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>Dance edition

A place to discuss anything related to established or up-and-coming DTVA shows and other Western cartoons that feature cute n' funny female protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):

>The Ghost And Molly McGee

>Hailey's On It!

>The Owl House



>Hamster And Gretel

>Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur


>Star vs. the Forces of Evil

>Twelve Forever


>Harriet The Spy


>Big City Greens

>Previous thread:
Reggie is totally the kind of person who would just hold pencils her own dang way and hey it works so stop tellin me to change
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Only 155 threads? Man, feels like we've had way more. Tbf, I stopped hanging in /dlc/ for some months but came recently, so maybe my sense of time is a little blurry.
Criminal this girl is no neglected (still not watching her show)
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chocolate bum being groped and playfully teased
Molly a cute.
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Alright, this Molly isn't half bad either.
Two great tastes that taste great together.
She's got her method. It's odd sometimes, but it's hers.
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Both can be true
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"Hey! I saw you looking at my butt!"
Yeah, and? It's not my fault you have a cute butt.
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Lookin' at butts is what good eyeballs do.
Molly's ADHD and June's autism. Imagine.
the only June my heart has room for is from KaBlam!
it would have been hilarious if she met another kid that enjoyed toys but he was a meticulous collector and was horrified at how reggie treats hers
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Molly a cute and I love looking at her ancient, archived /tgamm/ threads.
I imagine anyone who uses the word "bum" unironically as an old man no younger than 50.
Poor Marco makes a hard decision in her new girlfriend between Jackie or Star. That is impossible.
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Me too, threads and the show itself were kinda fun.
>still no uncensored version
Mir I beg...
Friendly reminder that mewnians are comparatively colder, lesser beings that would cling onto you for warmth.
Only because the actual right answer is Janna.
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Ooh, She-Ra stuff, you don't see them too often

First season is too rainbow/princess/sailor moon, but over time it becomes more and more like an old school Star Wars adventure. More sci-fi elements and fun alien critters. So I find it's worth it.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/tj6fm0.png
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Janna smells like weed and BO
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Blue Frightwig

She's the kind of girl that would have a different pencil grip for different things she draws because she believes it "makes them better".

She's such a cutie, too bad her clothes are a pain to draw, maybe I should draw her without them ;)
>pit hair
This Frightwig would most certainly taste even more refreshing.
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She's blueberry flavor
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Cute kitty
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Witch wednesday?
Corporate needs you to find the difference between these images.
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*slap her butt!*
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Fake btw
Marco is cock exclusive like the twink fag he is
True. Such an expressive autist. The good ‘ol days…
Being fair, that’s some pretty light censoring
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That's what it's made for
That girl is pretty cute too. The best girls seem to be the side ones though
Mama Boobchuy my wife…
Why does she have pit hair
Truly a real gypsy
i love me some ‘wig…
*spays her*
I need those around my neck
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A hurricane is about to hit me. Any storm cunnies?
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Very true
alexa, define "storm cunnies"
I mean I guess Hilda rode a thunderbird once. What do you want the last cunny you see to be anon?
Did some experiments with rendering for that one backless dress request.
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I wanted so badly for there to be an extra season where it's just the gang flying around in the spaceship going on missions and adventures. That dynamic felt perfect and it lasts for an episode and a half.
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I think you should. She is a nudist after all.
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Hey, where is her nipples?? Come on.
Oh, no. They are glowing demon eyes!
they're so small they vanished
Cute butts!
Hey, that's a cute one piece swimsuit for Molls.
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That noonun? Neat, haven't seen his works in years but I remember he had a handful of really good Star-related pics.

Soon(tm). Give it one more century or so. :^)
>Still holding the finished version for that mythical gallery of mine, but I dunno, after my current batch of trash is finished or near done, I may just drop it here or on a "private gallery" somewhere (maybe imgur).

Thx, for a free-style sketch it certainly came out okayish. There are definitely elements that need to be tweaked though.

