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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3131

>"IKEA Summer Collection" edition


By Jixijenga
>Broken Sanctuary (Ch. 6)

By SouthwesternCrunchwrap
>A New Herd (Ch. 3)

By YolkedWithChrist
>Flames and Flour

By M4rsh4l_Legacy
>The Frost on her Feathers (Ch. 11)

By 7834non
>A Story I Suppose

By ReckfulAbandon

By TheHonorableAjax
>The Tales of Prince Anonymous (Ch. 5)

By PapaDelta
>Tusks After Dusk: Hag's Lament

By Anonymous
>Broken Dreams, and Dead Friends

By Worker_9
>Memories of Bunny Game

By ItsAMadhouse
>Claws of Helion

By Tacticool_Dad
>Unlikely Meetings (Ch. 25)

By TheSignalRemains
>Wilderness Hearts (Ch. 15)

By Meklab
>The Fox & Hound (Ch. 5)

[ Story Masterbin ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa | [ Story Update List ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa_updates
[ Word Filter ]: https://rentry.org/fsdnd | [ Image Filter ]: https://rentry.org/sksge
[ Writing Guides, Media, Misc. ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa4

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67095833
Missed a thread or two?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/hmofa/type/op/
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First for beatrix dominatrix.
She fucks autistic squirrel boys.
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Christmas in July.
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This show isn't hmofa why does it keep being posted
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I am once again posting my favorite little shortstack alien girls.
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Try not to fuck up the gator VN.
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Dude shut up, I'm playing it
NTA but that looks like /adhg/ to me.
She's very clearly trying to mother them, and that's all /adhg/ wants is some woman to replace their own mother.
She's crippled 'and' retarded?
She's so perfect bros...
She physically can't run away, and great in bed. Retarded girls are awesome to fuck.
Can you do everyone a favor and bitch and piss and moan about it for the rest of the thread? Thanks
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Just got a Victory Royale with Kimiko Five-Tails in Fortnite.
Fucking Christmas-tree-man didn't expect me to fuckin' fly with Magneto's powers and yeet balls of metal scrap on him from above. I was like a fucking AC130 shooting hot loads on some poor Middle Eastern farmer.
To celebrate, I had her shake her ass. Shit was cash. Now I want a Fortnite waifur to survive a warzone with.
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You ever think maybe you should take a break from seething on this site about how every post you don't like must be some volatile shitposter out to get you?
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I already do by getting Fortnite Ws and gettin gritty on n00bz that can't handle my 1337 skillz
i mean there's humans there, sure
but at the same big ol' cat tits
big tittie kittie committee
...what were we talking about again?
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Impregnate your state mandated robot dog.

What kind of sex education can you learn from someone who rides a motorcycle coochie out?
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I don't know what any of this means
I'm sorry that happened to you.
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He won a round in the video game Fortnite using a furry skin, his last opponent was another player using a sentient Christmas tree skin. He celebrated by making using a dance emote.
dr eggman waifurs
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Why do anthro women say this every time they see me?
Because they can smell sluts like you a mile away.
https://youtu.be/NljIyLmy-hM?si=sxd8k_MWpa6fshpZ Plankton is Ourguy
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They really think I'm a slut? :(
Anthros sucking down hard on massive BBCs
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>espionage waifurs
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I'd like to thank the French Husky empire for assisting in our independence.
Is that Estelle Ellis?
Bouncy toon girlfriend.
Gib de husk & frig off.
>tourists recall that her eyes seem to follow the ships nearby
Eager for another ban already?
She finally got some hmofa.
Because they smell you nofapping, vigorously working out and doing outdoorsy stuff
the attention that the French had for detail is legit stunning. There's even a fully modeled cervix and cookie on the statue
I don't think you can get him banned from just a single post.
It's not. It was an Australian woman doing a video ad for a wine company on Facebook.
Purest form of love
Waifur that is half-shark half-octopus.
Where do you take her for your guys first date?
Bit early in the thread for a meltdown, I reckon.
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>Movie too pussy to give a female imaginary friend to their human male partner
Why do they never do this. Are they afraid?
I bring my Octoark to bass pro shop and bring fear to all fish.
eh I think it was cmt that posted it, but cmt associating himself with a grifter is only going to reflect poorly on him. oh well what can you do about stupid people
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How do you make an unlikable furry girl?
That looks like mild cervix penetration
>"sorry, i only date within my own species."
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>Hrothgirl/Human initiation ritual
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hell yeah lynx's dude
Anthro woman who’s into watching her human boyfriend fuck human girls
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she flowberry on my shield till i fizz
>mass replying
Didn't read
Ok. Read them and bring them up. I'll respond when I'm not busy. The solution starts with you.
Bro could be discussing stories
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He’s a mass replying nigger-faggot. He will never produce anything of his ow accord.
How about a story of your waifur’s 50 year old dad bashing his head with a 7 iron
Be careful of your waifur enticing her friends to lust after humans. It may result in damaged friendships when they lust after you.
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>I didn't like Linkara's History of Power Rangers series.
>mal0 is zoomer
she is from the age of flip phones.
what if there was a hmofa skateboard game

