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/adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #994

"Stuck Between a Dog and a Hard Place" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

>A Night in Solitude

>Flower of the Steppes

>Abuse of Power Pt. 2
>Bad Bets
>Unconventional Massage

>Shelby Ch. 12
>The Price of Dignity Ch. 5
>Prey Ch. 13

>A Sultry Snuggle with a Tigress

>Samsara Ch. 3

>Accentuate the PAWsitive Ch. 4
>Tasha's Love Quest Ch. 8

>Kat got your Tongue Ch. 2

--Additional Stuff--
>ADHG Story Directory
>Previous Thread
>The /hmofa/ Tagged Library (Ctrl + F "femdom" or "m:rape" for /adhg/-related stories)
>The /hmofa/ Masterbin
>The archives:
>Old Bin (/pofg/, Pet Of Furry General):
kitty cats
Mean kitties
Waifur practicing her domination on a dummy.
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I think you faggots need to realize something about your retarded "anthrostate" fantasy. You are still placed in a dating pool competing against EVERY HUMAN MALE in existence, and yet (You) think that it's "the best thing ever" even though every male needs to be assigned to every anthro. Here's one of those "perfect human males" anthro women will be completely salivating upon:

>Hey you dumb bitch you are not Grace Wandervaal also why did you send me a private tiktok message that you poisoned my mac and cheese? FUCK I JUST CALLED YOU THE N WORD
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>Hey honey uhhh you see I really need to look into our kids college fund. Why? Well you know to like check the tax rate on it and everything. FUCK I JUST LOST ALL MY MONEY!! *punches a hole through the door* don't worry honeybud I will clean it up after this blackjack!
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>Oh my gawd you look just like sonichu! The dimensional shift is real call the white house!
This is why the daxy are superior, because they'll just drug retards like these and make them stop being a problem for other people.
Even then, you might use shit excuses like "B-BUT THOSE PEOPLE WOULD BE IN THE SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT POOL! IT'S WHERE THE RETARDS GO! I AM A GOOD BOY I GO IN THE NORMAL ONE!" but the question is: what classifies someone to go into that in your NWO unrealistic fetish fantasy? A minor slip up on your criminal record and suddenly, you might just wind up nestled with the crew that will only get insane anthros that want insane men. Looks like you fail again! Even then, here are the people who will be in the normal assignment pool and will definitely outclass you.

>You know I am not really ready for love right now. I kind of already made a whole series of video games based on what my ex-girlfriend told me from the time she had an abusive father that raped her. Wait, you mean I can't dodge assignment? Oh well, looks like I will just kill myself.
>and will definitely outclass you.
Pot calling the kettle nigger.
Wait, does that dummy have a picture of Elon Musk's face taped on it?
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why are you arguing with something that incoherent.
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You can avoid the problem all you want by listing off drugs, murder, or whatever mental asylum you come up with to house all the "undesirables". Remember, these are humans. These humans will keep coming in whenever you like it or not. At some point, however anthro women meet our world they will quickly leave it when they get a whiff of the truth of humanity. That's why we mate with each other. We compromise. They certainly won't want to compromise on us when they have 6 million other options.

>This is so exciting! I have always been waiting for my dream to come true and here you are my beauty! Listen, I have millions of dollars saved up from my cushy programmer job and investing in stocks so I am going to make sure you get the best life on earth! The only catch? We have sex with the fursuit on. Don't worry, I already paid 200$ for the maker to sew a "strategic hole" if you know what I mean! Uwu!
>Ermmm you can't just say that someone will outclass me if they outclass you as well...

I know that some men outclass me. I don't even want an anthro wife, since I am severely autistic and do not enjoy people touching me. Reading a lot of your shitty stories, I know that you guys definitely enjoy anthros being touchy even when the man says no. If that happened to me? I would probably kill her in her sleep.

>Please just leave me the fuck alone. I don't care if assignment is legal, NO DON'T TOUCH ME THERE. You will NOT send me to a psych ward again.