Nice Wig, the ghostly cyan mixed with that cherry red makes me wanna call her "Ghostwig". I can even imagine a whole spin-off story with her and that's a good thing.
Haha wouldn't it be crazy if you were Bill Cipher possessing the nubile body of a young girl and you could do anything you wanted with it/her haha
Haha yea...yea. Course knowing bill there would probably be a price.
I want to see these in 4k mir why are u like this
Thanks been a bit since I drew Molly and I thought a one-piece would be something she would wear in the summer. Might clean it up later.
A cute cool blue flavored Frightwig. Perfect for the summer heat that's already starting to come down.
Didn't want to get jannied
Now there's a nice pair of butts. Cute and brimming with energy Mable which pairs nicely with the more graceful and composed Pacifica with her. Digging the back shading for these two and the yellow eyes gives this a cool extra uneasy feel.
OR here, well worth the wait. Thank you very much!
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This reminds me, the lack of a sexy puppet community angers me greatly.
Linkara pls go
What, Linkara's a puppet fucker now?
I'm glad you guys like it! And im glad the wait was worth it. Cheers lads.
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>he doesn't know
Not up to date on my Linkara lore.
Any chance you could do a version without the Bill eyes? Personally I find it way hotter if they're wearing those outfits be choice.
Possibly, but not right away. My next big project is going to be lots of smaller faster projects to improve in other areas.
I was hoping it would be a relatively quick change. Ah well.
She should stick to a no-piece suit. >>67094459
>this guy isn't hip to the science of bums
i bet you don't even know how many bums an octopus has got
you know girls HAVE that, right?
Not if they have an ounce of self respect. This is why French girls don't shave them.
why is this makin me laugh so hard
That is better. Thank.
>i'm just a bill, yes i'm only a bill
>to respect yourself is to remove a small part of yourself
It's called grooming. Try it on yourself some time instead of on underage girls.
>Rather than cleaning, grooming is about removing parts of yourself
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That is bestselling book in the world.
i'd read the fuck out of this
and i'd let my reggie masturbate anywhere she wants in the house.
I mean I get where you're coming from but surely you cut your hair too.
And nails.
hell no.
Well i trim the sides a little, but these days it's falling out so badly that I don't need to. and my nails break and peel off naturally on their own, either down to nothing, or down to a nice length if I'm taking ashwagandha

dont ever take heartburn pills, guys. those shits will fuck you up.
Her feet are fucking HUGE.
Regardless most people cut their hair and nails. So one could say grooming is in fact, at least in part, about removing small parts of yourself.
they need to fucking stop
i mean girls should cut their hair cute and short but you dont take all of it off.
Surely they should cut their body hair to their preference not yours.
what a laughable concept. you really think people just decided to do that of their own accord, don't you. that it's their actual individual desire.
What is this are you some kinda of gamer hobgoblin? Who uses the word phrase laughable concept unironically. Either way to answer your question yea kinda. Their are societal pressures sure but ultimately its your choice. Like its your choice to be a greasy long nailed gamer hobgoblin.
Greasy balding long nailed gamer hobgoblin *
it could happen to you too, dude. hope it doesn't though.
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See, this is why the best girls are the ones that don't have any unsightly body hair yet.
I appreciate that, I really do. But those other three adjectives we all have control over.
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>or down to a nice length if I'm taking ashwagandha
… ashwagandha does that?? i’ve been taking sea moss infused with it…
>those shits will fuck you up.
how does one become the hobgoblin
… breaking bad? sex with her
Very nice, the eyes are very erotic for some reason. As are the back boobs
only if I get your panties next
What the fuck is this
Yes, but it’s shaved/kept in check and considered uncouth not to in every civilized country
yeah that shit really helps your hair and nails. it's amazing having actual fingernails for the first time in my life, i can grab small objects, I can scritch the cat..
problem is you get tolerant to it, so every like 3 months you gotta take a month off and have shitty nails again.
because of conformism, not because of some inherent quality of civilization, you putz. you think europe wasn't civilized til the 21st century? Please try to use logic.
Exactly. The kind who are smooth and aerodynamic when streaking.
Excessive body hair on women is shitty anywhere barring maybe the vagina and grooming it has been a thing since forever. Not because of ‘conformity’ but because it’s basic decency for us to not look like our distant Sasquatch ancestors, women especially
And hydrodynamic when skinny dipping.
dude look it up, it has never been common to the point of being obligatory until muslims started taking over. basic common sense tells you people were not super into the idea of running sharp metal over themselves for fashion until they absolutely had to to not be pariahs. and even then, after a while you had rebels. because it's asinine. God put hair there for a reason.
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>God put hair there for a reason.
Aaaaaand opinion discarded. Smooth supremacy.
The better to tease with.
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some body hair < no body hair < ALL BODY HAIR!
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fine, my good fedora. let's say evolution put it there for a reason
one way or another, it makes the good girl smells waft better. assists evaporation.
oh well that fucking proves it. That was obviously used for armpits, and that date is obviously 100% reliable and in no way made up based on science that changes every couple years.
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>some body hair < no body hair
I guess but this ranking should be exclusive to hags
imagine risking an infection in neolithic times just to have a smooth coochie lol
seriously. right up through the 19th century, that shit could kill you.
>until muslims started taking over.
>the people who frequently look like sasquatches themselves came up with shaving
>Hilda when she finds out she can't legally marry her pet
well the pits anyway. and making it the fucking law, yeah
i mean egyptians were doing it first i think. it gets fuckin HOT down there.
But at least they recognized that to look right, once you shave some hair off, you gotta put some fake stuff back on. wigs and fake beards and what have you. I dunno if they had merkins..
Based based based!!
It’s just more attractive and convenient
Epic prehistoric cavemen. Even our ancestors knew smooth/bald was best. Discussion over!
oh yeah, nothing's more convenient than sharpening each of your hairs into a perfect sharp flat edge.
you could at least advocate waxing if you're gonna go for that shit
as long as the end result is smooth, the road taken there is negligible ;)
her magic ancestry ensures she remains smooth
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It is called a birthday suit.

