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Furry JOI/JOE/Caption Thread #393
(Jerk Off Instructions, Encouragement, and Captions)
>Its good to be King Edition

This thread is for furry JOI/JOE posts only, along with requests. Please take anime and other such JOI/JOE posts to the other thread:

Closed Boorus:
(Could always use some more tagging!)

All boorus were automatically closed due to spambot shenanigans, so if someone could contact the owner of the previously open one to fix it that'd be great.

That said, those already with an account can still add images provided they're not more than 5k pixels.

Basic Captioner Resources:

Newest Version of Capper (Free Caption Making Software)

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66785506/

a LOT of melonart's art:
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New Captions
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Bump, etc
ThisIsASecret here. Have a drive by OC delivery.

Synopsis: You swipe right with someone on FetchLife, a casual hook-up app. Turns out that you both work in the same downtown area so she matches with you. As the only anthro working in her office the idea of spending the rest of the day bathed in hormones that the rest can't smell is a huge turn on. After the deed is done the original plan was just to part ways. But things don't always work out like you planned...

Image: https://e621.net/posts/3722878
Script: https://rentry.org/CumOverForLunch
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Working as beach server isn't all fun in the sun, catcalling at the best of times and "blind" customer routine at the worst. On your way back from a customer, you notice a new customer. As you get her order, she drops hints laying in the sand isn't her actual plan for the day. However she's willing to pay for a new experience. Especially if it makes her quit drinking for five to nine months. Good thing your about to end your shift right hun?
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Requesting: A date night with Catty from Undertale, its raining outside so we satyng at home, waching some movies from the bed until the movie is geting boring and she's thinking of doing something "more intresting" and it gets romantical, romantic sex if you will.

and also a Second pic for it: https://files.catbox.moe/w4u7gg.png
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A married panda couple do their part in saving their species.

The rest of this caption.
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Another teaser and a not-too-long full version to go with it.

>Another teaser and a not-too-long full version to go with it.

Huh. Linking to your AO3 is an interesting way to handle longer scripts like that. And a much neater solution than how i still did rentry for the OC cumslut delivery.

I tossed a kudos your way under my a03 account as much for the "oh hey this was clever" as for the story itself.
I appreciate it, Anon. I used to link to the GDoc I also share elsewhere, but the Ao3 link is sohrter and more self-explanatory, so I'm going with that these days.
>I appreciate it, Anon
I've actually written a few caps as Thisisasecret. I just stopped posting here (and will probably go radio silent again shortly) for a long while due to website changes and life in general.

Most of my stuff had been getting longer anyway so just tossing it all up on AO3 seemed logical. Crap like my femdom beach bunny script just reads better as pure text anyway.
You should not have tried to cheat the casino to get the money; you really needed it. Using the tried-and-true method of palming and slipping cards into one's pocket. The goal is to maximize profits while minimizing disruptions. It would be nice if the bunny girl would just quit draping herself over you and bringing you drinks. That is, until the casino management pulled you aside. But when you didn't have anything fishy on you, they were astounded—and so were you. You can locate the bunny girl at the table; they told you to leave and cash out. Asking with an air of condescension, "Is this your card?" She would prefer something more valuable than money for compensation.
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>(You) and your partner Renamon have a unique arrangement, in that she spends her nights riding cock as often as she does fighting digimon. It's fine with you; you're into that. And since semen contains a good amount of data, it counts as training. One night, your Renamon comes back with footage of her latest conquest, as the her in the film encourages you to enjoy it to your fullest
>Netorase, Cuckolding, Swinging, Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, jerk-off encouragement
The file is too big and has sound so I can't post it directly but here it is: https://files.catbox.moe/033wq8.mp4

Included a static image in case that's preferable over an animation. If anyone takes it on with the animated version, there's a bit at the end where the artist advertises alternate versions on their patreon. Feel free to edit that bit out since it's obviously not related to "digimon tamer watches their partner get piped to satisfy his fetish"
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you come home and you're roommate is doing yoga... in the nude... in the living room
You turn away in disgust... Yell at her to fucking get her act together... She moves out later that night in shame.
During a training session with her webs Hornet has accidentally tied herself up and she's been stuck for a while. Thankfully (you've) shown up, though she isn't exactly happy someone has found her in such a state.
Curious Cat, as the name implies is a curious cat one who can't help but make deals to get information it doesn't know. Knowing this (you) offer it an exchange, you'll bring it Library books and it gives you free use of its fat plappable ass. Also it calls you gay
Pheromone play is almost cliche for furry caps, but it still turns me on. Good work, Secret.
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The Dragonqueen Alexstrasza (or any other random red dragonflight member really) requests 'help' from an strong adventurer in expanding the red dragonflight numbers, their population has been kind of low since that whole cataclysm incident
Glad you liked it!

