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I love being American so much bros. Foreigners will never understand how good it feels just to wake up every morning and remember that you had the privilege of being born in the US of A.
It feels like winning the lottery every time you wake up.
It feels like being a celebrity everything you walk outside.
It feels like being a champion of the world every time you go to work.

I clutch my birth certificate as I type this post. It feels orgasmic to think about how I had the privilege of being born on US soil. I could've been part of the tired, poor, huddled masses who live in the other 194 dystopian hellholes on this earth, but here I am. I am eternally grateful to GOD ALMIGHTY, for he made me an American with an American soul.

Foreign plebs will never know this feeling. Being an American citizen is the greatest worldly honor that can ever be bestowed upon a Human being. To be American is to be king.
America! Fuck yeah!
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Independence day is just a reminder that I will never escape the lower class and my car is the closest thing to permanent housing I'll ever have. Land of the fee and home of the enslaved should have died 80 years ago. BuT aT lEaSt We ArEn'T sPeAkInG gErMaN, rIgHt?
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Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!
I can't think of a time America saved the day in a full century. What is this "again?"
>what is WW2

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