Read this in Linkaras voice
this wouldn't work, because you'd have to play as furboy tony hawk (an actual hawk)
Hate to break it to you, zoomers were alive when the first iJew came out.
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guess what this post could have been about
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Bro discovers how Shitchan works
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>literally any trope
and anons will find a way to bitch and moan
I thought that was multicam for a second and was extremely confused.
Catcels on suicide watch
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she was a full on adult in the first instance of her appearing, meaning she was an adult in the age of iJew. unless youre trying to "XJ9 is 5 years old" me here.
Good yandere /hmofa/ stories?
This is true for every board in extince
I thought cats needed a bit of aggressive sex and pain to ovulate properly or something.
Bro types like he has cystic acne
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No one cares.
Go be of use to society and stop being a complete embarrassment to your parents
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Cats are really into spanking. They can’t help themselves. It’s some kind of masochism, clearly. A real human man chooses the rabbit for health and home.
is this a new or old bnuuy
It’s a rule breaking, new bunny. I was supposed to be taking a rest from drawing, but I couldn’t help it. I’m just taking it slow.
Once again I add a Molly to the Molly folder.
Thank you for your sacrifice. I love you, no homo.
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Know that through your suffering, I find joy in this autistic rabbit.
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kill yourself
least melodramatic response on /hmofa/
what rule is she breaking?
I am breaking my hiatus because I want to draw rabbit.
What's wrong with posting on topic images and gifs?
What ever happened to Penelope?
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Excuse me but could all the tea drinking funny accent people (or redcoats as I like to call them) please stop posting here for the next 24 hours this thread is for brave american patriots only.
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She’s a victim of the whims.
Oh I thought it was the rule about waiting until marriage to ride the guy through the mattress.
At any rate, just make sure you don't overdo it. Nothing like thinking you're doing fine until you suddenly aren't.
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I want to hold this creatura in my hands.
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*Sniff* Y-you should k-kill you-yourself anon*Sniff*
Sexy snake lizard.
all of these anthro women look so rapeable
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Lots of things.
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>She’s a victim of the whims.
That poor neglected human man at that office, never being able to release his pent up loads into her tiny two-tone asshole in order to keep morale up at the corp and go on with his taxing job.
They'll never go on a company retreat together and share a hotel room where they never go see the sights because they can't keep off of each other.
They'll never wake up on the floor wrapped around each other having finally burned off all the sexual tension once and for all, and decide to pursue an actual relationship.
They'll never fall in love and hold hands and have vaginal intercourse for the first time.

You monster.
Started reading "Into the Wildlands" and I really like the story.

