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Still gooning to sexy bois.

Previous thread: >>66962299
Well, got to get back to work now. Will be back later when I get out for the day.
They try to sleep in this summer heat. You have to make them more comfy anon, they can't handle the heat alone.

Do remember that you have to reapply his scent at least twice a day.
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I cannot for the life of me understand why any evil POS would deny these poor bois the right to a comfy sleepies, unforgivable in my eyes, these 'eepy bois must be guaranteed the right to an uninterrupted comfi schleepy times whenever they please
Would succ dry
post fat musky asses I can goon to
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Cute butt lifted high up, begging for some presleep attention that would guarantee the comfiest of comfi sleep.
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A good ole fashioned rimjob on his boihole before 'eepies for maximum comfort? Yes please, throw in a side of taint licking for maximum
and you got yourself a deal Anon!
You read my mind, anon. Tongue as wide as possible and loooong slow drags from his balls up to his rim! Expect soft whimpers and shivering legs. His cock won't be resting anytime soon though...
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>soft whimpers
thats what seals the deal, imagine how much in taint and anus twitch, wink and pulsate while your tongue goes too town
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He cant go to sleep any other way, his tight boihole needs a proper wet n sloppy prep'n'tongueing paired with a fresh rim suck'n'kiss
C-can't I touch his cock? Are you really that cruel anon? Or is it reserved for you perhaps? Want me to lick his ring and make his cock throb in your caressing hands.

His balls need the same treatment. So, first you have to suck n tug those cute marbles of his and make them soaking wet before moving to his tight tailhole.
literally me
need to be the "plastic" for a gooner furry boy
I'm trying to become a furfag, but it's so damn hard... I wish I had someone to teach me the ropes...
Fag as in stroke to furry bois or furfag in general?
Ideally both, but I know that I'd end up stroking to boys in the end, given where we are...
Well, first I'd say keep ponies out of furry threads and furries out of pony threads. You might get reed at.
I don't really know how to teach the ropes. I've only fed furry pics to anons who claim they are not furries and made them spurt.
Ok, sorry... it's just that I talked to an anon once and, well, he was so good he ended up turning to into a faggot but got off discord halfway through.
No worries. It's always a bummer when an anon disappears in the middle of a good session. Sounds like they left a mark and you want more. Can't you get yourself off to them or what's your problem?
I want more. I want to be calling whoever's on the other side my Daddy by the end of the conversation, and begging him to goon with me next time we're both online.
Oh, so you want a dommish goon buddy? One that makes you stroke to things he chooses?
Yes, something like that.
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You just goon to furry porn til you fry your brain into feeling nothing toward humans, that's the only real criteria of being a furry
Sadly I can't help you with that. I don't use discord anymore, I only have Session installed and I don't have the time to regularly fap with someone, sorry!
But frying my brain with porn is so much more fun with someone else!

