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/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread
Post lewds and talk about fappin' and schlickin'

Breeding Protocol Edition!

Previous: >>67103534
1-3 cum again tonight
4-6 stroke but no cum
7-9 go to sleep
0 next number down
dubs is me pulling out the inflatable ona holder
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nighty night
Thank you, I got hard, but it is bedtime, here's one more porn, just for (You) anon~
hope you get a wet dream~
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Tomboy bikinis!
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I hope my favorite dommy mommies are here tomorrow!
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young idols... again!
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Sleek young idols with perfect, awe-inspiring bodies!
their youthful bodies bring so much joy to the world! it's no wonder so many people are drawn to them!
Worship me
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Teen idol bodies are the best!

I'll pull up that China dress bottom and dive in!
Step on me, Kisaki!
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Me too anon, but I haven't had a wet dream in months
they really are! these idols' agencies know how beloved teens are around the world, so they give them lots of opportunities to show off skin in stage outfits and bikinis!
I don't think you can, unless you beg

I think you'll love the heels, they make it easy for me to crush you
I love idols!
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bunnysuits and their impractical embarrassment
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Is it possible to increase the likelihood of a wet dream?
We're reaching levels of delicious flat not previously thought possible!
it'd be much stranger if you didn't! those idols in particular... they're not even teens, yet they're being made to wear such revealing clothing! young idols are so cute, though!
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the active and athletic pick who sees the rest as a chore
It follows the same skillset as learning to vivid dream but depends more on your libido and deepest desires.
Trying to crank on out before bed
Yes! Milking anons increases the likelihood by 10% per nonny!
You imply we could even go F L A T ter?
Flat bunnies...
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only at the bump limit, probably
I want Fern to put things up my asshole and tease me before rigorous babymaking sex
Wet dreams are so hot…
high IQ post
Need more booty
They are shameful, never liked them and had to fap daily just to avoid them
have more of yayoi's butt!
Happy 4th of July [spoiler]and a happy birthday to me[/spoiler]
nta but I'm still here and stroking to Yayoi's cute teen idol butt!
Is it possible to have a wet dream without it being lucid? I usually wake up as soon as I notice I'm dreaming. Sometimes I have sex in my dreams, but I've never came in my sleep...
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>Happy 4th of July
The over the shoulder smirk alone is enough to get me flustered... Just yhe idea of a lady being into me checking out her ass
as you should! yayoi's cute, little butt is too good to not be fapping to! it may embarrass a girl like her, but... any idol would be happy to get the attention!
I always wake up as I’m cumming, or I’ll have a ruined orgasm during my sleep where I just remember it feeling super intense while having sex in the dream.
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Teen tights?
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There tends to be a mix of both. Depends on how much you need it and where your mental is at.The climax always wakes me up though. Such is the fate of yuri enjoyers. Exactly like >>67110084.
when you're staring so intensely, it's difficult for a girl not to notice. if she's wearing a bikini, it's even more difficult for you not to look! with eyes constantly following her around, she understands.
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Tiny flat elf SEX
What’s your best dreamgasm been, anon?
Is this the teen idol loving Anon from the other night?
Now the question is, what would I have to do to have her let me play with, her butt
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Also gonna roll this... minus the inflatable part
hmm... i could be! i know that there are a few other anons who share my love of teen idols. i post them very often, though!
just ask! she's an idol, so... pleasing her fans comes first and foremost!
I'm gonna smack that thing till it ripples like the ocean
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tights are the best.
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Tranquilo, she wouldn't want you to give into the lust so fast~
I've had a few but it's always been centered toward making sure she's feeling amazing. The adventuring around all the ways she can get off.
If you're the one I was thinking about then we had just a conversation about a busty teen idol having paizuri meet and greets and selling silicon breast merch.
You wake up when you cum so you remember it all very vividly
Just dont nut for a week or so while getting horny and thinking about lewd things before sleep - dont just watch porn but use your imagination too.
And sleep on your stomach so your cock rubs against the bed.
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Slow, deliberate, long Frieren sex!
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What are the anons pulling their things to on America Day?~
Thick plump asses and smothering facesitting!
wow... what a lewd way to put it! i love it! yayoi's cheeks would totally turn red while you did that. she may like to please fans, but she still gets flustered!
ah! yes, that's me! i believe that we were talking about miki, and how all of that lewd attention would go straight to her head!
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Hm? Deliberate? How would you rip her away from a grimoire?
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Love tights <3
American bikini babes getting railed. Not even american.
>Hilda getting mad after finding her brother's porn collection and it's got a complete absence of herself in it
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I would probably also be flustered lol, but that wouldn't stop me from groping and slapping her ass
I thought it might have been you, something about the way you type "Teen Idol". And ya, she was the idol, such fat pair of 1X tits. I was worried how all the lewd fan attention might drive her to some dangerous actions.
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I'd pull her up or she could keep reading while I plow her prone-bone!
Eating ass! waiting for my american anon to celebrate with
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Very thoughtful. Proud of you. Been melting for hours now. Consideing enveloping myself into slime consentacle vids and pics. Charging some toys in the meantime.
Did I miss the HARUUUUUU posting?
Okay, that's good to know what to expect. I'll try not to force things if I realize I'm dreaming.
>And sleep on your stomach so your cock rubs against the bed.
I hadn't considered physical components to help...I haven't slept on my stomach in a long time, but I'll try it!
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Here, I'll sit on your face while I reply to these three other anons~
Happy America Day, anon~
Eating pussy while another anon eats her ass. So hot
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Thank youuuu... I'd lay there obediently, stroking myself off as hard as I could, totally getting off on suffocating under that butt. I'll shoot off some fireworks of my own soon!
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wanna cum all over them
What a witch!
Looks like she need a new stool, my face should make a comfortable seat for her
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Tight tummies and sweaty pits, same as ever!
how could you not be? she's so pretty! but, being flustered isn't an excuse to miss the opportunity to slap and grope such a cute, young idol's butt! you have the right attitude!
yeah... we saw how that turned out, didn't we? thousands of fans getting to plap her tits, even though she's only 1X... it wasn't so bad, though. she loved all of that attention! it was a risky move on her agency's part, but fully embracing that lewd fanbase turned out to be lucrative!
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How do you think she'd feel if I started rubbing my cock between her cheeks
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Gabare, nonny. >>67110319 is good advice.
Hey, Nobeta. Sorry I haven't finished your game yet. It's got a solid magic system. Nice v threads recently btw.
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The perfect way to celebrate from the outside!~

