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/Awoo/ - Wednesday

Weekly Gay Werewolf General.

Last Week Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66927103

Old Pastebin: (Stories absent from the main paste may be found here) ~ https://archive.is/1vGX1

NEW! Main, Library Link (Updated as of 11/05/2023): https://rentry.org/aw00 - Speak up if your story is missing


Reminder, this is a gay thread so keep it to males only
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I want this awoo daddy
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And another week, another thread! hope you guys have all been doing great... because i am convinced the world we live in is a lame joke, people just threw down a statue because they believed it was the cause of a hurricane... yep. oh well, at least it wasn't in my state.
Hope you guys are having a nice wednesday and have an even better rest of the week.
handsome awoo
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How are my werewolf bros doing? Anything planned for the 4th?

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