It's fine, I'll keep trying...
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God, why does gooning to gay feel so satisfying? It's not even my usual interest, but I found that it just feels so much better to goon to
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As long as it's still furry stuff or they wear the mask!
I have 0 (zero) furry friends though.
Trash is a furry board pretty much, I'm sure you'll find an anon! Good luck!
I think I'll hang out here and snipe a tag if it ever shows up...
Be a really good boy and stroke and edge to furry bois as much as you can while you wait for one. That cock of yours needs to learn what to throb to!
I'm close to two hours on my goon session, but it's not exclusively to furry...
>not exclusively to furry
That so? In that case you must give your next 3 loads to furry bois as an apology. So keep pumping, make that cock drool for furry cocks and tight buttholes!
T-Three loads?! But I usually finish once a day, after all the edging...
I didn't give you a timespan! I don't care when you spurt but your next 3 belongs to the bois!
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But then... I'll end up jerking off to furbois a bunch of times...
Yes and you'll make your cock enjoy every second of it. That is your "punishment".
First load is coming up!
I knew you're an eager faggot. You wouldn't be here looking for a daddy that keeps you submitted to furry cocks and butts otherwise.
Stroke hard and fast, give your first load to the bois.
If I wasn't I certainly am now.
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Is there any good furboi joi material?
There are captions
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You may touch his cock as well, he is very open and permissive anon, you may also suck n tug his marbles, just ask permission in a soft quiet loving voice first and when you do it, be gentle, hes a very sensitive boi and anything more than the softest suck n tug on his marbles, and he'll curl up and start crying.
Also, if he does start crying, then softly pick him up cradling him, run your hands through his hair, give snuggles hugs and cuddles, soft kisses on the cheek, soft shoulder massages. It will soothe his sensory overload and in a couple minutes his crying will turn into whimpering, which will turn into sniffles, then hell fall asleep.
Also picrel is quite literally me and my anthro Otter bf
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When he wakes up, hell be a bit moody and mad at you, but it typically only lasts a couple hours if you leave him alone to calm down, then you can resume engaging in eating out his tight pulsating tailhole
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But trust me, when you finally pop his cherry, oh boy, the entire room will be turned into a krispy kreme glazed donut factory with how much hot thick cloudy cum he shoots out of his cock.
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There actually is defeat sex scenes it's just never mentioned haha
Time to let my goon friend have a little treat
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why are images of subs rimming their dom so hard to find? I want a dom to force me to rim him for hours
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if only the discord fappy talky threads weren't 99% 2D human women posters. I make posts there all the time looking for a gay furry top to put me in my place but rarely if ever get a friend invite because it's all human women posting which is sad
God that's hot, I love the smugness of the green guy. Me on the right.
I'm so weak to gay sex while my hand's glued to my dick I swear.
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I dreamt about porn last night...

Need an anon between my cheeks rn
I want to be that anon..
My cock is at optimal grease levels, I wish I had someone to gunk it up further and share it with while we smell each others musky shitholes...
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Tell us about your dream.
You really like otters, don't you anon?
I was back in school and a friend from back then was pushing me to get into more and more porn and making it all we talked about everywhere we went, with the secret goal of making me neglect everything else. Doesn't even hit my interests that hard, but is probably "the dream" for a couple anons here and I was pretty horny after waking up

I do get rather musky myself, why with all the summer heat

Getting rimmed while playing pokemon sounds pretty good rn
Getting rimmed/ slow fucked while casually gaming is such a fucking dream of mine.
That's me astrally projecting into your dream except I'm not going to be secretive about "I want you to neglect everything that isn't your penis", I'll just say it to your face.
Rimming both of these anons and stroking their cocks while they relax and play video games
I like the neglect part, but usually it's more about submission for me rather than pure lust and enjoying sex/porn

I've been getting pretty tilted today, which usually doesn't happen much, so some help relaxing would be good~
Even among subs there is a hierarchy
I like this.
Tempted to start drinking
Would certainly help me relax, but would also make it harder to focus on the game and my dick is already a distraction...
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I need to rim a fat-assed daddy/gooner so bad, I just wanna let those husky grunts and groans while he squishes my face between his sweaty asscheeks lull me into orgasm.
I wish I could drink excessively but the headaches just won't let me have any fun.
Some booze would help you feel mellow. But don't drink too much! You don't want to 100% on a hangover.
*100% focus. Am I drunk too?
I'm so thirsty to get some more nut out of my penis that I just stroked my soft dong into jizzing...
Just the hangovers giving you trouble or other medical conditions?

Well, if the nice folks here say so, I'll be a good boy and pour one out right now!
If you're not, you should be~
Nothing medical that I know of, but once I get about 4-5 beers deep I almost always get a splitting headache, usually before I'm even drunk. So I stick to light drinking and never really go over that. Shame, I got blackout drunk 2 or 3 times and miss the fun you could have sometimes, but it's not worth the price.
Now I feel like I should pat your head and call you a good boy while you sip your first drink.
I rarely drink myself drunk nowadays, my hangovers are other worldly bad. I prefer a couple beers and a fat joint.
sounds silly, but I've found the whole "just drink water lul" thing very helpful actually. I just force myself to drink a couple litres of water when I get drunk and wake up feeling kinda meh, rather than puking my guts out for hours on end.
Beer gives me trouble too, I mostly just stick to vodka.
I'm all yours to pat and forcefeed drinks while staring at pokebutts~
I chug water and it doesn't help, I'm just headache prone, eeeeevery now and then I can get lucky and dodge it though or slow drink with friends over a day, but doing that I'll never get drunk so it's not as much fun
I've tried everything at this point and nothing really helps. My hangovers last for 2-3 days, so I only get myself shitfaced when it's worth it, and when I have the time to suffer the consequences. I love being drunk so in a way my hangovers keep me from being an alcoholic lel.
You are? And what if I start giving you little kisses?
Alcohol dehydrates you, so you should always drink as many glasses of water as you do beer. You could also be mildly allergic to something in the beer. I'd try drinking non-alcoholic beer and see if you still have issues
Kisses are only allowed as a manipulation tactic :3
This is the wrong place to look for geuine affection and I'm well aware of that~

