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/scaly/ - Scaly General #1404

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings
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FAQ - Common questions already answered

You are free to contribute to either, simply reply and post the information.
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This thread's featured image is here to clean and tidy up... Probably.

Topic of the thread: How might scaly modesty differ from humans and how would it effect their style of clothes?
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Would you a birb?
Fagbolds are just failed dragons trying to be humans.
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no u
this kinda goes against the spirit of the question, but I don't really think scalies (or at least quadrupeds like dragons) would worry as much about clothing or modesty. Most species of dragons aren't very sexually dimorphic, and all their goods are tucked neatly into a slit between their legs and under a thick tail which would keep everything well concealed. The only time you'd really catch a serious glimpse of their nasty bits is if they decided to show you on purpose by either rolling over or lifting their tail way, way up over their head, much like a human deciding to lift up their skirt or drop their briefs. It wouldn't really happen very often by accident.

anthro scalies have a much better case for wearing clothing since a bipedal body plan leaves all your genitals and stuff much more open. But dragons I think would find that clothing and stuff mostly just gets in the way.
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>"Spyro...you d-dummy! That's the wrong Ember!"
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>since a bipedal body plan leaves all your genitals and stuff much more open.
Only a problem when they're copying the humanoid body plan. There's that halfway point between theropod and charizard body plan that leaves the vent concealed and is the perfect shape for semi-feral dragons.
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>Page 9
I'm forthing the "tucker's kobolds but hot" sentiment of the last thread. Hate how they got turned into every dumb tumblr critter ever, plus lean and mean is plain sexier then thicc.
Try pickle
but hole

Appraisals: 9999
God I wish I was that blue thing
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>know that your son is a little shit time bomb
>never protect yourself with magic or have any countermeasure in mind
>have Darkstalker's scroll
>enchant a strawberry that he could have not eaten instead of enchanting him directly
Why is everyone in WoF so low iq?
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i'd fight you for the title but us starflight chads are a dying breed, what with everyone obsessed over angry fish pussy or angry chameleon pussy instead.
Well, looking at the sources of human modesty, there are 3 big reasons we wear clothes. In descending order of importance:
>1. Regulation of sexuality
>2. Hiding vulnerability
>3. Protection from environment
>4. Sanitation
Dragons strike me as intensely passionate creatures, so reason 1 is pretty apparent. Modesty isn't just about hiding genitalia, it's also about masking other fertility markers.
For civilized dragons, I could see them wanting, as a collective, to keep sex from driving everyone to rut, so there would probably be at least some masking of 'turn ons'. Perhaps wearing clothing over patches of markings that signify sex, cuts of clothing which both cover and accentuate whatever sexual dimorphism exists between the sexes. I feel like humanesque cuts of clothing like shirts, pants, etc wouldn't be popular, but more loose fitting things like robes and wraps would be.
Given they are often portrayed as having good senses of smell, there could be a whole 'scent' based modesty. One story (Dragon Champion by E.E. Knight) describes with a dragon's POV a cave filled with the scent of dozens of other male dragons driving him into a near rage which made him want to kill something, and later the scent of a den filled with female dragons being extremely arousing.
I could see them as using cleaning agents, perfumes, or even suppressive potions to mask sexed pheromones, and that being a 'olfactory' modesty standard.
I feel like vent/genital displays could be even more taboo than with humans given 1) long investments in offspring, 2) the intensity of dragon emotions, 3) possibility of 'forced intercourse' Said here. >>67089421
>only time you'd really catch a serious glimpse
I disagree that those regions would be sufficiently hidden, especially factoring flight, uneven ground, perching above/below, etc. I feel like there would be clothing to cover that region, along with the rest of their undersides to address points 1. and 2. above.
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Of course, there could be a huge divide between different sub-species of dragons. I like the idea of different subspecies representing different aspects of their nature.
>Larger, tougher species with heavy horns, scales, classic draconic features - dragons exist as a nobility caste atop empires of kobold and other slaves/lower castes. Wear clothes for ornamental reasons and displays of wealth. Incredibly hedonistic and degenerate, they indulge in their potent emotions, and displays of both male and female sexuality are twisted into power moves, e.x. a quick flash of a vent that draws eyes or flush of pheromones causes a small pause while the other dragon forces his/herself to ignore it is like saying "I have this power over you. I am the stronger one", which is a hyper draconic thing to do. Modesty would only exist to build intrigue and blueball other dragons in this society, and clothing would exist to convey opulence and accentuate the body.
>Civilized dragon species (like pic rel) with well organized empires and technology. They are smaller, fleshier or completely lack scales, weaker and less pronounced horns, but make up for it by being light, maneuverable, more intelligent, and slower metabolism (so the same geographical area can carry a larger population). They don't have the power or nature to build slave empires, so their empires are composed of the dragons themselves. Flashier displays of power, degeneracy, hedonism, etc just don't work for that kind of society unlike the more 'traditional' dragons, and they have to devise a culture that can let millions of them live together in relative harmony, so this includes regulation of sexuality by covering/masking erotic aspects of their bodies. They lack the hardiness of the more monstrous dragons too, so they wear clothes to protect from the elements just as humans do.
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Evens: FFXIV
Dubs: Wank
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Ember will find someone better
>Spyro gets dumped by his big tiddy goth gf who turned lesbian for the cute dragoness who was gushing from the cloagussy for him.
When Spyro grows out of his immature phase, he's going to be kicking himself for screwing up so badly.
>>have Darkstalker's scroll
>>enchant a strawberry that he could have not eaten instead of enchanting him directly
That one was intentional. Foeslayer tells Darkstalker that eating the strawberry would change him and alter his fate forever - she wanted him to choose whether or not to start over with a blank slate. Darkie misinterpreted the choice and thought they were trying to poison him, which he scoffed at; in his arrogance, he ate the berry to show them that something like poison couldn't harm him, and didn't realize until after his body had already started changing that he'd consumed part of his own enchanted scroll.
>Ember will find someone better
She canonically hooks up with a fucking armadillo. Spyro turned her into a species traitor.
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He had an earing that protected him from, effectively, everything, like it did for Foeslayer.

