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I Lived Bitch Edition

Welcome to /pmdt/! A thread for posting art, writing, and discussing of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series! Especially if it's saucy~.

You can start by posting art, recommending comics or fanfics, or just rolling to see what Pokémon you wake up as!

Please avoid discussing any drama from /vp/ or /pmdg/. /pmdt/ is it's own thing.

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66936899/

OP Paste: rentry.org/pmdt_op/#op-paste

PMD Catalogue: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

Roll for New Body: https://randompokemon.com

Recommended Stories:
>A Matter of Instinct:
[Archive of Our Own]: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25553599

>Trouble in the Temple
[Archive of Our Own]: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28161138/chapters/69004467

Recommended Comics:
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/18460

>Haven Chapter 1: Breaking the Ice
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/17304
[Inkbunny]: https://inkbunny.net/s/1879582

>Now and Forever
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/2951

>Rodent Powered
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/40621

>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Decadence Odyssey
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/40977

>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Purrfect
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/30448

>The Curse
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/13955
[Furaffinity]: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/insomniacovrlrd/folder/477907/The-Curse-colored/

>Snow and IRON
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/25977

>Wanderlust Comics
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/18776
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Reposting from last thread

>Decide to make a quick visit to Kangaskhan Storage to drop off some items from your latest mission.
>Walk over to her hut and as soon as Kangaskhan spots you, she smiles and leans over the counter to ask you a barrage of questions.
>Where you've been? How you are? Do you need anything?
>Can barely answer her first question before she asks the next. She's always like this, so sweet and motherly-even insists you call her auntie.
>Explain that you just need to make some space in your bag and hand her some spare berries to store.
>She nods and takes them off your paws.
>This should be quick. Since you visit so often, your storage is placed right behind the counter on the bottom shelf. All she has to do is turn and bend over-
>Your entire view is absorbed by a pair of plump, puffy pussy lips nestled between two mounds of big, round ass cheeks.

>Before you can even look away, a strong, musky scent hits your nose and you freeze.
>The smell clouds your mind. A buzzing, warmth steadily spreads out from your groin as your cock slides out of its sheath.
>Her cunt looks so inviting... You wonder what it would feel like to just climb over the counter, wrap your arms around her wide, childrearing hips and thrust your throbbing dick into her sopping wet pussy-
>"Is something wrong dear?"

>Her voice breaks you out of your pheromone induced trance. Only now do you realize you're standing in front of her with a full erection twitching and glistening with dollops of precum.
> A hot blush spreads across your face as you stumble over your words trying to apologize but auntie stops you.

>"Oh, did I do that?" she asks, a claw over her mouth.
>"I'm so sorry sweetie, let me help with that."

>She leans down and you try to protest, but the words die in your throat, turning into soft moans as she gingerly wraps her claws around and gently stroke your cock. Her digits are dull and smooth, her palms soft against your sensitive member.

>"It's alright dear," she coos in her motherly voice.

>Her claws milk you so painfully slow, from the base to the tip. Your hips start to move on their own, trying to rut her palms.

>"Everyone gets stiffies now and again~ It's my fault for not being careful," she reassures you.

>Your breath hitches as your cock bounces in her soft palms. The building pleasure if the only thing you can think about. It's too much.

>"Go ahead sweetie~ Let it all out~"

>You don't need anymore encouragement as your balls hitch and your cock spasms, shooting long ropes of cum without a care in the world for where they land. You just let your head hang back, eyes closed and mouth left ajar while she massages the last of your seed out of your cock.

>"There there. . ." she coos as he lets go of your shrinking member and picks up a towel from the counter to wipe up the mess.

>"You must've been backed up dear, that was a lot you shoot out," she says as if consoling you over a bruise.
>She finishes cleaning up the last of your spunk and smiles warmly.

>"Remember, if you ever need help with another stiffy, you can come to auntie."
A human would 100% care about waking up naked, they'd at least wanna wear something to cover up even if it's just draping a scarf over themselves.
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this thread really should have been made later.
someone's a bit of a quick shot
what's the plan
let this thread die and remake it?
keep bumping it?
Save the OP for when the other one dies, might've been too soon for another one.
yeah pmdg is already slow and now there are two threads to bump so at least one of them is going to inevitably die
My mistake, I wasn't familiar with the bump limit of /trash/ and assumed it was a good time to make another thread.
>tfw you're the only mon wearing pants
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threads reach bump limit at 300+ posts here
Damn, blew my load 50 posts early. This is so embarrassing.
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it's alright anon, we all make mistakes. now you know when to make future threads
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What’s the word on dungeon mons? Would you get sideyes from civilians for fucking them? Can you breed them like livestock?
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Taking a dungeon or feral mon as a mate is something mon living outside of towns in the wild do. You take what you can get there, and it's easy to find a mate as a male if you're strong.

They're good for nothing except relieving stress and raising children with actual intelligence.
Probably both. Dungeon mons don't seem to be sapient, and might be something similar to dungeon-generated illusions, in fact.
Grass types having flower pubes would be hilarious
What does it smell like? Roses?
Different for every mon
Only find out when it blooms
No dying just yet
Thank you Snivy Anon, you truly keep this barren womb of a thread filled with cum
Snivy... I kneel
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Being naked is the lease of your worries. Where are you supposed to live?

I hope you have plenty of nuts to pay the mankey to build it.
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The only nuts I got is deez. Sure that sounds like a good ice breaker on paper but in actuality would get me beat down on sight which is especially bad for a dark type against a bunch of fighting types.
You might need to whore yourself out for a bit, gather enough cash from spreading those cheeks to pay for it.

Still cheaper than the current housing market back on Earth.
pretty quiet around here, huh?
Because of how small I am it usually ends up the other way around

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