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/vore/ - General

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67010761/

Pastebin: https://controlc.com/c6f0ce05

Some pointers: (Nobody listens to these anyway.)
>1. Post vore
>2. Just ignore shit you don't like. If someone posts something you don't like, don't reply, just hide/filter and move on
>3. Try to keep non-vore related posting and discussion to a minimum this includes posting unnecessary reaction images and memes and such when possible (No Patrick, the bible is not vore related.)
>4. Stop arguing about dumb bullshit. Nobody here cares about your moral crusade, do you even know where we are?
>5. Don't post edgy bullshit just to try and get a rise out of people. That's fucking cringe.
>6. Artists, please do not ask for requests if you're not going to do a single one of them. It is also recommended you at least give an idea of what you're willing to draw when asking for requests. It doesn't have to be a novel even just something as simple as "I only do pokemon" or "I only do fat preds" works. This used to be common practice but for whatever reason we stopped.
>7. Please stop giving me reasons to add more of these

QotT: Why didn't Suus just eat Krisp in the actual game, is she stupid?
QotT: Because she didn't wanna make Torries sad

and also because she'd get eaten
You literally just used this OP bro
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Well I fell asleep and had to come up with something fast when I woke up to the thread at page 9.
First the back to back Ankhas now this. We need a new OP maker
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Fine, you do it then next time.
Unironically I hate this place.
You want to watch the thread instead? Be my guest. Free me from the curse. There is no irony.
>Unironically I hate this place
NTA then why are you here? Just to suffer?
Cause she was all bark and little bite back then.
One incident or taste would make that bite very real
Today we lost a real one
>> QotT

Because obviously Berdly would be the one to eat them both. What other use would those simpletons serve beyond padding out best bird?
Oh no.
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Literally me
Go to https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/ and take it
Post Ecstatica vore. And happy Birthday 11 days ago if that really is you, Fygoonfag.
Nothing says the prophecy can't be fulfilled if the heroes live on as part of Berdly's butt~
I need Cell to slurp me up whole into his tail
Exactly. Besides, Berdly can recruit more and more, like Noelle, to join them to make a bigger party, just like a real hero
1st form cell has the same problem as Kaa where he's kinda cute but all the people who draw him are boring people who only care about the prey and essentially just use him as a prop.
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Someone was talking earlier about 4th wall break vore?
Has anyone done recursive vore like a prey inside a pred who ate the prey who ate the same pred. Or vore matroyska dolls?
love to see cell depicted with huge fat balls like that
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Noelle would absolutely be a prey slut.
It would probably be Kris' fault too somehow.
Kris' probably inadvertently turned Noelle into a vorefag with his antics.
I can imagine now, Noelle constantly trying to get Kris to eat her almost like some cartoon shit.
She makes up like goofy schemes to get Kris to eat her.
But Kris always refuses because they're friends or something.

Even if you can just bring her right back afterwards with game mechanics or something I could still see Kris being reluctant to digest her, because they friends and he doesn't feel comfortable with it.
But Noelle insists anyway.
She wants to ruin his twink body with reindeer pudge.

An overly eager prey and a reluctant pred.
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Really, cause I always see Noelle vorefagging involving Susie instead.

Then again, it could be a lot like picrel.
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>prey is stored in the butt
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fuck I want Scooby Doo to swallow me whole
this reminds me i remember seeing people making a lot of noise about vore in a new episode of this, did a proper clip of that ever surface?
waiting for someone to actually post the episode and/or clip instead of just posting screenshots
Well, I'm one of the few freaks that's into Kris as pred so, yeah.

Not that I don't dislike Susie and or Noelle as preds. I'm just repping the pred I don't usually see represented.

Plus I just feel like there's a lot of potential given most of their childhood together seems to be Kris teasing and scaring Noelle.
I mean, we're literally told in-game at some point he convinced Noelle that the ICE-E pizza mascot was real and that he ate kids.
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stimpy needs more vore though
i'd rather get eaten by the white haired girl
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Why is the idea of a pred streamer so hot to me?
I think there might just be something wrong with me.

Why is imagining a pred being like
>"Chat, should I digest this guy?"
hot to me? Am I retarded?
I might be...
Guy preds with a taste for scaring the shit out of girls is the most kino shit
Nah it's not weird, it's a fairly repeated concept. There's even a shitty flash-tier game about it.
>Whether you get spat out or churned into raccoon pudge is determined by a chat vote

You just know you're doomed because most viewers are going to be degenerates anyway.
Either that, or they'll vote "Yes" just because they think it's funny.

