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ManaHub Edition

Previous thread: >>67061098

Booru Backup:

Carmillanon’s NTR captions:

DarkNation's NTR captions:

Succubus dating guide:

Wombs of the Gods archive:

>Post your "loyal" waifu, tell us all about them!
>Discover that your waifu might not be as satisfied with you as you thought.
>Learn that your waifu will always secretly hate you for being such an inferior, cringy cuck
>Post pictures of your waifu for bulls to save and steal.

>Tease cucks and enjoy their trust shattering with your every post.
>Steal and fuck (and maybe impregnate!) other anons' waifus while they watch.
>Make fun of their waifus for being horny cumdumpsters.

>Post and see if any bulls and/or cucks bite.
>Ramble on about your love of big cocks.
>Wax poetic on how tempted you are to cheat.
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i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i miss my boyfriend pyonsuke i really miss you
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Oh, hero! You've come just in time! The princess has gone missing again, and just when there's a horde of monsters ravaging the land, too! You must do something!
>Zelda has no idea that Hilda is poaching Link.
He's too busy smashing pots
My girlfriend getting wet watching anon bully me to tears
Meanwhile, those vile, lecherous beasts are busy smashing princess pussy~
Hilda is a temptress who helped seduce the wholesome couple of Link and Zelda into the lifestyle.
The first time she saw it happening she was shocked at just how excited it made her... biting her lower lip, her thighs rubbing together while I mercilessly bully you.
I looked over to her with watery puppy eyes in desperation hoping she'd tell you to leave me alone and defend me, only to see her looking up at you blushing like a school girl. I couldn't do much more than accept my defeat after that. I'd quietly plead that you leave us alone and don't take my girlfriend, I knew now she wouldn't deny you, the only thing keeping her as mine was your mercy
Cucks with niche waifus are the best!
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Are there more captions with Shuten? I spilled my cuck juice to this one countless times already
Pushing you down to the ground, your girlfriend seeing how easily you collapse while letting out a pitiful whimper with tears in your eyes. She subconsciously sticks her chest out towards me, her body language making it clear that she wants me as I close the distance between us, letting out a cute moan when I wrap my muscular arms around her and pull her in towards me~
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Whose POV is this?
You are going to die if you try to steal him from me
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My poor Gardevoir, left all alone in a shady Daycare, spending her days getting used and abused like a living sex toy.

The first time she encounters one of their big burly Machokes she's terrified. She's a Psychic type so she should easily be able to take on any Fighting type, but without her powers she realizes how helpless she is. He towers over her, and she feels small and weak in his presence. And she shudders when lets loose his monstrous cock, realizing that thing, bigger than any cock she's ever seen before, is about to end up inside her. Whether she wants it to or not.

She's forced to deal with the fact that she's about to be bred. She's going to be taken and used by this hulking brute, filled with his seed, and forced to bear an egg for him. He can sense the fear in her and only makes his cock more rigid, taunting her by slapping it against her tearful face and smearing precum across her porcelain white cheek.

But for all the fear in her heart, there's something more there: something she desperately wants to reject. The sight and smell of him excites her in a way she's never felt before. With me, sex was a passionate exchange of mutual love. But with another Pokemon, she experiences a new type of feeling: a pure, animal lust. Her natural breeding instincts are triggered for the first time. Sex with a human will never yield an egg - it might as well just be mutual masturbation. But now her biological imperatives are being activated, and her animal instincts being triggered. Her heart is racing, and she's the wettest she's ever been. She wants to be overpowered by this monster. She wants to give herself to him.
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
I get up to protest you, I can't let you just take my girlfriend, but as soon as I make so much as a whimper you look down at me with an threatening glare and I instantly fold, lying back down on my belly quivering with a whimper. The pathetic display makes you both laugh, I've never seen Marin blush so much. That was my last chance to be a man in front of her and I completely failed, no lying on the ground trembling and looking up like a frightened child while you do whatever you want with "my" girlfriend
would love to dirty talk on discord while sharing blacked ai pics
Astolfo spending time with my other Servants behind my back! Finding them out in the middle of the act!
it's not NTR when the cuck is involved baka
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Being cucked by Hime and Kiyohi!
Even when the cuck is being fucked by the bull?
(sorry about that, had to take care of something in RL)

Marin melting into my touch, her instincts as a woman telling her that this is good, that it's right to be with a real man like me instead of a pitiful little loser like you. Her heart pounds in her chest as I press her up against me, her soft breasts brushing against my muscular chest, my hand sliding down to her full ass and giving it a firm squeeze while she softly gasps.
It's hard to be angry with him when he pulls me down into a deep kiss of my own.
that's just a threesome at that point
swapping girlfriends with your fellow cuckbros because the average bull is too rude and a turn off...
That picture makes me imagine a double wedding/honeymoon.
trading vows with your wife along with your cuckbro and his wife... then trading wives afterwards in the honeymoon, that sounds nice.
Why wait until the ceremony, though? Perhaps right before hand, they were abusing the fact that only the groom was forbidden from seeing his bride?
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Gonna do this again before I get busy all week.

Swinging is based anon.

