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/haha/ i hate myself

hell in a cell

last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67095199/
habits: https://mega.nz/#!14tzGArI!GJVpT9n0k7QzsFGSTvWNfG57LFEn2lJV7X6ydBvIen4/
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/haha,hahaihatemyself,posshouse/
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/posshouse/

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its 3 am and your pubby bf wants… something. what does he want?
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hello im back did you miss me
ok now you say "this is an anonymous website i dont know who you are"
i think im gonna go stick things in my butt
can i watch i haven't wossed yet
i dunno i never had a bf. ... .....
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but its really late
needs GM permission for some of his character choices
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I'm winning
this is winning
winning is also getting kicked from the house md watchparty I guess
outside of the pokemon cards, i can't recognize any of the things on his shelf
I don't understand what does general motors have to do with anything?
i want to take a shower and well they're already i there haha
yeen moment
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It's a CarPG
probably needs to go outside
can you explain heat pumps to me
is a heat pump the same as a penis pump
what about peet pumps
fun fact you can make a penis pump really easily with a hand held vacuum pump like for bleeding brakes and a long thin glass
is the office (US) actually funny or am i being lied to by specific clips fed to me by the YouTube algorithim
the first few seasons are pretty fun desu
I watched a couple episodes and thought it sucked.
the only reason i know that a brake bleeder is is because of penis pumps they don't do anything that special though
same haha
cute brown twink/femboy.....
thanks everyone for joining house md tonight
please do let me know if it gets boring or we need a break from it or whatever
goodnight sleep well love you
thank you im living for this right now its my main activity outside of work
if nothing else im gonna rewatch burn notice alone in a beamstream once we watch all of house
goodnight lesbians you too
me neither but i love the puppy and kitty boyfriends mint cashew draws they give me little pictures of what it might be like to have one… especially a cool one a really cool one like a possy one…
he wants to know if the errata is okay to use and he found a really cool article in a magazine or website run by the company that publishes the game and he was wondering if he could start with one of the items they list? its for starting characters and not too overpowered he promises!
one of two possible answers
the other answer (but they have toilets in furry world so he wants to go outside with you and kiss under the stars or go to a late late late night food place)
i guess there's no chat to say your goodbyes in hyperbeam
sleepover with your bro but with lots of gay romantic/sexual tension
goodbye possies it was fun watching with you !!
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deserve tall handsome white bf
so mant re-possts
i really hate the way i look
i guarantee it
he wants sleep cuddles so much hes willing to be assertive for it
hes facing his fears and telling you to your face with eyecontact that hes ready to sleep so you need to get in bed with him
anthro con tomorrow and nooo im not going haha why would i go haha i dont know anyone or have money to fly or for a hotel haha haha haha
pubby bf is so brave to ask for sleep cuddles like that! he probably got them after a brief pause for teeth brushing goodnight kissing etc. and both pubbys had really good dreams about fun future events like taking a trip to the beach and going swimming together.
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cute brown twink/femboy bf to cook traditional things he grew up having for you and to try and teach you words from his native language and giggle as you try your best to pronounce them and probably butcher it while trying to learn for him and he calls you stuff like papi and and other nice things that you don't understand and and
four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its number
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*looks up at you*
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3 711 buffalo chicken rollers and 4 busch tallboys are tonights dinner
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ok bro im ready for bed!!! man that was a fun rave huh we gotta hit more of those!
When a liquid boils into a gas, it absorbs energy in the form of heat. When a gas condenses into a liquid, it releases energy in the form of heat. You can boil/condense a substance by increasing or decreasing its temperature, but you can also do it by decreasing or increasing the pressure the substance is under. A heat pump works by reducing the pressure on a liquid until it boils, absorbing heat, then pumping the resulting gas somewhere else and compressing it until it condenses, releasing the heat. This way, heat is moved from one place to another.
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this is so scary
that's why i stopped having them
mogged my way out of getting in trouble on the construction site today. it feels bittersweet
ooo heard a few not a fireworks, i wonder who died
were you chewing on the supports like a beaver cutting a tree
tell me about bane
why does he wear the mask
he’s in chronic pain and needs constant anesthesia or whatever to function
chronic bane....
a lot of loyalty for a hired poss
me too
and they were
go shower first you mollyhead
nopossy loves me
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he did those are his only clean clothes he brought to wear as jammies and hes sweaty bc its really hot in your bedroom turn the ac on!
I love you poss
i HATE you poss
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well? did you?
this is good
i really like the poss on the piano
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this one?
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no close this one but i llike that one too
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oh yeah that one is good too
wow rare angle
thanks you too
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i love that angle
he looks so smug
is the good doctor worth watching
It's House but instead of being Becker it's some autistic kid from the fraction of a second I seen.
>autismo gets shut down because he's an intern or something BUT he's autistic and figures it out!!!
>and he's fighting to be recognized something something
Just watch House pull a lightbulb out of a guys ass and diagnose him cancer
why can't real autists be like this
instead we get autists obsessed with trains and bubsy 3d and shit
we probably do
i'm a pretty gigantic retard though so i'm completely separated from any circles that discuss contemporary intellectuals and researchers. everyone feels retarded nowadays but that's probably because i just surround myself with them lmao
>instead we get autists obsessed with trains
Yeah and those poor fucks can't get jobs with what they're obsessed with despite their fucking innate autistic ability to fix public transport and interstate freight.