You're fucked.
i wish requests were a thing that happened on these threads still, used to be a few anons willing to draw these kind of ideas till it all dried up
really wish there was a good repository of deltarune vore. it's suffering searching tags on ekas.
While there's been couple spontanious fullfils, I too wish people would just sperg less.
Thank OP the rule addon.
After the discussion the other day I started writing a scenario like that
>Noelle wrote the packing list, because she was the experienced outdoorsperson. But then I noticed that she didn't put any food on it? And I asked her, like, what are we gonna eat? And she said she could forage for berries and mushrooms and stuff, and then she leaned real close and stroked my face and said 'or I'm sure you can catch some venison, you fierce hunter...'
There needs to be more art of that scene. It's fucking criminal how little art there is of Susie being a bully pred still, that locker scene was fucking perfect
>stuff a pillow under my shirt
>maximize delusion powers
>rub the "belly" it makes
>immediately want to die
get on my level
>he self inserts as pred
rare ability
Make a thread suggesting it get better so Eka can lock it after one post lol
Don't forget he would also hide under her bed and grab her legs to scare the shit out of her.

Now I'm imagining him pulling her under the bed while she screams and then she goes
>"Alright this is the part where you eat me!"
And he just goes
I can feel my dick shriveling up like a raisin just looking at this
>dick shrivels up so much it implodes
>pulled in with it
>self cock vore
Fuck, this is an unusually attractive picture of Scooby. I'd let this one specifically get me.
>Shitty Vore Idea: Average /vore/ threadgoer as a pred
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not possible, we're all preyfags except for that pillow greentext guy
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Reading this actually made me remember this post(s) an anon did:
Also great work with the writing, anon.

There needs to be more apathetic preds out there, Kris fits that role.
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An edit I found
i was debating whether or not i should make an edit of this one. on one hand, it would've been cool to send it when i went to bed.

on the other, the characters are most likely grade schoolers and that throws a wrench into the whole thing.
Do it, don't chicken out
i mean it's no different from the constant tailsposting.

also i did draw ratatin on the strawberrywith4style which isn't that far off from guppy.
Tails isn't even a minor anymore after Ian Flynn retconned the ages on Sonic Channel
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Gents. I want to try something with my brush. Any suggestions?
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As much as I like regular Snuffy hot damn do I also want to see more vore art of this anthro raccoon Snuffy because she's pretty damn hot too.

Raccoons in general are underappreciated preds in my opinion. Scavenger types make for great pred material.
Got any deltarune ideas?
Also Sonic characters are too abstract to have ages, with some exceptions where it's overt
Are you willing to do ferals, Disney or toons?
Noelle could very well start out as a preyslut
However, I imagine if you make her PROCEED with voring enough enemies/characters, she eventually becomes a powerful pred.
Ferals? I wish. But toons are a possibility
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Honestly I like to imagine she goes both ways. Basically like Konusuba's Darkness but swapping the humiliation fetish for vore.