Aww, sorry to hear. Drinking is like one of my biggest kink, also because you can combine it with basically everything.
Well I do beer and liquor a couple times a month and 4 always seems to be stop range, sometimes I'll be fine, sometimes I'll be up all night, sometimes a headache will set in its always a crapshoot. I could always drink MORE water, since most of the time if you're at someone else's mercy of offering the drinks there won't be any, and like the other anon, the couple times I went all in I spent a good 8 hours puking up yellow and dry heaving all with the worst headache ever. Some people say you've got to get used to it but I also like my uh... internal limit just to keep me from letting it get out of control too. Sucks though, Id like to have some late night drunk game fests myself haha
So no kisses for you then... Shame. I just have to keep giving you very manipulating headpats.
I suppose I'll pat myself as I have another drink to umbreon butt :3
Look deep into the dark(type) hole and drink!
Another? If you say so. Cheers >.>
I hope you're sipping a drink and not doing shots. You end up being fucked up fast at this rate.
---I've been doing double shots of vodka

Also just caught picrel f*gmon. Hot poison types and drinking go well together~
Thankfully there's still weed to help me goon~
I hope you're not a lightweight!
That's a new gen Weavile? I don't know shit about newer gen games.
same desu
Playing Emerald Rogue 2 in the classic mode, where you have up to gen3 + everything from those gens that's gotten regional forms or evolutions. That alone is enough for me to have no clue what's going on half the time, and the game does include everything up to gen9
surprised you haven't seen sneasler tho, he got a lot of gay porn cause he got a lot of gay vibes

Still haven't tried weed. The one time I had the opportunity I was already rather drunk and mixing those for my first time sounded like a bad idea even then. Glad to hear that's working for you tho~
Hear that from a lot of people, weed not messing them up as much as alcohol

I should probably also start worrying about dinner. Haven't had lunch, and while I don't mind drinking on empty stomach since it's got me feeling plenty fun already, I do want to give my body *something* to work with
I don't really use pokedex when I'm pumping to pokemon bois. I haven't played pokemon games in years, but I saw that pokerogue game and wanted to try it. Too bad I don't know half of the pokemon lol.
If you're inexperienced with weed, never combo it with alcohol. You might get to puke and pass out fast if you do. Go have something to eat anon!
Sorry to hear that anon. At least you know what your limit is
Aye, food's in the oven
That's some delicious eveelution butt that's got me wanting to down another drink for it, but I'll wait til I've had a bite~