T-Thanks Anon, some of them are niche.
One of my favorite things to do.
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casual swinging sex...
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I need these two to show up on BB's channel
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filling each other's wives before ceremony so they each have cum dripping out of them in the middle of vow exchange also sounds nice and perverted.
thanks anon, i wish we had a thread dedicated to it, but i think its too niche. id swap your shermie and morrigan but i dont fit any of those descriptions, well the hag part sort of, depends.
my brothers...
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I just like swinging in general
Sounds like you'd enjoy comfy netorase
Hey anon thanks for bringing your daughter to work with ya I needed a new secretary
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Forcing me to suck his cock clean...
Can I join?
A bisexual threesome with wife and a trap is my dream
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I'm a big softie so part of the fantasy is a situation where everyone is really friendly and sweet about it
Imagine marrying an insatiable nymphomaniac and taking an active role in her cheating. Going on dates together and helping her pick out guys for her to go home with instead of you. Watching her flash a teenage delivery driver and suck him off right inside your front door as a tip. Greeting her when she comes home from a night on the town and gently massaging her shoulders while admiring the red marks other men left on her neck.
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It’s okay, can always add me for later when I’m in a deep mood for that and see what happens.
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She starts off extremely reluctant, but by the end of the first video she's already found her new Anchin
Would she have been apologetic about her intense cravings at first only for you to soothe and reassure her or would she have been eager about it from the start?
Ideally she wouldn't be apologetic in the slightest and we both know exactly how the relationship is going to go from the start. I want to put a ring on a free spirited town bicycle and make her the happiest sex addicted hotwife in the world.
What are her favorite kind of guys to have fun with?
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I love my boyfriend Pyonsuke I miss my boyfriend Pyonsuke
I looked up pyonsuke and got a bunch of wrestling plushies
Whoever interests her in the moment with no real discrimination when it comes to partners. She's just as likely to cheat on me with a fat old man or a pasty pizza-faced virgin as she is with a ripped, athletic stud. Sometimes she disappears all night and greets me in the morning with a video of her sucking off some homeless guy in an alley, I don't think she has any standards whatsoever and I love her for it!
Your hotwife doing the cliche of ordering a pizza with extra sausage, practically dragging the delivery guy inside. You get to enjoy dinner and a show as you eat the pizza while she's down on her knees eagerly sucking his cock.
I'd love to see my dear Miku get used by other anons.
It's great, especially when she goes the extra mile to really needle me and make me feel jealous since she knows how much I like it. Hearing my wife openly encourage some random stranger to cum inside her raw when she's only let me have sex with a condom, and even then only on a few special occasions is the best. I couldn't ask for any more!~
Your wife moaning in ecstasy as she gets pumped full of cum by a guy whose name she doesn't even know, clinging to him to keep him buried deep inside while he drains his heavy balls into her.
Kiyohime putting a cute little bell-shaped chastity cage on her ex-master's penis before throwing herself onto her one true Anchin
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Luckily for him, he still gets to see her occasionally. Unfortunately, it's only for clean-up duty.
Of course, whatever bond she had with him is back at 0.
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same but im slightly more of a fan of watching but can also get into another anon's waifu.
i do, if there are any other comfy netorase enjoyers in the thread i recommend custom order maid 3d2.
i honestly sometimes switch in between liking it friendly and sometimes just it being slightly more hard on the teasing but not so much its dehumanizing, sometimes i just want my waifu to fuck other guys and be slightly shy about it and then get super into it and sometimes i want to trade with other fellow cuckbros.
maybe but im not really much of a bull.
Just having a good time, relaxing and helping your waifu get over her shyness, easing her into it with your encouragement until she's letting out soft moans as I fuck her~
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I relate so hard ugh. Like sometimes I want it to sting just a little as I watch someone fuck my girlfriend -