Though, besides that... I honestly think the thought never crossed his mind.
He didn't hate Darkstalker. Hell, he had pride at the kid for fending off the would-be assassin.
Darkstalker hated him, not the other way around.

Man did genuinely try to raise him right. Numerous lessons of the dangers of animus magic, before he ever knew Darkie was one.
He was a bit Icewing about it, but, considering his good relationship with Whiteout, I think Darkie's hatred from him literal day one was the greater problem between them.
I don't think it'd be much different for anthro scalies, tail accomodating clothing is a must (and is mega hot besides)
Maybe naturism is more common since they don't have it all hanging out, or maybe i'm just perverted.

For ferals, I like the idea of them wearing caparisons and jewellery for formal events and such. Just don't try putting a saddle on them...
>Just don't try putting a saddle on them...
...outside of a bedroom
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I imagine the existence of tails and genital slits largely negates the need for much more than a front covering, at most, for anthros.
Ferals probably don't even need that.

Modesty is probably consequently less about what's covered, and more about what's worn.
You pass by a dragon with a collar, and that's pretty risque.
You pass one in a saddle, and that's a pretty wild exhibitionist.

Humans, hilariously, never know about this detail. So many humans hiring dragons to aid them in war as mounts for their elite troops, having no idea, the dragons they get're massive degenerates barely avoiding a flood between their legs...

A lesser aspect, specifically because of spicy tales and stories of such thing, is the penchant for 'cosplay' among kobolds... Turns out when you've got thirsty dragons flauting their particular degenerate fantasy, the guys who worship them see the little person on their back and wish that were them.
Of course, most will never dare suggest to their dragon that they could ride them. But it's more about the fantasy, anyway.
Sneaking up on scalies and pulling their tails to annoy them! (Humans don't have any tails to pull in return!)
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Okay, so I am putting up yet another update.