>Pheromone play is almost cliche for furry caps
I really can't see any other situation/genre where it makes sense. Even the "spectrum gremlin at renfaire kidnaps you" one is more about her brokebrain hyperfixating. Speaking of which...

Script: https://rentry.org/YeOldeSpicySabineSurprise
Image: https://e621.net/posts/2690771
Synopsis: The socially awkward gremlin of a woman that's had a neighboring stall at the Renfaire for the last week has finally had enough of being intoxicated by your smell and takes a page right out of the early days of the Roman Republic.
>Is markedly annoyed by customers hitting on him
>customers hits on him
>"take me I'm yours!"
Private lesson with Ms. Mordaut goes awry after a slight mishap during an alchemy lesson prior to yours.
Despite her barely repressed lust she still holds the demeanour of a cold hag who has enough of this job, and even threatens to give you a failing grade if you manage to knock her up either on purpose or by accident.
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potential sequel to bimbo squirrel wife

Durring a BBQ for the 4th of July, your wife end up getting into an argument with one of her friends of how she has changed over time and how they don't have as much time as they used to; that there is no way human dick changed her so much. So they both take you upstairs to prove her wrong and bring in another one into the family.
After a long day of work, you are greeted by your loving dogs the moment you walk through the door. Unleas you have guests, there is no reason to be clothed at all and strip down to relax with your girls. The people around you accept that you have no interest in dating and that your a dog person. If only they knew how true that was. You then notice how the girls have been treating you and then start to truly destress from the day by fulfilling your duties as pack leader. Your house is big enough for the neighbors to not hear a thing, no room has gone unused, and your lust is barely quenched. You might need to adopt some new family members soon.

original names of the characters are encouraged
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I'm still working on this one (sitting at 5.5K words) and I'm using this image instead. I'm taking some liberties with the prompt, but you can decide if you like it when it's done.
Gave it a shot on a random burst of inspiration. Also finally got viking bear babe done. Gonna try to finish typesetting it tonight but it'll probably be tomorrow.
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Turns out I spaced posting the first one thirty minutes ago because of a captcha issue and I got the second one done in a reasonable time.

Sorry about the long wait on this one OR.

No word on any other caption related projects from me. I'd anticipate my participation to be sporadic at best. I'm about 2/3s of the way through my sixth novel. But I'll likely pop in now and then to toss you some verbose smut.

This is hardly good bye, but thanks for all the fun times Anons.

- Comfy
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You run into your tiger high school friend Alex after you haven’t seen her in almost a decade. She used to kind of bully you for being a human and having a weird uncut human dick, but now she’s super into humans, and you, and she invites you over to show just how wet your dumb human scent is making her.
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You’ve been texting a girl from your school named Charlie, you think she’s pretty cute, suddenly she texts you saying that she’s not a girl, but you don’t really mind this, and ask her to prove it.

He texts back this picture, and asks if you’d want to come over and fuck him.
Looks like this place is just about well and truly dead. So sad, it looks like comfy will have to find elsewhere to dump the sewage from his mill and so many won't have their gay-ass requests fulfilled
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Requesting a daily slice of life Kris living in the ghetto full of Chocolate ghetto monster girls and how he feels out of place and talks about the interactions he made during his life living with black monster girls.
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Requesting a wholesome cap where you impregnate your wife during the winter months with an emphasis about what it's like to make love with her and fill her tigress belly with young.
Rent free.
Fucking love this
After hearing from Amy about how Humans are great boyfriends, Blaze decides to start dating one, herself. Needless to say, she wasn't prepared.
Hot. Something about ladies being really into (You) but not just going for penetrative stuff is so much better sometimes.
Helps that I'm very much into this risk of exposure kind of exhibitionism, compared to straight up showing off to strangers kind.

Ah, and the ren-faire autist story too. This one I like because motormouth autistic virgin is one of those niches I find very adorable, and you made this story pretty close to when I'd last been at a ren-faire myself.

Sorry to hear about the life stuff making you unable to really do stuff for us, but I'm just glad you're not all gone forever.
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Where can we find your novels?
>Sorry to hear about the life stuff making you unable to really do stuff for us, but I'm just glad you're not all gone forever.
Eh, i still write stories and the like. I've just moved from captions to short stories posted to https://archiveofourown.org/users/ASecretToMe/ . Most of my stuff had been getting longer and longer anyway. Plus I've turned some of the dialogue caps into scripts for GWA.