but other times I just want everyone to be openly slutty and needy and melt together in a puddle of pleasure. I'd love to have a bro that's cool with casually hanging out naked as two couples before slowly easing into making each other's girlfriend feel really good
Kiyocucks feeling good with that new costume.
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edging myself while encouraging her to take anon's manhood inside her, telling her to please him with her massive breasts, holding myself back until he's done with her and it's my turn...
>Like sometimes I want it to sting just a little as I watch someone fuck my girlfriend
same, but in my case it comes in the form of them both doing it in secret while they don't know im listening, or coming back home and being meet with my gf waiting for me in bed like pic related after she got plowed by a cuckbro
>I just want everyone to be openly slutty and needy and melt together in a puddle of pleasure. I'd love to have a bro that's cool with casually hanging out naked as two couples before slowly easing into making each other's girlfriend feel really good
not sure if i can relate completely to this part except maybe the openly slutty part but keeping it between fellow cuckbros while we take our gf's out on double dates and everyone else has no idea what we do behind closed doors....
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>coming back home and being meet with my gf waiting for me in bed like pic related after she got plowed by a cuckbro
ohh that's fun. Maybe we could give each other spare keys to our place, knowing that our gfs will invite the other guy over when she's feeling needy before her boyfriend's back home~
>not sure if i can relate completely to this part
not really a group sex enjoyer? ehehe that's okay~
Going out on a double date sounds super cute, and really hot knowing that we'll probably be going home with the other girlfriend~
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She's even summoned by another Master into that costume, so it's free NTR bait.
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>group sex
oh, oops, sorry i think i got the wrong idea when i read the needy part, nah group sex is fine.
>ohh that's fun. Maybe we could give each other spare keys to our place, knowing that our gfs will invite the other guy over when she's feeling needy before her boyfriend's back home~
maybe we can even show up before the arranged time to surprise them... like she goes to take a shower to get ready for the visit but then one drops in without warning into the bathroom...
>Going out on a double date sounds super cute, and really hot knowing that we'll probably be going home with the other girlfriend~
ooh and here i had the idea of each taking their girlfriends back home after each of us taking a quick chance to fuck each others girl throughout the date but this sounds hotter, with them telling us what they did with us the next day when they come back home... after some "quick" morning sex that is!
Even the ascension art of the costume has her spreading her legs...
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The other Servant she's summoned with is basically a gyaru-o too.
And... I missed my chance to pull her.
Super short miniskirts are the best~
They really are... you wouldn't believe that she used to be an illegal pit fighter, would you?
I really wouldn't... a body like hers is wasted on something like that!
Well, Nikke are rather disposable. But Clay was the jobber of her group at the time, she basically never won any matches and it gave her a confidence problem. But because she was the loser of the group, she didn't get as many matches as the others... she survived because she wasn't in the ring as much, thus she didn't suffer the wear and tear of the others. They didn't even consider scrapping her, they just tossed her.
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Fair enough anon, seems like bulls are a bit of a dying commodity.
The poor thing... she needs a good reprogramming to serve a better function~
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I just want to spoil and pamper our girlfriends so much. Making them feel loved knowing that they have two sweet and tender guys who'd fawn over them and satisfy their urges without needing to feel guilty about it. I bet our girlfriends would also find it hot knowing that we're close friends.
>maybe we can even show up before the arranged time to surprise them
ooo yes, after all the whole point of our little "arrangement" is the spontaneous sex. catching the other girlfriend off guard, seducing and fucking her on the spot. Having a steamy shower together before moving onto the bed.
I'd also love to come home a little early, overhear the tail end of their little hook up as I wait for my bro to finish, casually see him out, and then go into the bedroom to see my girlfriend's pussy full of cum. Then we'd have loveydovey reclaiming sex with his sloppy seconds while she tells me what they did together <3
>after some "quick" morning sex that is!
giving your bro's girlfriend a quick morning creampie before sending her back, knowing that they would also do the same thing <3