Broken Sanctuary, Chapter 6
>Tribal, Sci-Fi, Original Work, Romance, Relationships, Scalie, Human, Mild Erotica, Size Difference, Violence

So for this one I'd like to gauge what you guys think about the story. Lay it on me, be mean, be nice, be descriptive, it's all up to you. I just need feedback, okay? Pic related is the earliest attempt at figuring out what our girl looks like.
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I want to be a Tama!
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Me too
Lesbian (feral) dragons are great.
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do (You) appreciate scales, /scaly/?
That faggot has never touched a lizard or a snek, they are pretty soft on their belly and their backscales are really smooth.
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Will you give her the shot, /scaly/?

I like irl reptiles, ever since I was a kid. I like both anthro and feral scalies, all I ask for is sapience at the least for my fictional lizard lovers and friends.
>that expression of disgust
Did it taste watermelon?
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Redpill me on Florissax. She's undeniably cute, but how does she fit into the Elden lore? Is she similar to Lansseax's position?
I've owned iguanas, bearded dragons, anoles, and various snakes over the decades; not a single one of them had what could be defined as 'hard' scales (not even the two beardies). Dude has no idea what he's talking about, and has clearly never touched an actual reptile before.
Man, all I want is a chubby raptor/dragon wife to come home to and cuddle.
Me too
We occasionally have avian stuff on /scal/y what do people think of amphibians? Are they scaly adjacent as well.
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>Is she similar to Lansseax's position?
yes she is a dragon priestess and you can do her quest in a way where she confesses her loyalty and potentially love to you
doubt she will get much art though
at least it makes me wonder if the other dragons that communed with humans assumed forms like this rather than full human
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>never touched an actual reptile, they are pretty soft
You guys always talk about it, sure. But I'm genuinely curious what they would feel like to the point that it's making me feel kinda embarrassed.
It's not like they're common pets like dogs or cats that you can find at a friend's house or out on the streets. And you can't really walk into a pet shop and start petting all the animals. As I undertand it, many scalies aren't even the type of animal you're supposed to pet or touch for extended periods of time.
So my life has been rather scale free as well and I won't judge them for it. Talking shit at the same time however is something else... I for one would love to feel the big hard scales of a dragon or similar large creature.
>game gives me the option to have a dragon gf forever
>fuck it up

Ima go commit Vyke
Hell, you'd just have to touch your own head to get a general idea what any animal with fur would feel like.
Scales aren't that common in the average human's everyday life.
>It's not like they're common pets like dogs or cats that you can find at a friend's house or out on the streets.
Never been to Florida, I take it? You can literally walk up and pluck wild iguanas, geckos and anoles off of nearby trees anywhere you go (I don't recommend going after the iguanas, though - they get big, and getting whipped by those tails hurts). Most don't really run, since they're so used to humans at this point, and I've seen wild iguanas wrestling with stray cats (and winning).
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Find a local herp convention and go to it. You might be surprised at how many there are around the place. A lot of the sellers will let you handle the more tame herps if you ask about first time ownership. Just don't be weird about it. Reptiles and snakes are interesting animals, pretty too a lot of owners love to show them off.

Alternatively many zoos and farm parks have reptile house where you can handle the reptiles.
Go to a petstore or even a zoo and ask if you can hold a snek or an iguana or just take a lizard from the street, give it a wash with warm water and then release it again because the cunts stop eating if you try to make them pets but you'll get to pet a scalie

I think dragons should feel just like lizards, maybe their tails and head have harder scales but their bellies should be soft and squishy
Garbage bin it goes.
I want to hug a dragon. Not some human thot with a snout.
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Go to a renaissance festival.
I guarantee you there'll be an old lady with a massive boa.
There was at every one I've gone to. She's always real sweet, and'll let you hold it for a bit to rest her shoulders.

