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Front Row Seat Edition

Welcome to /FurNTR/, the place to come talk about your Waifurs cucking you! Or alternatively, talk about cucking anons by fucking their waifurs!

Previous thread: >>66960723
(Nope, besides it being another thing related to force-fem, or something else humiliating for me.)
I like to fantasize but can never decide what would be better. On one hand, being cucked so hard she falls completely in love with them is extremely hot, but on the other hand, there’s something appealing about a relationship where she actively teases you while still being your ‘partner’
I prefer the latter. It keeps things personal and prolonged, and makes her constant betrayal all the worse/better.
Are there any writers who will do NTR commissions?
>As for the box's other item...
It's a pet collar similar to the one the burly rodent slob gave to Heather way earlier. The one your wife got had a name tag on it that simply read "BITCH", yours however reads instead "KEK". He (and Heather) can't seriously expect you to wear this! Especially not like Heather wears hers. You don't think you've seen her without it after the overweight rat bastard gave it to her: she proudly walks in the public while wearing the collar marking her as the rat's bitch.
You're not too crazy about the mystery pills either... are they aphrodisiacs to make your chastity even more unbearable? They can't be anything too bad since Heather took one and seems fine, right?
For example: this guy writes some cuck stuff and seems to be currently open for commissions.
I haven't commissioned anything from him myself, but I liked the "Mother's New Side Hustle" series he did.
(I FORGOT ABOUT THE DAMN WORD FILTER. You know what I originally wrote dammit.)
I need my waifur to cuck me for big cub cocks~
Tag: cuckedbyknots
Warning: piss
(It'll be just a bit before I can continue.)
Hmmm I checked over his rules he doesn't make mention of doing stories based on copyrighted works. I'm trying to find somebody who'll do Pokemon stuff specifically, which is making things much harder.
He's done Pokemon stuff before. Not sure if it's any good though. Haven't read it.
(That was more than "a bit", sorry. By the way, the pills are part aphrodisiac, part slow-acting/weak feminization drug.)
This is ridiculous. Yes, I've accepted and admit that I derive a great deal of enjoyment and pleasure from this arrangement, but wearing something like this that broadcasts it to the world? That's another story. Although, with that tattoo on Heather's belly, there is likely already no doubt to any given passerby that conspicuous infidelity is afoot...
The expectant glares resume as I hold the humiliating accessory. Despite my dismay in regards to both "gifts", I know that I'm ultimately devoid of agency in my situation. Heather wants it, and the rat wants it, ergo it shall be so. Stone-faced and looking to the floor, I limply adorn myself with the collar, prompting a disgustingly cutesy "Eee!" from my wife, and an equally revolting chuckle from her mate. "Why don't you go ahead and take your first little dose now, Miss-ter Maid?" the overgrown vermin says to me oily, still trapping me with his bulk, his tone clearly indicating that he is imploring me and not merely making a suggestion. As I can do nothing else, I oblige, placing a single tablet upon my tongue and swallowing it. I take the most meager degree of solace in the fact that Heather's earlier consumption proved whatever substances comprise the pill to at the very least not be immediately dangerous. "Good boy." respond both of the lardy lovers at the same time, in very contrasting cadences.
As I sit there... nothing happens. Perhaps the rodent is simply playing a prank on me. Maybe the pills are nothing but benign vitamin supplements, and he intends to fool me with some kind of placebo effect. However, he says nothing, and simply continues to eye me like a piece of meat, while Heather sniffs and laps away at his body. Well, he *is* rather fragrant today, draped in a heavy, musky aroma... it almost smells goo- wait, what?!
Heather suddenly drops to the floor, on her knees.
(I don't mind.)
Your tiny pathetic cocklet strains against the cage as she makes her intentions clear. The vermin chuckles at the enthusiasm of his bitch- your wife. She's already kneeling right under his flabby beer belly and he didn't even have to say anything. Heather is already drooling like a hungry dog as she starts pulling the fat rat's pants down. She's trying to get at the smelly treat she has already sniffed out. Her obese lover's manhood gets released from the confines of the unhygienic undergarment he was wearing. It's covered in the usual filth like always. Even from where you are at, your nose can easily smell the mouthwatering- erm... eyewatering scent- uh... stink eminating from it. Your wife immediately places her sensitive nose against it and inhales loudly, shivering in pleasure as she does so. She must be absolutely addicted to the scent of the sweaty slob's cock musk. After a while she stops sniffing it. Did the extreme musk finally fry her brain? Then she licks it with her canine tongue for just a brief moment before... You're startled by the speed she snaps her maw at the rodent's rancid shaft. She takes it in her mouth completely and starts sucking on it, loudly. You briefly think to yourself... "I wish that was me." Except something alarms you about that specific thought.... it's not the unwashed rat who's place you wish to be in... it's your wife? Are you jealous of Heather instead of the rat? Ridiculous! There's no way you'd voluntarily ever put that unwashed delicious- erm... disgusting manly- uh... musty cock in your mouth.
I also made story with ChatGPT, it's humanXanthro story FYI if you don't like this kind of thing:
>As the human couple nervously walked through the door of the dimly lit room, they were greeted by the sight of their hosts - the towering, anthropomorphic dire wolf couple. The male dire wolf stood at least a foot taller than the Bob, his muscular frame exuding power and dominance. The female dire wolf was equally impressive, with long, silver fur and piercing yellow eyes that seemed to see right through them.