She'll eat or be eaten whenever she feels like.
She gets off either way.
Wile E Coyote swallowing either Bugs Bunny or Sylvester cat, please?
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I wish I could roll a pent up anon around on my tongue and suck the flavor out of him until he either begs me to swallow or cums so hard he passes out.
please do a continuation, this is great!
NTA but made me think
>Preyslut gets so annoyed that the person she wants to be eaten by either doesn't understand her hints, just isn't capable of vore, or both, that she ends up eating him instead in frustration.
Uuh that is a bridge too far. Sorry.
Susie from deltarune with a big belly full of Kris?
>Starts berating them for "Forcing" them to eat them instead
>"This is your fault!"
>"You should've just eaten me! Then you'd be the one getting pudgy!"
Understandable, in that case, any generic toon Canine pred with huge bulge would be fine.
I havent played Delta Rune just yet so lets hold that off for the time being. (also because I have specific rule not to draw underaged characters in fetish based scenarios. Its just wrong).
Sounds alright. I can do that. I can try cartoony with some refs.
I hope to see royce draw a doodle montage of a sumo wrestler gaining weight to compete in a heavier weight class. This is also nice. Good job!
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>Wannabe prey becomes hyper competent in predding unintentionally
>Her notoriety reaches such heights that now every actual pred is too scared to get close
>Constantly complains about her "bad luck" and ruined figure
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Last time the thread hosted a poll, it was like a 60/40 ratio of predfags to preyfags. Probably best not to question where those 10% of prey went...
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Holy shit, those imprints are a level of sheer agony cownugget would be proud of.
Something like this?
Oh this is PEAK
Worth a try, I guess.
Come back in 20 or so. No promise on quality though.
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I want him to completely fucking destroy me
>it was like a 60/40 ratio of predfags to preyfags
I'm shocked, I was certain most vore sites are heavily prey focused.
Thought it would be 80/20 prey to pred
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An attempt was made, anon. I tried my best.
Shitty Vore Idea: Molecule Pred
God I wish that were me (the prey).
Imagine how tight the covalent bond guts would be
They're too retarded to pred on anything other than Onions given to them through a feeding tube.
>Implying they couldn't still pred on someone falling into the feeding tube mixture by accident and getting fed into the stomach via the feeding tube
>tube vore
I didn't realize the average /trash/ threadgoer were ogres.
The thought of being vored by one of (You) disgusts me. Anyways, I'm posting this here for the sake of preservation, since judging by the comments on this picture, it might be too ""offensive""
I'm sure there's atleast one attractive Anon here
>The prey that complain about having to share the stomach with a bunch of random garbage the raccoon decided to eat too
Roomba chan....
>"In this world it's EAT or be EATEN!"
(Shitty?) vore idea: Regenerating prey but they don't want to hurt the feelings of "perma" preds so they wait for them to fall asleep or get distracted so they can sneak out. They always pretend to be a completely different person when they see the pred in public, including pretending to not realize the subtle hints that they're about to be eaten that they've become oh so accustomed to because they don't want to offend the pred. (That has unwittingly eaten them for at least half of their meals, to the point that they have declared the preys species as their favorite food, and almost exclusively eat them, not realizing they just enjoy eating this one guy repeatedly)
That is very toony and I love it.
Just thought about it and yeah it actually is. Would probably work really well with a snake and a rat or something like that
>Pred has short term memory
This is actually a pretty fun idea could be a prey version of Eve
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What would the Vore version of cheesecake be called?
I dunno what to describe this as.
Vore version of cheesecake? Is that slang for something or do you mean the actual food?
Nice, thank you very much.
nah that's not weird, it's part of the humiliation maybe
Which would be better, Observer or Prey?

I mostly choose observer because I get to see every detail of how the Predator's stomach bulges.
I'm the opposite, I want him to sway on my hips.
Cheesecake is an ancient term that's like fanservice or porn like without being actual porn? Maybe it's like those vore artists who only draw vore with fully clothed characters?
Observer if you can't be Pred
oooohh pred is also kino af
Honestly, there's a lot of vore potential from Dragon Ball, Cell, Super Buu, Beerus, Giran, Shenron, Janemba, and if you're feeling really spicy I'd even put Babidi in there. It's just there's not a lot of DB Vore out there and most of the porn in general is with the human or human like characters
>all that official vore
>here I have to be an autist and think about Bulma eating people
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I still don't get the mentality behind this.
>Yes! I will reply to this person to take the conversation in the exact opposite direction that they want it to!
Even more frustrating if it's actually successful since you're basically just hijacking a conversation. I know I'm just gonna get bitched at and called a faggot for saying this but I get why people find it annoying now.

Same, again I don't know what it is about him. He's like the quintessential dragon pred. Like he checks all of the boxes for me somehow.
I think the guy was just giving his opinion. I don't think he was trying to derail anything although I do get what you mean. It's like when people do that with art and either the characters in it or type of vore.
Yeah I'd take it over it being rail roaded into a thread being only about one character or one type of vore. Christ it's am anonymous message board grow some skin and a spine you're going to see shit you won't always like.
Nah. You're still an obnoxious nigger.
Just as you're allowed to be an obnoxious nigger. I'm allowed to call you what you are.
An obnoxious nigger.

Also we're not rail roading the entire thread you fucking sped.
You could've easily just made your own post instead of replying to the guy who was looking for the exact opposite conversation you were looking for.