Granted, I live in the south, so, maybe it's rarer in cold regions.
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Also this.
Having also pet alligators, even the ones with 'hard' looking scales're soft.
It felt like cool rubber, almost. Not at all the jagged sandpaper everyone assumes.
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>Never been to Florida
Haha, no... The only wild animals I see around here are rabbits and the occasional squirrel. Maybe even a deer.
I'm not that interested in real reptiles that I would go to a convention just to pet one. That would indeed feel weird. It's just something that crossed my mind after hanging around here for a while.
Adine is such a lazy slob.
She needs (you) to get her on a diet.
Anon Adine is literally an athlete, she just need (you) to give her emotional support for her to practice her stunts and eat the chips she gives you with her feet.
Any chance for a non-sofurry version?
I can't get on Ao3 for awhile, but I was thinking of putting it up on FA or something.
I want to defy biology and impregnate the wintcel
If they had tasted melons then they would be drunk and desperately horny, not disgusted.
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I mean I ain't gay but I'd tenderly fuck that blind nerd.
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Not the rentry anon, but still interested regardless.
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Legitimately dreamt I found what I thought was a tsuchinoko in the street but it was just a big skink with little legs, in one of those "free to a good home" boxes, and when I reached down to pet it it splayed it's legs out and embraced my hand like a friendly little fella. One of the only scaly dreams I've had.
>not posting the Winter pic
Why would you do this to him? Didn't he already suffer enough?
I have to agree with Kinkajou on this.
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Kinkajou is very hot, is she an adult? Never been into WoF
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Dunno how much time's passed for Arc 3 exactly, but probably she's still technically a dragonet.

Though honestly, I feel like fretting for such things with fictional characters is just generally not worth it. Especially with such alien figures as dragons, anyways.
noodle wife
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fucking dragonets is always fine
You're probably very right but idk I don't think posting dragonet pussy (not here but other places) can get me some reputation.
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Possibly, but... All the Jade Winglet are the same age, so I'd be surprised if that one of all of them was made a big deal of.
She and Moon are the same age. Moon is still considered a small, young dragonet in Arc 3 (though from the descriptions in Book 15, Qibli has had a growth spurt, since he's able to completely cover her with his wings while they sleep in the prologue), so Kink would also still be a dragonet. The time-skip between Arc 2's end and when Luna washes up on the beach seems to only have been a few weeks, with the events of TLC happening around the same time as Darkness of Dragons, so nobody has really aged yet.
>All the Jade Winglet are the same age
Nope. Peril is 9, Qibli, Turtle and Winter are 5, and Kinkajou and Moon are 4. I don't think we ever learned how old Carnelian was, but the original draft of Book 6 had her mourning the death of a little sister around Moon's and Kink's age that she failed to protect (hence why she's a bit of a distrustful ass at first, and why she would have 'adopted' Kinkajou as her new younger sibling).
Might as well rename /scaly/ to /wof/ since that’s the only thing fucking being discussed here.
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It'll only get worse once the 4 arc of their shitty series gets released, or the show. Whichever comes first
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Be the change you want to see. Post dragon hatchlings.
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or /dragon/ since we are already at it
it's all so tiresome without proper scaly content and letting the dragon autists fill up the thread
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dragons are the superior scaly, after all
This is from WARHAMMER and you will NOT convince me otherwise
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Bring up another dragon-dominant series, then.
Oh wait, that's right, there are none.
Your move
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>The novels follow the adventures of Captain William Laurence and his dragon, the eponymous Temeraire, and reimagine events of the Napoleonic Wars with "an air force of dragons, manned by crews of aviators"
Major players, maybe. But certainly not the dominant species of the setting.