Must be thinking of Reggie and zombie shenanigans.

Well more like undead, punk, and a sweaty guy.

Reggie takes a self-pleasure time.
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>be blonde
>be adorable
Why is this so common bros???
white people are attractive
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8 days
having less of something e.g. melanin makes you seem softer, gentler, less mature. a lot of animals darken as they age, few that I can think of get lighter. and if so, probably just so the heat-absorption to warm a smaller body turns to reflection to keep a larger body cool.
Nice. A swimsuit Molly. Perfect for Summer.
Right in the crack.
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is this actually pro design work or is this guy just way too up his own ass
What? But I'm not-
*looks in mirror*
Oh... my god. I'm GORGEOUS!
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Me too man, me too.
Also, madness or practicality. Either works.
man i'm glad people remember this show. i hope it continues for a while, it's the most refreshingly funny animated comedy in a while.
The little bumps peeking through is a good touch. Cute girls.
Yeah, that fits.
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I just think ridiculously long-haired blondies are adorable tb h
It's not necessarily a race thing, they just silly cute bro
who’s the girl on the left? I love their expressions
adorable swimsuit cities
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Well, those tend to be White, so it’s at least partially a race thing, but I get the sentiment, I love them too :)
Speaking of blonde cuties who need my babies…
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alright, hear me out
>short blonde hair = evil, cunning, domineering
>long blonde hair = gooder, sillier, more submissive
Ironically I see blond white girls as bratty mean-girl alpha bitches, brunette and ginger as innocent and naive, black and brown girls as horny sluts, and Asians as submissive and innocent.
I mean counterpoint.
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Perfect for a vacation
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>evil, cunning, domineering
Sounds like a lot of examples you can find in media so not surprising
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Which one is cuter?
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She's the exception, not the rule! c'mon, this paradigm would be airtight otherwise...

