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CYOA Refuge Thread - A thread for posting any and all CYOAs unpostable in /tg/'s /cyoag/ (and occasionally ones that aren't).

>Previous thread:
>Alternative link:
>Other threads:

>/cyoag/'s CYOA archives and related resources:
Includes - but is not limited to - a F.A.Q. section and the personal archives of a number of authors.
https://cyoaarchive.com/main (Alt domain: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3)
An extensive Allsync archive that has both SFW and NSFW CYOAs.
If you're looking for a specific CYOA, it's suggested that you check those first.

And remember: Postnumbers aren't for rolling. If the CYOA calls for rolling of any sort (or you just feel like leaving something up to fate), use random.org (or physical dice, or something else that isn't your postnumber) to generate the number, and write it in the post with the rest of your build.
In short: Do the rolling before you post, instead of observing the post number you get.
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As promised, I will now start the COMMUNITY HAREM mini-event.
Reply to this post or any of the following with one of the traits to add it to the next girl.
If you want to sacrifice it for a Harem or Self trait, or add it to an existing Harem or Self slot, indicate it. Only Light can be sacced for Self mods. Both can be sacced for Harem mods.
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And here's the listings.
Each time you finish a Harem/Self slot, one of your girl slots will be removed.
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And now while I wait for everyone to migrate and wake up all the Etas, more CYOA.
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In case you'd rather post a single image instead of three.
Boring, post Eta.
It's the only thing we talk about anyway.
Post cyoas about being impregnated by futas plz, mpreg(as long its traps), regular femc pov or gender bender, it can be anything
Next thread put this interactives list in the OP.
>mpreg(as long its traps),
CYOA where you suddenly get mpregged by alien greys and now need to figure out what the fuck to do about it.
Magical girl
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We finished the first girl!
Why is /cyoar/ triggered/scared by the idea of being a dominant straight man?
Sacrifice girly-girl
For a Self or Harem slot?
You gonna repost it at every 3 replies?
If the pace picks up, no. At this pace, every time we finish a girl or slot.
Are there any CYOAs about furries with big asses, big tits, or even just chubby furries?
Uh, harem.

Deluge is just insane

Unending Stream: Necessary

Storage facility: controlled higher volume

No holding Back: Quasi Necessary at higher volumes

Full Body: Has effects on many other perks, shapeshifting great

Simply: With FB it means that no matter what form I take, I'm considered beautiful.

Think thoughts: not bad

Fertility: Necessary

Incest: Necessary with longevity maybe

Elixier: FB means permanent Immortality

Supreme Being: Invulnerability

Rewrite: Interesting

Water to Banana Juice: utility

Move Along: THE power to have. With FB no one cares what I do.

Filled to the Brim: Trick shots

Virtue: heh

Artist: great

Gone but not forgotten: takes care of cleaning

Power: more powers, yay
Sports fan
can you name them or share a link?
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2 down!
Tentacle update news?
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Nah, after asking for feedback nothing was heard from Apotheosis again. Seems they're busy with work, but other, less reliable rumors say they've vanished completely. Guess we'll know if and when they resurface.
Alt You
What happened to the Alphabetical/Upload date arrangement options?
A SKIZZO? On the board where every other board sends their SKIZZO threads? How could this have happened?
But that's just normal you.
And on that note...

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So it's just you, but female...
I'm finding myself short on ideas here, what are some powers that you would expect to see in an insect girl hive that are lewd or social, things like pheromones to make others feel horny or at ease, these insect girls will be using these abilities to go out and harvest "genetic material" from males among other things, also of note these aren't meant to be beegirls specifically the idea is you can make a beegirl or any other type of insect girl but they will still be social and hive based
TY for answer
turning human girls into insect girls
>Convert Human Females into Insect-compatible "males," in case of population disproportions.

>Flawless interpretations of body language, both perceiving and presenting. This could be done Directly (1 to 1 subject/insect mutual understanding) or as a tertiary party (catching a gal or guy thirsting and wing-maning into a 3-some to steal one or both later.)

>Soothing low-frequency hum.

>Queen Jelly: micro-dose aphrodisiac substances to bake into food or drinks.