this also made me think of a scenario where our girlfriends might just decide amongst each other to sleep over at the other guys place whenever they want~
"oh didn't you hear? your girlfriend wanted to sleep with my bf today, so we'll be spending the night together instead~"
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...about that. I didn't pull Clay, but...

Oh, she's gone and joined a cheerleading themed squad... she's rather good at it, I think!
Mommies for this feel?
Such a good office worker.
Yeah can't believe anon believed that bring your daughter to work day bullshit
She's certainly going to get a lot of... experience.
Loving hugs and sex with anon's waifu! Giving her lots of attention and genuine affection and letting her play with my cock!
Thanking anon for the privilege of pleasuring his waifu and making her smile and moan and tighten up on top of me <3
You're telling me she's already way better than my last secretary
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im sure there are some bulls, but they are a bit rude in my opinion, from what i've seen.
>I just want to spoil and pamper our girlfriends so much. Making them feel loved knowing that they have two sweet and tender guys who'd fawn over them and satisfy their urges without needing to feel guilty about it. I bet our girlfriends would also find it hot knowing that we're close friends.
that sounds sweet.
>Then we'd have loveydovey reclaiming sex with his sloppy seconds while she tells me what they did together <3
this is the best, listening to her telling me all about what she did with him while all the cum is still inside her...
>giving your bro's girlfriend a quick morning creampie before sending her back, knowing that they would also do the same thing <3
and perhaps ending up making out with her yet again before she leaves after being unable to contain our lust.
>this also made me think of a scenario where our girlfriends might just decide amongst each other to sleep over at the other guys place whenever they want~
"oh didn't you hear? your girlfriend wanted to sleep with my bf today, so we'll be spending the night together instead~"
that sounds nice, like the surprise we can give them but its them who decide instead, i can already imagine plowing my friend's gf while thinking between the both of us what the two of them are doing while she also uses it as a material to turn me on even more!
All this talk of cucks cucking each other warms my heart <3 Everyone coming together to make sure anon's girl is being creampied by someone else~
There's nothing better than swinging with other horny cucks <3
Not to worry, we can have fun with the girls we do have while we wait for our chance to draw them...
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Taking nonny's waifu home and giving her lots of pampering! Helping them both forget about the dom that was just plain mean to both of them...
I can't imagine fucking Asuna though...everything about her makes me fap to the thought of her only milking the strongest men to get a high quality child. Girls with extremely fertile bodies are a barrier.
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Imagine "losing" your wife to some hung femboy's harem. Yeah, he already has more girls under his thumb than most guys get to fuck in a lifetime, but your wife is super good at giving rimjobs and he just can't pass up the opportunity to make her a long-term fuckbuddy.
I love pampering my waifu but she has some major daddy issues...please help supply them and see you as an authority figure. I'm not built for that stuff anon.
Me on the right
Being a hung, horny femboy means never having enough girls for your harem! Just seeing a new girl is enough to get you painfully hard and ready to claim a new one as casually as breathing~
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I wish you could be my shermie who tells me about how much “fun” she had with her bigger fans.
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You better be a femboy with a large desire to take women for yourself. I see countless people begging for a femboy bull every thread don't let them down!
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>this is the best, listening to her telling me all about what she did with him while all the cum is still inside her...
yess making a mess pumping into her cum filled pussy~ smelling my friend's scent still all over the sheets and her body from their sweaty breeding session~ reenacting the positions they had sex in while she compares and details the ways we fuck differently~ trying new things in bed because he did it first and she wants to know how it would feel with me~
>i can already imagine plowing my friend's gf while thinking between the both of us what the two of them are doing while she also uses it as a material to turn me on even more!
god yes, getting each other into the mood by teasing what our partners might be getting up to~
"it's okay if you're not feeling it tonight, but I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is fucking your girl's brains out right this moment~ are you suuuure you don't want to have a little fun together?~"
If she sees her little bull partner as an authority figure she might start to get even more submissive! You might not be able to cut it anymore...she would start to crave more and more control being taken away~
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Her little body being roughly used by her until she's a complete wreck, barely able to do anything but plead for more. Her instincts in overdrive like a bitch in heat. All her former elegance and dignity completely gone as she's reduced to a mewling slut desperate for his cock.
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You could still feel her up at least <3 Get her nice and ready for her toys, get her favorite material pulled up~
Of course! It's like all my masculinity got concentrated into the thing hanging between my legs and my libido, leaving me all cute and feminine but with an intense need to claim every girl I come across!
"Telling" isn't much my speed. Too much hassle. A picture of what I'm up to could say far more than I could anyways~
That does sound hot/cute...so long as you can order her around and make her know you're worth being served.
I let her get away with everything because she's so adorable...but deep down she wants someone that makes them kneel between your legs and thank them for being able to inhale the smell of a bull
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Awww how cute~ A bratty girl that just wants someone to pin her down and shut her up <3 Let her make someone else feel special the way all the other people in her life do for her.
Just be a slutty nobody for a little bit~ A cockwarmer~
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Oh my…it doesn’t have to be telling for sure. Just might be better for me incase you wish to tease me for hours on end with wanting me to spurt in your hand that’s use to jerking off…larger cocks. Just seeing such a sight would get me to potentially spurt handsfree and last thing I would want to do is upset my French redhead of a wife. Unless you’re perfectly fine with that…
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I'll do my best anon...I really do like her butt. Massaging her cheeks and spreading them apart so we can see her asshole sounds lewd. Don't you want to see a strong dick fuck her too and watch her butthole wink rapidly in pleasure?
Need more Illya, Kuro and Miyu ntr...
My hands? Those are for pumping Black dick. So are my lips and my throat~
You can use....maybe my jacket or something? The outside of course. The part that's naturally dirty.. Cumming handsfree is sexy though <3 Please please please ruin your dick until you can do that consistently~
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Yes exactly! My wife is very kind too of course she feels happy and thankful when I spoil her head to toe. It doesn't really feel ''right'' to serve someone that treats her like a princess 24/7 even when she's being haughty though.
If anon could enjoy all the rewards then have her thank you and give an affectionate clean-up blowjob it would be ideal. An anon as cute as you deserves it as a birthright I think..!
Those doujins of one ojisan enjoying all 3 are so good
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O-Oh…not even helping me by pumping an onahole around my cock? Could I use maybe your bra or panties, something more erotic? I’m trying to do that consistently, why I’m looking for cuties to add on discord in my original post. You seem like you could easily help me ease into that, with your clear love for more…darker meat. Staying in the thread is fine too…
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Awww thank you for saying so! That made me smile~ I want to make her smile lots too <3 Smile and gush and blush for me~ Understanding that my affection is earned and not something she just can expect like she does with you~
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Yesssss <3 <3 I want to watch her cheeks squish and squirm away as big strong hands grip them for support while thrusting deeper~ Hearing her moans and gasps suddenly get muffled as a tongue gets stuffed into her mouth to wrestle inside
>I’m trying to do that consistently,
Trying to do what, exactly? Get between my fingers? There's a minimum size requirement honey and you're not cut out for it.

You're being real vague about what you want from me, and that's no good for you~ I can't help if I don't know what you need from me~
You already know what I want after all <3 And here you are giving it to me~
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>Understanding that my affection is earned and not something she just can expect like she does with you~
Yes it makes her so eager to please someone so high quality! Instead of the kissing and open palm ''handjob'' she's given me in the past my waifu would try to down you in luxury to hear your praise.