Try again (you can't)
/scaly's always been biased to dragons, and when you combine that with a dragon-centric subject you get this. awwysawwys only had one stagnant game and you STILL see how prevalent it is here, so you're shit outta luck until the series finishes. I will say that the general has drawn in some real low-functioning characters over the years and those people tend to heavily fixate on their likes, which doesn't help your situation. Basically you can either suck it up or leave because it's not changing.
Not siding with that anon (I'm a WoF fan, myself), but Age of Fire is also a dragon-centric story, and is far better written (until Book 4, where the quality starts to slip, and books 5 and 6 become inexcusable).
>some real low-functioning characters
Give me some examples? (I might be one of them)
im sorry anon there is just not a critical mass of noodleposters itt
We can also just change the name back to the 'awsw general', since that's what these threads started off as.
Seriously, though - you&be been told multiple times: unless you have something you want to discuss, don't bitch and moan when other people post the things they want to talk about instead. Offer some suggestions, post some images, or shut up and deal with people bringing up things you don't like.
yep, there aren't enough tegus in this thread
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How would you fix a member of a scayylien species who are extremely xenophobic and want to kill/subjugate anyone who isn't them?
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We introduce other species into their media as friendly characters and then show them imageboards on their internet. Then we start seeding xeno threads and shitposting about xenos in their natural discussion until we get a sizeable following of xenophiles among their population.
>We can also just change the name back to the 'awsw general', since that's what these threads started off as
They didn't, why do you keep parroting that.
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I actually wouldn't really mind WoF posters if they didn't just keep posting about the same exact shit day in and day out.
>Tui's self insert erasing a demographic through a rebound gangbang
>Winter is attracted to scavengers + gay lol
>Constant shipping autism
>Complaining about how the writing for a YA series sucks
Still, I could forgive all of that if it's all that it was. What really activates my almonds is how often tangential similarities to WoF are used to justify bringing it up, often drowning everything else out with the above.
But what if their government is like North Korea's and censors any good depiction of xenos in media?
by subjugating them harder
or, breeding with one to start some kind of diversity movement where that minored exiled population of lizards who bred with us cancel other chud trad lizards onto oblivion psying op the rest into accepting us
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Dragonets get posted here far more often than most people realize - pretty much daily, considering the canon ages of thread favorites Spyro and Cynder, as well as most of the WoF crew. Honestly, it's not like there's anywhere else you could go to post it - /b/ doesn't seem to care for ferals, even in their /cub/ threads, so this is it. That being said, while /scaly/ is pretty tolerant to all but the most extreme fetishes, it's probably not a good idea to completely flood a thread with cub/dragonet posting, as it's not everyone's cup of tea; a few posts here and there are fine, just don't overdo it.
Still beats the awwies and jurasic park poster, to be fair.
When's the last time we had anything more than "I want to hug indo"?
>often drowning everything else out with the above.
If you have a better topic to discuss, then discuss it. I've never seen a WoF discussion cut off and drown out a secondary discussion - usually, all the WoF posting happens during deadtime, when nobody else is talking about anything significant. We've had entire threads where Temeraire, Dragonheart, AWSW, Final Fantasy XIV, and so on have completely dominated the discussion and spilled over to multiple back-to-back threads, yet you only seem to be choosing to complain about specifically the times it happened with WoF. Not sure what your personal malfunction with the series is, but if it's fine for the others to do it - and they HAVE done it - there's no reason to complain. Again, if you don't like a topic, then offer something better to discuss.
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Oh cool, that's my post.
You retarded ass faggot furries in denial only know like 3 species of reptiles and is always the same ones. Plus, you posers are actual trash at pretending you don't know what i meant by soft scalies.
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Why do people hate on Adine and call her fat when Bryce is there with his beer belly (and Remy probably eats his feelings away to cope) and they don't even comment on that? That's such a double standard. Adine isn't even as bad as them, so really you are all being mean BULLIES.
Folk like a man with curves. What can I say?
Oh, good - you're here, which means we can call you an idiot in person. The lizard in your picture isn't 'hard', either, by the way. Scales are not platemail, despite the appearance; they're attached to a layer of skin, and have to be soft and flexible enough to move with the actual animal without impeding their range of motion. While the Giant girdled lizard has some 'solid' spikes on its body - namely, directly along its spine, as the 'spikes' are osteoderms that are anchored to the bone - the pointy scales on its sides and especially underbelly are actually quite soft and flexible. It's basically just a bearded dragon with a single row of actually firm spikes running squarely down the center of its back.
And yes, I've handled several of those guys before as well, so kindly fuck off - you're the one who has no idea what you're talking about.
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I've pet a number of desert lizards, even, and they're still not hard.
Petting them isn't like a pinecone. It's like petting a chewtoy, at worst. The scales give way. They're not rigid, just sort of stick out. That's it.

