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/tfg/ - Transformation General
Defunct Animation Studio Edition

Things turning into other things, sometimes in a sexual manner but always in a hot one.

QoTT : What's your opinion on MtM transformations? Do you like to self-insert as them or do you prefer it happening to someone else?

Prompt: TF gym, whose equipment and programs transforms you

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66987986
>Anon works
>Story Archive
>SHRIMP Agency stories
>Of Wives and Wyverns
>Unlinking the past
>kigurumi evening
>Collage Creep
>Melody of the Envious
>Goodra TF
>I Love my Milotic!
>Ancient Pokemon TF Sex Jutsu
>Splitting Headache
>Anon Overpowers Dragonwife
>Aayla and Ventress: Slimebound Sisters
>Scaled Survival: Wyvern Girlfriend
>Moot's Fantasy

>Want your work to be here? Ask for it and i'll let other anons decide

Other Fun Things:
>Concubug Collection, art and info
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Would you say that TF is your 'main fetish'?

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Here are the category polls for finding the 'best TF artists'.

Best FtF TF artist: https://poal.me/65e6nv
Best MtF TF artist: https://poal.me/jt4rb9
Best MtM TF artist: https://poal.me/vwadb8
Best FtM TF artist: https://poal.me/oyyr41
Best Futa TF artist: https://poal.me/ifnpgl
Best Feral TF artist: https://poal.me/ky46gk
Best Taur TF artist: https://poal.me/wro65n
Best Body Horror TF artist: https://poal.me/jlfwte
Best Goo/Latex/Rubber TF artist: https://poal.me/q98i4a
Best Inanimate TF artist: https://poal.me/rbxo7

Try to vote with respects to the category. For example, if an artist is in the 'Best FtF TF artist' poll, vote exclusively based on how well you think they execute FtF TF art, regardless of what other categories they might be in.

List of all artists involved: https://rentry.org/listoftfartists

Good luck to all of the artists, and happy voting!
What would shrinking feel like?
I need TF present in some way to get a boner, so in that regard I would call it my main fetish.
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I really wish people would ask first before transforming others.
Why did they turn Fred Durst into a kobold taur
TGTF Pregnancy all the way. No other TF comes close for me
No. I suppose I feel more strongly about another fetish but that's for /d/ territory.
TF's more of a fun distraction. Plus I can win with turning a lady into a fluffy lady.
>Or it might happen the other way around, you never know.
Kinda is? Like turning people into anthro girls, animal girls, monster girls, oppai loli, regular loli, minigts. But then again i also enjoys those categories without TF (basicly they existed that way already and didn't get transformed into it.)
Do you want to end up in such a scenario or watch others going through it?
Vertigo of being up high + the adrenaline rush of falling
Anyone got defictionalization? I wanna see fictional characters become boring real people.
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Yes, but I'm attracted to certain characters so I'm always looking for fan art TF
>tfw never going to get hired to collect office ladies laid eggs and produced milk to store.
sad now
Anyone have a TF artist you want to talk about?
Definitely want to end up in the scenario myself
Hot and cute. Sure it would be a big jump for you
Not really, though I do have artists that I often think "Wouldn't it be neat if they did TF". I think Naylor would do some good stuff. His wolves already feel very werewolf-like
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Same. I don't enjoy stuff with unestablished characters nearly as much. It's more fun the more I know about them, and how I can imagine their life after the transformation.

Have any more one piece stuff? Only this year read the manga, so I have nothing saved.
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I don't know why, but I thought this was a funny idea to do.
>Koopacap: Pants, not even once

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