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Cold one with the boys edition
Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66874942/

Episodes: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8ec614aed062146757e25a4479eadb7e52619cc2&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Episodes in HEVC: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:768071281849411d4ed30817bef62a3d7217c7a3&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20x265%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Direct Link: https://mega.nz/folder/AdYSWRLZ#-CAJjPb72l24FZrIk39cOg

Chatroom: #Bluey on Rizon.net
IRC Quickstart Guide: https://ghostbin.me/6482565e4b257
The minisode link will stay in subsequent OP's until they're added to the main link.
I thought those were Bandit's asscheeks when I first saw the thumbnail
Source: https://new.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/1drsnem/bandit_inspired_beer_in_tx/

Turning Point Beer in northern Texas
I couldn't believe it when I first saw this Image, and I still can't.
What kid shows can say it also puts their names and faces on alcohol?
You know, for the parents, when they have to watch "Verandah Santa" for the 7th time on Easter Sunday.
Imagine they're making a "Daddy Pig Wine".
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slowed down audio from DSNP is terrible
I thought I had a chance of finding some since I'm in Louisiana, but apparently not. At least not without an eight hour road trip. Too bad. It sounds pretty good from the description.
What's Louisiana like? It's true it's hot and swamps every day?
so is Muffin supposed to be famous in the blueyverse like Ryan Toy Reviews or something? That's the impression the minisode gave me
official 4k bluey when
It's absolutely disgusting nine months out of the year. Sometimes the entire year if winter decides not to come. The heat on its own wouldn't be that bad, but the extreme humidity prevents sweat from evaporating and raises the heat index into the triple digits. I don't think there are any swamps near me. There are wetlands, bayous (stagnant creeks), and rivers though.

Is Muffin Unboxing hypocritical?

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>>imagine running a bluey theory channel
also Socks is cute in that episode
Bingo, the 21st century Australian girl who doesn't realise she's about to be killed by her mother.
New reaction image.
Great trivia, Wiki!
Wait really? I could swear she was annoyed before...
Someone got paid to do that. How did they fuck it up so badly? I could have done a better job and I'm borderline retarded.
No wonder Muffin likes to go apeshit sometimes. With a dad like Stripe..
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There's a beer called "Bomb!" by Prairie Artisan Ales that I've seen at total wine and bevmo on multiple occasions, sounds very similar if you swapped the pecans out for chili peppers. It's pricey at like, ten dollars for a 12oz, but it's an absolute favorite of mine. You might have an easier time finding that
she inherited that tard strength, which means socks must've inherited trixie's derrière
*Cums on her mouth*
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Why are crossdressing shotas so cute?
She's been angry before, but this is a more relaxed kind of disappointment
we got Macked

>makes retarded claim the MINIsodes aren't long enough

>miss-spells the word he was trying to emphasize
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A happy 29th birthday to Porygon
An autist on DA; he makes damn good vectors that are almost identical to the show. His stuff shows up here semi-often
I love how anons on these threads slowly started to love porygon2z and his artwork.
Wonder if he knows about our existence or something.
>"Good girl!"
>"Ok now I've been a bad girl. Grab that newspaper and slap my bottom"
She's going to get weird on her teens.
But I don't want Mackenzie to kill himself
I wish I could get a gf who's okay with me crossdressing.
I wish I could get a gf

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