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Drunk Twinks Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66983579

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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Hi guys
finally got a coherent thought!
why, on god why is it a need for the hand.
i love boys
hello, aa. i need a qrd on how to shave pubes without getting horrible razor bumps again. i use a new blade and moisturize after, which helps a lot, but i forget if there's more.
not sure what this means, but it feels like an executive dysfunction ass post. unfortunately i don't have any advice that isn't fraught with self destruction.
it means it took all day recharging to have one thought and that thought is "need hand on head"
i think all problems could be solved with headpats
if we get two bottoms in this general to headpat each other we could create infinite energy
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So what i do usually is use hair removal cream first and then use a razor to clean up, but assuming you're just using a razor, make sure you're using a clean razor and use shaving cream when you do it, it helps to stop skin getting caught in the blades. Ideally shave in the shower under warm water, as it helps to soften up the skin and hair. After you shave exfoliate the area and moisturise.
sending headpats to whatever part of this cursed earth you happen to exist inhabit.
looks like i'm missing the hair removal cream and exfoliation. thank you.
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desperately need this to be me.
that locale would be england. and thank you.
i made this post
>mood slightly improves
we celebrate those minor victories
I've been absent for a while because I've been playing TTYD and chilling with friends.
one day, some enterprising top will find this place and trek the globe laying a strong dicking down on all of us.
god i hope so
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may we all be left aching and covered in cum.
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sup, been a while since i've been here
I Won't Let Him's updating again
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good for the author i guess, i was never really into the fanfic side of things
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Kelsey Aubrey Mari Daphne and Polly trying to one up each other by sleeping with different men across faraway for 7 days. They're allowed to fuck with the same person, but they're not allowed to repeat it. Their score are tied until there's one last unfucked man, Sunny's dad.
Im so bored :c who's up
I wanna have sex with Aubrey dressed as flight attendant
I wanna have sex with (You)
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everybody who visits this thread wants to have sex with you aa
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nuh uh
yuh uh
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That's fake news
nuh uh
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https://files.catbox.moe/l1yhti.png fake
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I need my face smothered in her sweaty boobs, pretty please
marshmallow heaven
perfect for your face or dick to be smothered between
Post boybrey and haru lewds
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here's a
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i NEED cock /homog/
Thanks anons.
Sad that there's only a few of boybrey and haru.
do you have the one where they are taking a shower?
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i had a dream i was doing a play with a 19th century dog puppet and in order to make it look more realistic part of the character design meant i had to shove my fingers into someones throat so it was coming out of their mouth and it was wet and gross
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>ywn lie on top of aa and hear his moans as you frot with him
why even live
can you people leave basil alone for one goddam minute?!?

A dick pic is the best I can give, give me your direction and I'll gladly give you cock anon!
fat cock....
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Good afternoon everyone o/

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good afternoon, famously straight aa.
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Hello, and yes i am very straight i have like, 10000000 girlfriends
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>10000000 girlfriends
leave some for the rest of us
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nuh uh cus you're all homos so you don't like girls
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Personally I'm bi.
I'm also a huge siscon.
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i'd fuck most people that have had a heartbeat at some time within the last 30 minutes.
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Speaking of homos and fucking i took some silly pics last night since i was bored and couldn't sleep if people are interested
I mean, I would love to see them myself, but I wouldn't exactly recommend you do that.
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i mean that's fair but people have already seen me naked anyway
if you want to, sure.
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do you have any of your butt

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