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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Y2K translucent electronics were 1998-2001 while Fruitnigger was 2005-2010.
Probably because they're just tired of the modern flat design aesthetic in general. They're also both similar so it makes sense why they're being mixed up.
Nobody really cares enough to separate the two and most don’t even know what y2k means.
There's definitely some overlap and similarity between the two. But also, most zoomers just lump all late 90s and 2000s aesthetics together into "y2k." As a zoomer who was autistically obsessed with the 2000s well before it was cool, it actually infuriates me.
You are part of the problem
I don't even care about what zoomers think
what with who
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this would be a peak >>>/g/ thread what is it doing here in trash?

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