My head isn't taped onto any of the girls in there...~

Anon gives his load to America!~

Big butts and America!~

I hope they're big ones, anon!~ Its the 4th after all!~

That's hot, anon!~ Like the girls you're tugging to!~
In more ways than one!~
Some idols are beacons of young purity and innocence, so beautiful because they are so unattainable. But an open erotic idol who's persona revolves around an amazing pair of teen tit. It's the deepest desire of some fans, and they'll do whatever to cum for their idol again. And now she's just as swept up in the lust frenzy as her devoted fans.
That's a relief! She's so cute, I want to buy her lots of outfits, invite her over in her shorts, vest and cap and watch her change~
If I was Hilda's brother I'd nervously ask if I could send her nudes first. Then if I got the ok get some nice ones taken- oiled up hands on my head huge cock hard. Another bent over with a plug in my ass. Maybe even clips of me having sex or getting fucked if she was into it. Hoping she sends some back
even if you're already groping her cheeks, she may not have been expecting something like that... to answer your question, even more flustered than before! still, she wouldn't pull away. she can tell how happy you are by how hard you're throbbing!
it was her calling, if you ask me! she loves it, and so do her fans. so much lewd merchandise, too... silicon tits, signed nudes, risqué figures... all of a girl who isn't old enough to drink, among other things! it makes me wonder if this approach to idol marketing will spread to other young, teen stars. some of the girls at her agency aren't as lewd as her, but that doesn't mean that they don't have perverted fanbases...
Summer is the season for beach bodies and heat, after all~
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Need tease and denial~
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I love that she can pass for a cute boy so I can take her into the men's restrooms and locker rooms without anyone thinking anything.
Well there's a lot truth that the teen idol fanbase is completely full of pervs. The most chaste idol has a fanbase full of older men who desire her young, supple body. If Miki's lewdness spread to the other idols in her agency, it would make a lot fans very happy and make them a lot money. But that idol agency would never push their brand like that, encourage all their underaged idols to be more sexual?
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Did she participate in the male swimsuit challenge?
you never know, anon! like we saw with miki, catering to those perverts isn't bad for business... far from it! just as an example, look at yayoi. this sweet, twintailed angel is the very picture of cuteness. unlike miki, she's not a "sexy" idol. but, despite that, she has her fair share of pervs... i may or may not be one of them! she doesn't have a wobbly pair like miki, so... hmm... well, her face is cute, right? they could do something with that! and, those twintails look like handles, too. but, that's only hypothetical! yayoi is 1X, just like her blonde-haired friend, but she's a bit younger.
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I would probably walk in and blow you if a cute brother of mine sent me a picture like that~