Dragging the tip of her tongue on the back of your head before opening her mouth wide so you can see how warm and wet it looks before they engulf your balls.
Please come over for dinner anon! I want to make a meal for all of us so you smile then see if you smile wilder when you get this kind of oral on our bed.
The hypno one with Illya was really good.
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>yess making a mess pumping into her cum filled pussy~ smelling my friend's scent still all over the sheets and her body from their sweaty breeding session~ reenacting the positions they had sex in while she compares and details the ways we fuck differently~ trying new things in bed because he did it first and she wants to know how it would feel with me~
Uff, smelling her is my weakness, i'd get too turned on from the smell and start cumming immediately all over and inside her, fucking her from morning to night, then night to morning.
>god yes, getting each other into the mood by teasing what our partners might be getting up to~
"it's okay if you're not feeling it tonight, but I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is fucking your girl's brains out right this moment~ are you suuuure you don't want to have a little fun together?~"
Mmm, yes, it'd be even more of a turn on if she pulls out her phone and shows me a video her bf sent that has him in the middle of the act with my gf while she starts to feel me up to put me in the mood, so hot.
Dinner hmm? I guess we are approaching that time... And it sounds like she's not the only one that's hungry over there~
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Cum hands free I mean, I’m trying to do that consistently! I apologize, you’re just getting me so flustered. I…want you to tease me into a drooling cuckie mess in private on discord or in thread…whatever works for you!

I want to fuck my handpussy while you please fat black cocks that dwarf mine! <3.
Cumming handsfree is sexy~ Every boy should be able to shoot just from looking at his favorite thing <3
There, was that so hard?~ Hehe~ I bet it was for you, actually~ Admitting you like to see Black cocks getting pumped and pleasured~ Almost makes it sound like you don't need me there at all....but that can't be true, riiiiiight? Though it would explain why you're so okay with watching...
>why I’m looking for cuties to add on discord in my original post
NTA, but you might want to state that you're also okay with girls teasing you?
I have to go sleep now, but if I had known that I would have added you when I saw the ad.
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Oh, that’s fine.

No…it’s only when someone as beautiful as you, who is with a loser like me pleasuring such…larger, darker members is what gets me off and make my cuck cock twitch a lot..
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>i'd get too turned on from the smell and start cumming immediately all over and inside her, fucking her from morning to night, then night to morning.
I bet our girlfriends would gossip about how intense and primal the reclaiming sex is every single time. Like sure, it's fun to get dicked down by a friend, but knowing that it will be followed up by raw possessive breeding from her lover is probably what gets them truly addicted to the experience~
>if she pulls out her phone and shows me a video her bf sent that has him in the middle of the act with my gf
sending videos to your partner to let them know things are heating up on your end is both so cute and lewd. It'd be like reminding your girlfriend to hurry up and start fucking him already~
I would love to get a video from my girlfriend saying how much she loved me while she was getting railed~
Awww how cute~ Love seeing me have my fun?~ Seeing me make faces and moan out sounds you've never heard before?
Oh, and to answer that heavy, juicy question you've had flopping on your mind for a bit now, I love a slick chocolate cock <3 Nothing more fun to coil my tongue around
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Pornhub edits are always so hot.
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Mmmf…Just hearing you say that just made spurt a bit…I always knew you enjoyed that kind of cock. Just was wondering how many you would take and if you would let me watch..
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I wish someone could make a spoof interactive website based on these edits. I would love to see a photo gallery and read through video descriptions and comments on these pages
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Fully pregnant with his eggs. Gestation period for a Pokemon lasts only about 12 hours, leaving her with the longest amount of downtime she's had since she's been left at the facility and giving her time to really stew over what's become of her. Her heart aches over how much she misses me and her happy life, but even while she's swollen with an egg her loins are still burning with lust for the Machoke that bred her. Her womanly instincts make her desperate to please him and be wanted by him.

She doesn't even get to hold her own egg once it's out of her. It's immediately taken by the attendants to be sold to whatever buyer wanted it. She's only a mother for mere moments before having her egg snatched away. Ralts eggs are very valuable, and the child she'll never know will probably go on to be some housepet for a wealthy trainer. Her maternal instincts, now newly awakened, will immediately find themselves bruised by this loss and trauma.

Of course, once the egg is lain, then her rest will be over, and she'll be shuffled off to meet with another human male guest or provide another buyer with a valuable egg. This is her life now: all agency lost to her, her body a good to be traded and used by the males who control her. An obedient pet who spreads her legs and opens her mouth when she's told to.

And all the while, I'm sitting at work, uncomfortable and lonely, wishing I was back with her and counting down the days until I can get her back. I think she's being well taken care of at the spa-like daycare, making a lot of new friends. I even worry that she's having so much fun she won't miss me. I lay in my big empty hotel room bed, missing having her warm slender body pressed up against me and her gentle breathing.
I would add you but I'm more oc a cuck than a bull. I think we might know each other anyway since I think you might be the fighting game anon.
>raw possessive breeding from her lover is probably what gets them truly addicted to the experience~
it really is the best part (or one of the best parts, i still like seeing her get plowed more a little bit), it adds to the sex like nothing else.
>I would love to get a video from my girlfriend saying how much she loved me while she was getting railed~
i'd love for mine to try and hide the fact she is having sex because she's shy about it but still being so obviously in the middle of the act because she is getting pounded loudly and she's too weak to sex she ends up moaning anyways. fuck, i just imagine her huge boobs getting played with in the middle of the call.
And I knew you loved it too. Don't think I haven't seen what you leave open when you run into the bathroom to throw away your sperm. File after file, folder after folder of Black dick and girls riding it!
Can't blame them~ I love Big Black Cock too~
Eh, too out-of-character, too off-model. Sorry but try again another time.
My romaboo waifu...
This general and your waifu are in dire need of my BWC.
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Fuck, fuck…no wonder you would be so coward on this and how you know what type of men you would cheat on me with would flake me forgive you and make my cock twitch so much. God…if we weren’t in public I would want to be so much dirtier with how I’m feeling right now, how your making me feel…

