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4th of July Edition
Previous thread >>66996250
Thread Question: Which bimbos would you celebrate the 4th of July with?

Stories so far:
Bimbo Effect, an Atompunk setting
>Summary of the Bimbo Effect (Edited and updated)
>Anon's guide to marrying a bimbo (edited and updated)
>Collared Rookie
>Interview with a Doberman bimbo
>Cyberpunk bimbo story
>Bovine Sugar Mama

Drawfriends Welcome!
Female bimbos a best!
Futa bimbos OK!
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July means freedom time and beach time!
>day 1XX of wanting Sybil to be a bimbo.
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>Which bimbos would you celebrate the 4th of July with?

One from a foreign country, that way it's all new to them and I can explain all the nuances.
I'm European, so it's not my holiday, but I wouldn't mind learning how to celebrate independence day the American style with some patriotic bimbo.
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She needs to embrace being a bimbo already.
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I love that big boobed French babe.
Rare smiling sybil
>Equal size to her head

Must have been from her early career days!
This something that you drew?

If you drew this you did a good job around the pelvis.
Yeah, I drew it back in April. Figured it would be good for this thread.
Thanks. I was using a female model ref.
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Apparently bimbocore is a thing, kinda. It's propagates by a heavy metal band called Scene Queen:

Hate to say I am not impressed.
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Yuck... I agree, not great.

Personally, I know that the majority of my bimbs are either associated with old 70's department store music (since they spend their days mostly shopping), or they are jamming out to hardstyle/rave club music (since they spend their nights mostly stripping & partying).

Welcome fellow drawfriend! That's a good sketch you got there. Hope to see more from you :).
>Me and my bimbo like to shop a lot
>The prices are insane when it's lacey
>But at least she's happy and looks hot.
>Also with very forgiving return policy
I would be happy with chochi simply drawing more of her.
Should you tell her?
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God bless big fake tits
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