Hot, sweaty, and scantily-clad at the beach~
Urge to call out from work today and goon all morning rising
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Being a huge slut, I'd immediately get shy if you walked in on me. Oily, made up and lifting my fat ass off the dildo im sitting on. Leaking from my tip and my photographer- probably one of your friends or Pokemon- encouraging us to keep going further. Hilda and her brother creating porn together as they should~
I can't deny Miki's huge, new success, can't deny Yayoi's cuteness either. But how can an adorable girl like her tap into the natural sexuality of Miki's massive teen tits. She's got a body made for men to breed, despite her age, or maybe even more because of her age. Yayoi looks so pure and innocent, how could she use her even younger body to entice those male fans? Play the pure maiden corrupted by lust? Find a more subtle sensual angle, or become even more of a slutty firecracker and shock the world?
Unf~ Hot~
But hear me out, anon~
What if you lured me in with those texts and you were filming us in secret?~ Moving your phone around when my head is too occupied to turn and see what you were reaching for~
And keeping said videos on your phone for your own personal enjoyment~ Stuff for you specifically to fap to~ Me doing really hot things like you would see in a porn video, but its the sister you like and the body you have~
i think that yayoi's best course of action would be... to be herself! miki is naturally lewd, just like how yayoi is naturally innocent. the idol agency's marketing would greatly contrast her personality... but, that's not a bad thing. can you imagine how many fans would jump at the opportunity to get jerked off by a flustered, blushing idol? sometimes, innocence can be just as sexy as naughtiness! certain fans aren't aroused just by overdeveloped assets... yayoi has none of that, yet i see so much potential in an innocent idol being marketing lewdly!
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I want to grill with a lonely dad then suck him off as the fireworks start up
An idol should always be herself, the fans want authenticity to feel her heart and passion. So I can see the appeal innocent lewdness, especially when contrasted against easy, natural lewdness. Yayoi earnestly trying her best to appear sexy in a skimpy outfit, despite having nothing to show off. The fact she wants to please her fans in that way, to be a teen sex idol. There could be something there Anon.
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slow sleepy time for anons
I've got some brats and hot Italian sausages in the fridge just waiting for tomorrow. Good local stuff, non-GMO, antibiotic free and grass raised. Do you like IPA's?
that teenage body of hers, though not as stunning as miki's, is still fun to look at. skimpy outfits wouldn't fit her at all, yet that's exactly why they would fit her! that red, blushing face as she feels the cool breeze against parts of her body that she doesn't normally show off... fans would eat that up! and, it's only a matter of time before things get a bit more "personal", especially after the success of miki's fan meets. personally, i believe that facefucking suits yayoi. leaning over a table, getting that adorable, little face pounded as fans grip her twintails... they may have to give the poor girl some special throat training for that, though.
True, a girl doesn't need to have massive assets to be attractive. Yayoi's 1X year old body could entice her fans in other ways. A loose top meant for a larger bust could "accidently" show off her little, perky nipples. Her toned tummy, petite thighs and ass all can be highlighted in the proper setting. Like you said those twintails do look as if they'd make an excellent grip. Her cute face might look even better running with ruined make-up, tears, drool, and cum from an intense facefucking. She's need a lot of training to be able to take the massive size and number of adult cocks her fans would shower her in.
oh, i like that! outfits tailored for a girl, say, miki's size... it wouldn't be very hard to catch a glimpse of yayoi's comparatively smaller chest.
>Her cute face might look even better running with ruined make-up, tears, drool, and cum from an intense facefucking.
jesus christ, anon... imagining that made me even harder than i was before. this definitely suits yayoi, there's no doubt about it! she doesn't wear heavy makeup, but i can see them applying a bit more than usual to make the results of her facefucking even more apparent. yayoi's messy, little face, after hours and hours of taking her fans' cocks... god, i fucking love this idea. she would be a natural! and, i'd love to hear those noises, too...
So many cutie option for her new sexy idol outfit, could be too big, or too small so it shows off very curve she does have in detail.
Glad you like it, that's a personal favorite look of mine. So fucking sexy. The fans might worry that her little throat can't handle the pounding. Wouldn't want to damage a idol's throat or her voice. But she tells them she's fine, she can take it, anything for the loving fans. She's such a sweet girl she'd swallow every single load, no waste of drop her fans "love". And the erotic sounds she'd make, so cute yet so horny. I can only image the absolute beautiful mess her face would be after that hours long throat raping session.
You are just my servants, my desires are your orders
Yes my Queen, I'm humbling yours. Your servant, no slave, table, chair. Whatever your faintest impulse requires. No hesitation or complaint.
I want to serve as asuna's personal chair...
i can understand why! a girl's sloppy face is just so... ugh, i can't put it into words! yayoi's, in particular... well, i'm sure that fans never would've expected to see her like that. i mean, she's innocent! pure! yet, nobody would ever complain if her agency began to schedule facefuck meet-and-greets. i bet that they would take a photo after every event, and post it on social media. that would be sure to pull in more fans at the next one! it's just like yayoi to encourage her fans to keep going, even if it's something like slamming her throat. an idol's throat is a very delicate thing... but, like i said, special training! a month or so of that, and fans will be able to pound as hard as they'd like, while hearing yayoi's adorable and sexy
You both will make sure my butt cheeks are comfortable while I sit on your faces
Seeing their preppy, cute, little idol's face turned into a cocksleeve would make any fan cum his balls empty. Right down her throat and into her stomach, her tummy would bulge as much as her throat after all those cocks. I like the thought of each fan getting a nice picture with her after they cum. You'd see the progression of messiness after each orgasm as the night went on. And how turned on would she be after such an intense event. Her young panties would be complete soaked through.
Your words are my command. Would you like my mouth open to give a loving tongue bath to your majestic rear end?
You are just my footstool, my feet need attention and care that your tongue will provide