(You’re really making my mouth water so much.)
Stumbling over your words there? We haven't even gotten home yet~ This is exactly why you sit and watch. You keep your distance, you cover your mouth, and you touch yourself in ways that doesn't turn me or my fuckbuddies off. Then when we go clean up in the shower together I'm sure you rush over to the bed and wrap yourself up in the sheets. Stained with sweat and sex. Licking and lapping at every stain, guessing which tastes are my spit or my pussy juice <3
Are you /fit/ enough to have two or more waifus gladly worship your cock and rim you at the same time?
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>i'd love for mine to try and hide the fact she is having sex because she's shy about it but still being so obviously in the middle of the act
super hot~
we could also do normal voice calls on speakerphone and listen to each other plap plap plap our girlfriends - hanging up right before it starts getting really intense to leave the rest to our imaginations as we try to simulate how hard the other person is fucking our gf <3
(would you be open to dropping tags? I'm about to take a little break and would love to talk more about friendly swinging later~ (or whatever else two cucks can talk about))
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Fuck fuck <3, I’m gonna have to go in a bit, but if you have a discord please add me. I’ll try to see if I can wiggle out of this obligation, but fuck, your making me wake.
Shake*. Damnit
I'm an incredibly fit bull. But you know what's funny?
90% of cucks want me to be a fat, smelly, ugly bastard that's at least twice their age.
This actually sounds lovely~
Cute~ Glad you had fun~
How about you post yours?
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I’ll try to see if I can get out of this so we can continue in thread if that’s the only option, just wait a bit if you can. Having so much fun.
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alright, it's akarikyun
I'm looking forward to more comfy cuck-to-cuck talk <3
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>we could also do normal voice calls on speakerphone and listen to each other plap plap plap our girlfriends - hanging up right before it starts getting really intense to leave the rest to our imaginations as we try to simulate how hard the other person is fucking our gf <3
that'd make me so scared (in the good way) and also super horny, it'd make me pound his girl so hard while imagining just how much of a pounding mine is getting.
>(would you be open to dropping tags? I'm about to take a little break and would love to talk more about friendly swinging later~ (or whatever else two cucks can talk about))
i wouldn't mind, but i been in this thread like 3 or 4 times before and i just can't decide if i'd be able to keep up with another anon's imagination, and then leave them hanging. this was sort of a spur of the moment kinda thing. also im not sure if i'd be able to tell i added the right anon because someone else could just add me.
Are you alright with other anons adding you? I thought your swinging talk was hot as fuck.
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Oh, just to clarify. You can add me, I just don’t add that part cause I already have someone who teases me on the regular for this as the girl, but not rping as anyone, just themselves. I’m a bit picky when it comes to that but if you can rp as my girls and tease me, go ahead!

Just a saw this, probably. Did you have a granblue waifu?
I want Hibiki to show off her tanlines
I do actually have a granblue waifu.
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>also im not sure if i'd be able to tell i added the right anon because someone else could just add me.
oops someone is already trying to slip in, this is me >>67104070
anyways, there's really no pressure, I'm okay with more casual chats as well

sure, just make it clear you're a different anon please~
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Mmm, you get a pass to add me then if you are who I think you are then. I won’t be able to accept immediately most likely, back to finishing this thing up so that shermie cutie can keep talking about black dicks.
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For what purpose?
I'd like to see her natural skintone without the tan she's developed from the Okinawan sun, of course!
Fair enough
Bringing another couple to your honeymoon.... Letting your newlywed wife get impregnated by someone else during that time....
>anyways, there's really no pressure, I'm okay with more casual chats as well
okay, i'll send it, my pic is a redhead.
i will say i wouldnt mind the idea of a group chat with other fellow minded cuck/swinging/swap anons or just dm. and sorry ahead of time if i dont login much.
Getting connecting hotel rooms and having some fun~
how big?
Her breast tanlines are nice, but I was hoping to see the rest of them as well!
Ever since my ex and her partner, our daughter's bio father, told me they also plan to get married I was excited, thinking about the possibility of a joint honeymoon.
You're not allowed
Why not? Too unbecoming of an idol? She's already shown off her tits! What's wrong with some bush as well?
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The bush is only for me
Introducing your daughter's biological father to your new wife, spending some quality time with your ex while they breed~
And I impregnate his newlywed wife at the same time~
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I’ve managed to free myself if you’re still here…
Yes, putting a child into my ex while my fiancée (soon to be wife) gets impregnated as well with her second would be amazing! She did say she wanted a second blasian child from him!