Hilariously enough i get more feedback/interactions on my hmofa stuff than my other OC.
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Wardrobe malfunction exposes big human cock to your yoga partner Chilli Heller
Captain Amelia realizing that she probably just got knocked up by the barely-a-man cabin boy on a nine month long voyage.
Sticks presents a series of compelling arguments on why (you) should be her hunky Human boyfriend. Frenzied breeding sex ensues.
Stop trying to manifest this into existence.
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When you got hired onto the team, nobody told you that Krystal's Heat cycles hit her particularly hard. Nobody told you about her raging Human fetish, either. She's going to drain you dry and with her telepathy, she'll know the best ways to do it.
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While studying the daily routines and rituals of the local Gardevoir clan, the ledge (you) were observing from gives way, dropping (you) right in the middle of them while they were enjoying a relaxing soak in a hot spring. Deciding that (you) are a gift to them from Arceus, they decide to make (you) their collective Husband.
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Seconds before (sexy) disaster...
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Excellent bitch-breaking cap.
>that opening
So, is Anon French or Irish?
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Two older milfs try catnip for the first time and fuck each other ragged, the blonde insisting she's straight the entire time.
This was really well made and the ending was cute. Thanks for the cap. The only thing that confused me was on the 3rd paragraph on the left where the MC goes into the basement then goes up the stairs. Am i reading this right or am I just stupid? But besides that, this was a good addition to the bimbo squirrel series (this is 6 I believe), and does the addition of the other girls and thier husbands a call back to your other works? If they are, that was an amazing detail.
You've been friends with a rat girl named Cassidy for years, Though most of this was because you enjoyed her company, a smaller part encouraged you to spend the days hanging out with her at her house because of her absolute milf of a mother Claudia. Now you're in your 20's and having learned your interest in her hasn't died out Claudia has decided to make her move.
"What if ice but for cats" is an untapped vein for justifying casual feline fucking.
Ice? I was thinking more like weed. They're just stoned, horny and hungry lol.
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Xenomorph queen gushes about all the DISGUSTING things she will do to her human prisoner such as intense breeding and handholding for the purpose of procreation
It's closer to LSD and the like but without withdraw. But fuck it, fantasy world, make it like Molly or weed. Two flexible milfs feeling the energy of the cosmos while going to town on each other.

(Added hilarity? Make one of them is that 33% of felines where it has no impact so she's going "oh it's totally just the drugs making me want you to ride my face".)
Irish of course, I wouldn't make my readers suffer the indignity of being French.

It's a walk out basement, common enough in certain parts of the U.S. Sorry, shoulda clarified.

Yes, all the girls mentioned except for the fox girl Lori are heroines from other bimbo themed or related caps, or are a wink and a nod to my buddy TwoCap.

I was gonna go further but I cut that section down significantly.

This was a fun one to write.
Ah, didn't see your post last thread. While the pic you've chosen isn't as hot (at least IMO) I'm eagerly awaiting the results of your work. Worst case I'll repost my request after few threads have gone by.
Pretty sure he goes by Eric Wesson on Amazon and Kamchatka'sRevenge on Reddit.
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It's like she's trying to communicate with you somehow... What could she possibly want?
It's be hilarious if it was the blonde that was insisting she was straight and that it's ONLY the catnip making her horny for her friend
it's definitely a goodie. slut bat is great
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Captain Bunny LOVES humans, so imagine her surprise when you get transferred to her unit as part of a joint Human-Anthro training mission.

Or something along those lines, have fun with it!
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Pic for a part 2 if one is so inclined
Don't die
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It's a special day for your new photographer career as you've been chosen to be the private photographer for the famous model, Loona
for a newbie you impress her with your shots, and thinking your cute, she strips down, entrusting you in taking nude photos for her, which evolves to be the start of your new relationship with a supermodel
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alternative image
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Your wife was going through a box of her old stuff, because her parents dropped it off. Sending pics of her nostalgic collections but you notice something in one of the photos she sent. She reveals she was in a hardcore goth phase for a LONG time. You going said if she was still in her goth phase when you met, her parent would've had a grandchild when you met them. After sometime, you receive this photo showing what awaits at your dark palace.
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You were both told there would be "in-flight entertainment"
Both of you believe the other was part of said entertainment
It was a pretty good flight, until the attendant came back and hour later with an $8 pack of peanuts and a copy of Looper on bluray
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Futavoir may be hung like a horse, but she's an absolute cumslut and craves Big Human Cock.

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