It's not even hard to comprehend why that's mildly annoying. Why is /vore/ this retarded???
Genuine question.
Sometimes I wonder if other fetish communities have such levels of autistic infighting

The fact that I will never have a pred press me against the wall with their big soft belly is one of life's greatest woes.
>I don't know what it is about him
I used to hate dragon preds for how generic and prevalent they are. Feral ones are still a turn off for me. But Blitzit's got a perfect strongfat build, wide hips, muscular arms, pronounced soft looking pecs, that thick pouch-like throat, not to mention that huge gut with lovely creamy-yellow ribbed scales all the way up and down his torso. His body is literally to die for, and his lewd teasing mannerisms drive me crazy. I want him to end me like you wouldn't believe.
Probably not, vore is this weird union of multiple overlapping fetishs.
You got BDSM, Guro, Preg, Feeders, Femdom,Maledom, corruption,etc
They focus on different aspects of vore, so they naturally disagree.
Can you draw some wolfess who keeps eating people until she's large and fat enough to become self aware of it?
You can't convince me Toriyama wasn't into vore after Android 21.
The only solution is to keep adding rules until only muscle flesh based hole induced vore is allowed to be posted
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The Fox on the left swallowing Mango and wrestling with Mango in her gut
Nta but I'm not that autistic. I don't see the pointers changing for the foreseeable future. I only added the artist thing because that shit has been going on for ages and I finally got tired of it.

This is more of an etiquette problem anyway.
Or in other words. Not mine.
Thanks! I'll check in again when the next section is done
This is fantastic anon, draw some swallowing action
I hate how this made me interested in seeing skeleton preds
I hate how obsessed I've become with this side character that I want to see her be a pred in even more pictures
I may not be able to enjoy the characters it was made for, but the whole "ghost dick/guts" thing that undertale artists came up with so they could fuck the skeletons it a really hot idea.
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I think this here picture counts as a skeleton pred?
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I know Sans makes most people cringe, but I think skeleton preds with ecto-guts are hot as fuck.
The only Sans pic I can willingly enjoy is this one weird AU Sans OC from an account that doesn't exist
I think they're hot, too, I just specifically cannot get it up to Sans or Papyrus. The general concept owns, though, and even though I hate Sans in 99% of images this one in particular is still way more appealing than it should be.
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You still can't convince me that Susie doesn't have a bunch of random junk in her stomach.

Mostly just stuff from her previous prey like shoes, watches, hats, ect.
But also just random shit that she thought looked tasty like brightly colored objects.
I wish that artist hadn't disappeared. Those digestion sequences did things to my dick I still can't wrap my head around. I wish I was getting churned into slop on full display in a big ghostly gut like that. What am I even feeding? His bones? His soul? I don't know, but it makes me hard as fuck.
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this one is loosely based on a dream i had in my late teens(sometime prior to the pandemic) where i woke up in my underwear. i looked in the mirror, and found out i had this massively bloated gut.

it was not vore, and it certainly wasn't as large as picrel. but it was certainly massive(think around, half... 2/3rds of this guy's size).
I bet her acids are neutralized from all that chalk she eats.
As long as she keeps eating chalk you'd just be trapped in there with all the random bits of things she thought were tasty
>Susie unintentionally makes you her belly pet
>Your forced to help sort out the stuff that would really damage her insides
If that was the case she could just do her class project on you
>not the shota eating both girls
Based. Cute boys make the best preds.
Thigh padding's gonna be thigh padding. That's just nature.
Draw an alternate version yourselves or get some drawfag to do it
Cute preds
Being digested inside of a raccoon pred would probably be the most rancid thing desu.

You'd basically be stewing away in trash soup.
The only solution seems to be to make a separate thread for every type of vore
There's always his balls as an alternative
Yeah I don't think I will ever understand the appeal of cockvore.
A fair amount of women seem to be into it
If Masturbation Feels Good and Eating Feel Good then Masturbating while Eating is super good then
Getting punched in the balls hurts, but I can't imagine how painful it would feel to be punched IN the balls
That would explain it a bit.
Because as a man, I don't exactly think of the act of shoving things INTO my dick as something pleasant.
When I think masturbating I don't think shoving things into my cock.

