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/Femdom/ - A Step in the Right Direction Edition

A thread to discuss worshiping women as the superior sex and giving them the royal treatment they deserve (only biological women allowed).

Doms: For things you need to train your sub for or changing their minds about something, how would you do it?
Subs: If your dom was evil or trying to train you for something you find disagreeable, how would you plead your case?

>Thread Assignment
Facilitate kindness and understanding for one another!

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67033425/
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I love when women sit like this. Makes it easy to imagine kneeling in front of her and worshipping her shoes.
I feel squished.
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choose your dom
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Good boy!
Sub: with reason and evidence, of course.
i want to be her husband. i guess i'd settle for a toilet but with disdain.
>I can't help but look at the feet though, I don't even feel much of anything looking anywhere else...still can effect me though.
For real? A beautiful, erotic woman's body like pic rel does nothing to you if feet arent visible? That's dysfunctional! A healthy boy would be overcome with baby-making lust!!! dont ask me how i know.
>Doms: For things you need to train your sub for or changing their minds about something, how would you do it?
Positive reinforcement, letting him up for air when he gets it right.
Yay, you finally managed to get a thread!
Gentle? Eh...
Breathplay is based
Imagine not being into mahjong. Not wrong though, it is a nice pose.

>A beautiful, erotic woman's body like pic rel does nothing to you if feet arent visible? That's dysfunctional!
Yes. I unironically don't feel even a hint of arousal by itself, even if I acknowledge it as very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. My fetish is strong, I don't have baby-making desires, only feet are enough for me!

Isn't that just negative reinforcement of removing air when he gets it wrong?!

Been a very long time!
>Yes. I unironically don't feel even a hint of arousal by itself
Anon you are sick. This is beyond a fetish. This is an obsession that has destroyed your sexuality. What a shame. You could be giving Miss Yuno a baby right now.

but there is hope for you! Pic rel.
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god how pathetic. pitiful. to look at the beauty of the female form and feel nothing. to lack that basic masculine instinct to make love to a woman. replaced by the desire to sniff dirty socks. footboys are the lowest of the low.
The problem is that I'm too much of a beta male to ever "make love" to a woman. It would just be creepy rape.
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It's not sex, I didn't even have my sexuality destroyed! I was BORN this way! My fantasies from childhood were about feet, even as a kindergartner I wanted to be stepped on! I never once in my entire life have had normal sexuality, the feeling is foreign to me. It was always like this! And yes, that MAY help me out, because without some foot element I doubt I could have sex and keep it up.

It isn't pitiful, it's just different! I may not make love, but I can rub and worship her feet! Or sniff and clean dirty socks. I prefer it, and I am fine the way I am! Plus I DO still find the female form very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful! I just have no arousal from it at all. I still have a sense of beauty.
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what a moronic way to think. there are millions of women who are your looksmatch and can desire you and your seed.
you are literally a footcuck... wait till Miss Yuno hears about it...

in a way that's good. if more men are fucked up like you, that increases my chances to find a wife
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Looksmatching is a myth. Women's brains don't work that way.
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I hate 4chan so much.
>Isn't that just negative reinforcement of removing air when he gets it wrong?!
First lesson: How not to be such a negative nancy!
>It isn't pitiful, it's just different! I may not make love, but I can rub and worship her feet! Or sniff and clean dirty socks. I prefer it, and I am fine the way I am!
what do you think about boys built like that?
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I think we should put them out of their misery
Right as always!!!
This is what I love. Casual domination.
I just need a cute girl to hold hands with
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>Subs: If your dom was evil or trying to train you for something you find disagreeable, how would you plead your case?
If i can form a plead (unlikely) i would plead with reason first, then emotionally
If i can't, knowing myself it will probably go like this
>Domme ask
>hard no
>Domme ask again
>another no
>Domme ask again
>tell her it's something i really don't want to do [x]
>Domme ask again
>say please i really don't want to do [x], with a pout
>Domme ask again
>say i really really don't want to do [x], with a bigger pout and groan
>Domme ask again
*possibly more back and fourth
>end with me reluctantly agreeing with a pout

I know i went overboard on some picking more than allowed
Winter Squeeze, Controldom, Heavy

