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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Walkies Edition

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Anon's Honest Zootopia Fan Fiction Reviews: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/31830969/#31831031

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It's not ghey if it's prey
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>"How would you like a headbutt to the nuts?"
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That's cute
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Wolter really wants to get his dick sucked rn
I was taking pics of a bat at the zoo and then noticed this beauty. It reminded me of someone.

yes, that's a penis
that bat seems super fucked up
is that a bone sticking out of its skin there
Nick is not for submissive bottoming
someone draw Itty like this
that falling leaf makes judy look like shes having explosive diarrhea
love how they're not even looking at each other
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What if Al had a son and named him Allison
Alison looks like he'd give freaky head
I still like the idea that wolter wouldn't fuck his sister but he would absolutely jerk off to her
Just has a folder dedicated to nudes and porn he's found of her

God, he would do that. He would give him that name
What if al were a girl and the pack barely respected her
>cmon alice. one day you give up being an alpha. Let us take care of the pack while you relax
All you need to be as an alpha are strength, and to not be autistic because pack dynamics are about being able to protect yourself and others and project a strong image so if you can't project a strong image you're basically unable to be an alpha, therefore, pack dynamics are abelist as shit. This has been my ted talk/schizo rant
Remmy doesn't care if it's offensive
He wants to hold all of the girls leashes
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So the movie posits that, other than the whole "sapient-level intelligence" thing, animals by and large remain unchanged from their feral counterparts

Does that mean that all the koalas in Zootopia are Syphilis-riddled, narcoleptic, dipshit sex goblins?
We didn't see rabbits being infanticidal cannibals so I imagine there's some creative liberties
Remmy is pretty good at it. Ozzy recommends.
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>What if al were a girl
His tits would be the same size.
His dad thinks this while jerking off
>damn what if albus were a girl
We are taking the "Al's dad is a total scumbag" to a much deeper level than I had hoped it would go

>Captcha: SHAGR
>just "Shagger"
Al's inner transgender thoughts
kindly delete yourself from the genepool
You can't stop that egg from being cracked. Alice is a beautiful woman
Velvet living out her fantasies of fucking Betty through trans!Al
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Our Queen
What if everyone in the pack (Phil too) was a girl and when you walked into the crowns it smelled straight like good muff
I would hate it cuz I'm not into that
What if everyone in the pack was male (velvet too) and when you walked into the crowns it smelled like good dick
Am I still autistic in this scenario?
That is a seriously diseased fruit bat.
Diseased bat and moldy fruits.
Soup Time :)
stop having fag anal
Autism fetish is weird
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that's a fucking pineapple
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anyone here fluent in russian? I've been wondering what it says in this picture for ages. also there's an URL there which makes me wonder if the picture is available in better quality there but I can't make out what it says. zvcropolis? that gives me an error
Don't be silly, pineapples don't eat bananas!
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Just give him the succ Remmy.
>This social disability prevents its haver from acting in a social system
O rly?
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>femmy giving him a little smooch after they spent the day together
>They drew each other in the lot and he surprisingly went easy on her
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Does he practically give his ass away too?
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Marty be the type of dude who can't lift his paws over his head because his arms are so short
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I remember the day this was posted here all those years ago along with the story. I will never forget it for as long as I live.
>"fruit" bat
>"moldy fruits"

are these alegories of gays and them having aids
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>see Marty
>day is better now

Marty is such a fun character
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Our system thinks your post is spam
This site fuckin sucks man
Oh Al, you're as vanilla as a milkshake, and twice as sweet.
And just as thick, God DAMN
I know that he's kind of an easy target but goddamn Siroc is just cutting straight to the chase in this one
Oh boy time to pretend the dialog isn't there and just enjoy Mrs ottertons huge tits
Chonky boi
>It ends up being a completely above-board and respectable photoshoot and nothing untowards happens
>calling Al a hecking thiccums chonker and watching him try and figure out what that means, and if he needs to hit you over it.
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Kek. Pandora would start calling him this just to annoy him

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