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For all content relating to filth or bodily fluids including but not limited to scat, smegma, farts, vomit, cellulite, pus, urine, etc.

"Got any more snacks?" edition

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%22%2FFilth%20Generall%2F%20%23%22

Previous Thread: >>66954045

>No vanilla fetish content (bodily fluids are a must)
>Furry/Hentai allowed
>As long as it has bodily fluids, it's allowed to be posted.
>NO GORE (blood is disallowed)
>Low quality art is discouraged (art made without use of art fundamentals or has incredibly poor anatomy/study put into it)

OP is !jznPENfU/A
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hahah imagine if my dick got farted onto
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Archive link doesn't work, start putting it in the OP text and set the serch to OP posts only

so the archive link will actualy be this
dirty anal needed
That's gay
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I'm glad this artist is back to making scat stuff
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Yeah they're a good one, I think they just go on long breaks is all desu

is this another argento alt by any chance :o?
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I don't know, that's not someone whose art I follow.
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anyone have a mirror of that old multi-art pack of herro's? been searching for years
god damn
I'm going to marry this picture <3
What are your biggest fantasies involving filth? What makes you cum harder than anything else? For me, it’s being forced to inhale impossibly rancid farts indefinitely, for the joy of whoever subjects me to it regardless of how disgusted and nauseated I am by it.
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Any lovers of constipated girls here?
fucking someone's ass while being covered and blasted with logs of shit, torrents of piss and other filth
Wolf slob forcing me to suck his smegma covered red rocket clean.
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Absolutely, they always let out the hugest loads when they finally go too.
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Human toilet bondage stuff, and stuff involving/moving into diaper territory.
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Picreal would have maybe been a better example to use but eh

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