Do you really think an autist can act on the spot in a situation in which a person is dying and make a split second decision to save a nigga no matter the single issue? The autists in medical fields are specialists which are consulted on shit because that one guy can explain every atom that the persons heart is made of.
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hehe, cow tools
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yeeners looks like this
Stick to stylized jesus fucking christ abort that abomination
I'm sooo fucking bored.
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. . . . .
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Being Autistic is hard, you get to know stuff and what not but cant get a job or look people in the eye
i keep touching my dick and smelling my fingers and wanting to jerk off
this is a problem because my dick is smelliest when i've already came today and i'm not actually horny i just want to eat my cum and sniff my dick
how about you take a shower you filthy animal
i ju
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raccy loves food and loves company give him both and he will finally be happy
i shower once a week, just water, no soap or shampoo
racist cat racist cat
sup asmongold how you doing
cool it with the yeenphobic remarks
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what if yeen
but tubby
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gee i wonder what will happen today
happy fourth of july amerika ^__^
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i'm too autistic to make friends or be social
everybody hates me and the way i talk and the things i say
no shampoo because no hair
Stefán Karl Stefánsson diesd six years ago what the fuck
the duality of poss
thank you miss america for destroying this antipatriot
imagine the smell
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then wash him
yeen bathwater :3
i wish i was girls kitties
i wish i had breakfast
i wish I had friends
telling myself i just need a meal and then im ready for the millionth time
I still have no idea what Zenless Zone Zero's game play looks like. I only know that Lycaon dresses like a slut.
pbf who goes to the store a day before the 4th to pick up a peach pie before theyre all gone and its one of the really good ones without fillers or butter replacements and you both tear into it like cats playing with a mouse toy
>why hasn't this thread even gotten close to red numbers in 7 hours
>it's 4th of july
Blow a thumb off you backstabbing sluts. What losers you are, spending an event with friends and family.

its 6am
its barely even light out in some parts of america poss. everyone is eeping.
I'm still here...
Wishing I was in the right place to celebrate 4th of July...
stop posting fireworks videos

why's it always 3 when I shitpost
>euposses can't comprehend timezones
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why is it always three
Maybe there's only three europosses
what if yeen perfume
"essence of butter"
by yeeners
this is why ever since medieval times they call posses "diabola in musica" true
nah it's some sekrit club
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so true bestie
me as racc
nobody posted a fireworks video though…
post the most bf coded image you have
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haha wow
its so funny when these things get put into words
ok i got breakfast
saw my receipt and had to make this image
>soda for breakfast
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soba is a staple of the possdiet
>yeah anyways so can i get a grande mocha frappuccino with oat milk, 2 pumps of caramel, and extra whipped cream?
the only appropriate ways for an adult to drink calories are alcohol and milk
if you get sweet coffee they say you fat or basic
if you get unsweet coffee they say you boring or autistic
technology does not yet allow me to transform my pp into a horse pp and force all useless hate posters to gag on it
a dark and evil world in which suffering is the norm
God I love milk so much
why are you getting caramel sauce with a chocolate coffee smoothie and oat milk with regular whipped cream why
are you autistic
they will put you in a box and label it, no matter what
its the only way they can feel superior to other people
no i just hate that particular flavor combination it sounds sub par. if youre drinking a big delicious ice cream dont get oat milk thats like diet soda with a whole pizza and chocolate/caramel is shit because theyre going to overwhelm each other and you wont be able to taste either very well. if it was salted caramel i could see it but caramel sauce? what a waste.
cat milk
yes youre autistic because ive never went to starbucks in my life i just said random shit and you're overthinking it
For me? It's a latte with whole milk and no sugar
About a litre thanks
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poss can i have a thousand dollars so i can buy all the sims dlc
no!!! i have standards!!! that is a good thing!!!
and youre applying those standards to a hypothetical strawman word salad that doesn't actually mean anything
I got my visa appointment letter!!!
time to get back to Cairo as quick as possible
no one cares man
does maid have 0 real friends or what
thank you
congrats next year you can celebrate the 4th as a true patriot
what does that mean poss a visa appointment to where? are you getting interviewed or what kind of visa is it i dont understand but im happy for you!!!!!
I really can! Haha my heart is going to explode haha

