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Same Sex Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67055876
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I thought I was alone. Weird that it took 4 hours to make new.
Why did the old thread get nuked, anyways?
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Could be the op got a 3-day.
I was reading the end of the last thread after I woke up and a few people were unlucky while posting Gura.
I'm a hag guy myself.
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>Haven't been here for months so I check the last few threads in the archive
>Crossdressing anon is posting again
Nice, time to lurk /vtsg/ again
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Oh yeah, I checked the archive. Seems like they got the streamer good, all posts deleted. Guessing he was the op..?
Or maybe the other guy I was chatting with last night, seems like he was banned from a sloppa pic too. Really, what a tragedy.
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Welcome back.
I love tail stuff.

At least it's likely only three days.
Hopefully they can still have a good time getting off while lurking.
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Thanks! Yeah this artist is great, I really like their holo stuff
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I opted for staying away because otherwise I would have gotten too jealous of anons posting. But yeah, 3 days go away astonishingly fast.
I haven't seen this much law enforcement on /trash/ in a while, by the way.
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Naked dolls.
Doll sexo
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Gatta sesso
Why are ber tits so alluring
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For attracting mates
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It makes me horny, so maybe it works
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Everything about this cat really is designed for sex.
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That ass sway... I wanna glaze her so much, truly a peak design
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Holocats are so sexual.
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Do you wanna fuck their tits too?
The crossdressing anons are returning to /vtsg/, nature is healing.
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I want to do more than just fuck them.
I want to suck them and feel them.
I want to free them from the confines of her shirt when we're out and about and fuck them just out of sight of everyone else.
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Imagine whipping it out causally, anywhere and anytime. Imagine the looks you'd get as you thrust nonstop into her tits
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The look in her eyes just before she gets covered and the look after knowing she's still out and can't do much about it.
Big fat cat tats
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I thought it was a cumtribute from the thumbnail, but it was just the light.
Nice booba regardless.
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Miosha definitely deserves lots of sticky ropes
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Yeah, I agree, even more so if her cleavage is exposed like that.
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I like this artist.
Cute and sexy.
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That's the best part
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The skin looks hella smooth, I love that.

Hag saggers can hardly be beat, after all.
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I would rail Fubuki next to an anon railing Mio.
Not a cat, a Lion! Rawr~
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Lions are members of the Family Felidae and are therefore cats.
I want Botan in my bed to cuddle with while I fall asleep, peferably nude or in something light and lewd. That's all, sorry. I'm so very fucking tired and she's my number one good taste.
Chuuba tits
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Sometimes that's all you need.
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Chuuba tits 2 electric boogaloo
The right words and naked skin on naked skin and intimacy solve a lot of problems for me. I'm easy to please, I'm sorry I know that's boring as fuck.
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Everything is exciting when you are with someone you love.
That's the truth. Fuck she's so pretty and sexy, I'm exhausted and my mind is mush but I want to bury my head in that cleavage and never come out.
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Feeling her soft warmth while you drift off to sleep.
I doubt there's much better.
Drinking her milk and being headpatted while drifting off. I really did fall hard for her. It's not fair how perfect she's in my strike zone.
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It's only fair she makes you feel so good.
Falling asleep in Botan's arms while you rest your head under her chin and atop her breasts.
Waking up a little sweaty in the morning.
The best late night thoughts.
One very slow and sweet kiss before bed, lots of tongue, but it's tender and easy, then settling on her bare breasts and passing out. I like to think she'd be a bit protective, that makes me feel safe and nice. Also very horny.
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A bit protective especially at night.
Wrapping her body around yours, all the way down to her tail.
Not giving you a chance to escape but it's not like you would want to anyway.
Your dick would be hard-pressed against her soft body all night.
Soft, every so slightly chubby tummy, I always fantasize that I'm just a little shorter than her, not much, but enough for it to be noticeable. She'd get smeared with precum but something tells me that'd make her proud. Marking her as mine in my own way, too.
When it comes to hags for me it's Lui
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Perfect for when she wakes up and starts rubbing against you, marking you with the sweat from a night spent pressed together.
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Good choice
I wonder how she'd get me off, all vulnerable and sleepy against her. Lion scent would keep other girls off of me, jealousy can be pretty cute.
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I think the best way to start the day would be her reaching down with her soft hands and stroking you while she gives you a good morning kiss until you release all over her body.
I want her to destroy my dick so bad
Hearing Lui chuckle when she sees me shooting blanks
I really want to come for her. That sounds like the best way to start the day, I want to paint her skin.
She would really enjoy milking you dry
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Properly marking her to start your day while she makes out with you before washing each other off in the shower.
It's best early because you can still finish inside her later.
Now I want a really intimate and slow handjob while she teases me in bed...
I bet she would
Having her use up all that pent-up desire
Making her feel like a desired woman again with how much she's making me cum
Though it would also be hot as well if she used me for her own selfish pleasure
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Feel like cumming for her?
She's a gentle oneesan, I'm sure she'd want you to have a good time. Of course, she'd also get to enjoy a nice hard cock
Yeah, I've been going slow and building it up. It feels good, anon, I really want her to tease it out of me.
Gentle but also experienced enough to know all the dirty tricks in the book and not ashamed to use them
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She would tease you a lot and make your cock a leaky mess
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When she's not kissing you she would be teasing you, gently blowing on your ear with her hot breath and whispering lewd things in your ear.
Saying how cute you are, especially in the morning, all the while she is still stroking, close enough that you feel both her hands and her body.
Cumming for her now, sorry for keeping you so long anon.
>make your cock a leaky mess
Her body alone would be enough for that
Having her lightly tease me with one hand only as she enjoys it twitching and drooling precum like a waterfall
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It's always fun to help.
Hope she could make you feel really good.
She does. The kind of magic Botan gas against me is too strong.
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Watching you squirm as you're leaking all over her body
God I'd love that
Having her show of her hand as it's covered all over in glistening precum maybe taking the tip and pressing it against her large areola and smearing precum all over it as well
Then gripping the glans with her messy hand and roughly jerking it to force me to cum all over her nipple
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Want to cover her with your cum?
Surrendering to Lui's handjob and spurting all over her fat tits
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Let it all out for Lui-nee while moaning her name
Thoroughly losing to Lui-nee never gets old
Good job
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Based, but you may want to be careful posting chuubas like La+.
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I will, I've been banned a couple of times already
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Huh, rough. It's been odd lately, I never had issues with anything Anya related, and yet..
Yesterday's thread other anons had problems as well. I'm bad at discerning what counts as "lolikon" and what doesn't tbdesu.
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It depends on the image, I think it's the breast size.
In some threads you can get away with more cute and funny than others
If the thumbnail is inconspicuous you can get away with posting some tasty puffy bald slits and budding tits
Though it's always depended on the amount of fags that report and which janny decides to have a stick up his ass that day
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Yeah, that sums it up
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found something anya-non
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Hm, I don't even know anymore, guess I'll double check from now. I deleted a chunk of my collection, since I use it only to post here anyway.