That won't be necessary, you are to kiss my butt instead
yes please, you'll find my face to be quite comfortable!
I can also put my hands to good use with a massage, unless you'd like to use my mouth for something else?
fuck, i didn't think about that! take all of those photos, likely hundreds, and put them together in a flipbook... it'd be like a time lapse of her face getting messier, and messier, and messier... until it looks completely different than how it began. god, imagine how hard they'd pull those little twintails. and, when they're done, our sweet yayoi will flash them a smile before the next fan steps up and grabs her hair like a couple of handles... i can't get enough of this. her soaked panties are nice to think about, too! i'd expect nothing less after hours and hours of throatfucking. yayoi must be so happy to be able to bring fans joy using her mouth... by singing, and letting them fuck it as rough as they want like wild animals!
Sucking Asuna's toes, kissing her feet, and worshipping her soles!
Pitching a tent for you~
Please forgive my overreach ma'am, I wish only to please. My eager lips are puckered and waiting. Be seated upon your throne Queen.
Lick my legs to your heart's content

You'll also clean my heels
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I do take into account your willingness to serve, but that just means more time for you all to be my chair
Cleaning your heels, and spit shining them! Huffing your leftover scent from inside, and polishing every inch!
Using my hands, mouth, and anything else to be of service~
Yayoi is a sweet, innocent girl, but she still understand what men need from her. And she's as eager to please them in this as well as on the stage as their idol. Pubes glued to her cheek by semen, even as she smiles warmly for the next picture. The image of a glowing young idol, only covered by fan jizz. But being completely smothered by adult cock musk for hours on end would mess up head of any 1X year old. So intoxicating, she'd grow to love the taste of cum and cock so fast. Immediately ready and willing for the next round of facefucking.
So gracious and generous, my only desire is to serve. My body will serve as your seat for as long as it allow. Lavishing kisses and all other services you could want. Such a soft and elegant behind is so wonderful on me face.
right! she's so sweet and helpful... almost to a fault. i like to believe that, despite the sloppy, sticky mess on her face, the expression that she makes for the camera isn't any different than the ones that she has shown before... only, it's absolutely dripping in spunk, drool, and every related liquid that you can think of. give it enough time, and i'm not surprised that she'd grow to love the taste! yayoi is... well, a bit poor, even if she's an idol. if you think about it, all of her fans are providing her with a big, hearty meal! after a bloated belly filled to the brim with steaming hot semen, she won't be hungry! also, i fucking love the thought of yayoi's sweet face being covered in pubes.
You two will work in tandem to provide me comfort, remember to massage my legs too knowing they will provide enough force to my heels to walk over you two
With your supple ass planted firmly on my face, my hands are free to massage your thick thighs and smooth calves. I'll put my finger to good work, leaving every muscle fiber relaxed. It's such a great reward being able to breath in the succulent smell of your body ma'am.
>11 min for a reply
>it's a single line
>not even only for me, it's one line for two people
Thank you for the femdom, but I don't want this pace.
Have a good day/night, anon!
You will get me drinks to relax for the duration of the session

