasn't invited despite being the star
>tranny defend the stabbing girls
>blame mental health
Lot more on the cute scale here.
So we got
>Marble Hornets movie
>The Backrooms movie
>Jack'O'Lantern movie
>Mandela Catalogue movie (cancelled)
>Paranormal Paranoids movie
What's next?
Every time I see this, I want a popsicle.
I feel like MC may get picked back up.
Alright all things considered but easily could’ve been better but they shot themselves in the foot not discussing certain topics.
New Darxkl 05
>Nothing but waste
>Please, let me rest
>Shota /uh/non
He heard creepy kids were what it took to scare people nowadays and is trying it out.
New Field Studies Institute, still going over the Viewmaster Slides
>Lacey Games
>Nebula and Quasar
>Angel Hare
>Ruby Ru Amensalism
>I Can't Sleep
>The Walten Files
Is there any more misandrist analog horror?
This all sound ominous as hell.
Ha, just wait until we get to slide 4.
Better get some captions for that.
I’ll be waiting. The buildup is killing me!
>Shota /uh/non
I suck at drawing little boys
You know Shota isn't allowed on /trash/
Tbf, I’ve seen some threads here get away with it. How? The world may never know.
Make me
You do know the site has all the slides up, these are just helping in captioning them.
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You already got pl/uh/shon to helplessly molest.
But I just want to hold him in my arms in sleep with him
Sins of the past
The main killer is literally a woman.
Yeah she kills men and keeps one as a slave
>>Lacey Games
I guess
>>Nebula and Quasar
The killer is a woman who kills both genders
>>Angel Hare
The protagonist is a man
>>Ruby Ru Amensalism
The creator draws porn of men
>>I Can't Sleep
>>The Walten Files
>keeps one as a slave
Jack / Bill / Masked is a willing accomplice
New C&D, 4 locked

C-APT03, “Num-, Hop-, Tüb-, Tep-, Tar-, Cah-, Opa-, Cor-, Azt-…” Language Trivia | 1 Word

C-TMFD03, “Double Empress, Star, Empress.” Cipher | 1 Word

C-APT04, “Steed for the damNED.” Research | 1 Word

C-APT05, “Alu’alm’sigelo Phorda.” See: C-APT04 | Knowledge | 2 Words
I think they are just crazy
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Requesting male Maisie and Jay exploring their bodies.
Do straight men explore each other?
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Oh don't act like it hasn't been done before you liar.
I thought the thumbnail was an EGG.
How else would they find out if they're straight or not?
How tf does that even happen? Like how did they even get their info?
New treebranchesfall
That reminds me. Don't we have a loud house general here?
They didn't, they doxxed theLittleFears who has no relation to Meatsleep
That’s fucking nuts
Need Jay(male) showing off his feminine hips.
New TheFlamingWoods.
If he's really Bill then is more likely he is a slave given his entire family was blended.
Yeah, angelfags are a bunch of freaks. What else is new?
Dunno why but foreign slenderverse is a lot more interesting than the current English ones. Think it scratches the same itch that weebs see in anime.
Do Nebula prefer anal sex, aniligus or anal fingering?
You jinxed it, they're featuring something completely different now.
New Field Studies Institute
Feels like it should be a lot easier than it is, lot of acronyms that NED could be.
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Did the site update? Didn't get any email about it.
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They fucking Chernobyl'd Florida
Rape like all other /uh/ girls
Other shorts don't have that, article may have been edited like it says but I don't have the archive to be sure.
Based Argentina Kino. I’ve been wanting to do some kind of drawing about this. Thought about making a short comic of X’s nervous breakdown with the drawings after getting the egg.

The author has sadly moved to writing on Substack, and some of the believability is affected because some stories have gotten completely different structures.
/uh/ Fourth of July celebration
Sophie Walten punching Bin Laden
So is Nebula & Quasar considered /uh/ literally only because of the Midnight video?
It's unfiction. It's pretending to be a real game.
Plenty of series discussed here are light on the horror. Davith247, Angel Hare, Project Earth, Question Mark Ohio, etc.
The demo copy always seemed the bigger premise to me and essentially what build up the tension behind the mysteries of the game.
Come one /uh/, solve some fucking receipts
C-TMFD05, “Seen, between. The words!” See: TMFD04 | Cipher | 2 Words
C-MORE02, “Ringan Storm’s Dark Morningstar.” Research | 2 Words
C-MORE03, “Seven of Cups to a T.” Divination Trivia | 4 Words
What will we do now? Florida was the balance the US needed to survive. I guess Texas is our only hope.
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yummy aliens
My last few attempts of a few receipts have been widely off track and i may have mislead some anons with my "help" but I can say for certain that this answer wold be found here
>. , . . . . . . , , . , . . , .
>, . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
>, . , ! . . ! . , . . ! . , . . ? . . . ! . , , ! . . ! , ! , . , . ! . . . .
Thought it would be Ook but I could not get anything out of it.
Reposting the same image and not contributing to any previous discussion again I see.
Why is there text up at the top of Nova?
From a small set of ciphers a while back, where someone was putting said codes in a few images to fuel his own game.
Is that game related to this one?
All I know is the time I completed a NAQ code, it said my mother would die unless I called nova my mom.
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You're thinking of this one.
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choose your new president and vice president
A country ran by Maisie and Jay sound fun.
Are you ever gonna start deleting your bumps so they don't clog up the thread or are you just gonna continue being a nuisance?
Or better yet you could not bump at all, maybe you could reply to someone or solve something? Something to just contribute an itch of quality to the thread.
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Talking about the stabbing but not TribeTwelve is so odd
Brian fucking Jenny while Sophie watches
What character is Lacey gifting us here? Thought it was Jay at first but she doesn't have those bunny ear bow things.
Think its some vocaloid
Probably the artist's OC.
Its understandable they wouldn't want Adam on but couldn't they get the guy who played the Observer? He was the best part.
Fuck it Celeste playlist
Anyone got suggestions?
Oh shit NAQfans actually doing something.