>Sex acts
Face sitting, Fingering, Stuffed stimulation, Pet play, Outter play, Toys

Stimulation, Reminder, Bound, Assplay, Pegging, Remote control, Tip control

Kissing, Edging, Precum training, Replaced, Mouthplay, Torture, Clothplay

Cage days, Chastity, Harsher

Cuddling, Gaming, Movie night, Heart to heart

Flood, Shared libido, Stamina, Huge, Addictive, Ripped
Hypnosis, Time

Suspended, Withdrawal, CBT, Rimmed, Pure, Fugue, Heat
>It isn't pitiful, it's just different! I may not make love, but I can rub and worship her feet!
As long as you can have a fear boner, you can still fulfill your role.
You sound so very innocent today, doll!
We need more of that [that thing that makes you create such pictures i forgot how its called]
That's not femdom.
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Thats not me, I've been gaming nonstop all night
Sorry Im not doll anon. I don’t usually visit these threads too often
How is that being a cuck?! I am not a footcuck! Also, Yuno already knows and even threatened the foot-to-face while raping me to keep it up. I just want feet, not sex!

Welcome back, Parsee! Why, small ban again?

It is realism, not being negative! Even agreeing with you is only due to the need to survive, it is manufactured agreement, saying what makes you happy, not truly feeling it!

I don't really get fear-boners, but when feeling mentally cornered or controlled or manipulated I can get boners that way too sometimes. I don't mean it like as if losing turns me on! Just arousal by body parts is different from arousal by dynamics and attitude and actions and such!
I always laugh when someone misidentifies someone.
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>Why, small ban again?
I cant post most of my parsee pictures, because they're over 4mb. Or mp4. What a shitty site!
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Unfortunately this picrew isn't available anymore, it was either made private by the creator or deleted
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He will NEVER get laid
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Lucky for us - i've done this one before
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Picrel: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2279033
Yeah lucky us, but i wish i made more than 4 of them
This is so gay lmao
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>dommes when their sub is looking good
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>TQ (subberino)
Angle 1 is Pragmatism, that it's better to keep those beneath you in a gilded cage so they happily serve her and wish to do more in her name. Happy slaves > dead slaves (and nuking a random village means more to cleanup and rebuild, just force them into a surrender while making betrayal a foolish endeavor). Angle 2 is honor if she tries to get me to rape one of her conquests/whatever, my heart, soul, dick, is to her and her alone. I won't follow a command to betray her.
I often imagine a world in which women are hyper dominant and men are a rare resource owned by successful and voluptuous women. The men in this world which I self insert myself to be enjoy the idea of freedom but once caught by the women are rarely seen again, forced to be sex slaves forever and granted limited boons based on how they please their masters. These women often pimp out the cuter more attractive males for a massive sum
So even in this world the ugly women are left with nothing
Unless they steal a man and keep him a secret. I'm sure there'd be many cases. Honestly being owned by a "Thiccer than socially acceptable" Woman who gets bullied all day and comes home to take it out on me, her 9/10 cute twink husband would be an awesome way for it to go down as Im forced to break under her fat ass daily
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Omg a good thread pic

Taking notes rn

>I unironically don't feel even a hint of arousal by itself
Freak + loser

We’ve discussed this exact position in depth. He also forgot to mention he’s attracted to normal sex of rape is involved :3