Pokeroughe =/= Pokemon Emerald Rogue
Emerald rogue is a romhack that just got updated yesterday. Would recommend if that sorta thing sounds interesting to you. And the gen3 + regional forms of those mons is a pretty good way to ease yourself into the new stuff.
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Good boys can wait for their treat!
Sounds like I should start with Emerald Rogue then. I love the first 3 gens the most, so it's probably the best way to get back into Pokemon.
Slyveon is my favorite pokemon, so I HAVE to drink to delicious rump like that! But then I still gotta do the the espeon from before...
Oh well, double double it is. I'm sure that'll be fine now that I got some food in me >.>
It is getting harder to focus tho, with all the booze and butts...
Damn it anon, eat that food first! You're just speedrunning blacking out at this point. But down the bottle and wait for that food to finish.
I already finished dinner, silly. Was just some stuff that needed to be heated up
And telling me to slow down and still posting sylveon holes is sending mixed messages :P (didn't drink for that post tho)
Anon is speedrunning everything!
Well then, if you can't handle sylveon, cool down with an ice eevee for a second. And don't drink for it.
Just gonna enjoy the view for a minute and touch myself a bit, before I get back to playing and decide which pokemon to replace with a slyveon I just caught (It was in a catching contest where I was supposed to get the thing with the highest special attack, but once sylveon popped up I stopped thinking about what my team would need or what would win me the contest and went for it. (gardevoir would've been the "correct" choice, but who needs a thot like that))
Had me thinking for a sec, if glaceon is the best power bottom eveelution, keeping your dick cool so you don't cum too early.
But then I remembered that sylveon would just milk you until you cum AGAIN, if you cum too early, so it still remains on top.
It's my personal headcanon that fairy types require cum as sustenance, so they got two choices: beg for it or go and take it.
And Sylveon definitely belongs in the latter category. I've never seen a more confident bottomon. It WILL get what it desires. It's a predator.
Much better. Good boy!
I hope I didn't fuck up your team by posting sylveon lol. I don't know anon... everyone needs a thot gardevoir. They get so attached to their trainers that they will do anything their power to please them

Glaceon is your denial bottom dom, Sylveon gets their powers from your cum, but I think Umbreon would be the real predator. They'll just do whatever they want to you for giggles.
sylveon didn't actually make it to the team due to me forgetting what menu I was in while posting, so I accidentally dismissed it :/
Then a couple of drunk mistakes (and some bad rng, but something that could've been handled) lead to the end of the run.
I can get sneasler as a starter now though and it served me very well in that run, so I think I will. Plus that'll be a constant reminder of my gay urges >.<
I'd love to commit the *act* of drinking more, as a sign of respect for hot pokemon, but I'm plenty drunk for now, so a little break probably still makes sense
Oof! That's what you get when you speedrun getting drunk!
Take a break anon. I have to go to do something too. Thanks for recommending a romhack for me!
It's a shame but, take care.
Have fun, if you decide to give it a shot!
This one for me pls.
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That was a nice set.
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oh yes
>hour after hour <3
You know I'm not big on cages but some of the recent artwork I've seen is really making me want to reconsider, especially if it helps with this particular brand of playtime...
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>cocks start looking better than vaginas
>start wanting to be the furfag
a terrible rabbit hole
You won't turn back, and you won't regret it! I didnt even last a month when I discovered furry porn, been a gooner ever sonce.
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yea well my collection only seems to be growing and my need to self insert is making me dumb these days
Embrace it anon, you'll be fantasizing bottoming to furbois in no time, and soon you may even have your own dedicated husbando
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>you'll be fantasizing bottoming to furbois in no time
i think we are passed that point, anon...
Good boy indeed :3
Balls touching too, yep, diagnosis is, far far too gone!
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how do i escape this hell
Hell? Don't be silly, if anything reality is the hell. I can't help you there tho anon, my philosophy is, why would you want to?
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i suppose because I yearn for a reality that simply doesn't exist :<
you know what I mean?
someone teased me with their butt, so I ended up drinking a bunch more >~<
There's no hell, just blissful furboi heaven.
Don't drink too much!
At this point it should be "drink enough water" ;3
Bad decisions are hot~
I've known for a long time, friend, but we can dream!
Drink enough water and don't stay up too late!
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true enough~ no harm in enjoying the fantasy that often comes to mind!
I will have to stay up late, boss's orders >.>
Will give me plenty of time to drink water tho.
Posting sylveon makes me to drink things other than water tho >.<
I love that pic and I want to eat that sweaty ass. Oh and remember to enjoy your fantasies properly!

Then no more sylveon or eeveelution pics. I'm not making you drink more!
You're too nice, anon~
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>Oh and remember to enjoy your fantasies properly!
oh yea? what's the proper way?
Drink that water, anon!

Hard and intense crotch plapping with your fist!
On it! Regularly sipping.
Still, when I'm all vulnerable like this, I need people to take advantage of me in some sorta manner~
I just love huge insertions~
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>Hard and intense crotch plapping with your fist!
i'll be doing that while spreading my ass~

must feel nice to conquer such a beast
Good boy!
>I need people to take advantage of me
I'm a wrong anon for that I'm afraid, sorry!