To 'merica!
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if you post about having a bf... im stealing something from your house !!!
listening to Dm6add9 > Am9 over and over
what in marsupial brains causes them to enjoy and seek out caves and pouches and other quartered and sheltered areas

is it like a gene in their DNA or a neuron thing or does jesus impart the behavior onto them?
this is literally my wosser and my foreskin
did foxmusk rebrand or what
do NOT touch me
the first poss to make it to America
may there be many more
>the first poss
it only takes one
to kill and eat
I am not the first! But yes may there be many more
kill and eat what
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*touches you*
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mfw i uhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm uhhhhh
can we get the biba experts on here
same but more moist rn
i kissed 4 people this year so far
am i a slut
Can someone FUCKING greencard me please?
requesting this too
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maidy how long did you wait for greencard
I haven't got that yet but like uhh two years and a bit depending on how this goes I guess
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ok poss here it is 2-10 months late, the doughnut room. the hot now sign was on but it looks like they had it all about wrapped up so not many were left in action. hopefully i got all of my ugly mug out of the window!
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the holiday faire doesnt look so fresh this year, i must have got the remains of the last batch before they were too lazy to decorate any more
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and because everyone knows some aunt with a fundraiser card, the freebie OGs, got some fried rat tail on one but the rest seem nice and shiny. its just too bad i cant share them with the posshouse
nice combover lol
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that's a great looking doughnut room
i got that dog in me
thanks, once i got out of high school i knew i had to do something with it, so now instead of combing it straight down i go to the side!
it always smells so good in there, ill probably steal one of the fresh ones before i have to take them to the family later, theyll be cold by then
did i miss the krispy context?
i just promised poss a pic some time ago, and finally had a chance
wait for real??? what kind of visa??? thats so fucking cool poss where in ‘merica are you gonna go???
thats really sweet
i hope they see it
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I REMEMBER THAT POST. YOU ACTUALLY WENT NICE NICE NICE! what did you get? did you have to get a box? i love when you get so many donuts it takes a box. feels like theyre giving you a present.
you did… beautiful… are any of those boston crème and did they taste good at least? with holiday special ones they either suck or rock never mediocre.
A pbf visa and I'm going to Idaho
top left is the perfect donut. like the idealized dream of a donut. eerie. im glad you had a successful trip!!! thanks for remembering poss i assumed life got in the way and so on but thats cool as fuck. really clean looking donut room too. hygienic.
whoa… pbf visa to idaho… each thing has two meanings… enjoy the natural beauty and being able to yell about your constitutional rights!!! my favorites are the ninth and tenth bc they were pretty forward thinking for the time but its really funny to invoke the third at people who dont know we even have it.
Umm... the one about quartering soldiers?
forgot to finish my drink...
set it down to cool and then forgot and left....
its gonna be gross when i get back 12 hours from now....
i thought u were married so isn't it a ph visa?
pbf bounces off the tongue better
is this reel?
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are they serious?
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im on my organization arc
gonna buy a desk and chair and cabinet drawer thing and clean my goshdarn room
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What did you do, poss?
lets see, the chocolate ones are custard, i think, which is close to boston creme but im not sure if thats a dunkin specific one or not, the others are raspberry and im not so sure whats in the special ones, i cant eat them yet, but if its anything like the halloween ones ive had before it may just be icing, but who knows! i think the blue ones are just a regular donut with icing in the middle. and i remembered, hehe, and then i remembered they do the holiday thing and figured now would be the perfect chance
my thread
it's the catposter who thinks it is funny to be anti trans on a website that is 99% anti trans and spends all day making le epic troll threads
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Okay, got it. I understand your view, but suckerpunching isn't really going to change anyone's mind. It's just annoying. Use a little more subtlety next time.