I hate incels
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>just realized I forgot to do it again
Well alright then, I'll just wait until dinner time I guess
If you have a thing for girls with big butts and chubby 6/10 faces you'll do well in this thread.
Why, I don't really see anyone posting those.
Oh please im being realistic. Most women who are into femdom are at the bottom of the dating pool and fantasize about the attention given to them by cute men because its something they've never had
I don't think cute men are into femdom.
every twink I know wants mommy thick hips to sit on him. And I count as one of them
In a lot of ways that kills your credibility
Fuck it, let's see if I can make Chara because Frankenstein's monster or something.
>know her
Probably winter squeeze or coworker. Funny part is depending on how you want to explain UT, Chara might be old enough to mom-dom me.
Probably subdued. Could be frisky or even hot depending on how selfish and joy-seeking she is (I.e., how much you place her having a sweet tooth).
Fingering/Facesitting/Pet-Play/Edging/Creampie/Breastplay (if I've been a good boy)/Bound/Chastity (maybe, could also just be nipple-play or mouthplay)
>TRUE sin
Gaming (just say 4 points but it might be more than 12 hours a week), cuddling for 2 points, 1 point heart-to-heart and 1 point cooking (might just be her being taste tester but I'm fine with that)
>Fantasy (magicka by Dio)
All of magic, or maybe sacrifice grow (as much as I'd love her to ara ara me so hard, she'd find the utility of multiplication way too fucking good, like imagine being at five places at once and also being able to portal for supreme transportation) for Demon depending on Chara's temperament. Also apparently Devil requires Devil.
Airtight and possibly pure are my unlocks?
Dont care
i dont speak moonrunes, please explain this to me
It's just some gacha. I only posted it because the character is hot.
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I hate that feel. So many foot pics are unpostable due to that and I don't feel like sample sizing things.

>Omg a good thread pic
My thread pic.

>Freak + loser
I am neither of those things! I just only like feet, though I am not interested in rape neither! More like I am turned on already and extorted from that scenario! Nor am I a cuck in any shape nor form!
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the character looks like junko from danganronpa, which is a vn...
just change the extension to jpg, if that doesnt help use paint to cut it to 75% or 50%
You don't talk like this in real life so why do you type like it? Are you playing a character?
It's a crossover promotion with DR.
what is dr? and celeste feet... how come footboy didnt know...
how obscene! dont lewd my favourite girls!
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I don't know how to cut the aspect, whenever I tried it failed.

I am very tempted to pour money into it, but I did know it's just I have 0 luck in rolls (also outfit is cash). I haven't gotten her nor Junko. So bit depressed, especially since I think account rerolls don't even give a 10 pull for RC so kinda just boned.
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>what is dr
>saying what makes you happy, not truly feeling it!
Proof that further conditioning is needed!

>I don't really get fear-boners, but when feeling mentally cornered or controlled or manipulated I can get boners that way too sometimes. I don't mean it like as if losing turns me on! Just arousal by body parts is different from arousal by dynamics and attitude and actions and such!
Look at you verbally rolling down the stairs just because I said you were still capable of playing your part in the bedroom. You, a realist? Hah!
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>Proof that further conditioning is needed!
You're going full mask off, that's not even about coaxing or teaching him anymore, not even about compliance, that's just brainwashing through abuse! Could at least entice through treats or something!

>Look at you verbally rolling down the stairs just because I said you were still capable of playing your part in the bedroom. You, a realist? Hah!
I am a realist who only looks at the fundamental portions of reality which are plain to me, and to those observable parts I am quite incapable under ordinary means! I am sliding down the fireman pole or riding down an escalator back towards the safety and refuge I know from my foot fetish, there is no tumbling here because I am not in tune with sex!
You are an adorable, fucked up little thing and I wish I could just keep you at my feet. You can wipe your tears on my toes. Everything will be okay.
I can fix her!
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I wouldn't call myself fucked up! Just...different. I prefer always staying at feet, and it is a nice sentiment offering to wipe my tears, but you know it is even better not to cry in the first place! Being foot-centric is completely valid.
Yeah bro I can't take it anymore
Three decades of zero pussy
I wasted my whole life
>Could at least entice through treats or something!
Oxygen IS a treat! People can get high off it, you know? One could argue that strictly controlling its use is for your own good.

>I am quite incapable under ordinary means!
As if ordinary means were ever on the table. Realistically, you are clay in the hands of your domme.
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>Oxygen IS a treat! People can get high off it, you know? One could argue that strictly controlling its use is for your own good.
That is only in much higher concentration! Pure oxygen is not the same thing as air, so while pure oxygen should be controlled under that logic the regular air is fine and is necessary to survive!

