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Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
Glaceon edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence: https://strawpoll.com/XmZRxw0rmnd/results

Yoga Tips

Various images of funny and happy cats to put a smile on your face

/nah/ User generated content such as head canons, art, and homoerotic MSPaint comics about the moderators are welcome and encouraged. This is (You)r canvas for personal autism.

>/nah/ code
1. You're free to be as annoying as you want here, this thread is for (You)
2. Try to get along, this is a shared space for every kind of poster
3. Don't break what little global rules /trash/ has. Like, seriously, imagine getting banned on /trash/, how embarrassing!
4. Keep /nah/posting on /nah/. If you find a /nah/poster outside of /nah/ kindly remind them to return to this thread.
(Come home /nah/ man, you /b/long here.)

>Thread theme:

>Previous official /nah/'s

>Previous happening thread

Sex with glaceon
so actually I have a lot of stuff to watch

game of thrones
the last kingdom

I am NOT watching monsterhunter witch slaughterman (witcher)

because its about a GAY (henry caville is gay btw) monster slayer and NOT medieval stuff, its just set in the backdrop of a medieval fantasy world (yawn)
but you're gay
no i'm not
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>Thread theme remains unchanged
Vikings had a shit ending
well vikings has a sequel show
but you're gay
Whats it called? Never heard anything about it.
Want to find out how gay I really am ;) ? ? ?
vikings valhalla
Yes :3
Pop open that hot mouth of yours for me~
Here comes daddy
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what the hell

israel's morale sank like a rock lobbed off the side of a ship and into the ocean
found another romance of the three kingdoms kinoino

"Souten Kouro"

I'm also thinking, what if i just dont le watch game of thrones and hobbit/lotr since its fantasy shit
And thats a good thing
I get money on Friday. I'm planning to buy some Steam games.
Play the master chief collection with your brother!
watching "the last kingdom" from the beginning

last time i did not as having it on as background noise does not constitute as watching in the sense of paying full le attention

i dont really care for rome. I'm not going to bother watching the shows about it

stinky gross pagans and their cults of personality
why do jews love vikings and hate romans and christians so much?

jews hating romans is understandable, but christians? talk about biting the hand thats feeds you
i realize it now may just be a divide and conquer strategy

they're keeping everyonr divided, which is infact ideal for democracy it seems

the old people of the government do not want a christian theocracy to take over and neither do I

and neither do they want some pagan caesar (and also neither do i)
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yawn wokeup
ugh yawn tired

need coffee

netflix time ugh
I need a drink.
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Requesting this as the next thread theme
yawn its netflix time

4chan is fucking boring
only a little idea I was entertaining
a little thought

a little what if scenario

if I were to play a le popularino compshitter or stalker anomaly (more likely)

or something medieval

it'd be similar to xenobladerino
brida is such an annoying bitch


fuck off already dumb anglo pagan who believes she is a le dane

stupid illogical women

you see I get it:

pagans are all atheists until times get tough or desperate and then they give in to superstitious nonsensical beliefs, making sacrifices to le local pagan beliefs and stuff
LARPagans are so fucking cringe

cant wait for brida to fuck off and DIE
gonna start bingingerino HBO's Rome
found one ant found them all

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