In fact that evokes a feeling that is the opposite of pleasure.
Not surprising as a lot of women into vore are also preyfags just like most guys into vore. And cockvore means immersion in a guy's cum and girls want cum. Endless reserve of it in your testicles. She will crawl into your testicles and live off your cum. Cumming out a pregnant lady sounds a bit painful though...
It is not at all worth it even with a tiny toy and a huge dick. You'll be pissing blood for days. If god's punishments for degeneracy are real, that has to be one of the ways they do it.
Just smother the toy with your penis shaft and testicles instead.
I think the appeal is that it's more... demeaning/dominating than regular vore? Like, you're not being digested into fuel or fat for a pred's body; you're being churned into seed that he'll blow out in a fat load.
very much share the sentiment of "ecto belly hot but not really into sans (unless he's drawn super off model like pic rel)"
>big penis hot
>even bigger penis = even more hot
>vore hot
>vore + bigger penis = even more hot
it's just super indulgent nonsense that i can't get enough of
does that include my belly inflation dream self?
also you can taunt someone the whole way through, if they're in your mouth you have to wait til you're done swallowing. or you could kiss them goodbye before they get shlorped in, or take a selfie with them or whatever. lots of fun stuff with it.
Honestly, I think you should avoid drawing humans. Your artstyle doesn't mesh well with human porn. Try drawing an anthro and get back to me.
I wish female artists who self insert as pred were more common, it's always hot to see. Nyxondyx is the first example that comes to mind (picrel)
Anons, I'm not asking you to explain it to me when I say I don't get it.

I know you're autistic but please. It doesn't appeal to me and you're not gonna change my mind bros.
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I have extreme cock lust. As a preyfag, going beyond just kissing, licking, sucking and worshiping a big, hard, throbbing, leaky dick to sliding inside of it completely and letting it swallow me alive to actually become the orgasm instead of merely just causing it is the most intensely sexual vore fantasy imaginable. On the other hand, just as a pred can set aside reality to fantasize about swallowing things of impossible size, you can imagine that engulfing something with your cock would feel just as good as feeling it in your stomach. If it could be impossibly stretchy, stroking the inside might be even more intense than stroking the outside. Imagine if your throat and stomach were erogenous zones and you could cum just from filling it. Think about that intensely needy ache in your balls when you've been edging and desperately need to cum. Now equate that to hunger, driving you wild, that tension mounting as you feel yourself getting closer to release just from the sticky, squirming weight in your nutsack. The euphoric release when you churn someone into the biggest, thickest load you've ever blown, a drawn out literal-buckets kind of orgasm that you couldn't get any other way. It's the most indulgent, hedonistic, disgustingly wasteful sexual act imaginable, which is pretty damn hot in my opinion. You gotta use your imagination.
Where's the Moxi art
I still find it strange she (supposedly) isn't into vore, yet she's willing not only to draw it, but herself as pred. Is it the commission money?
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Cock vore isn't afraid to be silly
>misinterpreting "here's what the appeal is to me" as "here's why you should like it"
you're the autistic one in that interaction my friend
>I only want to state my opinion and don't want to hear anyone else's
Saying "I don't understand" invites explanations. You could have just said you don't like it. Or better yet, said nothing at all.
Ew. Draw a toon Squirrel girl with a bow or literally anything other than humans
>Blah blah blah

Kill yourselves.
My guess is she just finds it inoffensive enough to draw it for commission money.
Picrel is from another artist (from the early 2010s) who made several pics depicting herself as pred (and also a lot of malepred pics)
No. Fuck you.
are you alright man
Do you have the endo version of this piece?
Here you go.
You should jump in my mouth NOW.
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>Draw a toon Squirrel girl with a bow
you get a male toon squirrel
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Hey, person who sometimes draws stuff here, I don’t know what name you go by here, since my presence here is kind of on and off at times, but would you be willing to draw a wolf anthro or something eating some girl scouts who decided to see if they wanted to buy some snacks, only to realize their mistake too late when the big bad wolf makes them into free snacks instead?

Your cartoony artstyle seems like it might be a good fit for a scenario like that. Sorry if this sounds bossy, I didn’t mean it to sound that way.