I get what you mean about the picture. It's that ultra flat basically skin scales that're a little dull.
But, you're definitely wrong on this point here.
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>you retarded ass faggot furries
>seethes over scales to the point of entering himself to the furfag board on the mongolian weaving basket forum searching for his post
lol, lmao even
you qualify, welcome home my fellow mentally challenged fren
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We suck their cocks unt they come and become their sexually subjugated slaves
Of course i am here, retard. You don't find actual scale appreciators wandering on /v/ for no reason. Why you keep being a faggot in denial? The fact something is flexible doesn't mean soft like actual skin would be. It has a texture and that texture is what sets scalies apart, something being smooth to the touch doesn't mean it's soft or fragile at all, of course it's not like platemail but if you see a scalie like pic related and the first thing that comes into your head is "soft" you're a fucking retard who can't even tell the difference from furry pandering shit and an actual scalie. In that case, stick to your snoot game trash like the rest of furry in denial hmofaGGots.
>if you don't appreciate this specific character you're not a true scaly
ok buddy retard
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Snoot game is trash, but you should still strive to have a little less autism, anon.

Scales are, at least from my handling of scalies, if anything softer than skin.
Where skin tends to stick to your fingers, scales let you glide across.
It's very pleasant, honestly.
It's not my cup of tea either anon, but goddamnit Kinkajou is very sexy... also you're right about cynder she is a dragonet too and she is sexy af, now I do not enjoy cub and I don't like they make the characters look like cubs, but lore-whise I am now aware that Kinkajou is a dragonet, that's all I wanted to know.
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I agree.
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>posts poorly rendered picture of Sorlagg
So not only have you never handled an actual lizard before, you've never played Quake Champions, either. The only hard bits on Sorlagg are her head horns and belly scutes; the rest of her body is actually scaleless. All those red bits you're seeing? Armor. It comes off when you equip her alternate gear. I've spent a long time looking at those haunches while fragging idiot noobs - the girl is basically covered in leather.
> something being smooth to the touch doesn't mean it's soft or fragile at all
No shit, Sherlock. The thing about scales is that they're made of keratin - the same stuff your fingernail is. They aren't bones (again, those are called osteoderms) - they bend, they flex, they offer almost no protection against anything with teeth or claws, hence why predators tend to have no problem snacking on them. Again, I've owned reptiles my whole life. I KNOW what they feel like - what I don't understand is why YOU keep pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about when it's clear you've never touched a lizard before in your life.
Please, just stop posting - you're going to choke on that foot in your mouth if you keep this up.
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What are you saying bitch? I said she is literally an athlete, she just has a trashy diet because she is a minimun wagie, and eats chips and insta-ramen with her feet (wich I find incredibly hot) I am not being mean nor a bullie.
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>Kinkajou is sexy
>Cynder is sexy
>but I don't like cubs
Sure, bro. You keep telling yourself that.
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A lot of the major characters in DT are straight out of FFXI.

Guess that explains some of the reasoning for the alliance raids being for FFXI
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You are right that all those other IPs have had entire threads of discussion, and that's more than fine. I think it's great even. The thing is, they don't barge their way into discussion every time they have a paper thin excuse to do so. Like I said, I can forgive repetition to a large degree; this is a general after all, so it's almost expected. It's the butting into something that's largely unrelated that I don't like. Quite frankly, it feels rude.
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Gentle missionary sex with the wife
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Malefor is a pedodragon confirmed
Uh…my main man did it somehow manage to slip your mind that SPYRO exists.

