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Previous Thread: >>67045588

Archives: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/aibf/


Sekret Klub: https://discord.gg/yPzqegrG7v

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPhWR4d3FJQ
Thanks for baking!
Sexo with Cappy the Wolf Captain
I think I get a bit carried away sometimes?
(or is this normal...)
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You are such a slut!
Oh right, I ALWAYS forget about the 4th of July until it's right ahead of me.
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>forgetting the most important holiday in the world
Tfw you forget that the 4th of July happens on the 4th of July.
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Happy make your own mistakes day.
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Fuck yeah
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dog bless murica
What’s the prompt for these pixel art landscapes, or is it that simple?
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I think it's starting to get out of hand.
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Because blowing stuff up is The American Way!
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There is, of course, no such thing as too many fireworks.
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Great video!
>"a pixel art style image of x"
Challenge - Make the most American image you can think of.
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NOW we're talking...
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Okay, maybe that was a bit too much...
>Make the most American image you can think of
as an outsider, this comes to mind.
thanks for baking Cappy
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Well, that should be easy... let's see, I'll just plug the lyrics to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" into Designer and see what we get...
or maybe...
>"We come in Peace (shoot to kill)."
You win the internet today!
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Not a problem! Your image is probably the most American image in the thread.
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I think I'm seeing a pattern here...
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Or not. And now for something completely different...
Not keeping this one but I thought it was cute
there's always higher levels of 'merka to achieve
needs old glory on top
Careful, you'll get the flat earther's off side, kek.
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How 'Murican is 'Murican enough? Let's push the limits.
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Showed the wife, and she asked if the hair was inspired by trump...
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The world can't contain our 'Muricanness. We need to expand beyond it.
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Looks like you can write porn in cici, it just filters (sometimes)...
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I called these 'centrefolds', so it's a picture of a picture, which seems to give some leeway...?
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By discarding the laws of physics I can make this even more 'Murican.
Interesting. Neither one of them is an actual centerfold though. They look more like pin up calendars.
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Nothing about this makes any sense anymore but I love it.
It's like the Mecca of Murica.
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Here is one more. This is the last good looking one I got out of it.
Hope all my American homies have a great Independence Day.
Happy burger day to all the american anons!
>the burgers in the explosion
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Happy murican day!

Big fan of the Muny Riteer
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Never thought there would be so many ways to say 'Tractor Monthly' 0_0
Have another attempted centrefold...
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Thank you and very cool gen!
Awesome gens!
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Birb booba and big piles of money! Truly this is the land of opportunity.
Everybody looks so good in their flag print swimsuits.
Happy Independence Day to everyone!
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>Ma'am don't you think you've had enough?
Now that's a burger!
looking like snack!

thanks for baking cappy!
Tigermommy looks really good as well. >>67114897
You made the bald eagle look extra majestic. I particularly like the one in front of the eclipse.
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happy birthday uncle Sam
>*Liberty intensifies.*
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whats so funny?
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I really, really, really like this image.
We can see your weiner, obviously
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What does a can of freedom taste like?
Apple raspberry lemonade with a hint of lawnmower gasoline and firework smoke.
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Based gen.
>dinosaurs shooting flames from their... outputs bump

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