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/lolg/ - League Of Lewds General

Discuss, RP, share new pics and make an argument for why your favorite League Lass is Best Girl. New faces to RPing or helping others jerk off are welcome.

Need to Breed Edition

Previous: >>67007680

QotT: What's the best way to celebrate summer holidays for you and your favorite girl?
A man who doesn't post anything loses the right to complain about those who do.
stop posting tranny dicks retard
post more futa
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Post something else then.

Since you asked.
Wife sex after a party!
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Came buckets to this and passed out. Wow, I was backed up.
Someone is *really* weak to fox
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NTA, but I'm also really weak to the fox
Oh? Do tell me just how weak you are~
Mmmm, I like to hear that. Which skin is your favorite?
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She could make me into soft putty with just a simple touch, a few words, or even just giving me the bedroom eyes. She'd make me hard with equally little effort.
As for my favorite skin, can't beat the original. Though she has no bad looks.
Elderwood, obviously, although seeing any version of Ahri fully nude is enough to make me horny. I admit I almost bought the $500 skin but then I saw that the base version shows off more.
You'd really be wrapped around her finger, huh? The fox's easily charmed boytoy~ Default is a great skin, though she has so many good options
Elderwood is underappreciated, probably my second favorite after Star Guardian
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SG would beat Elderwood out if I liked the magical girl trope. Since fantasy settings, especially ones with barely-dressed fae and the like, are my favorite, it wins. Also, feet.
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I probably put them as even thinking about it that way. SG wins for modern settings, Elderwood for fantasy. Though the idea of Elderwood brought into a modern setting and living with anon sounds like a lot of fun.
That sounds fun, an Ahri who has never lived in a modern setting walking around naked as if it was totally normal.
sex with your wife at the party
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Exactly! That'd be a lot of fun to play. Having no sense of modern norms or human social rules, a complete lack of modesty in Anon's apartment or condo, and a low-key high sex drive combined with a totally casual attitude towards it
High sex drive as in "rides her roommate's morning wood every day?"
Hnnngh, those bedroom eyes. Not sure if she is more drunk from the drinks or the cock.
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Basically a nympho, but doesn't act slutty or out of control with it. Riding her roommates morning wood every morning would definitely be part of that
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>You'd really be wrapped around her finger, huh? The fox's easily charmed boytoy~ Default is a great skin, though she has so many good option
The long raven hair and her red clothes just create such a captivating contrast with her pale skin and those soft, fluffy tails that I'd just love her to wrap around me as she flirts with me.
>Basically a nympho, but doesn't act slutty or out of control with it.
I needed to take a breath there. I almost ripped my pants off and started fapping imagining being inside her.
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Getting teased by the flirty fox while her tails slowly wrap you up more and more, with an outfit that covers just enough but shows off her chest and tight figure
You'd better be careful, the elderwood fox wouldn't understand things like you needing to get stuff done, if you get hard that easily you'll just have to experience fae foxpussy over and over
That's a great picture.
And that's okay, I don't get anything done in the first place. Does she enjoy her roommate just burying his dick inside and leaving it there?
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>Getting teased by the flirty fox while her tails slowly wrap you up more and more, with an outfit that covers just enough but shows off her chest and tight figure
I really like being teased like that, but I bet she would start to get handsy pretty fast, sensing how easily she makes me aroused.
She's always low-key horny and has a totally nonchalant attitude toward sex, so yes. She'd let you do that without even warning her
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Not long at all before she puts her hand over your obvious bulge and starts rubbing it, slipping down your pants and fondling. It sounds like you'd be an easy teasing victim too
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Feeling her fingers running over my growing bulge makes me shiver and gasp. I'd be an easy target for anyone who knows how to push my buttons, and I bet she knows just how to softly dominate and tease me.
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If you're that vulnerable she'll be all over you, and softly dominating is just what the fox loves. Teasing, sensual touching, pinning you underneath her, slow, tight riding...
I'd just spend days if not weeks playing with her body.
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She wouldn't stop you at all, anytime you wanted to touch her, stuff your dick in her, it's like none of it bothers her
irelia hooking up with a noxian bwc in a hotel room
Sometimes just wearing one half of her already skimpy outfit, others nothing at all. I'd buy multiple cases of water so when I do cum, it's buckets.