It feels as if my ex owns me this in a way >>67093520
Just a reminder that your mother likes to give rimjobs to the drop of a hat.
Pumping a nice, thick load into your ex while hearing your fiance crying out in ecstasy as she's getting filled at the same time..
My ex cruelly teasing me that my wife will pop out another half black kid while she would never let me impregnate her...
y- you don't know that
Your ex revealing that she's already pregnant with another one of his children while your wife is very much fertile.
A touch over 18cm, and girthy.
How big are you, anon?
Yes, honestly, I don't know how my parents would handle this, my wife having his child again.... Or her parents for that.
They intend to get married next year, we will be getting married early August. I have been thinking of inviting them to the honeymoon and offering to do it vice versa....
w- wow thats big
last i checked mine is 5 inches, very average... sorry if i insulted you
Everyone knows about how your mom goes around anon. Don't worry my mom is like that too.
So the rumors about the Ganaha bush are true? All her fans discuss it on the regular, but I didn't expect you to just admit it.
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Another strange human is having his way with her again today. Sometimes they're rough with her. They'll push and pull her around without waiting for her to react, treating her like a sex toy. She prefers them to the ones who try to act like a trainer, calling her a "good girl" and trying to give her treats. It's easier for her to buckle down and let the rough ones tire themselves out than it is for her to go through the motions of entertaining the "nice" ones. They want things like kisses and affection, and performing that for them humiliates her and makes her feel like she's betraying me.
5 inches is "very average"? ...I'm sure that's average, somewhere in the world.
Well, you've probably got girth, and some nice technique to please your gf, right?
Of course it's real and it's her best feature
This picture that they put out seemed to confirm it, even if 765pro said it was photoshopped.
Fucking hilda's big butt!
Whoops, wrong pic.
nta but TASTEFUL
dunno why the filesize exploded for a little change
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Sombra reveals all the NTR that your waifus are doing
I fucked both your mom's last night
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hnngg fuck you anon
>Fucking an e-celeb for her OnlyFans
>Essentially cucking all her loyal fans who pay to watch her take your cock
Why would she do this? What does she gain from this??
Even took a pic of it!
She gets to giggle and laugh as she knows you'll inevitably look it up and masturbate to it like a proper degenerate
Fuck, shes right about that
She just loves revealing secrets too <3
But i keep those so secure away from everyone!
Mmhm and she'll be able to reveal all those secret ladies you like are sleeping around with everyone!!
In conclusion that's why she's the best girl, you can't hide anything from her
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She's so well-trained by this point that she eagerly begs for it
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Fellow bulls, how do you keep the electricity in the bedroom?
I've broken so many cucks and women in so many ways, and fulfilled all my wildest desires.
It feels as if there are no more worlds left to conquer.
As lame as it sounds you kinda gotta say no for a while
constant mindbreaking sex is AMAZING but any good thing makes u get sick of it

i remember this one couple had me coming back and forth for a month till on month i just said "hey im taking a break"
they found another bull in that time but when i eventually came back they were chill and welcomed me back and it felt great to do again

try to put yourself first ur a human not a dildo
you have a cute daughterfu though
(this applies to most pleasurable things actually) gotta have variety
thank u anon
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My hot white wolf waifu's butt~
hey im taking your wife into my room for a few hours
hope you dont mind
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Hmm? What will you two do? I don't mind.
dont worry about it
just know when she gives you a big sloppy kiss it might taste a little weird
or and if any hairs get in ur mouth from kiss just ignore it
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Aww, but that will just leave me curious anyways! I'd forgive her if she has a funny taste when we kiss.
and ur wife likes my flavor
shes going to town right now playing me like a trumpet
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Oh my, your flavor? Well, as long as she enjoys herself then its okay. I can't help but want to peep in on you two.
Low effort bulls, moderate-to-high effort cucks, such a sad depressing sight, we need total human annihilation
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Her pleading eyes meet the gaze of the Machoke as he pulls her towards her, ready for her to service him. His musky, masculine, animal smell overpowers her senses.
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This series is everything I want in a good corruption story goddamn
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The love of my life being easily manhandled and used like an onahole by a biologically compatible male, his cock so big it stretches her out and hits the very very back of her easily with room to spare. He doesn't bother being gentle. He just picks her up and rams himself insider her over and over, leaving her drooling and squealing as he viciously hammers her inner walls.
Coming back home to my wife getting mating pressed by our landlord, toes curling and howling in pleasure so loud the whole neighborhood can hear her.
I wish I hadn't rented out that apartment
... now my wife gets constantly sexually harassed on a daily basis by that fat bastard.
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>go to confront astolfo for fucking my gf and making her addicted to his cock
>pulls you into a lovey dovey make out kiss
>5 minutes later I’m on my knees kissing his cock
>5 minutes after that I’m on my hands and knees kissing my pillow as he makes me his bitch
>5 minutes after that I’m now just like my gf
I shouldn’t be getting excited thinking about that…
I want to make my gf wear her traditional attire and force her to strip in front of the bull
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I love my girlfriend Futaba, she's so cute and her small size means my penis is actually quite nice for her so I don't have to worry about being "too small." She's so sweet and innocent too she's just the perfect girl for me and she feels so delicate to the touch that I'm scared of ever going too far with her and she understands.
I'm so lucky to have her
The worse part is that he's being hyper affectionate about it, making it all but impossible to resist.
she is a gamer girl who said the gamer word and was forced to apologize
That's.. really big, I don't know if she can handle doing that. Is her jaw alright? That guy also looks massive, why would she say something like that to someone with such a size difference? thats way bigger than mine...
The first time she said it was an accident but now it almost seems like she says it on purpose that way he will keep punishing her
Is this why she's been coming home so late? And that smell.. I thought something was up... no Futaba wouldn't betray me like this she says my cock is cute and she prefers guys like me who are on the smaller side! She wouldn't throw away our love life over something like that, right?
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Anyone trying this new ZZZ gacha game (official artist does >blacked)? Might give it a spin later.
Do you really think that's the case when she has the chance to experience something like this
what artist
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but we promised each other. Does it really feel that good? I've never seen her that anxious before, and why is it always a black guy? He completely dwarfs me in size... in more ways than one. I don't want this for her she needs to stop.
For real? What artist??
Its far too late for her to stop, she loves feeling his black cock kiss her womb
What's the playstyle? Even the hottest waifu will not make me play a game I don't like.
They're not even wearing condoms, doesn't she know how dangerous that is? What if she got pregnant?
Looking up to my gf's bull as a role model
Can only find a couple images of dark-skinned stuff, shame
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Enough to wonder why this character has a spade on her belt. Draws ugly bastards too.
I believe that's the idea
That’s supposed to be a hog nose.
That was great, thank you for taking the time of your day to indulge me.
This is my first time doing something like this so sorry if my descriptions and stuff were lackluster.
So fucking hot I'll be saving them all
Nozomi's fat and saggy tits!
she has a present for you (and no worries im not very good at writing stuff, glad to see you start though)
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Exactly…I can’t even be mad at him because he’s just so loving and friendly and cute; it’s not like he’s cucking (and now fucking) me because he’s spiteful or malicious, he’s just so pent up and always in need of love…