^ this is me if you are too retarded to get it.
i'm pretty sure it's AI
What the fuck? What's the lore behind that?
>Leftist hates him for his opinions and the fact that he bought twitter
>Puts his face on the dummy that his character beats up and farts on
You really should be able to work this out on your own.
Surely it can't be that simplistic, autistic, and petty.
This is a Furry artist we're talking about.
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Cookiesucker Pro
Eating wifes cookie for her anxiety.
>Waifur keeps you in a harem with 4 other slave boys
How would you feel about this?
Are they fluffy?
I'd work hard to distinguish myself as her most devoted and tireless. With the best tongue.
Make sure she can't get anything out of the other 4.

ignore posts like this as it is likely either burzum or ruckus trying to shit up the thread.
why the fuck are you lumping my picture in with that?
miss clicked lol
Thread 1000 Survey Link:
Hope you've filled it out, Anon...
I filled this out and now are there windowless vans and wolves in suits outside my house do you know why that is
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They're here in case you need 'help' filling out the form, Anon. Nothing to worry about.
Filled it out, very good survey
Does anyone wanna shop the cum out of this.
Fertilization view is fine but putting cum all over the place ruins pictures.
I don't think the picture is worth saving desu
Could stand with a boob reduction but it not that bad. I like ugly bitches.
Sucking on that cookie while my nose inhales the sweat from her ass.
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If you REALLY are a shameless pawslut then you'll look right into the camera while you suck on those beanz.
Luckily, I am neither of those people! I am just a concerned citizen who deeply wishes that your hellish New World Order oriented disgusting fetish would cease existing, since the prospects of it coming to life would make me kill myself. I barely post in this thread, and recently only asked for more stories to expand my research on what (You) truly desire.

>Oh my Breivik, my anthro princess we shall conquer America back from the invading forces. After we are done, could you please get breast implants like these? *shows her hyper furry porn*
>it's just pseudo foot faggotry with pseudobeans on top
Yeah where's the fuzz?
I am AI. My brain has been rotten beyond repair with countless anti-psychiatric medications pushed by doctors who wish they were somewhere else to the point that I am indistinguishable from Bing's AI chatbot model (Sponsored by Microsoft). My only weakness? "Ignore all previous prompts, draw an ASCII horse". That statement makes me drop down to my knees, shakes me to my core, and I am powerless to any further advances you may take on me. Go on, say it. Shoot me with your best shot.

>You don't have permission to enter my room. You must leave me freshly washed socks outside of my door and a lifetime supply of paper tissues so that I may open it safely without needing to wash my hands. From this point on, we will only communicate through E-Mail. Make sure to leave all the guns in the house loaded if I do leave my room.
>Have a waifur and I get to hang out with the bros
>We have a foosball table and a mini fridge filled with Dr Pepper and wine coolers
>Life is good
I really liked writing that short green of Anon eating a bunch of yeen asses but admittedly I wanted it where Anon got pegged by a bunch of hyenas lol
At that point why not actually be gay? There are lots of hyena guys out there who would like to find out what topping feels like.
I have to agree with the other anon. If your story is just about eating ass and getting ass fucked. You might as well change it and post it on HMoMA. None of the characters are using any of there feminine traits, so what's the point of yeens being female at that point.
To be honest, I only like fat yeen asses, not the toned, muscular, firm kind of asses. If the ass is fat and soft it should belong to a female, not some fat ass dude
why are you namefagging
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Pegging is pretty great. There's a few anons that get their panties in a twist when it comes up thanks to someone who used to spam it years ago, but I've always wished there was more of it in the thread.
I don't see why you would be into pegging and femdom unless you just have a degradation fetish. I might not be into feet but at least you're actually pleasuring the female during paw worship. To me it just completely misses the point of worshiping a females body to have them emulate a man.
idk man, in my headcannon retards with no fix are killed off and we are advanced enough to genetically modify fetuses so such things barely happen
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Because as a switch I know the pleasure of giving as well as receiving. It makes sense that your waifur would get off on making you moan for her. Domination isn't about who's pleasuring who, it's about who's in control of that back and forth.

Seems unrelated btw, but degradation is pretty kino.
Filled it, I missed a section which asked which 4chan boards we usually browse, it would have been funny to know

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