Anyone up for recommendations on Deviantart Spyro comics? Not even porn, just normal fandom autism.
The one with the shadow dragon adoptee, Destiny Intertwined or something
From the scalylit rentry:

Bound in Scales (2017) by Steven De Luca
Fantasy (TF/xenofiction)
A scientist/wizard in a fantasy world turns himself into a dragon in order to study their society (basically the plot of Avatar but actually done well). If you enjoyed this novel, you should try Bound in Black (2020) which is an equally well-written sequel. For a more spoilery synopsis, check out the tvtropes page.
ISBN-10 1973440571
ISBN-13 978-1973440574

DC 4/5
Humans only really show up in the beginning, before the protag becomes a dragon and also as (mostly-faceless) antagonists for about 1/4 of the novel.
For its sequel I would give it a 4.75/5 as this is one of the few cases in which humanity becomes less prevalent as the series progresses.
CA 4.75/5
There's a section that involves some dragons being tortured (to show how evil the antagonists are) but besides that, the dragons in the story are generally free to make choices that drive the plot in a meaningful fashion.
Dragons live in a stereotypically utopic, primitive society with a chieftan and tend to avoid humans.
PS 5/5

For reference, WoF starts at 4.75/5 for Dragon Centricity and devolves to 3/5 by arc 3 on this same scale.
It's just the same one or two people talking to themselves, ignore them and they go away for a few days/weeks. Stimulate them and they linger.
Spyro hasn't been relevant in years, so /scaly/ doesn't really care anymore.
They should make a new game with a 5 hour fanservice Cynder scene so that scalies will flock back to it!
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i also dislike the /wof/ spam, but at the same time it feels more tolerable than all those posts about ridiculous amounts of sex with a scaly (dragon/deathclaw/etc) wife (that is, I at least like discussions on worldbuilding because they are not so sex-oriented)
honestly delusional to imagine a relationship that sex-focused and feels as if they are viewing them as mere sex objects, which i feel isn't respectful for something as great as dragons/scalies. a relationship like that would have to be similar to a real human relationship, not just sex 24/7
there should be attention given to developing a more realistic relationship and not just sex sex sex (because that sounds really coomerish). of course this is /scaly/ so it would be wrong to chide people for doing that. but don't you feel disgusted that you only go so far to discuss scalies as sexual and nothing more?
what about things like dates or arguments or how you develop your relationship? or the fun quirks they have that draw you to them? try talking more about that. so at least I rarely like listening to /wof/ (when they talk about worldbuilding stuff that is more SFW, not this kinkajou cunny etc crap)

this is probably just my really autistic two cents because my own autistic obsession with dragons/etc is not limited to sex, but I felt it was appropriate to say when others were also ranting.
A bunch of totts trend towards worldbuilding now that i thought about it
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Oh boy, here I go, feeling bad for the bad guys again. Probably because they're scaly, but still.
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At least we get some real fucking characters at the end...
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i was about to start skipping every cutscene just to get done with that stupid bitches dialog, then this happened.
it was a neuron activation moment for me
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>How would you fix a member of a scayylien species who are extremely xenophobic and want to kill/subjugate anyone who isn't them?
By killing/subjugating them back if they try that on us
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Hit them really, really hard with a rock.
Drag them to cave.
Half breed children bring age of peace.
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>Remy probably eats his feelings away to cope
Somehow he's always struck me as the guy who periodically goes skellymode because he thinks he doesn't deserve nice things.
>"Yo, WHAT? Where the FUCK is the cloaca?! You're a fuckin' LIZARD! I WANT WEIRD LIZARD SEX!!!"
Final Fantasy just got a bunch of scaly content that anons could and in fact did talk about.
I'm just more of a GW2 player and also prefer the Warhammer lizardmen design.