>Drone/Bull Generation; similar to the above, but masc-maxing to push men toward more aggression, either toward the intended insect gal, or to actively direct one to cause a confrontation she can use to pick up someone else.
>Lewd larvae infestation, feeding on lust/orgasms instead of the standard stuff
>Honey with various effects, aphrodisiac being the no-brainer, but I'm sure you can think of others
>Since some ants have aphid farms, maybe attracting a secondary insect-girl type, weaker, of bimbo level intelligence, but lactating/sweating sweet liquids, again with (potentially) various effects
>creating 2-person indestructible sex-pupae, for when they want to get really close to their lover without any possible risk of interruption from within or without
There's a webm out there of a vore game, where the bee queen boss's adds are her bee larva, and the bee larva of course can eat the main character whole. Once they do that, they turn into a cocoon and then hatch into a bee girl version of the main character. That'd be pretty hot as long as there's no identity death.
Assorted methods of bondage like slime honey or spiderweb/silk.
Isn't that Q-Bee from Darkstalkers?
mating displays that involve showing off mandibles or other weird insect parts. insects think it's hot but humans think they're about to be eaten.

spider web bondage. insects think it's hot but humans think they're about to be eaten.

stingers which excrete paralyzing fluid that is also a powerful aphrodisiac. insects think it's hot but humans think they're about to be eaten.

camouflage to sneak up on potential partners and catch them by surprise. insects think it's hot but humans think they're about to be eaten.

insect girl vomits out her sex organs for the human to mate with. insects think it's hot but humans think that she's dying and they'll finally be able to escape.

moth girl is hypnotized by light bulbs and will do whatever you say. insect says she hates it (but she secretly likes it) and humans think it's hot.
oh and insect molts to change body shape to match what a human wants. everybody likes this one.
Communication via interpretive dance
No, it's like Mila Wars or something. Porn game. Q-Bee's larva just eat you and become clones of her, not doing a weird metamorphosis on the person they swallow.
Insect girls eject their entire reproductive system inside of human girls which slowly transforms them into bug girls and allows them to be impregnated by bugs.
>Firefly girl being a moth girl's hypnodom
Multi species hives for this >>67097682
sac harem boss, for harem trait
Harem Cheater Harem
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Crashing this harem with no survivors I see.
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Lots of really good ideas here already. Need mantis girl that can ambush and pin you though. She'll hold you down while she slowly and gently rapes you, her arms firm and unmovable until she's done.
And then she cuts your head off.
...Your penis head. You turn into a insect girl.
Sack Cuckquean and Titty Monster for a self slot.
Mantises only eat their mates when they're starving or highly stressed.
>gf having a bad day
>decapitates and devours you as a stress relief
god forbid women do anything
Invest in foreplay skills and you will never have your head eaten.
The opposite gender version of that happens far too often in humans, so I'd cut the mantis-gals some slack

From far, far away.
i want a spiderboy to put his palpal bulbs in me
So you want him to jizz in his hand and then fist you?
There's a bacteria in insects called Wolbachia, and it does several different things in insects depending on the strain. The unifying factor, though, is that all Wolbachia spread to new hosts via females, and so promote female births. The one I want to focus on is a strain of Wolbachia that, when it infects male insects, outright turns them into females. In real life this only happens while they're developing, but in the magical realm of CYOAs, it can be a thing that happens to adult humans. Wolbachia also commonly enables the female insects to breed parthenogenically to assist its spread without males.
sure. i just like that it's close to the mouth parts.
Which one?
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>no identity death
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I'm just going to assume you meant Oni.
Identity death is my second biggest turnoff. First biggest is actual death (unless it results in becoming a zombie/ghost/otherwise continuing to exist in an enjoyable form.)
Put Shapeshifter in that self slot.
Alright, I see your point. Consider it done.
Now you can disguise yourself as other men so the harem will be cheating on you... with you.
how is identity death not worse? with actual death there's no problem playing out the fantasy in your head, but with identity death it's impossible
I'm talking about in porn, in porn when someone is fulfilling a snuff fetish, normally there's a lot of visceral detail that's not sexy.
i don't know anon, even unsexy seems more actionable than non-existent
Harem is saved!
Thanks for the suggestions, wasn't expecting this many responses, some of these were things I had already thought of but the enthusiasm is appreciated none the less, got some good ideas from this thread
>Convert Human Females into Insect-compatible "males," in case of population disproportions.
>creating 2-person indestructible sex-pupae, for when they want to get really close to their lover without any possible risk of interruption from within or without
>insect girl vomits out her sex organs for the human to mate with. insects think it's hot but humans think that she's dying and they'll finally be able to escape
>Insect girls eject their entire reproductive system inside of human girls which slowly transforms them into bug girls and allows them to be impregnated by bugs.