Too bad, glad you enjoyed it tough
Could any amount of cocks and cum change that young girl from her sweet and earnest demeanor? Probably not, but I'd like to see. I'm looking forward to seeing her try even harder to make that 1X year old body as desirable to men as possible. She'd be willing to do anything lewd or embarrassing if it meant making the fans happy. Every time she say a bulge in a man's pants her mouth would water, wanting another delicious meal. Just like Miki all that lustful love and attention from the fans would make a woman out of the young girl.
Was super horny tonight and managed to cum completely handsfree. Just laid back, watched and scrolled through some porn, was hard as a rock the entire time, flexing and squeezing until I popped a full load in the air without ever touching it. It felt so good and satisfying even though I'm like unfinished and horny, just an amazing feeling.
she has a lot to live up to, considering that her rival is miki... but, i believe in her! she can meet that blonde-haired cutie on equal footing, maybe even surpass her! ah, i can totally imagine yayoi on a stroll, noticing a man's bulge, and offering to take care of it... before long, she'll have her own unscheduled event, but it'd bring even more attention to this adorable idol. i hope that she gets plenty of hot, sticky meals! if she can't even stop herself from being facefucked during non idol-related activities, then she'll be getting enough. yayoi's mouthpussy is so fucking hot! she's practically a milking machine! ugh, i hate to cut this short, but it's so late... but, i've really, really enjoyed talking about yayoi with you, anon. i need to get some sleep, and i really hope that i can have a dream about facefucking this sweet 1X year old idol!
Hot, cumming like that seems like total magic to me. I can't cum unless I'm thrusting vigorously into my fist or an onahole. Its difficult unless I can get my hips going, like I'm pumping away. Then I get worked up and blow my load.
Of course, I hope I can get that wonderful dream too. It was fun chatting again. I'll keep my eyes out for any teen idol posting in the future so we can continue again.
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can a lowly being such as myself kneel and kiss the ground you walk on? all I desire is to worship the feet of those who are clearly better than me <3
I'm being a fag and jerking it to man ass~
Sounds great, anon~!
Are you gonna go back and work to become a hands-free goop squirter some more?
Maybe, I feel pretty spent and tired but still horny since I didn't do all the pumping and jerking that I was supposed to do to cum. I just absolutely love the feeling of being horny and denied even touching myself so that's enough to get me to blow a load like that. I can't get enough of that so as soon as I get the urge again it'll probably get all hard and throbby.
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>a whole thread a half while I was asleep
Yes, you can, lick it too, you just need to serve me to be happy
If you're still horny, be a cow anon. You could always plap your hand to how hard you came hands-free the first time.
Shooting your ropes to shooting your ropes in such a sexy way~
If you aren't too tired, that is!
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I pledge every fiber of my being towards your superior soles <3 please spare me the burden of having to think and please mark me as your foot slave <3 I live to serve under your soles and I request permission to be fully enslaved by your feet and lick for your benefit ~
You'll get it right back up with a suggestion like that, especially with some nice tits like those to stare at... It'd probably feel so good to fap after cumming without touching it too, sensitive since I came not long ago but not sore or anything since I wasn't beating it. I'd really be wringing out the last drops then...
You already said you're horny and unfinished, right? So get your hands around that dick, anon~
You definitely deserve a second pop for managing to push yourself over the edge hands-free, like a true cum bucket~
Yes, I'm sure it'll feel great if you've already got that high going!
Good slave, you deserve to hold my feet and heels and remove them so you can lick, too bad I don't have a branding iron
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NTA but keep posting pinkies fat boobs. Need a good mornign blow.
It's already hard and ready to go, pumping it after being worked up enough to cum like that before feels so good. Stroking myself off to empty whatever cum is left in there feels like such a good reward, all that pumping I denied myself of earlier finally going to get me there!
Dangerously based
Pervert anon, good morning~ Looking to bust already? Wow

Yes, don't deny yourself this time, anonny!
The slick, white cum that blasted through your shaft so cleanly earlier just made a path for the rest of it to follow~
It's gonna feel so good busting back to back, I already know you'll love it <3
I can't stop stroking to gorgeous man butt~
Leaning back, staring at those tits, and humping my fist! The reason I was so backed up today was because I spent a few hours last night edging and went to bed without finishing. So pent up that I was able to cum handsfree, but this time it'll be like squeezing out everything I missed~
Pentup because I didn't shoot before sleep. Don't mind if I give you the honors to this image. Hnnm nice and freeing orgasm in the mornig. It's always so dense and chunky after sleep.
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thank you thank you!!!! I'll gladly accept both master's in my lowly hands and dedicate my meager existence towards devout worship of your sacred feet ~ im trembling and leaking being under your superior aura and i'll accept any form of branding that you find acceptable for I am just another one of your countless slaves to use <3 *I tremble as I slowly and carefully touch your heels and kiss them looking at them intently then I slowly take off both heels and place them on a pillow. I then start to rub your soles a bit praising them with complements and move one hand under your heel as I start to kiss from the bottom of your heel then to your soles while my cock twitches in agony* ehehe im so happy pampering my masters <3
Ooh, you edged your pleasure stick *that* long and didn't cum? No wonder your body forced it out of you so easily~
You've got to remember to empty those goo factories more often, so keep moving that hand~
Pleasure yourself~ Pleasure yourself~

