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Armcross Edition
Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67000440
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Tyler Edlin - https://www.youtube.com/user/TylerE2284
Proko -https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV
Sinix -https://www.youtube.com/user/sinixdesign
Scott Robertson -https://www.youtube.com/user/scottrobertsondesign
Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint) -https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library
Aaron Blaise -https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronBlaiseArt
Vilpu (Anatomy) - https://mega.nz/folder/9Pw1lYaS#Me7LSwlSg59lNGmkj9tt4w/folder/lPoXEYxS

QuickPoses -https://www.quickposes.com/en
PoseSpace -https://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx
https://x6ud.github.io/#/ Animal Head Reference Finder

Books (navigable folders):
https://6chan.moe/loomis/res/1991.html (filled with scans, replace 6 with 8)
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Q: I'm a total beginner. Where should I start?
A: Do the exercises in either "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Additionally, you can try the first few lessons of https://drawabox.com/ for building up muscle memory and confidence
>Could easily get way better if i practiced for like a few weeks, always get significant gains from week-long practice sessions and capable of learning things extremely quickly when needed, could easily up commission prices if i spent a single month or two training my lineart and anatomy
>Don't because i have too much fun drawing weird fetish shit and waifus/husbandos at an entirely amateur level and don't want to ruin the experience for myself
>Avoid it sometimes to not make myself learn to hate anatomically impossible fetishes and beg. tier art
Is there an explanation for this or am i just severely retarded? I don't complain about the quality of my art at all since i recognize i'm not trying hard enough in my practice to actually see significant gains, but i could easily get better given time.
then do it. Not to sound crabby, but this sounds like coping, and this expectation for extremely large gains is what is likely bogging your gains down in the first place.

>want to study because ez gains
>dont study because if I dont improve as fast as I expect to, then I will feel horrible after

improvement is not so easy to predict, and you should drop your expectations and just do the occasional practice once every 2-3 days or so.
Draw the expression on this antelope.
I just practice if i find i'm struggling to a stupid degree in an area. i'm mostly asking if this is normal behaviour or not, since i think it's really retarded of me to both easily gain from practice, even if minute, and to not really care about it all too much and don't care too much about the quality of my art since i can still accomplish most of what i set out to pursue, even if it is terrible for most standards.
Yknow, less "woe is me i need to practice but i am lazy" and more "I could practice, but why should i, since i'm already doing what i love and i'm good enough at it."
I don't really care if i significantly gain or not from it since no matter what i either learn that the way i was learning was wrong or successful by the end of the week, and i usually have fun with practice, and if not, i still do it since i don't have anything better to do in my free time.
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do these two(drawings) look consistent?
Yep, they do!
The overall design is consistent, but the line weight of the second is much greater.

I suggest having a heavier outline for the top, and a lighter inner line weight for the bottom.
Damn, I was wondering how to do the bottom one.
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I finished the picture, probably could have done better in some parts but I think it's passable, any tips?
>any tips?
The one I'm about to IMPREGNATE this dragon with
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Overall, very good picture. Very fappable! Love how the crescent moon works as a starting point to guide the viewer down to the goods.

Only "tip", would be to use a pen with a more solid core so that your linework doesn't abruptly fade in/out.

But honestly, for this picture its cute/sexy and I wouldn't change a thing :)
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>Only "tip", would be to use a pen with a more solid core so that your linework doesn't abruptly fade in/out.
yes I really want a good tool but I can't find anything in Krita, the solid one does not even let me to set options for line thickness
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Not as much of a tip but a quick showcase on how simple shadows (new layer, fully opaque black brush, 18% layer opacity) can add depth. Cool style and composition!
I kept it simple without shadows since that's how the style rolls but it does look very nice. I have no idea how to do clean shadows, I guess I would have to use lasso.
do add to this, if you have any brush recommendations for Krita I will definitely take them
Hmm...Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with Krita as I use CSP. But I did some digging, and from what I can tell, a good brush setting would be to use:
1. "Basic-5 Size" as your brush
2. Have Brush Smoothing set to "Stabilizer" with a semi-high sample count (300-500 samples with a 50px delay)

This "should" get you some solid lines as well as control of your varied line weights. See if those settings work better or not.
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Great warm up practice
is he a good model to draw masculine body? I have a hard time to "puff" up my character's body and exaggerate them artistically. when I draw it, the muscles looks exactly like the photo/3D model that I referenced to. Even when I tried to omit out details from the ref, I'd subconsciously render the same silhouette as the ref.
Yes he has a great musculature without being bubbly or obscenely built
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Trying to paint some skin, any tips?
thanks a lot man, I am checking it right now, I have never used stabilizer for lineart and it feels weird as fuck
out of curiosity, do you (or anyone itt) have a practice regimen for your linework/anatomy? and could i /r/ it?
i've got so much free time but no idea how to apply it.
Well, NTA but I do a variety of lines for warmups. There's a set whereby I do several vertical strokes each way, bisect them horizontally each way to form a cross. I then try to cross them diagonally several times, both ways, almost like an X. Finally I do some C curves to connect the outsides and some ellipses in the spaces. All to make a wheel. The idea is to stay on the other lines as much as possible. You can also freehand some S curves, C curves, hooks, see what shapes you can make with them.

For anatomy, I was using David Finch's roadmap combined with Anatomy for Sculptors to prepare for copying Bridgman. Basically gestures for warmups. For one day, arms, then legs, torsos, backs, and necks. You might want to go back to parts if you're not sure about them.
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Alright, think it's better now but I want to take a break before drawing any more
If you're going for realism, then check out this excellent series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U_h3fw7VRc
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I have not drawn consistently for like a week so now I'm clawing my way back up
cheers, i'll check those out
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I really liked it actually so now she’s mine and i love her.
Amazing what such a small change can do. I think it looks a lot better!

I will not lust after an antelope, I will not lust after an antelope...
I still can't draw straight lines :(
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I'm trying to get more experimental with my perspective and composition work.
Also my first time ever trying to draw the goat lady.

What do you guys think?
Are there are major mistakes I should correct as soon as possible?
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You can still get pretty decent even being unable to draw straight. Rulers exist for a reason. Use your tools (either digitally or physically)!

Also I'm not obsessed with Becky, you're obsessed with Becky.
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I'd be more obsessed with Becky if you drew her in a Bruins jersey. Or this legally distinct Grizzlies jersey I had an artist draw for a picture I commissioned.
Yeah, you've mentioned that a couple times now. My commissions are open if you'd like to make a request!

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