Pic unrelated.
Draw a furry pred exposing their gutt in public
Shitty Vore Idea: Sadistic Pred that constantly threatens to digest you but always forgets to due to suffering from early dementia
Shitty Vore Idea: Male Observer teasing Male Pred in a "platonic" homoerotic fashion as he chows down his own gf.
Shitty Vore Idea: the terrible post you made before post nut clarity anthropomorphizes and eats you
Fuck I didn't mean that to be a reply don't read into that
It is strange to me since I can draw to some extent (not good at all but ive seen people charge while drawing at the level I am at) but my creative thoughts are just in a totally different headspace. I don't draw it consistently or regularly since I only really draw what I want to, with my income coming from IT/programming. So I am not beholden to some furry or beaded coomer wanting their narcissist OC drawn. If I post anonymously it'll be in ./endo/ anyhow.
i'm going to force feed you the closest young woman, then rub your squirming belly in the most "there's nothing gay about this/nice balls bro" sort of way you can imagine.
Better than your human drawings
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there's definitely a fair amount already although surprisingly most of it is written
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Well now, that's too bad.
tasty-haram.tumblr.com but they stopped drawing belly stuff in 2016
Where it's not pornographic but the teasing of it is there. Tontaro has stuff like that and I don't know if it's really meant to be that. Doesn't matter, but it flusters all the same. Being toyed with like that... haah
They're in High school
Doesn't Toriel mention Kris will have to think about college soon too like Asriel or did I just schizo that?
Like the cabal of child molesters that pervade this shithole of coomer snuff ideating furries cares about that.
Nope, that a real line of dialogue I looked it up
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but alright. I was saying that at most Kris and Susie are 18
Like a full tour but not a full tour
Respawn point traveled through the digestive tract like a temporary down marker that revived them beneath the ass?
Which means most of the shit that makes lolicon and shotacon morally questionable doesn't apply here.
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I regret to inform you guys that I did not have another epic vore hallucination
Does anybody else have vore dreams? I've been having dreams of being eaten for a long time both normal and lucid dreams, it always feels, sounds and smells so real like a memory from another world
anti-CV vore fags are so stupid holy shit.
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If demons are real I'm going to do everything I can to learn how to summon one to satisfy this fetish, I wouldn't mind selling my soul just to do this.
I love how sweet these feel
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Kinda rarely, but usually when they happen the most memorable part about it is how good it felt and how happy it made me feel.
It's not very detailed though, like I don't think my mind even could do it very realistically since what would you even see inside? So it makes sense that those dreams are more about sensations and sounds, and how the situation makes me feel like.

Whenever I get dreams about it, I'm much more willing about it as well, I guess that's how it goes if any "fear" parts of my brain are not active, but fantasizing about getting eaten while awake there's a lot more natural tension, trepidation and fear involved, depending on the context.
Just-A-Little-Vore is also a woman who self inserts as pred
>that pic
Rarely do I go "aw that's cute", but aw that's cute.
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I forgot that I wrote the second post, but also I'm glad that someone remembers it, thank you!

Reluctant preds are amazing, imagine someone squirming and breathing in your belly, and you've got no choice but to feel every tiny movement they make in your sensitive stomach. Or better yet, all this while you're trying to focus on work. It's the closest the pred and prey could physically be, yet they're both awkwardly stuck in the situation against both their wills.

Also this story was very fun to think about, great work!
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>Lunging up from the water
>Slurping up an arm at the end
>Big throat bulges
>Cute girl pred, F/m
Damn that is a good sequence. Hits a lot of stuff I love.
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I love posting Deltarune vore because I just every time I do there's going to be someone going
>Oh for fuck's sake it's this shit again.
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i had something a little better in mind
Based, though I prefer Noelle and Berdly pred, latter being my favorite
I'd post Berdly if he had more content...
Pretty sure this is the only artist who’s given the blue mockingbird the thiccness he deserves. He’s literally the perfect smug annoying pred type that taunts and teases their prey, even moreso that Susie imo
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I like Susie because her design is appealing. But the same goes for Berdly.

He's a cute birb.
That being said I wouldn't mind seeing more Berdly vore with weight gain. He does look pretty good all thicc.

We need a pic of him digesting someone and getting a fat ass accompanied with some stupid line like
>"Of course you went to my ass because you're not worthy to be anywhere near my brain!"
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i need a mantis bf
>mantis society where normalfag porn is F/M vore and their equivalent of us is mantis girls who wish male mantises could eat female mantises
Got this hidden gem, courtesy and with perms from the artist, friend of mine.
>heart on the belly
Holy FUCK this is perfect.
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I wish the ass was facing the viewer. But that's my problem.

Very nice. Again, we need more Berd content.

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