I'd be honored, cutie! I'm glad to take care of you, and start your day off right <3
Now bust all that early-morning boy goop for me~
What lewd zippers. Came a really nice load and feel all comfy and relaxed now. Thank you.
Make love to my feet and lick my heels afterwards, you'll start releasing hands free in no time
Yeah, it was just so addcting to edge and stop over and and over again, just reached the point where enjoying that pent up feeling for a while sounded better then actually relieving it. It's worth it to spend the day all horny enough that just staring at porn is enough to blow! Jerking it off is feeling so good right now though, my balls really will be empty after this...
you're lovely
I'm getting so gay all over the board atm I wanna hook up irl again
You know the best part about finally shooting? You can start endlessly edging yourself as much as you want again, so you have that to look forward to too~
With what you've told me you sounds like quite the handsex lover, so I expect you'll be at it again soon!
I hope you're making your fingers all sticky with clear pre-cum and getting ready to drain yourself off~
You should! What have you done before?
I'll get excited just thinking about it, completely emptying the tank and spending some time recovering, just to start edging and denying again so I can work myself up to the point where I can't take it... It sounds so bad but it's just making my fist go faster~
Hehe, you're a real addict!
You know and love how good each of those sweet edges feel, and your get to coat your tummy with warm jizz too~ What could be better~?
Don't take that hand off your cock, you fap cow.
Stroke it stroke it stroke it!
Thank about that looooovely orgasm~
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what name should I use to praise you master <3 I get to make love with both my masters <3!!! I love being a dirty foot slave so bad and I got very lucky to find a master that seeks worship from me <3 please bless me with the gift of cumming hands free from the thought your feet and brand my simple mind with your prescene <3 please rest your feet on my face for you only deserve the best that can be offered <3 *I moan as I lick your heels and make out with them forming a convent with them to put your needs over mine and shudder in delight as I get put in my place* is it ok if I refer to your feet as my masters master? sorry if I do anything out of line for I have no desire to make you mad only to submit and cower for you <3
thank you I simply am dedicate to worshiping master anon's feet <3
The only thing better than stroking myself off like crazy is getting some lovely help like this, you've got me pounding my fist nice and hard! I'm getting nice and close anon, I want to milk out every last drop of spunk left in these balls for you!
Master is ok as a name, just serve dutifully with your face, tongue and body, my brand is already imprinted in your mind so it is enough to make you submit
Of course, cutie, it's my job to make every boy I talk to cream themselves as hard as they can~
Why don't you give me one more reply, and we'll pop your top off, ok~?
It must feel so good for you! Are you ready to drain the rest of those nuts for me, anonny~? Fap cow~?

I kept forgetting to reply but thank you for the cum <3
Have a good day~
(First meat for >>67113238)!
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I wish I could've been sharing your greatness with other anon and lick your soles alongside him for all feet especially yours deserve to be shared with all <3 im really close simply from smelling your feet and im probably going ruin soon ~ thank you for using me as a foot stool. im glad i stayed up late for your feet ~
Sucked off a couple older men, let them fuck me. I even went on a proper date with a silly old bi cheater and we made out in public :3
God yes, I've been edging for a bit now, it feels so damn good, hard as a rock and ready to blow even though it's going to be my second shot of the night it doesn't feel like it. I'll cum as soon as you tell me to, pump myself over the edge like I'm supposed to and empty all that fap milk! I'll make sure it's all out just so I can work on filling it back up for next time, just thinking like that has me so excited!
Cute clumsy milker.
Mmm, that's hot! I wanna be a total fag in public too~
Hehe, get ready to drain out your nuts to immediately start filling them again, so you can edge!
Now, I want to you open this picture, lean back nice and comfy, and splooge all over your tummy~
Blow that thick load anon and count your ropes for me, will you~? <3
Now go!
Do it!
Lean back right now and cover your tummy!

