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Freedom edition

Welcome to /birb/ (aka /feather/), the least popular general on /trash/

>Post birds and other feathered friends, lewd or otherwise.
>Male or female, anthro or feral, mammal style separate bits or cloaca are all ok. External balls are incredibly gay, but still ok.
>Hybrids and mythologicals like Gryphons and Hippogriffs, and ancient birds such as the Archaeopteryx are allowed. Make sure the bird attributes are the most notable though (No, cats with only a beak are not allowed).
>Weird fetishes go to their respective threads.
>Ambient avians and monster girls don't count.
>Don't reply to obvious shitters.

/birb/ Masterbin:

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66582357

TotT: What festivities would an avian race have? What food would be common or traditional for them?
It's been a while, bird bros. How have you been?

About the TotT, I think that human festivities such as christmas, halloween, easter and others would be unknown for an avian race, with the exception of new years. "Birthdays" would be called "Hatchdays" and national celebrations would obviously depend of the date of an important historical event in their timeline. Maybe avian nations would be separated by species families, such as corvids and eagles, with each one having their own special day. I can also imagine them having funny/stupid days like a "wing day".

Regarding food, this depends on the species that become sentient. For example, if fishes stay like that and don't evolve, they would become the #1 favorite food for most avians, followed by insects, then fruits and veggies. Mammals and reptiles would be sentient too, hence why I didn't include them in the menu. But if we go into a more dark timeline, where the law of the strong still exists, other sentient species can still kill each other and eat them to survive, with deadly weapons and stuff.
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my wife, Chica!
The real question isn't how to kiss a beak, but rather how to kiss a LONG beak.
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(ignore the first part of the sign I only care about birdholes)
Nice to see you again, /birb/
>TotT: What festivities would an avian race have? What food would be common or traditional for them?
It really depends on the species.
I've been toying with sentient bird species in a high fantasy setting.
Parrot kind would have a strong South American culture and every week would be Matigras. They are all degenerate partiers who may or may not be feeding by a 'Slaneeshian' type demon with their hedonism.
Eagle and Hawk kind would halve all sorts of somber, orderly celebrations of military history, with military parades, remembrance ceremonies, ritualistic combat, celebrations of victories, etc.
Owl kind would be a lot more subtle in a sublime sensual kind of way. They would worship nature with their celebrations, but also many sublime feelings, such as that deep, glowing feeling you feel on the first day of Autumn with the first cool wind hits your face, or the cozy warmth of settling down in a fire lit room with a cup of tea and a book, or the burning passion of a love sonnet on Valentines day.
Crow kind are a toss up - very materialistic, so they have all kinds of holidays around surface level hedonism and remembering great persons from their history.
Vulture kind worship ancestors and death. There are national ancestors that they all remember on certain holy days of the year, where they pray for blessings and guidance, but also eyre (town) or clan level days of remembrance for close friends/family. Necromantic rituals may even be invoked. Every funeral, the passed vulture kind 'bequeaths' his body to those close to him/her as a symbolic (or possible literal) passing on of power to them. Tokens such as eyes, talons, feathers will be taken, then the body will be ceremonially seasoned and left to decay as a sort of 'carrion brisket' which will then be consumed by those specified in his/her will. This is seen as a high honor, and symbolically conveys the wisdom, vitality, strength, etc onto the next generation.
i wonder how the founding fathers would feel knowing that I'm spending America day looking an furry bird porn...
I'm sure all of them would be disgusted. Except for Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin would have been a porn addict if he was born in modern times.
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Benjamin Franklin would FUCK eagle women and I'd get into mating press contests with him to see who can impregnate the most bird women in a week
You and me both.
This is so good, especially the vulture one. I've been imagining similar traditions among those bird species, and a few more:
Swans: considering how people associate them with love, and they have only one partner in their lifetime, I think they would have a day similar to Valentines day.
Peacocks and birds of paradise: I can see them having a celebration similar to Brazilian carnivals, a day to simply forget everything, dance like crazy and enjoy life. They would also host anual talent events, for singing and dancing.
Doves are often associated with peace and religion, so I believe that they would have a bunch of days to commemorate saints and other important people, similar to christianity. After all, they're pretty much a chill bird species.
Maybe I can think of more but first I should do some worldbuilding first.

There's nothing wrong in venerating the bald eagle, one of America's most emblematic icons, during its day.
I'm sure that the founding fathers would be proud.
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I will never not stop thinking about having an owl wife.
Would instantly fuck both the woman in this image.
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I made a bird oc. Say something nice about him
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>This is so good, especially the vulture one.
Thanks! It will probably end up in a book some day. Hopefully I won't regret talking about it here.
I really like your suggestions, especially the Doves. It would be cool to have an entire priesthood of dove people. I don't have a lot of worldbuilding for softbills since the main species are birds of raptors, corvids, or parrots.
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Vulture ocs are cool! Is he a luchador?
He also reminds me of a vulture character from those old cartoons. Maybe he was in woody woodpecker? I don't remember.
>I will never not stop thinking about having an owl wife.
>No plucky librarian scholar owl gf
Why even bother living
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For me it's an all-around smart but soft and loving slightly thicc owl wife
A big fat hen is fine too
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You're correct, he's based on Buzz Buzzard. Recent developments with my job had me thinking about death and scavengers, and then there was furiosa. He's basically a mad Max style dude with a leather cap
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why do muricans call vultures buzzards, thats so retarded
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Happy 4th fellas
Your wife is a goddess
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I'll be dining on chicken tomorrow, in more ways than one
>ready for some freedom?
Sure, where? I don't see any yet. All I see is tax-slavery.
libertarianism is cringe, true patriots recognize that we have duties to society as well as rights
Fuck libertarianism, but fuck taxes more
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Okay hear me out this punchline is way fucking funnier right
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I don't know why I didn't think of this a second before posting but this is better still
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>The rebels are getting uppity again.
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Is this birb?
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Not enough FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in this ITT
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I don't know. I like the first one >>67113103 more because of the double pun.
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Pocket freedom bird
So far it feels like the only right I have is the right to live in my car if my family situation worsens again. I don't have the right to choose my job, the employers have the right to wipe their ass with my application and I just have to take whatever chiclets I'm given so I don't have my few remaining possessions seized by the bank. I don't have the right to speak my mind, lest our government give me the Alex Jones treatment. I don't have the right to keep and bear arms because I can't afford them - so unless I steal the unregistered CZ my druggie stepdad keeps under his pillow I'm defenseless when I sleep in my car at the oceanside harbor parking lot.
Please, tell me, what rights do I have as an American that come even close to justifying taxation? Much less taxation to fund our next big fucking reparations push. Because I can't even find a meager living, but Tyrone can shuffle his 8 kids and 3 baby mommas into a three story house on the gubmint dime.
A flock of crows is called a murder, hence why the fourth panel. It's a double pun.

It's a.. ugly gryphon, so yea it kinda is?

Deploying more freedom birbs!

That looks like an bird-insect hybrid. Looks cute.

Important to have a pocket baldy to take your freedom everywhere.
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Sex with eagle
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Eagle wife
How do you like your eagles?
I prefer them similar to irl: big and strong. The females are slighty bigger than the males.

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