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/vrfg/ - Virtual Reality Furry General #511
"Virtual Fursuiting, Real Furiends"™
heard u had games edition!

>Avatar Resources:
>Stuff You NEED If You're New
>Other Resources (downloads at your own risk):

>QoTT: Do you have games on your phone?

> Upcoming events:
July 5th - 4th of July Weekend Backyard Pool Party

Every Friday (9PM EST) and Saturday (8 PM EST)
- Drinking Night (Friday's)
- Multiplayer Night (Saturday's)

Every Tuesday (8PM EST)
- Gamin' Night

>Have an event you want to host for furanons? Post about it! Someone else might be interested in it as well!

OP template pastebin: https://rentry.org/vrfgop20240409/raw
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67065714
Happy 4th July!
>QoTT: No
I have Retroarch, but I'm not playing anything on it now
Nothing against people who celebrate 4th of July but the fireworks are gonna be true annoyance, especially after cause people will just keep setting them off.
>months worth of rain on the best month
Why ;^;
DM has completely taken over this character in my mind and it makes me feel strange thoughts
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>open link
>see his butt for a split second
>get flustered and immediately close it
I've been seeing a lot more than that on my timeline lately
Saw a clip on twitter the other day where he was huffing out hot air. I felt something weird in my guts...
I want so badly to get on VRC and see all of my friends but I'm just so burnt out. I keep going to other events to appease my friends but I can't keep doing it. The meetups here are much better. I don't feel so out of place here. Hope to see you soon.
Jorking my penits hehehe
fuppin my goorod haha
I grip my penis firmly in my hand and move my hand up and down the shaft
always too late for any meets lol, maybe someday.
You can always just host your own at a more reasonable time
i get home at 1 am and usually try to go outside on weekends lol, its over
>he goes outside
Lol, normie
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Just this one
>asymmetrical co-op
happy america
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hell yeah
You would have been better off staying a colony
my breakfast this morning was a juicy burger
your breakfast was a toast sandwich
we are not the same
so did vrchat ever recover last night?
I had 3 cigarettes for breakfast thank you very much
DAMN, that was a tall spike!
traditional european breakfast. dont forget the caffè
In England we call it a cuntinental breakfast
For breakfast I ate a gun and fucked a fat man in a mobility scooter
>star spangled banner plays

Jesus Christ
>lewd night spike arrives
>cucks me
>leaves without elaborating
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Today is pull day.
Oh my god his eyes
He’s a pretty boy
thing im working on.
ooh 'eck its voting day
only go
Muh dick
You better be voting for nige
I've been thinking about chicken parmigiana for five straight days now.
Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, anon, if you still even remember that name
e says it ow it is 'ats what baz down local tells me and es a class bloke other geezers doing nowt
should I screw a broken light bulb into my asshole (there's no glass it's LED)
Spot on
No idiot. Let me do it for you.
Live stream it
My penits is blood, period???
just imagine the FARTS
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Now give it a big floppy horse cock. Please.
i miss your coyote

>is your cat a chad or a beta

this is retarded
Literal cat hands wrote this post
Oh my
is literal cat chad or beta
we need side profile screenshots
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he fucks, definitely a chad.
Did DM forget this was going to happen when the game released or was this his plan all along?
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Remember when we found this when it came out and it turns out he actually worked on the animation as well?
I member
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I'm going to drink you
What a whore
It was so unbelievably good I could have eaten like 3 of them
The wireless on the index is slowly improving, and I don't feel like redoing all the cabling again. So I just have to deal with occasionally going deaf and crashing maybe once an hour.
If I accidentally deleted some hand bones ages ago in blender and am only just noticing now, this is for an edited base, could I get the missing bones from the original base and use cats to merge those bones back onto the edited one? would it still keep the weight painting and stuff for the fingers?
if the vertex groups are still there then yes.
Ignore CATS its shit
Order of operations should be as follows:
Import the old armature which still has the finger bones
Delete ALL the bones on this armature except the finger bones. Highlighting fingers and Ctrl+I to invert will make this easy.
Select both this new armature and your old one, then press Ctrl+J to join them into one armature
Go into edit mode, select the base of the fingers on one hand, then FINAL select the hand bone so its the last one. Ctrl+P to parent the base bones of the fingers to the hand.
Do this for both hands so your fingers are parented to your hands
Done! Verify by posing your fingers
might let the voices win and buy a quest 2
Bara fags are delusional. Those are litteral tits.
I wish he looked like that
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I got up to going into edit mode and selecting the base of the finger bones and parenting but think this needs me to do something differently
Do they jiggle when you walk?
I did it in the end, a bunch of bones were missing the weight painting so did data transfer from the unedited base, used cats to join the armatures, parented the new bones to the right one in the skeleton and it seems to be working so far.
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Reminds me of this
There is a bike pump in the corner of the image, you're getting baited
I think I need snuggles, I'm not feeling too good lately
i'll admit, i'm tempted to take up the opportunity to cuddle up next to a furanon
you down to drop an instance?
Okay I'll be on in a few minutes
I see why RK was so obsess with him.
nice esl
It's obsessed
esoteric ligma
What does esoteric mean
Ligma balls.
i remembered why i still play this game holy fuck my hands are shaking
its raining irl for this kobol, wanna join me in VR?
I think it works differently for cats - I see a pretty boy on the right pic and an incel on the left
>helping zoomer upload an avatar
>passes the unzipping a folder test
>fails at the taking a screenshot test
>have a day off for the 4th
>Internet is out
Love it
Put on your sunglasses and american flag button down shirt and get outside
just farted so big I should have recorded it. Would have given Kingassripper a run for his money. Fuck this I'm getting a bodycam
What do you get on your hot dog?
sport peppers, spicy brown mustard, grilled onions
wrapped in spinach and a craft single on a piece of white bread and topped with sauerkraut

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