Shame I'm too swamped to do something with a similar vibe in post-apocalyptic Appalachia.
She looks like I just woke her up at 2 in the morning to ask If I could borrow $20.
Her buttcheeks are clenching his dick so hard that it's turning his dick into a red rocket.
She's as much of anthro as a turd is a food. Only a retard thinks she is a one.
>>67108088 (nice hitler dubs)
*gives these posters skooma*
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Silence, Euro.
She's cute so I don't really care.
Okay bros, I am back after one year! Any new highschool /hmofa/ stories?
>don't say anything bad
>someone still gets mad
Are you just mad because you feel like it or are you do you just get so easilly mad?
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I'm writing one with a planned release date of 'lol. lmao.'
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Don't care im fucking firing off fireworks tonight
do something about it nigger
Yeah actually, there was one called "Heimlich High" about some Owl girl who gets MKULTRA'd by the principal to shoot up the school after she discovered he smuggles drugs for Mormon gang bangers in Utah. But a human named Frank Hardcastle talks her down and now they are on the run from a cabal of yogurt company CEOs planning to dominate the entire Tri-State area.
Milking cows after they milk you
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>people call you a whiner
>whine about people calling you a whiner
The milk cycle
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Blah blah blah
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Gimme Sybil writing prompts
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Squirrel girls are food for waifurs higher on the food chain.
is she a game now too
Sybil enters Anon’s dreams, he becomes a lucid dreamer because he resents strangers entering his mind
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Man in a long coma meets the dream gote and they get close because of the extended contact instead of the quick overnight sleep sessions she usually infiltrates. To them, it may be weeks or months as he lies on the hospital bed for several days.
They must wrestle with the fact that he can't sleep forever. Either he dies or wakes up. He has to choose. He can't stay in the interstice forever.
i was thinking of an idea like this today too, wow.
Not yet I am too of the retarded
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just use godot its the easiest, best game engine
Don't do anything too ambitious you'll end up burning yourself out.
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Fuck, i really need this, even though it would hit the feels pretty hard.
TacticoolDad, if you are here to see this, I am humbly requesting that you refrain from retweeting 3D Loona blacked porn. I would prefer not to have that on my home feed.
Thank You.
They don't. He just follows some sus artists and I would appreciate if he kept that stuff private.
You all are so obsessed with skin colour.
>"anything else?" she asks
Yeah can you wrap up that doe behind the counter with the rope to go? Thanks.
I like several black/brown artists, Clawweddrip for instance, I just don't like blacked or bbc shit.
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who is this fag and what the fuck is this shit. is this guy supposed to be one of our top writefags rn???
>she finally finds the problem and remembers what she was there for, to wake you up
>"I'm sorry..." as she sprints towards whatever monster has caused this
>man has to stand by and watch her fight, powerless to stop whatever is happening
>finally lands a hit with dream breaker
>entire world disappears in a flash of light
>Sorry Sybil, I can only spend a third of my time with you daily now instead of literally all the time.

That's call coming back from the honeymoon.
Then why are you all complaining about what a random twitter artist does outside this thread just because someone decided to post their art here.
Why are does on bondage so hot?

You gotta knock off this stalker shit, man. Especially this obsessing over who follows who thing.
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no seriously is this ironic or something
there's something seriously wrong with people that have self insert human OCs
I would post the /k/ screencap of the reason but its technically human male on female feral
Named self inserts in general I'd say
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Cope. Checking his X he has some great human on anthro art. I'm going to post some of it and you can't do anything about it but complain and seethe.
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>TCD is a manslut
It's over...
It's over...
there is if its this weird and blatant. he has the same level of ego and lack of self-awareness as your average xitter 'sonafag, but instead its just funneled into this bug-eyed self insert. there's some decent art here and there but knowing where it comes from kinda ruins it.
>comparing furry porn to hmofa
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The tranq darts do nothing!
I can't get off to pictures of female anthros unless it includes my meticulously crafted literally me but he's an army veteran with a big farm and a truck and and he doesn't need glasses he has blue eyes and he owns lots of guns he learned to shoot in the army and he's ripped and can beat up or snipe anyone even Sasuke (and he's not gay bro I'm not gay) all furry girls love him and they are his wifes OC I spent $2400 on.
they're an aphrodisiac...
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Oh look, if you go far enough back in his timeline you can see he use to browse 4chan.
There ain't nothin clever about what she's about to do to him.
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lmao ya this is exactly the kind of vibe i get from him. this guy is supposedly thirty and has either regressed or failed to grow up from this petulant need to directly insert himself into everything.

oh, and dont forget his literally TWELVE-INCH LONG COCK AND BALLS
>12 inch long balls
haven't you woken up from a dream and wished you had it again?
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My mistake. I don't read the stories here so I wasn't paying attention to the named writefags.
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No! My raptor ptsd!
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because i have, and it almost always involved waifurs. i spend every night trying to manifest more of those dreams.
Total Brapoid Death
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>Your cool gator boss is back
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Yeah I think I know what you talking about
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/k/ went so hard for the waifurs they accepted the only reality there is in the worst way
To the gas chamber with you.
That looks like a gharial not a gator. Which is a croc.
>wake up
>open thread
>it's a shitfest
I must say, shit threads are entertaining when you just lay back and watch the chaos ensue.
I finger her until she fills my palm with warm piss and love jucies
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Sybil enters the dream of an old man dying in his sleep. He regals Sybil with his experiences and regrets to encourage her to try and make time for herself. As he dies the landscape around him goes dark bit by bit like someone shutting off the lights in a warehouse.

Then she dances for him or something.

