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4chan's collective RWBY AU! You're welcome to share your own OCs, lore, and AI generated images with us!

>1. Worship Scarlet
>2. Read the Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MjgAFYQ
>3. Beware trolls, falseflaggers, and edgelords
>4. No bitching about other ships
>5. Regular RWBY discussion goes to RWBY/RT General
>6. Have fun!

General Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/923xfr3g94zeq/SV_Greens
GreentextAnon’s Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/na0b5f695k3og/Greens
Tiermakers: https://tiermaker.com/user/16270573

Active Scarletverse Fics:
>RWBY: Seeds of Hope, Sins of the Past
>Fuchsia Petals on Phantom Wings

RWBY General Thread: >>67092390
Previous Thread: >>67066242

Testing out my new katana on the nearby fauners
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What happened to Coco and Fox?
I need bunussy
Still a huntress, I believe she also adopted and trained Charlotte after her parents died in an attack by cultists
Still a huntsman, also the father to Maverick and Melodias but he has no idea about that
>reads main thread
>sees rwby and jnpr are the only rwby characters with given birthdays
Yet we have birthdays for the majority of the characters, once again proving MKEK are lazy hacks
I want lewd Cotton gens
I thought Charlotte was Velvet and Yatsuhashi's bnuuy daughter
I don't think Coco died, I think she's still kicking
Cotton is Velvet and Yatsu's daughter. Charlotte's the spider Faunus that's a teacher in Y2
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no that's Cotton, Charlotte is a spider faunus CFVY adopted
I mean considering what we did with the other unimportant gay characters it's a fair assumption to make
>an attack by cultists
No that was just a regular Grimm attack, the cultists weren't involved with that one. She's specifically the adopted daughter for the Grey family in the After The Fall novel with team CFVY
I love her eyes and silky hair
I didn’t say Coco died, I said Charlotte’s parents died
MKEK should fear our autism
But anon, dragons are fucking gay!
Oh, I'm retarded
>New review on the fic
>"Not gonna lie I lowkey get why Neo doesn’t like her kids they’re messy as hell"
What's this nigga talking about?
No one mentioned them anon
Most likely Lavender surviving as a hobo
Probably a girl wrote it cause my sister uses that phrase, messy means like getting involved in drama
I dunno what that would mean for Lav but for probably him having sex with Alaska while ”dating” Belka because that’s definitely gonna bite him in the ass as he know
Kissing Cotton
petting the fluffy bunny
>ywn make a faunus girl cum from pets
Why live
I wanna make Cotton cum from running her ears
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I’m getting hard thinking about it
Maybe RWBY isn’t dead and it’s getting removed off other sites because someone bought it
>Someone bought it
We must persist and continue to outlive the show.
Kerry and Eddy will continue to destroy it
>Eddy and Kerry at the front
Oh yeah no they're still fucked
Interestingly Kiersi and Miles didn’t say anything yet, wonder if only Kerry and Eddy will be involved as writers assuming this means the show is continuing
hopefully this is just RWBY & RT content moving HBO max and the show stays dead
I doubt it since Kerry and Eddy said something, HBO Max may be the new home though
Well maybe we’ll finally know how to defeat Salem, we just were discussing it
Canon Goose and WK kids incoming
At least we have that
15 minutes until America's birthday
Hbd America
Hell yeah
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Happy 4th of July!
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Patchies celebrating their non-descript national holiday to celebrate their historic opposition to the Valean crown! Mercury! Rev up that grill!
Based Patch enjoyer. No wonder why they all decided to raise their children in Patch.
What if Luna was a boy instead? How would things have gone differently for a male Luna?
>Would probably get a lot of flak for being a threat to Scorponok since (m)Luna/Luner would have an intertwining arc with Lavender + the fact he'd the dude she's exposed to the most after Romeo
>Still the same amount of suffering memes but he'd just be called a lil bitch moreso
>I'd still fuck his mother
>Goldenmoon would be a win for the fujos yet he'd also be on the shitlist for being shipped with Belka (Lasertag without the yuri would be 3x worse)
>Coomers would either ignore him or rejoice that he's his team's victim twink and cook up scenarios where he's Juliet and Rosaria's meat vibrator