Lots of horrifying indeas here. I love it. Give me all the nasty parasitic reproduction.
the indestructible sex pupae is great wdym
That last idea is the basis of a long-running Naussica doujin series. Sadly on the first two chapters (volumes?) have good art. Not at my computer or I'd give you links.
I need to see it now, lol.
Shouldn't be hard to find it with Naussica + parasite on ex.
Or maybe insect, one or the other.
Why thank you.
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Is Hyper Genie 1,2,3,+1 or 1,2,3,+1,4?
Pick 3/18.
Pick 1/3.
It's 4 in any section and i'm lazy.
Alternatively, 3+1 is cute. I'm largely surprised it's getting reposted, honestly.
My second favorite TV channel, after TTTV
>Furry World - Modern (Anthro Mew)
>Boon - Universal Taste
>Power - Magic
>Parallel - Pokemon (Anthros, Respected)
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its that time of the year again
does anyone have that cyoa about a guy in a wifebeater gifting you a comfy trailer park home? Thanks!
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I came back to this hellish femdom CYOA
Has there been an interactive version made out of it yet?
Zero Telerance, My ass.
There were only 8 fireworks deaths in 2023, we need to stop being sissys about this and man the fuck up.
Well, good night. Here's hoping we can make more harem progress tomorrow.
>try to download local copy of the cyoa archive
>max download speed is 500 KB/s
>trying to download more than ~100 MB of content at once simply fails
>the archive is ~120 GB
this is hell
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I'm sorta more of a fan of the original bit where you just do the pairings. It's a lot less messy, and doing the interpretations of what you've ended up with is about 75% of the fun
These are good cyoas
Last thread was missing stuff like this!
I honestly don't know what you were expecting. You'd need about what, 180? unique (You)s to finish it. There isn't enough people here and honestly, interest for something so easily fucked up and in the end, not even that unique. Like woo, you get to decide one trait for a harem, that you're implied to share, instead of... deciding the whole thing for yourself.
It's a genuine wonder that someone didn't decide to samefag it up to hell and back already, but I guess it isn't even worth it now.
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Reposting this because I finally read the DLC and Eloisa makes me unreasonably angry. Must make a build for her soon.
This post kept getting rejected as spam when I worded it slightly differently. ("Must build for her soon" without the "make a"). Weird.

>Eloisa makes me unreasonably angry.
Ha! Guess I'm not alone in that after all! If you want inspiration for your build I made my own with her, Kazue, and Gwen a few threads back.
What's with Eloisa?
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Help me CYOAg i have fucked up and nuked my downloaded files...

Recently there was a CYOA about winning a game show, furry i think, with a pretty in-depth body building segment and i can't find it in the older threads. Does anyone have it?
Betraying someone for personal gain because you're a scheming asshole is one thing, but doing it out of stupidity and cowardice is another altogether. I don't know if I can do a build for her. I don't want to lewd her, I just want to slam her skull against a wall.
this isn't cyoag, this is cyoar
Apologies. Habits die hard.
it's too late, i can't forgive you so i will refuse to help you now
Recently? I'd swear I haven't seen any new furry CYOA in a long time.
It was definitly in the last for weeks, it might have been an older one though.
Weird, must've flown under my radar somehow then. Unless there's a fourth site with a CYOA community that I don't know about, that type of CYOA seems like something I'd have noticed...
I like that there is a theme in these, but once all of them feel like its basically almost the same, like this one, they kind of suck ass.
She's so petty and worthless though that it feels like she's not even worth the time to torture.
Hormones that induce lovers' bodies to slowly accentuate their attractiveness in the direction of the hive's communal fetishes and makes the lovers' sexual fluids induce the hive's in return. Changes can be primarily physical, primarily mental, or flipped from hive/human.
NTA, but it's the principle of the thing. Turning on what seems to have been a close bond so casually isn't something anybody should get away with. Anybody who backstabs that easily and thinks nothing of it is worth my time tormenting.
You could spend that time saving a girl who the CIA kidnapped unjustly, dumping your cum into a redeemable/likable villainess, punishing someone who WAS an evil mastermind monster and not just a low-rent sociopathic coward, or plotting to destroy the interdimensional glowies and save the multiverse. Instead you want to use your time on her?
Even though the words "coward" and "cold feet" are used for Eloisa, it sounds like she made a risk assessment. She used them until then for fame, but then decided to switch sides because she thought it was the safer option to secure her position. But it could be motivated reasoning, I guess.
My favourite is Naamah. They seem based. Like everyone else I liked in the main cyoa, though, I'd just want to enable them, not punish.
Used goods like 90% of the options in this cuck CYOA.
Purityfags are the worst of all.
>used goods
they're a demon. i just want to be their bro and help torment amber.
If I was a hero my time would be better spent, yes. But I'm a vengeful sadistic bastard and making a heartless coward scream and wish that demon army had killed her instead of throwing away the bond of trust and friendship she had forged like it was yesterday's trash seems like a far more enjoyable time to me.

So much for having faith in dear friends, right? It's clear that, while the heroes thought of her as a friend, they were nothing but tools to her. And the moment they looked like there was a chance (a chance!) that they couldn't do the job she was using them for, she burned them AND her subjects, just to live another day. Now as I said, I'm no hero, but if you can't stand by your convictions, or those who have done right by you, then I'm more than happy to show what I think of those who have faith in nothing and nobody.
She just did what she had to do bro
And I'm doing what I have to do. I'd say there are no hard feelings, but there definitely are.
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>People defending Eloisa
I bet they are retards like her and not cute retards

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