Well you do have two hands so better keep them both occupied!
Does anon like locked up bois?
>I'm a wrong anon for that I'm afraid
'tis a shame, but just focus on keeping that other anon horny~
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>Does anon like locked up bois?
pf course! when you can service cock, you don't need use of your own
I know it'd be all just for fun, but it would make me feel iffy and a bit bad nevertheless.

I like cages but I like free obedient cocks that know their place too. Also I like to see rock hard throbbing cocks too much...
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>like cages but I like free obedient cocks that know their place too
ya i prefer them to be free, flopping around while getting absolutely fucked
>Also I like to see rock hard throbbing cocks too much...
mmmm tell me about it~
Don't take this as me trying to push anything on you, but feeling bad for me is just plain silly.
I asked for it, I deserve it. Pity would just be wasted.
Got to have another drink for someone else tho >:<
I like when cages are part of denial play, otherwise it's free cocks for me!
Flopping, jumping, and throbbing at you, begging for your touch and attention.

I know! I just feel bad about taking advantage thingies because I've gotten fucked over irl too much.
But not getting into that, drink more water!
>drink more water
Just finished the bottle, which works, cut I gotta get up to use the bathroom anyway.
Which I think is a good sign I'm staying hydrated. Will drink more water tho!
Good boy! I'm off to bed now. Don't drink too much booze!
I won't unless I'm told to~
Sleep well!
just a few more drinks~
Sorry, anon, I'm not all that clear of mind rn, you gotta be a bit more explicit with me >.>
I can have another sip of water rn tho, no problem, if that's what you want!
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Genuinely, yes, I do, they are best bois, submissive and breedable, yet also soft and cuddly. Perfect match
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Scrafty is built 4 breeding, HWABAS4BTC (he will always be a slut 4 big trainer cock) look at his loose tailhole
Damn, it's been 2 years since this comic came out, I hope Milo's words come true. He wants to be fucked hard and rough I hope Adrián makes Milo cum like a bitch I have never seen Milo cum like a bitch I hope Adrián is the first to make Milo cum like a bitch.
I want to be Milo
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Im personally a big fan of leashes being used to not great effect, more as like a reminder
I realized that the one I caught at first was female. That has been remedied and I've made some investments in him~
HRT Sneasel
Looks like it might end up going both ways.
>A terrible rabbit hole
All the opposite, it's quite the cute and sexy rabbit hole~
Syuro fanbox....
thought milo would top
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Wish we'd gotten a better mascot
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Of course, especially if I can ride inside...
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Fizz is the best faggot bf ever
That gif is such a mood, cocks becoming erect are the sexiest fucking thing ever. I need my lips locked around a musky shithole or kissing a fat pair of sagging musty balls so I can enjoy seeing it throb violently erect as close as possible.
I couldn't agree more, especially with how you want to get them erect, so fucking hot.
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>get pigg'd!
>get pigg'd!
>get pigg'd!
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I need to get my tongue all up in a Sylveon's shitter.
I would let a plump pig fuck me all day.
I want to get pigg'd....
God I love video game logic put into things, it really clicks for me.
Wait...is this how it is for the caption people?! I UNDERSTAND NOW!
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Cringetok <3
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In his official art he is sorta cute, but I am not a big fan of the proportions they gave him.

Also, in this pic they look a bit too similar to a certain bear whose name starts with "P" well known here...
I would be cringe for him.
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Cringe is based!
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Gooning in Diapers, I highly recommend it
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way ahead of ya >>67109324
I don't hate him, but he does not spark joy for me
Pls don't just post incorrect information like that, it makes my autism sad :(
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Opps, my bad. You can tell I don't follow sports much.
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>literally getting knocked out from smelling shitter
I wish that were me so bad.
When did Daire turn hard into diaper kink?
I feel like it wasn't ALWAYS there but it definitely ramped up after a certain point.
Absolutely, ass so rank and tasty it can cause sensory overload.
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