You alone are the lucky one, you can serve my wet feet as your prize, you have earned it
Moved to a very lgbt friendly european city. You're odd there if you DON'T dress funny and never had a gay fling lmao
Haa that felt so good anon, really intense, even though it was my second shot tonight it didn't really feel like it. I had enough left in there for four ropes, I'm sure I just milked myself completely empty thanks to your help, it felt so lovely and draining. I really feel like a cow now, milked to completion!
Thanks for posting earlier, cutie~ I just thought your hands-free post was so nice, I had to indulge you!
Thanks for shooting~ Already thinking about the next one, I hope! I hope you get milked then, too~ You really are a cum cow, hehe~
Curly Brace is made for Mimiga cocks
Thank you, I was still turned on a bit after finishing that way so I wanted to post, didn't really think I'd end up going for another round but it was so good. I got myself cleaned up and grabbed a bottle of water, I have a lot of fluids to replenish but I'll get to work on refilling those tanks and making sure they're aching to be emptied again, I'm sure I'll be looking for help by then too~ I'm going to get myself cleaned up and then to sleep, thanks again for all the fun anon!
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Pumping to and fucking lewd teens like Hilda is the American way~
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H-hi Anon....!
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Breeding cow.
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N-not really sure what that means s-so... I'm just gonna a-assume it's a compliment...
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thank you master *lick lick lick* im so happy I get to worship the bacteria on your heels and I crave the water that drips from your feet ~ I want to suck directly from your toe and get drunk from master's foot taste ~ I love being hypnotized by the wiggling of your precious toes ~ *kiss* I love making out with master's feets and using my tongue as your personal footstool
>get on ftt, Hilda is being railed by everyone
>go to sleep and wake up 7 hours later
>open ftt
>hilda is still being raided by everyone
this is next level sluttiness
It’s just one person mentioning them this past hour
in my head, any person posting Hilda is Hilda
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What a good slave, you deserve everything between my toes, to lick my nail polish and serve my feet as they deserve
I haven't fapped since last Wednesday. I can't stop thinking about my wife's huge ass.
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Get it out. Now.
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Can I fuck your wife's friend?
imagine the smell of semen
I'm trying anon, I'm thinking about my wife's ass a lot. The sexy outfits I'd make my wife wear to show off her booty.
That's fine. 9s is a great guy.
NTA but I'll always take it out for Mona.
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I wanna blow inside him...
Don't try anon, just thrust.
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This guy gets it. Tell us how she triggers you.
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Anon setting off his own personal fireworks in his lap!~