That is not a great Tracer model. Definitely below the standard
>Then she dances for him or something
She dances WITH him, ballroom style, as the lights go out
>Those Ngen bastards set us up!
Summoning Doctor Pussycat to my place so she can teach me about sex and hairy armpits (she's french)
>Tell me about Awoo! Why does she wear the fluff?

Don't give him anymore attention. He is some Twitter psycho that thinks looking at old tweets is a secret power.

Yes, but I also know I can take naps and sleep again.
I would like to do paizuri on her.
Sybil kicks me in the balls and I fucking die, during my last seconds I think over the choices I made in my life and consider how different things could've been but regrets are for faggots

Isn't that the whole point of the show?

I watched all those videos of that guy last night. Great stuff
It was for season 1, but season 2 was just seeing how many references and fetishes the creator could fit into the season
Old Sybil and old anon dancing for one last time would hit the feels like a bitch;.
>but season 2 was just seeing how many references and fetishes the creator could fit into the season

Sounds like totally spies without the nudity
How many people do you think that show permanently fucked up?
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How many fetishes in the show were actually his personal ones?
literally who?
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I thought a person could only have like one or two. Surely a man isn't so perverted that he has enough to fill two whole seasons of a show, surely!
I'm willing to bet almost all of them
He made Peepoodo, the thing Dr. Pussycat is from
honestly none, he must be mostly into exhibionism but thats it, his show is pretty sexually open and has no fear to desintesize with the human body
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if i made a piece of media, it would be about furry girls getting pauziried on by human males
not human men and fuzzy women holding hands?
they would do that to power up the paizuri, like the secret forbidden technique
you know, i can get behind that
I can practically feel the fuzzy tits now
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you ever just see an image and feel compelled to jack off to it? This image does that to me. Evil kitsune magic got to me.
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Hey hmofa!
It's the 4th of July!


What would be the ideal 4th of July for your waifur?
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I lied, I did draw something for 4th of July.
Piece of shit I was going to post my solo drawing, but I guess her ideal would just be the average classic 4th of July experience, fireworks, grilling, and beer.
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Can she make a mean hamburger with a side of freedom fries?
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She puts you on grill duty because that's the man's job, but she will be very critical of your grilling and nag you that she could do better if you fuck up at all.
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I saw some art of her sucking some dick on a human male a few weeks ago in the /co/ threads
become too good too fast too
>what is positive feedback loop
yes please explain, im learnding to draw too and id like to learn faster
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>artist makes drawing whether it be good or bad
>gets praise for it or people ask for more
>artist does more
>if this loops artist gets more motivation and drive to keep drawing
>artist experiments more and gets praise artist starts to push further and get better in the process
This simple trick in art and writing communities makes artist and writers create more thus inspiring future creators. This creates a constant stream of content and improvement.