>His character arc would still be solid, but he'd obviously be more controversial for being a dude overall
These are the first things that come to mind, did I miss anything?
>>I'd still fuck his mother
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>Ruby when her tall swole gigachad nephew becomes a turd-pushing fudge-packing homo-lusting faggot
She should be used to it by now. Her Stacy sister also became a degenerated faggot and she herself is turning into a dyke too.
They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the fucking hunters gay
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Post WK headcanons
>Weiss prefers to be called mom over mother
>Lumi still calls her "mother"
>the other SchnArcs make fun of her over it
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kot pussy
Pot kussy
Happy Election day lads.
Jaune and Weiss give each other names to use in the bedroom. They have a couple of "off-limits" nicknames
Happy "no more Tories" day
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>"off-limits" nicknames
What does that even mean?
>Weiss calls Jaune "Daddy"
>Jaune gets hard
>slips up and calls him "father" or "dad"
>Jaune goes soft super fast
Had that happen to a coworker who talked about it. Not going to open that Pandora's box.
>Jaune, a father of eleven children, enjoys being called daddy in a sexual context
I know Americans are retarded but come on
I was giving an example, but okay
Pussys smoking pot
Weiss still practices her swordplay from time to time, often with Jaune as her partner
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>Weiss grinded to get the huntress license even after having kids and taking the SDC CEO position
>Has to do X amount of missions per financial to keep the license because government regulation
>each year Weiss and Jaune go to a lovely bed and breakfast in coastal Vale and just absolutely fuckin smash out those huntsman missions over the course of two weeks
How does the cast celebrate the Remnant version of 4th of July
Getting drunk and shooting off their guns.
>person requests to unlock door
>door is unlocked
>person walks away from said door
Trying to imagine which SV char would (un)intentionally do such a thing is cathartic after a frustrating day of work
>a Fauner would be most likely to do it imo
Lumi is a bastard that deserves to be made fun of
Sounds like someone is jealous of Weiss
That's no way to talk about your niece/goddaughter
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I awaken
Morning drawbro, how goes it
Hey Ficbro, not to pressure you or anything, just genuine interest, but how’s the fic going?
If you’re taking a break this fortnight to plan the clusterfuck that is the ≤ 49th Vytal Festival, that’s cool, but if not, then I’m wondering why you haven’t let us see an in-progress google doc for feedback/editorial purposes?
Again, not trying to be pressuring or anything, you’re the boss and you decide the pace you work at, not my Australian, still recovering from that fucking knee injury ass, I’m just asking so that I and the rest of the anons here can help as required.
Going alright, gonna eat breakfast with family soon
He said yesterday the new chapter will probably be out next week, he probably just doesn’t have enough down to show us a preview yet
I think he has til the end of year 1 planned
Dude leave him alone, he can show us stuff whenever he’s ready
No problem man, like >>67116418 said I'm aiming for next week for a release, I've mostly been working on stuff that doesn't get shared like the outline but I'm hoping to get the first segment out either tomorrow or Saturday
Ficbro2 > Kerry and Eddy
I'd argue all our writefags are better than those two really
We both know that is a lie.
Satan confirms
who’s in the first scene
most of the beacon kids but focusing mostly on Scarlet
Hell yeah, looking forward to it
MILF Cinder sex
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>adam gets to eat that ass every night
He won
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Ah, must’ve missed that then, apologies.
Looking forwards to whatever you’re cooking up boss.
https://x.com/iamlindsayjones/status/1808893687960666613?s=46 Lindsay will be back too
You know this makes me think, Which fauners would make their respective animal noises
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I don't want V10
>RWBY was raped to death by MKEK
>it is now being resurrected so that EK can rape it to death again
Sometimes, dead is better.

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