It…Can’t be helped, you know~?
Fuck, imagining a young gf getting bred like that....
Your nerdy gf giving birth to his mutt that you are gonna be stuck raising
Maybe it will happen soon.... Going on vacation to Jamaica in a few days with my gf!
Can you gen one where he's on top of her, covering her small body and making it squirm
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Cuck really waifu girls like this and expect them not to cheat.
They're not saggy they're just heavy
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Cute Fate Wife!
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I love Fate cucks, they are so cute.
sorry it took a while these one are kinda hard to gen well
That's what I assumed had happened, thank you she looks so cute getting mentally shattered by a thick black cock!
My waifu bought me condoms and said we should start using them when we have sex...
Used up slampiggies are the best!
That picture is delicious.
and her cute bubble butt getting it in pronebone
CUTE I like to imagine her inner walls being so small and trying their best to squish his cock but just being blown through with each thrust as he kisses her womb with each nut deep crash with the full intent of breeding her
My whore of babylon.
There's just something about the implication isn't there.
she's amazed how big it is every time she sees it
Does she train to take it by herself?
Something that large must've split her in two the first time she took it all
I also imagine my waifu interracial daughter flirting with me, too..
ofc it was that blonde bimbo Anne, telling her all about bbc and pressuring her into it
Oof, naughty boy....
And she knows full well that while she's darker, she looks a lot like my first love...
Holy shit he cums so much, he could impregnate the entirety of the female phantom thieves with a single load!
Hmm, raising your stepdaughter and stepgranddaughters, then maybe even having an actual blood daughter with her....
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>Master-sama... You're home...
the black bull knocks on their door and this is how they answer
I could never imagine dominating a woman to the point that they do this. Just a pure assurance that they're willing and ready to get knocked up, and not just willing they NEED to be pounded
My wife teasing me that this might even be my last chance to have a kid... because all of her eggs are already spoken for.
Honestly, this issue will start to become widespread. Many people (myself included) will be forced to settle with older single mothers, raising the issue of pregnancy and age. I was lucky that my wife was only a few years older and deigned to have a biological child with me, but others may not be so lucky,
unff, they are all carrying his black children
surprising that futaba looks to have the most, they must've really been going at it..
their only purpose now is to serve him and continue giving him offspring
They all look so happy!
Even Makoto who I thought for sure would be straight laced thanks to influence from Sae seems to have fit in to his breeding harem quite well.
Indeed, there are many reasons why she might opt not to have any more kids. There are, of course, general health risks to consider.
That's not even considering fitness from the father's side.
>That cute quirky girl from class that you thought you had a chance with
>tfw hapa wifey got her asshole destroyed and pussy creampied today by a dozen cocks
Man, she might really end up pregnant when we go back to the states.
My bully's
Did someone say "POV?"

>3DPD in the NTR thread
Must be summer
Me fucking your gf in every one
I'm guessing you're upset because one of them was your girlfriend
I think he meant the larper spam posts.
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I started it purely for all the netorare art that is inevitably going to follow. The designs are all really good, but I'm way too deep in my main gacha to probably stick with it long term.
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Onahole sex isn't that bad. Sure it's nothing at all like the real thing, but it's the best some of us can ever hope for.
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