You can pull her top or bottoms off without her showing any issue, or both. At some point she understands she can't go out in public naked, but she doesn't wear much.
She loves being cummed inside
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>softly dominating is just what the fox loves
That's exactly why she is so irresistible for me. Just telling me what she is going to do to me would make my legs weak, and I bet she would shower me with soft praises.
Telling you how you're going to get completely milked, and she's going to do it again and again, and tease you so you cum really hard. Telling you how good you're doing, how nice your cock feels throbbing in her, how much you came~
>You can pull her top or bottoms off without her showing any issue, or both
Damn it, I'm even more excited now. Just taking the other half of her outfit off and fucking her in bed, or feeling her up while waiting for dinner...
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You can fuck her all you want, or just leave your dick in there. Feel her body, fondle her curves, put her in any position you like. Though she'll never have a huge reaction, she'll make small noises and coos when you stuff her or cum in her but be calm about it all.
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She would really put my endurance to the test like that... Or would she use her Vastayan magic to help keep me going? She would feel absolutely divine, but I would also want her to enjoy it all as much as I do.
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Since she likes you, she'll use her magic to refill your balls so you can be milked more. Or might use it to get them overfull and heavy while teasing you. She wouldn't take you as her boytoy if she wasn't enjoying it~
Cockwarming on the couch, feeling her body while I watch a movie or TV with her...
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She'll be asking so many questions about the movie, the things in it, the people, since she has no context for any of it. She's a very curious fox
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I could barely think straight with Ahri pinning me down softly and riding me, making me breed her again and again... It feels so good, but at some point the need to take responsibility would dawn on me through the haze of feel-good hormones.
She'll make sure you can't think at all so the only thing in your head is pleasure and how gorgeous she is. If you start showing signs of having a coherent thought you'll get charmed even more
That's so cute. I wish there was more Elderwood Ahri art.
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Stuff like that is why I love rping as her. I do wish she had more art as well, she's so pretty~
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Oh fuck, she *really* wants me to breed her... And to be honest, all she needs is to keep kissing and teasing and whispering sweet nothings to me as she rides me with slow but determined moves. No way I could actually think straight as long as she got me in her hands like that.
She's pretty, will let you touch and fuck her wherever and whenever, and doesn't know a thing about modern life... the nail polish is a cute touch, too.
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Mhm! Casual nympho fox that doesn't mind sex or touching at any time and is both clueless and curious about modern life. Makes her excited to try just about anything.
Is the idea of knocking up the fox going to turn you on more? She might whisper how fertile she is and how full her womb feels
(I should probably get going to some stuff, but I could add either of these fox fans on discord if they want)
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>Is the idea of knocking up the fox going to turn you on more? She might whisper how fertile she is and how full her womb feels
I won't lie, the primal urge to breed is strong, and whispering me that would make me even harder, and erode whatever little rational sense I had left in my head
>(I should probably get going to some stuff, but I could add either of these fox fans on discord if they want)
Same. I guess you could add me if you want - never been active with this stuff outside of here, but why not I suppose. You'll find me with marppuli.
(I have an account specifically for being Ahri, which is why I mentioned it. I'll send it to you)
I'm the Elderwood anon, my tag is morningwoods0184
Taliyah is cute, and I want to creampie her
League girls that like it rough? Maybe even getting into bondage territory?
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Ahri really likes the new girl!
Say something nice about my whore of a wife!
She gave me a really nice lapdance with her soft ass
Yeah! She really loves using her fat ass for lapdances, or other stuff like that.
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It's not like she likes it or anything, she is just doing it to maintain peace in Ionia. At least that's what she says.
I really like the way she sunbathes in the nude while I clean out the pool or work the grill.
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Please don't mind her!
She's just a bit frisky like that. She always walks down to the pool in some filmsy bikini, and then takes it off almost immediately as soon as she starts sunbathing.
more bun?
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Where do I find Lux players like this?
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It's breeding season
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Need the cops to teach me to get better at eating pussy
Deer pussy shouldn't be this tempting

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