Can't say I'm even that interested in posting it, it's more that it's what I have. I haven't seen that much janny action here of all places, tbdesu.

That got deleted.
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You have to log in to see loli content
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Licking La+'s slender body all over
This place is very lenient but I've gotten b& several times for posting B cups in other places
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yeah what he said. 'loli' content is blacklisted by default so you have to login in order o view it
Small, flat and bald
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So unfair that I can't post half of my shionyo pics
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>it's always depended on the amount of fags that report and which janny decides to have a stick up his ass that day
This is why I only post big titty bitches
Also I love big titty bitches, but mostly the janny thing
We truly deserve better
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Feeling Shion's ribs when you suck on her small tits
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She would giggle and call you a pervert
>and call you a pervert
Would probably be enough to make me spurt
There is no way I could win against mesugaki Shion teasing me with her prime age body
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Calling you kimoi while pointing at your throbbing cock
I dont want Shion to turn me into a quickshot but I dont think I'd be able to hold it long even if she just lightly teased me with her hands or feet
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Giving you permission to stroke to her body, but she won't let you touch her nor cum
That's unfair, she should at least let me shoot it across the floor while she watches (and laughs)
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Getting close?
If you keep posting those Shions I sure will be
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She suddenly grabs your cock and shoves it into her mouth
I dont think I'll be able to hold it if she does that
Feeling her small tongue and seeing her small mouth streched to it's limits while slurping
Losing to Shion like so many times before
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Telling you to pump all your filthy cum inside her slutty mouth
Swirling her tongue around the tip until she can feel me starting to throb, then quickly pulling out and firmly jerking me. Making me shoot it all over the floor while she laughs about how fast I came thinking I would get to cum in her mouth
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Calling you a disgusting pervert while looking at the mess you made for her
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I feel like Ririka probably sucks dick better.
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Sasuga gyaru
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Sleepy sleepy
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wake up
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Eurofriend bedtime.
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burgerfriend dinnertime
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I bet A-chan gives good blowies. I should fap to her.
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I want to fap to IRyS. I always wanted her to be super slutty and seduce me.
Waking up, pulling my cock out and jerking off tho this thread is always a fucking treat.
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Sexy pirate
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Happy freedom day.
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Forgot my lewd.
Give me Mococo or give me death.
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I want to cover her back with cum.
I would happily cover all of her in cum, back and ass included.
I like when girls are proud to show off topless in public.
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Silly sexy fox.
Wearing a shirt without a bra turns me on.
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She knows that
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It's to be expected.
Fubuki is always the best at getting me worked up.
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Even if it makes her very embarassed she'd still do it for you
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It's the best when it embarrasses her but she wants to do it anyway.
I want her to greet me at the door like that knowing how much I would want to lay my hands on he.
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What about going outside with her like that?
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I wish.
I wouldn't be able to stop myself from touching her lewdly and teasing her.
I want to keep Friend on her toes while we are out together when she is dressed so lewdly!
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She would tell you to quit it but wouldn't put up any resistance, hoping that no one notices her erect nipples
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The perfect time to whisper lewd things in her ear knowing despite her light vocal protests she wants it too.
To get more daring and lewd when feeling her body until she can barely carry on walking like normal.
Until we find a semi secluded spot where I can press my body against hers.
I hope someone notices her erect nipples and her flustered face, her embarrassment would both be very cute and lewd knowing she still wants it.
She probably wouldn't be the only one having trouble walking. She would ask you if you need any help with that
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I would be fucking Friend as soon as she encouraged me, it would hardly matter where we were.
I wouldn't stop until I have given her all my cum.
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She would be so horny that she would beg you to fuck her as hard as you can
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And I'd make sure she was filled with my cum before we walked back.
Then pump hard and give her a big load
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I came a lot.
I really like this artist.
Thanks for the help, friend.
Anytime anon
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Breed like rats.
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Now that Mio is back I want to get her pregnant.
Make your dreams come true!
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It must feel so good knowing you knocked her up.
For sure! Mio has to become a mama~
(Gotta go anon, but thanks for the Mio boner)
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Even a little chat is fun.
Hope you have a good time.
lamy milk tanks
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Ryona rabbit

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