>As if ordinary means were ever on the table. Realistically, you are clay in the hands of your domme.
Well, I probably can't put up too big of a fight regardless, but I can protest and take a small fight if the need arises! But my erection is not due to my choices, so even if my will is manipulated I can't get hard without psychology or biology behind it! Minus random hard ons I guess, those happen sometimes.
>I hate incels
Yes we know that's literally what the graph is showing
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Working outside in the summer heat can be brutal on subs, always good to hydrate your footboys!
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I am SO CONFLICTED! You have conflicted me to a new degree, Parsee! I HATE milk! Hate it extremely! But, to be bathed and soaked in feet and mixed with foot sweat, I still sorta wanna try it. But I hate milk. But I like it being foot-ified. I feel so hesitant to drink it despite wanting to!

Could hand me a glass of water! Or let me get another energy drink.
I love facesitting
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Footboy, its milking time!
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I don't know whether to cheer or cry! That can be very ambiguous! Also, side note, milk baths are very good for you skin though, and would be for your feet for that matter. Just unfortunate it has to be milk of all things...
Whatever you say rape bait. Hope you’re ready for the milking

Wait it’s not her?

Hahaha yes exactly
Dolly where are you...
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I love milk! And..uh...how its called...uh..."kefir"? Its just called like that? Ok. That too! And condensed milk! Have you tried condensed milk?
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Which one is supposed to be the girl
The middle one.
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what are you doing in the femdom thread, little girl?
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A nice mildy musty pair of socks/stockings worn together with fairly worn-in shoes for at least a full days work/school is the best fragrance
>hates milk
Footbro...how can you hate milk its ao delicious and turns into things like ice cream
>good ending

Sleep well /femdom/, here's to wonderful visions of domination for us all tonight, and some form of cuddles by the new dawn, I'd like to think we all got a way to make a happy life in the end. One day it shall be that to each sub a madam and each madam a sub, viva la matriarchy! Ameno.

>Subs WILL be dominated and they WILL be happy
I wanna cuddle my domme and make her feel loved
Reading Tsukihime Remake and Akihas strictness is doing so much to me. I felt my heart rate jump during the scene where Shiki almost gets home late so she cuts his allowance and then when he talks back, denies him a meal. And just that natural superiority she has. I want to be trained by her and do well at it for her so bad.
I think it's time we consider the possibility that Footboy is schizophrenic just like his dad.
footbitch has a dad?
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I need
>sits on ur face
>I will be reducing your breathing breaks by 20%
Dolly I miss you, where are you ..
Sub: I would tell her there's no way it would be enjoyable if one of us isn't into it, and training only works if there's a hint of pleasure from the trainee

There's no way she can just force me to like feet when I never get aroused by them!
Some footwear are nice but that's it.
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How do you do, fellow jonger?
I don't know these characters, but this is hot
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How fat do you like you milk and any of its iterations, Miss? For me, anything above 3% is too fat! My family loves buttermilk but i hate it. Condensed milk is okay but we never used it, i did buy it once for pancakes on your suggestion and it was fine.
i want a malicious unreasonable woman like junko to break me. Makoto is perfect for that because he's so innocent and wholesome
I found a Parsee:
which one
Vagueposter from two threads ago,
are you still here?
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>How fat do you like you milk and any of its iterations, Miss?
I dont care, really. But usually i buy 1,5%
And with kefir - i buy 0%
What do you think of "people" who are lactose-intolerant and cant even eat cheese?
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1) i dont think about them
2) They should accept their sinful existence and repent.

No sane/good human would be lactose-intolerant. Period.
I will never know happiness because I will never call an older man daddy while I peg him.
lactose is for white people
luckily for you, we're all getting older and older without ever finding a gf so im sure you can find a daddy to spoil you
Based. Young doms should have their expensive lifestyles paid for by her older subs.
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>ctrl F "bump"
>0 results
This general is dead holy shit
Doesn't help that most of the people who do regularly talk are busy with irl shit, live in yuro hours or play gachashit (footboy and Doll)
hey shut up and let me covertly horny post will ya
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The child
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the mother the daughter and the holy ghost amen
The cabbage
Parsee showing footboy around his new pen (2024, colorized)
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<---- This man came up to you and says the most untastefull compliment you've ever heard. Your actions?
Get a younger guy and bully him into dying his hair grey!
Why is there gay roleplay in this thread?
I'll tell him to check himself before he wrecks himself

that's a horrible idea
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>Why is there gay roleplay in this thread?
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>that's a horrible idea
Those are the best kind.

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