>brunette and ginger as innocent and naive
>Asians as submissive and innocent.
left is cuter but right probably has more personality, don’t know what she’s from
both made for big anglo/dutch/spanish/french settler cock
Cutie Anne
we need more upskirts
the face on the left is more aesthetic
there is something special about it. rapunzel was top tier. but i like how her hair ended up a lot better. plus that's her natural color, and you can kinda tell.
so ruffly and cute. and that hat reminds me of Moko Jono.
i like your logo, cherrybutt.
what tits?
tit really means the nipple.. it's weird we started saying it to mean the breast. it is an obvious corruption of 'teat'
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How can you be pushing 40 and still wear such short dresses? Slut.
this is cute, but it's not how I think it would work if a mom had a crush on her daughter.. she wouldn't be "the girl" in the scenario.
I like it.
i'm sure she had hilda when she was like 15.
cool a new name.
Moms crushing on their daughters. A rarity but something I wouldn't mind seeing more of. Hilda is cute so I can't blame Johanna.
what do you usually call yourself? ass sundae?
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I miss Lovin' Sis.
Ignore it it’s faggot posted
Is the implication she gets turned on?
What the fuck
This is hot
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>What the fuck
>This is hot
Porn comic called Lovin' Sis. Lots of incest, loli, shota, lesbians, some bondage, and little bit of gay shit but it's largely skipable.
new to xierra are ya? you're in for a treat.
>this person claims to be a woman from uruguay
… many such cases?
there are telltale signs of being female and latin, so I buy it
You'll find a lot of South American and Mexican loli artists. The woman thing is a rarity though.
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Hey, if you're gonna be posting boys post them on /she/ >>67089119
god bless the unfettered anime those people got for a while. i'm told that has ended, and they're under censorship like the rest of us.
Never heard of this but this scratches a very specific kind of itch. Not bad at all. Would be cool to see Hilda or other girls with their moms like this too.
indeed, but I still say the dynamics need to be kept, not the mom becoming a giddy child but maintaining her place of authority and responsibility..
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I usually stuck with the name buttanon
Hilda is really 100% queer.
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Wish there was more cunny in games….
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Anyone remember my wife or has it been too long?
that works!
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Why is it *my* job to remember *your* wife?
it’s not
i remember her
but if you don’t, i’ll make you do so
>Candace spreading her lips nice and wide
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Cherry butt is also a neat name too
‘ilda ‘um…
>short blonde hair = evil, cunning, domineering
Wow rude
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i love messyhairiet so much
an old edit of old fashion butt bullying
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Happy 4th, my fellow USA-based degenerates.
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i prefer this edit
solid edit
i stupidly tried doing it by hand at first.
>No naked Libby
So disappointed
Ronnie Anne is not American. That's she born in Mexico. Hmm.
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this is molly convincing libby to do it
so it's a prequel to all the times you have seen her naked in her yard.. i know i've seen that before.
molly pushing libby into nudism for enhappiness purposes, and it turning into exhibitionism, is like the best thing imaginable.
still look fine
OMG thank's MiiR
>the ghostly cyan mixed with that cherry red makes me wanna call her "Ghostwig"
Imagine if Frightwig got the omnitrix instead, I et that would be her phantom aliens name lol.

Good job anon, one piece suits are great, I think I like them over the conventional micro bikinis

>Perfect for the summer heat that's already starting to come down.
Lol, it's funny how it could be interpreted that way since it's winter over here and I wanted to draw something with a cold palette.
Counter point, I like all my lolis domineering so every hairstyle and color is actually different flavors of domineering.
This is cute. Like Harriet sketched up and doodled /dlc/ herself.
I want this but with Hilda holding the leash
Or those puritan werewolf girls
What a silly eater.
she’s about to be bleached by one however
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Not so fast…
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Since we posting blondes, look at this lab freak.
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Cute lab experiment.
Built for BBQ
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>Or those puritan werewolf girls
You want to be put on a leash by Robyn out of all people?
I mean, she's literally part canine anon.
Doubling down on the role reversal.
Exactly. I come home with a leash and collar thinking I'm going to call her a good girl, teach her to sit, put her in her place. Instead she sits on my face and puts the collar on me.
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>Instead she sits on my face and puts the collar on me.
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>Doubling down on the role reversal
It's downright upsetting how much sense men wanting to get collared by women makes now
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I much prefer right because she isn't drawn in a chibi style so she has more curves even if you can't tell from the screencap. Both are barefoot so thats +1 points to both.
God I really want to mejorar la raza with Sasha...
I understand the stars are glued to her chest but the lines of the thong not being aligned with them pisses me off, should've been an actual bikini.

I've drank 3 monsters today and I'm hyped as fuck, I'm truly addicted to this shit I really need to stop. Gonna game so hard today, god I love emulation.
4th of July, the day Gwen got mogged to death
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Made this, first time making a gif so I dunno if its meant to look this blurry.
Ayyyy look at her go!
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Takes me back to the PARTY HARD days.
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Actually, that's the 2nd gif I made, forgot about pic rel.
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she's got MOVES
those are no good for a witch's lungs
I'd kill for a blonde bushy version

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