The inverse is also true if you belittle or ignore artist/writers they will slowly stop making content or really improving because they lose motivation and drive to do so, for some people this could be less true, but for most people this is how creative brains work. When you're a creator you are creating things for people to enjoy, if you get the idea or perception that what you make isn't getting enjoyed you are probably going stop doing it.
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i draw this and got a few compliments which felt nice, definitely made me want to draw more
my waifur is making my legs shake like crazy, who knew wolves were this needy. this bitch always keeps going even after i nut, she’s trying to kill me! nah fr though, i need to increase my squat max so i can carry her in the store for a longer period of time while she grabs her favorite snacks. did i mention i have a loaded firearm and have multiple warrants out for my arrest?
eventually ill be good enough to draw waifurs doing things and I will take requests
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I know, shocking right?
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You're at the beach with your waifur. She just bought an ice cream cone from a refreshment stand and the top scoop just fell off. It sits there, slowly melting into the sand in the summer heat, and your waifur starts to cry. But you aren't going to buy her another one. Why? Why aren't you going to buy her another one Anon?
Full on pseudery.
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>Why do they never do this. Are they afraid?
I don't believe they even think about it even as they write a soft-romcom plot. Ways of thinking has to be learned.
I know this seems retarded as shit, but I have a basic bitch Huion tablet and I can't draw for shit. Would it make sense to learn to draw on that in Krita or is it even more retarded than having a tablet that only gathers dust?
Use that tablet and Krita to draw a crude drawing of your favorite waifur NOW!
I have a huion screen tablet and draw on csp and ive been learning to draw on paper too
Can't, phoneposting rn to kill time
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Keep at it I see some of your stuff and give it a reply when I can.
Why not. I don't let having no tablet stop me from trying.
Kind of true.
>Why not.
The whole "you should start learning on paper" bit.
What is that faceless man doing to that waifur?
Happy Freedom' Day my fellow Americans
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This was one of my first hmofa related drawings I've ever done, it's basically chicken scratch. You get better over time if you keep at it, helps when you have a waifur you really like, anons give advice, or even getting told to keep it up.
Paws up. Beans out. Get Booped.
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What do you mean I'm not gonna buy my waifur another cone?
I simply have the wrong kind of autism for art and struggle to visualize anything no matter how many times I've attempted to learn to draw
have you try using references?
>the /k/ screencap
There's like 3 or 4.
>can choose anything to arm his self insert OC
>picks Poorfag State Arsenal Gen3 Glock Clone and Shitfield Ain't
Poorfags can't help themselves.
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and all of them are fake and gay
Ruby if she dragon
God I want a rubberhose waifur to domesticate. I want a nasty bitch who gets off to paying taxes, getting old together, stable relationships and choosing what fridge to pick out for the new house.
Was that IF movie any good? I want to see it eventually, but I wasn't about to sit in the theater for it.
Reminder, the possum is the primary predator of ticks.
NTA, but I am literally so retarded that for a while I thought using references was akin to tracing. I don't know why, it just didn't occur to me referencing has been the foundation of art since the Renaissance. That's why a bit of learning about art history is important too.
How are you anons doing?
love a girl who can fill up a doorway
Anon, tracing itself is an entirely valid way to learn how to draw things, it's only bad when you trace sometihng to try and pass it off as professional well done art, it being part of the learning process is completely fine
you don't learn shit though
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Tracing can create some top tier art
Not true, really, it's a pretty normal way to learn about how to break up more complicated shapes into simpler ones, as well as just practicing some repetition if you're into that. It's a perfectly fine and normal thing to do as long as you're not just tracing 24/7 and freehand things too
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Wow, that's a really good elevator pitch for a story. Like the kind of thing you'd see made into a movie 50 years ago on a cheap budget.

In hindsight that sounds like Jacob's Ladder minus the hell part.
As an addendum, hardcore referencing is just as bad for you as tracing is if you're not actually learning *why* the lighting does what it does or how anatomy works and stuff like that
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Dating a fluffy girl isn't always sunshine and rainbows
Imagine the hair on your furniture.
She actually looks sad
not a good sign for anon
dogs should be happy to see their loved ones 100% of the time
>Snakes have many subtle ways to show when they want something
From the source:

>Yeesh... This takes place a few months into their friendship, maybe during the 3rd real date-date. They've gone out as friends plenty of times before though. Especially as a group with Lori.

>Poor Robin was left waiting for an hour because Anon accidentally got on the wrong bus. Just as she was about to give up and leave... Anon showed up.

>She understood he didn't mean for things to go the way they did... But that didn't stop it from hurting like hell. She wanted so badly to chew him out exclusively in VAC but had to slow down and include CASL - >only making her more upset because now everybody in the mall could see exactly what they were saying. Having a human in your friend group was already enough of an attention grabber!

>The entire exchange didn't last more than 2 minutes. She fought back tears the entire time and finally decided to leave before she made a complete fool of herself in front of hundreds of others.

>VAC - Verbal Anthro Common, the shared language between all anthros
>CASL - Common Anthro Sign Language, the language used to bridge verbal communication gaps between species when VAC is not possible, because not all species have the same vocal capabilities.
And then the hemipenis comes out
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No Anon I want to throw tea into the ocean with you
/hfur/ is the other way anon
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Day 1 of No Human Men
At least you're posting scalies with tits.
Some people want their lizard girls flat chested. Those people will happily sit on their wive's eggs.
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>tea drinking
>funny accent
>stop posting
Okay now that's mean, what did we ever do to you?
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The weak shall fear the STRONG.
Fucking pussies on my hmofa, will get SHARTED ON
Anthros are known to become dangerous when deprived of humies; I predict civil strife will soon follow as society breaks down.
>"I'm stronger because I literally eat shit."
This is bassically what you've said
He will be buried with full honors in "The Tomb Of The Bass Boosted Soldier".
>Get sent in as a state assigned bf
>Not because they’ll become violent, but because all the constant howling and yowling of anthrocels is annoying everyone
Nice birb.
I already do that by myself being as tall as I am.
Praise can be motivating but just remember that the biggest motivation should come from your own enjoyment of the art. My first 100 drawings here were on paper and they weren't particularly popular. Even with good or funny drawings it can be a roll of the dice. At this stage in your journey you just need to keep observing and drawing and you'll get better naturally.
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She needs a diaper.
ozark waifurs
do tomboy does wear antlers as a fashion statement? would that be considered cross-dressing?
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Pure hmofa kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgsHgim4SJ4
i wish i could be a hot anthro babes lil bro mascot
I am convinced that 99% of possumgirl art was drawn by an ugly troon
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>The copy was returned on time
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I like booba, also how will our little half-humans eat? They (me) need snilk
Holy fucking shit
are you the same fucker who irrupted the /snoot/ threads with barp and diaper fetish?
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Today is the birthday of our favorite /hmofa/ girl, Olivia! She dates a human guy!
Hope you like the animation

