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"Goobes": Edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67026755/
For discussion of TGWeaver's and Pokemaniacal's Five Nights at Freddy's AU fic
Roommates A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11250126

Old MEGA Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/kMwX0YLK#BR3vN7OCIYYk7Qu9jbPKfw

{Full Art arcives}

New NewFanfic Archive Stev Edition: https://mega.nz/folder/tzsymTyA#l0jmXuUtV3HELQ8wYuXOpQ
Roommates The comic adaptation: http://roommatesaucomics.thecomicseries.com/archive
Put her in a jar and fuck it
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Beanie and Mike <3
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>Beanie testing bjs with a dildo
we're getting more?
its just how i organize, in case i do more
More nerd please
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she needs practice
You are a gift
What will you not draw?
good question
nah im just havin fun
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Now that i got more free time and im done with my fallout 4 addiction, im getting back to this. 4 out of 20 done.
doing great on the styles
who are the other 16 artist stles?
That's a massive project
I’ll keep that a surprise. Definitely could’ve keep going, but was already getting burned out on drawing the sketches. I will say, 15 of the remaining ones are different artists. 1 is that swapped bonbon I’ve done.

Looking for the artists and drawing the sketches was the hard part. Should be smooth once I start actually drawing it.
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Sex bnny
Foxglove left this in Mike's room when they moved out. Can't be removed without breaking the wall.
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Man, I wish I could add my own if you don't mind.

Is there still a chance for me to submit mine sometime when this thread is up?
Looking good so far, I love how I can recognize most of these artists :)
Freckles and buckteeth are my kryptonite.
Have you already picked out all the artists you will be using sketches/drawings from?
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She likes to be bullied by Mike while wearing her old glasses
Keep it coming
Does she like the humiliation aspect or she trying to heal her from her old insecurities?
Not every kink needs a super meaning. Just a little thing they do from time to time.
Nah Mike just likes the nerd look
He does the same for Beanie while wearing his security uniform
fair fair
You got all the artists you need?
The fur texture is pretty damn nice, I wonder what techniques they used here.
Damn am I stupid? The pencil textures looked pretty convincing to me though.
Uniform are sexy. Even a basic one.
Rev up the bnny printer
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How ?
>Mike can swear he sees the eyes move at night
>bullied by Mike
By that shrimp dick?
that was a great stream zan
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what in the hell

who is this, what name i gotta seach to find more
Who nigga?
That's Zoro let me get his twitter
Awesome, thanks for dropping it here.
glad you liked it, all it did was drain my brain. hopefully today will be different
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i dropped this on the ground, hope its still good
Beanie is larping as a wizard again
Feel free boss. Still got a bit more to go.
Tag teaming is pretty fun for the Roomates gals.
the bnny cometh
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Goose needs a lot more love, I adore this pretty birdy.
>She approaches you by offering one pill on each paw
>Beanie, this is the third time you asked me to swallow any of those pills whenever I get an existential crisis. And I know for a fact those are Bonnibel's meds!
>You know Mike, for a weird looking monkey, you chimp out so easily whenever you get outplayed in every game night I host.
>for a weird looking monkey, you chimp out so easily
Jesus Christ, Beanie, is it the 40's again?
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She's been hanging with Mike a lot, despite being a bad influence on her
I wanna drag my teeth across her buckteeth.
Beanie is friends with Mike she can let slip a few ape slurs
All the birds need a lot more love
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Just a fun sketch for now, I think I'll remake this sometime.

I'm starting to realize I need to brush up on my anatomy and body types again.
I'm getting stuck on drawing the same body types over and over again.

Any advice?
Thanks for the Bonbon
Wish I could help but I'm no artist
Naked women, man.

Not even joking. Go to “line of action” or quickposes and you’ll see an assortment of poses you can get for references.
Sweet bonbon
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Happy 4th folks. Had to drop by again at least once lol. Glad to see the threads are still kicking, might lurk for a bit
Thank you so much for the advice, I will put it into practice this weekend.
I'll update my references as well too.

If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me how I can join the next one of these collabs?
I'm referring to the Bonbon redraw one you are currently working with other artists on.

It's interesting to see how each artists style differs from one another and I'd like to participate whenever this happens again.
If you are okay with me asking of course.

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