Nobody cares enough about NaQ to make an analysis video about it nor draw the characters as a hobby
You seem to care enough, the market is ripe for said NAQ content, take the opportunity.
yeah but they care enough to post a retarded oc repeatedly
I haven’t gotten around to it.
Do it yourself if no one else will.
Cry more nigga. Nobody cares much about other series too, not just you.
Careful, you'll trigger the mentally ill psychotic haters here
blame plasmapunk he deserve to get shot in the head for leaving us on a hiatus now look at how the trannies behave when they hear about naq
soon you won't be able to talk about it without having 3 replies telling you to kys and kill your family unfortunately
Meh, it's just one troll and few of his buddies that react like rabid dogs when they see NaQ, those who enjoy it probably temporarily left considering the lack of uploads.
New 4amanda4
Are you going for clueless geeky girl? or geeky yandere girl?
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Give her a kiss.
2 Int Jay
A bit of both
New Black Horizon
sorry for the long wait in-between me sharing creepypasta dating sim fic and writing anything new on it, had some stuff going on that needed to be taken care of
regardless, i'm happy to say that the princess fic is finally done and ready to be read! https://archiveofourown.org/works/56703145/chapters/145275664#workskin
next up will be Jane the Killer and don't worry folks, i'll be keeping the suggestions that have been made in this thread in mind for some new characters
I know she isn't the most popular gal here but RPC-384 wold make for an interesting fic, she's essentially a cheery but judgmental dreamweaver that's a huge Beatles fan and influences dreams to fix and judge people. I could imagine a lot of Beatles referential puns and such.
I’m looking to start my own unfiction series. What’s a good starting point for writing? I am very fond of the trend of inviting research and investigation through allusions and puzzles, but if there needs to be a healthy balance between the puzzle side and the story side.
>What’s a good starting point for writing?
Laying out the foundation, acts if there are any and a plot breakdown. and then expand from there.
What's the presentation and the in-universe explanation for said presentation?
Why is there puzzles to begin with? Who or what is making them and why? Make puzzles work with the plot, not the plot working around the puzzles.
I don’t recognize that jay
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Thats okay, after that nasty spill she took that knocked her out for a bit she doesn't recognize herself either.
I'll keep this article bookmarked and in mind, it gives me the idea of making her a counterpart to Mal0
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What the... thought Snyder was the vidya equivalent of Jhonen Vasquez, this guy is a normie amongst normies.
Thomas Snyder wear a NaQ helmet, I imagine him autistic.
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Man, these Welcome Home AU's are getting extremely out of hand...
New Chilling Abyss
Is welcome home going the path of undertale?
true patriotism
I imagine the Lacey girls are all together because they are the girls no one wants to be around
>Lacey is Lacey
>Jay is headstrong, oversprays axe, and plays pranks on random people
>Maisie is super quiet, autistic over Astrology and generally a bookworm
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Comparing the 3 like that shows how out of place Maisie is.
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Who the hell doesn't want to be around 3 babes?
>being around 3 used up sluts
no thanks
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My copy of FAITH is looking funny
Your loss.
More for me then
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This but better
Can I add Lia and Nia?
Who's the most autistic /uh/ character besides Maisie, Celeste, and Jamie
Jonah, Davith, The Dentist, Krauss
Now do a male version
If you can somehow find the room go ahead.
I forgot, what’s that site that anon found that lets you view unlisted videos?
freestyle acupuncture
the doctor gave her a lollipop so she’s fine now :D
Did we ever find out who the live action guy in the suit is?
>Forgetting Banny
>Forgetting Jenny Letterson
Needs to be shot/uh/.
Welcome Hamas
>Kill Switch
Periods are shorts, commas are longs, exclamations are breaks between characters, and the question mark is a space.
Thank you for this. I was coming up with nonsense.
Child /uh/non

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