Lmao what?
Shill this game all you want I'm still not going to play it
If only I understood Spanish
the song is croating the tweet caption is in spanish and english.
i put english subtitles in the video if you need help
Love Gator.
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did I miss some drama about wani or something? Ehat's with the random hostility this game gets when someone brings it up?
I'm sorry, but even the cleverest of girls are nonplussed as to the meaning of this transcript.
It's one guy anon...
The dev team hired for the game was a bunch of discord users
You piece it from there
Fair enough, haven't been in the thread for a while and it's hard to keep up with what's bait and what isn't
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>dragon maid
>just an anime girl with a tail

>kemono friends
>just human girls in costumes with animal prints/patterns/themes on them
FUCK I accidentally turned off my PC
Kemono friends is extra egregious since it's barely even monster girl, a lot of the animal stuff is straight up just clothes. at least the dragon maid girls HAVE a dragon form
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would YOU a cheetah with a scary western father?
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the fanart is cute though
neck yourself skinbitchposter
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my taskbar's saying i should discover Boston
the eagles demand I leave the isles behind and throw the tea
>my taskbar's saying
>he didn't debloat winshit
also checked
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thread is kill
you'll survive, furfaggot
Built for birthing little patriots.
i can't anon, if i debloat my windows my digital waifurs tits will shrink
Should be the next OP
Dat ass and those quads got me questioning my loyalty to His Majesty King George III...
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I fanum taxed a W with a THICC Hawk Tuah kitsune bih and had her GYAAT clap for my rizzler ass
hawk tuah is a millennial and older meme
>my taskbar's saying i should discover Boston

the fuck does this even meaning
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You know what Anon? Do whatever you want, I don't care. You wanna use a computer from the Exorcist, that's just fine, it's not my problem.
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>sit down to write
>fap instead
It's over.
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Windows is trying to coax him into using internet explorer, or whatever it's called now, to look up boston so they can get ad revenue
so real
I think edge is their current browser no one uses unless forced to
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I know this is AI slop but I'm surprised how far free AI gen sites have come.
Happy birthday day :)
Season 2 was the better one so its okay.
There's a general on this board dedicated to churning out better furry aislop, do not doubt the power of weaponized autism
Doc you gotta stop posting here.
I don't know how anybody could've interpreted that meaning. Anon sounded drunk.
can't even fully uninstall that shit, a good 4/5ths of win10/11 is malware at this point.
Where is this?
The era of autistic artists is coming to an end
Would you date them anon?
New thread:
Remember to hide and ignore all bait and off-topic posts.
I wanna pound that sweet ass, NGL DESU SENPAI
No. Because there's too many insane animals in that universe. You'd actually have to go out & kill a few of them if you wanted to be happy.
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There are modded installers that cut out a lot of crap but the tweaks they make can be easily ruined by poking the wrong settings or running installers for software with lots of dependencies. Linux is probably the better answer but I want my games to work without any fucking around.
I am going to pee on Petunia.
same but the way things are going I'm probably going to force myself to move to some relatively retard-proof linux version after they fully axe support for 10 (because there's no way in fuck I'm moving to 11)
My new laptop came with Win11 on it.
It's not horrible. Seems a bit bloaty though, but if you get linux the only difference there is that you do all the bloat yourself downling shit package after shit package, and nowadays most of the stuff you need to get linux working is made by windows anyways.
I'm kinda interested in modded win11 but there are some specific win10 tweaks I make for the sake of performance on my older processor.
Edge can be deleted by just deleting it's installation folder, it's unprotected and Windows forgets it even had Edge in the first place. Modern Windows isn't as locked down as people think it is, under the hood it's still Windows NT dating back to the 90's.

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