>Destiny Intertwined or something
Some anon from here did try go get a Storytime thread for it running over at /co/. Sadly it didn't last very long.
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Newts and salamanders are at least lizard like enough that most probably won't care.
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>The Soshi control 40% of the galaxy
>They're the dominant faction, above the likes of Humanity who has attained FTL and can use black holes as weapons
>Also above the Kymen who are more advanced than Humanity
>On top of that they have industrial levels of necromancy
>Most of their arsenal is based on Anti-Matter
>The Imperium meanwhile struggles with a bunch of space bugs, dormant egyptian terminators, a literal dying race and blue commies
Its not looking good for the Imperium
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>bunch of downer shit, I don't know what it means
Alright boys and girls, I say we give them a good FUCKING to show them who's boss!
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Bunch of shit I found on Royal Road

>Reborn as a DRAGON
Pretty based. Isekai but author could have cut that out without affecting the story. Murderhobos a continent.

>Shade Touched
Follows a sapient cat-like lizard member of a species that isn't sapient. Eventually befriends humies and magic and pants. The author will never finish it, was comfy while it lasted.

>The Dragon And The Author
Posted ITT every now and then by the author. You should have been reading it.

>Spirit Dragon
Human wakes up as a schizophrenic dragon and his original body is possessed by something else. Author will post the next chapter every 6-48 months.

>Chronicles of the Amber Dragon
Girl wakes up in an egg. Isekai and litrpg. Is pretty comfy

Science based dragons. Lone survivor of expedition ship to monster island, befriends dragon, teaches dragon English, dragon rightly points out English is retarded.

>Burning Stars, Falling Skies
Unga-bunga grug lizard with magic memory acquiring vore powers finds an escape pod with dead human scientists in it. Space elevator by ch 12.

There are fuck all dinosaur focused stories on RR that have any actual chapters on them. I need to go through my AO3 bookmarks like Raptors in the Rain Forrest.

Q: Should this be appended to scalylit (not as-is) or a new rentry?
Emergence is neat and I would marry both Lakath and Kharno!
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Holy shit it got fanart.
I'm only on ch 25 because I'm a taking my sweet ass retard time with it.
I have a bunch more under the Non-human MC tag with scalies, but either haven't started them yet or don't think it's a good fit for /scaly/.
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It has a handful of pieces scattered in the later chapters.
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>noodles when you tell them that you think coffee is a better drink than that green tea powder stuff they keep trying to make you drink with the fancy cups
The lizard monster should kiss back,why are they so shy in the picture? Do they have self image issues developed from a lifetime of being feared, and is the human monsterfucker's kiss the first genuine act of kindness that sees them for who they truly are? Shy lizard monsters need to become assertive with their human lovers, NOW!>>67115102
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Why did you (you) me (>>67115102)?
Blessed anon. Tries to introduce new and interesting discussions into a thread that has been non stop bitching.

Too good for this sinful thread.

Reposting some webcomics that I posted about a while back. I'm not sure if the anon who is maintaining the rentry still frequents the threads.

Throne of the Fire King

Accidental Elemental

Stray Star

Pure Light
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aw crap I've been exposed as a phoneposter with slippery fingers!
Now I must repent for the grave offense to the noodles by offering them my deference and tribute
based, silky smooth cetacean peen for the win
i imagine sucking on them must feel like eating an oyster, not that i ever imagine sucking a dragon off or anything, you understand.
I forgot that game existed. Was it actually any good?
I WILL kill every wyvern & go through every new game to find a way to SMOOCH & MARRY Florissax!

> She's undeniably cute
Agreed! Like >>67099581 said she has a quest. I am trying to avoid spoilers relating to said quest. Already I have a few ideas in how her quest may diverge. Were it not for my friends rushing me to a certain Ending, I think I would have found one of it's routes.
Which do you prefer?
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Both are good.
it's good. no biases here whatsoever.
>no eyepro
>danger close ignition
yeah my ass
What game's this from?
Thanks for that, very based. As for your question, I think it would do well to have this as a new rentry. scalylit is more geared towards actually published pieces. I'd love to talk more about web content with others, and this would make that easier to facilitate.

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