>As they exchanged introductions and pleasantries, the tension in the room was palpable. The Bob couldn't help but feel inadequate compared to the sheer presence of the male dire wolf, while his girlfriend seemed almost entranced by the primal energy radiating from both creatures.

>Without a word, the Andrew stepped forward, wrapping his massive arm around the Jenny's waist and pulling her close. She gasped in surprise, but didn't resist as he whispered something in her ear that made her cheeks flush and her eyes widen with desire.

>The Sapphire approached the Bob, her amber eyes shining with mischief as she leaned in close. "Do you have what it takes to satisfy me, pup?" she purred, her hot breath tickling his ear.
>The Bob's heart raced as he felt a surge of arousal at her words. He knew he was out of his depth, but the idea of pleasing this powerful creature ignited a fire within him.

>As the night progressed, the sounds of passion filled the room - the primal growls of the dire wolves mixing with the moans and gasps of the human couple. The Andrew proved to be an expert lover, his rough hands and powerful body sending the human girlfriend into ecstasy again and again.

>Meanwhile, the Bob watched from the sidelines, his newfound fetish growing stronger with each passing moment. Seeing his girlfriend lost in pleasure with another man only heightened his own arousal, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight before him.

>In the end, the human couple left the dire wolf couple's den with a newfound appreciation for the thrills of swinging. And the Bob? He couldn't wait for the next opportunity to watch his girlfriend be taken by another, letting his fetish consume him wholly and completely.
Part 2
>The human couple looked at each other nervously as the massive dire wolf entered their bedroom. The beast's primal eyes locked onto the woman, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he approached her.

>The woman's heart pounded with both fear and excitement as the wolf reached her. His strong jaws gently gripped her by the waist, pulling her closer to him. With a growl, he pushed her down onto the bed, his rough fur rubbing against her skin.

>Bob watched in awe as the Andrew mounted his girlfriend, his massive member sliding easily into her. The woman cried out in pleasure as the wolf began thrusting, his powerful hips driving him deeper and deeper into her.

>The man could only watch in amazement as his girlfriend was taken by the wild animal, his own arousal growing with each thrust. He couldn't help but reach down and begin stroking himself, matching the rhythm of the Andrew's movements.
>As the wolf reached his peak, he let out a guttural howl, his seed filling the woman completely. The woman gasped in ecstasy, her body trembling as she was filled with the beast's essence.