The railing only stops when its bed time!~
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Thick virile adult semen all over young Hilda <3
9s had a cute butt, that's for sure.
I'm thinking about pressing my cock between my wife's cheeks.
B-big sis... I'm sooo hardddd~ p-pwease helppp~
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im twitching so bad for my masters <3 I want to lick the grime under your toenails be written on by you ~ I wanna be your property and give everything I own towards you as tribute <3 i'll pay if I have to for the privilege to curl by and sleep by your feet like a dog ~ Im stroking myself like a monkey thinking about your feet and wanting to cum on them... *I sniff and sniff inbetween your toes while on my knees twitching and leaking uncomfortably* ehehe im greatful to be at the whims of a more intelligent and domineering master who's foot germs make me want to cum really bad ~ I could cum simply from licking the ground you stepped on off your feet <3
Fapping with foot frens...
It'd be pretty hot to be hotdogged by both of them at the same time~
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please watch me as I continue to shower my master's feet with love fellow foot fren <3 if your lucky maybe my master will look favorably upon you like she did for me <3
Cream yourself, you deserve it, you are mine, never forget it, you'll kiss the floor I walk on, gotta go, just relax and release
Need futa Shantae...
I just love her and I'll always be a loyal simp for her. I started playing her game for her, used all my rolls on the standard banner until I got her, and never play without her.
Her design, her voice, her personality, everything about her is perfect. I always jerk out multiple loads a day and make sure to dedicate several to her perfect ass. The way almost all art of her focus on it specifically it is amazing, because I love to imagine kneeling before her, legs spread wide and worshiping her by jerking off to her like a slave, just wishing she'd take a step back and smother my face with her butt. She wouldn't ever need to touch me, but I'd happily give everything up to be her chair while stroking myself into a stupor.
I love it when my wife hotdogs me. Her thick round booty slams up against my cock. She can sometimes be teasing too.
Meant both 9S and 2B at the same time.
Just being in presence of other cute foot frens is all i need to start a nice comfy fap!
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I'm about to crawl in bed, cutie~
Maybe some cuddles with make that hard penis go away~
o-okkkk~ i'll just lift up your shirt and stare at your tits while pumping my thingy~
I want anons to have sex with my wife...
Don't confuse my anon I was playing with, but I would use these 2
I'd love to fuck someone else's wife, but she is such a boring choice…
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Here you go, cutie~ Pump away~
Okay but only if I can do her raw and finish inside.
Your wife has wrung so many loads from me
That is sexy. Double yorha booty.
And I want to watch!
Anons are sleeping~
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I should be too~
Is your butt actually bigger than mine?~ Or is it the perspective?
Anyways, hop into bed! And have some sweet maybe lewd dreams!~ *Mwah*
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Maybe we'll have a cute anon be the judge sometime~
See you!~ Have a wonderful morning or afternoon!~
>never want children
>x-ray of anime girl being fertilized is the sole thing I fap to nowadays
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Cute babydoll and smoochable tummy
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Cute stage outfits
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Good morning it's America day!
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Breed all lewd teens
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Made to be glazed with copious amounts of cum~
Nadeko can absolutely get it too, she needs to be used every waking hour.
I think Ryza would have a potion for x-ray breeding.
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Nadeko's body weight should be 5% cum or more at all times.
With how god damn lewd and horny she is for her age, it’s absolutely morally right to have daily rough sex with her. Keep her womb filled with pervert love~
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She can totally take a hard pounding!
She absolutely needs and wants one too. Need to be in her room and set up a camera to record all the lovemaking you’ll have in her cute bed~
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Bed-breaking missionary position with leglock!
She needs to feel a perverted adult in her so badly, feeling him impregnate her
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My hard cock rubbing against her soft thighs on its way inside!
Imagine stripping Nadeko nude with your own hands, grasping every soft inch of her body as you kiss her lewd little mouth
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Slowly peeling off her spaghetti straps to reveal her budding chest!
Nadeko is perfectly made to make regular men go feral for girls her age when they weren’t before.
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Thoroughly dominating her budding body!
I wanna make love to her freshly developing body while her parents are still home
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Only 25% chance that could even happen!
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Any important part of being a u149 fan.
Playing games on steam and putting on porn videos on low opacity over my gameplay using the steam overlay web browser...
I'll fill up her tiny slit 4 times
>Miria 8,52%
come on that's bullshit, her menarchy must be up there with Momoka's
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The height and chest measurements push her lower. 149cm is the average high for menarche in Japan.
Arisu is such an elegant girl!
I bet she's not wearing underwear under that dress.
But which one will bully me the most?
Bullying is Risa's specialty
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Depends on the type of bullying you want. So we'll just got with Risa for now
I'll take the whole stock then.
>anon playing games with a throbbing boner
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I've done it while playing with my friends too... I can't help it I'm an addict for it...~
What a perv! Sounds like you need some under desk to help with that throbbing~
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I used to play porn games with a friend over VC and we'd be jerking off while one of us played the game
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I definitely wouldn't mind, though its hard enough to focus as is..~
Very hot! I just do it secretly mostly, I wish I had a fap friend to jerk off and play games with though..
I'm sure you can do just fine while someone strokes you with a ona and kisses your balls~
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Do you want the papa play?
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I really don't think I could... I'd probably cum so fast just from how good it feels... <3
That sounds like a good thing. You'd be able to focus on the game right away~
Well I can't say that papa bullying doesn't sound interesting...
oh yes
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I really do love the idea of pleasuring an anon while he consumes his favorite porn content getting fully immersed in it, may it be images, games or doujins
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Jeez Papa are you sure you should be letting your daughter go out in clothes like these? Didn't you say that I couldn't go out without your permission? What are you waiting for Papa, come out with Risa!
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any bi chads around?
Come with you? But where are you going dressed like that?
nta anons, but those clothes fit you quite nicely~ Slutty enough to get the attention of everyone but will make them jealous of me that I am the only one allowed to see you in even more slutty clothes back at home~ My daughter is so sexy~
Well I'm pretty bi but depends what you have in mind
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Were going into the station now!
And what are we gonna do there?
And do what? Sounds like a date~
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Prison stuff for a bad papa who is looking on his daughter with lustful eyes.
But when did I do that? I just wanted to get bullied
Ohhhhhh! Sounds very exciting! I have been a bad papa for staring at my sexy daughter with eyes of a beast fueled by lust~
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Sorry guys I'm getting very mixed signals and also have to run~
No worries, I got too excited for being called papa again by an anon. Have a good one! And my apologies.
Of course, anon. Unloading a gooners' fat balls while you sit them down, put on their favorite porn, and edge them silly are one of the main appeals of this thread and this board. You certainly aren't the only one~
Do you have a favorite way to please anons?
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I think I'd love to mimic whatever anon sees on his screen for maximum immersion~
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Sorry, got distracted because I was starting up a game with a friend... wonder what it's time for now... <3
Sounds like it's time to quickly pump out a big thick load so you can focus on the game~
Good idea!
It's just good etiquette to guide your anon long the pleasure rails of what they like best. Then have your mouth open and ready to catch their hot cum!
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Yeah for sure~ Sounds like you're eager at least..~ <3
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What kind of image or panel would you open up for me to mimic for you~?
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I'm sure your cock is also already very eager to shoot out~
Yup~ Already feeling nice... though with an anon servicing me while playing I bet it would feel so much better...~
Me? Don't worry about me anon~ I'd be at the desk next to you draining anons' nuts!
But since you asked about me... sometimes you do get worked up after draining too many cutes~ I'd probably cum fastest with feet on my screen and my dick inside a snug onahole~
I'm sure it would but sadly I can't have my face right next to your hard cock so you will just have to do it yourself while imagining it~ I'm sure you can do just fine
hung furry femboys...
So good..~ What about you nonny, what would you love to do, and how are you feeling?~
Left right at the edge for squids it's not fair


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