I thought that might be the case, but I had to ask to be sure.
bibanian debil
might spend a lot of money on somethin retarbed
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You gonna tell us what it is?
mtg cards
are you going to buy the furry packs
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the what
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the next standard mtg set is all animal ppl
i like the gathering but i don't have any friends so can't really justify collecting trading card game cards
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go on...
good morning posses how are you today and also happy 4th
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That's cool. I was going to blow money on Colt merch, or some new grips. I don't really need either.
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they haven't shown the full set yet
i wonder if poss will make an appearance
or maybe mart
is this still free to play online? maybe i'll try it out again...
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Congrats, baka. I'm still waiting for mine so I'm super jealous of you
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They just added the first possum type in the last set so maybe haha
I am also hoping for a mart though
MTGA still exists but it's kinda grindy
there is NO WAY this is real
poss lookin goofy as hell
after much deliberation and looking around, i have spent 127 dollars
heres to next thursday when i get my next paycheck its ramen and water time
do you mean EQUIPPED?
i hope it treats you well poss good job and good luck
I have felt the same jealously honestly haha, it's such an awful wait!
Hope yours comes through super quick and maybe one day we can have a celebration of expat posses
i tried sleeping but it only lasted for an hour and a half and i woke up in a sweat and feeling like shit nice great no this is waht i wanted
its gonna treat us all well im gonna play games with you all!
uh oh is someone cranky after his nap?
happy forfa juli
im ready to not get any sleep tonight
i havent held a conversation with a human being in months
every time ive tried it just immediately devolves into petulant shit talking like >>67117586
i dont get it, everyone is just an awful piece of shit 100% of the time and everyone is just becoming worse as time goes on
that's literally so sad
same fag
im the autechre of possums
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A lot of people enjoy shit talking each other for fun. Keeps everyone's ego in check.
im the motivational corporate powerpoint music of possums
oh great now we have maid2
oh sorry i was just making a funny anonymous post
ignore my posts i dont put much effort into them im on the bus right now
>each other
are the operative words
im too autistic for it, there's nothing fun about it
just being a piece of shit and punching down on me to make himself feel better
and im tired of it being 100% of my interactions
>someone makes a regular offhand response
the problem may be in your perception of the world around you poss, you are not surrounded by awful, it comes from within thus affecting everything around you
she makes these kind of posts when she's bored, it's better to just ignore her and not enable it.
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Just laugh about it. We're all retards that need to be taken down a peg once in a while.

I'm bored enough to replay and enable it.
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Okay you delusional tranny faggot
it's actually (you) dear :)
it's not funny, it's just childish bullshit
>someone makes a regular offhand response
just an unwarranted insult insinuating that i'm a baby
how is that a regular response? to what is it responding to?
a random comment that has nothing to do with him?

>We're all retards that need to be taken down a peg once in a while.
no, we aren't. i don't know why you would think this.
the people who post here have been brought down all of the pegs since childhood, when are you going to grow up and not be awful for your own ego's sake?
you're talking to someone who isn't really a poss and has at best just hung around here for a while
they don't get it poss, they never will
a lot of people enjoy talking shit about others. not each other. others. they lose their minds when you talk shit back. suddenly they're the victim when you're doing literally the exact same thing they just did. isn't that funny
>oh but you deserve it when i talk shit to you because i don't like you. i like me so i don't think i deserve to get shit talked back. that's just wrong
yeah! nobody ever remembers that one. no soldiers bunking in the house!!!
icing and chocolate custard are both delicious fillings good picks poss good picks! they look delicious enjoy them enjoy them eat them savor them e t c . !!!
Imagine: Critters… they named a pack after what i do all day… i didnt even get any ROYALTIES!!!!!
>they lose their minds when you talk shit back
i didn't talk shit back to him, i didnt say anything to him
>suddenly they're the victim when you're doing literally the exact same thing they just did.
i didn't shittalk them what the fuck
what the fuck is wrong with you people
critters more like SHITTERS!
>what the fuck is wrong with you people
empathy, sincerity, and a genuine interest in the world around us
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chill out with us a little bit poss you're all wound up tight
what is this poss pouring?
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>just an unwarranted insult insinuating that i'm a baby
Play into it. Say something like you shit your diaper and you need him to change it. Self-deprecating humor is great.

>no, we aren't. i don't know why you would think this.
We are. I hope you get it one day.

I'm just some anon poss. Not a namefag.

I miss old 4chan where everyone shit talked each other all the time. And people didn't take everything so personally.
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we say our goodbye there and then in here
it is possible some of us struggle with simple goodbyes

also I need consensus, is it worth doing house tonight cause of the fourth or is everyone going to be out? I have no plans so far but if I get invited somewhere I'll probably have to cancel house, but as of right now I still plan on streaming it if enough people are still on board.
not everyone comes here for that
i get what you are saying and i agree with you mostly but there's a time and a place for joking around and there's a time and a place to be chill
I really love this
>Say something like you shit your diaper and you need him to change it.
that's disgusting and infantile
the thought would never occur to me
its not funny and will just make him keeping being a piece of shit
>We are. I hope you get it one day.
go fuck yourself
i hope somebody introduces some concrete blocks to your family you vile subhuman
>I miss old 4chan where everyone shit talked each other all the time.
ive been here since 2005 and that isn't the case, it's just how your mind has confabulated it to be so you can justify your piece of shit nature like you're doing now
>And people didn't take everything so personally
yeah, unlike you who's stoic and epic and manly, right? you forgot to post your GIGACHAD.jpg and claim it was you while depicting me as a little crying soijak
I love this one too
he has a nice body

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