>The man, unable to resist, leaned in and began licking the creamy residue left inside his girlfriend. The taste was intoxicating, combining the musky scent of the wolf with the sweet essence of his lover.

>As they lay there, panting and spent, a feeling of unease washed over the man. He couldn't shake the sensation that something profound had just occurred. And as the days passed, that feeling only grew stronger.

>Months later, the woman discovered she was pregnant. And though they never spoke of it, both she and her boyfriend knew deep down that the Andrew had left a part of himself inside her that night. An undeniable bond that would forever tie them together in ways they couldn't possibly comprehend.
Still stuck under the hunk- er, hulking rat's arm, I fidget with arousal, squirming against his greasy, furry mass. My subconscious mind begs me to slip free and get down there, but I know better than to act so out of line. Still, my minuscule thing that used to be a penis aches with lustful desperation, demanding that I do something to find release. The lov- loathsome slob's body odor seems to get more intense as I struggle, smearing myself with his sweat and grime. Heather continues to fellate his monstrous cock unabated, filling the room with wet, oral sounds and short moans interspersed between heavy breaths. Her tail wags like a metronome set to allegro, and one hand-paw has plunged into her dripping cookie. Fuck, doesn't she ever get enough? Why can't she save some for the rest of u- I mean, her insatiability has always been something of a turn-on, and this situation proves no different.
Feeling me writhe restively, the overfed beast guffaws and adjusts his grasp, shifting me so that my face is securely trapped within his sweltering, swampy armpit. "Hang on, shrimp! Gotta wait your turn! Sit and stew for a bit while my bitch has her fun." I hear him say. And stew I do, pressed up against his thick patch of pit fur, being drenched in his deli- disgusting slimy perspiration. It brings me back to that day he trapped me up against his rancid shithole... but the thoughts running through my head between the two events are like night and day. That coerced rimjob was a harrowing experience through and through, but now conflicting thoughts do battle in my lust-crazed mind. His thick, masculine musk forces its way into my brain with every distressed breath I take, rooting itself in, making alterations, corrupting me. Is this what it was like when Heather first met him? Initially, my free arm was flailing in panic, but as his succulent pit-stench takes hold of me, it moves to his toxic cauldron of a gut, rubbing and caressing it as my brain is rewritten.
Not on my watch
/furntr/'s strongest soldier
Thanks, anon.
Stayin' alive
i'm glad furries never got into this, proving themselves superior to the average porn addict
Anon, be quiet while I knock up your wife.
You actually raise an interesting point.
I guess most furries are so autistic that they never actually hook up with anyone. They're quite content just sitting at home masturbating to diapers or what ever the flavour of the month furry bait is at that time.
Favorite bull archetype(s)?
Smug shemale/dickgirl bull but wants to do risky sex games and lots of teasing, never touches my waifu but instead cucks her~
Fat slobs
Precocious brats
Loser nerds/NEETs
Animals and monsters
You are starting to actively sniff at the sweaty slob's armpit, trying to get more of that manly musk in. "This is what a real MAN smells like...", you catch yourself thinking.
Heather keeps slobbering all over her plump rat lover's massive filth-covered shaft. As she pulls her head back, only to dive right back in, in that brief moment you catch a glimpse of the vermin's oversized phallus: there isn't going to be any of that go- gross stuff left for you by the time she's done! Seems like what little is left of your pathetic penis is trying to assume direct control of your body as you once again try to struggle free from the fat rat's strong grasp, eager to spitshine his rancid fuckstick with your mouth, no matter the consequences. You're not sure why but you just NEED to taste the rotund rodent slob's nasty cheesy smegma-covered cock. A real man's cock... it's so much bigger than your little dick ever was ever was...
The musky murid chuckles at your eagerness, but still feels like he shouldn't have to repeat himself and considers how he should correct this misbehavior.
confident bully

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