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Hitler Edition

OP Template
>What is Hazbin Hotel?

From the official website:
Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven.

Hazbin Hotel Pilot/Pilot Download:
>What is Helluva Boss?

From the Youtube description:
Follow Blitzo, a classic demon Imp who sets out to run his own small assassin business with his weapons specialist Moxxie, his bruiser Millie, and his receptionist hellhound Loona. Together they attempt to survive each other while running a startup in Hell.

Helluva Boss Pilot/Pilot Download:

Helluva Boss Episode playlist:

Creator's YouTube channel:

Official website:

Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss full episodes:

Previous threads:

/hhg/ website:

/hhg/ cytube channel:

/hhg/ booru:

/hhg/ discord:

/hhg/ fics:
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Love the Alastorfriends!
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Dancing Zydeco with Alastor
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HATE the Alastorniggers
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the 10AM urge to buy this
I'm getting a tattoo of the Hazbin Austist album cover
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Negro mistress
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>charlie's horns come out when she's startled
this is just too cute. TOO CUTE
>$300 in real money
With $300 you can buy at least 30 tabs of acid and see cooler shit than this every day for a month
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please don't D:
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Thank you for your service RAfag we owe you our lives
Also please get some rest!
This to me is what the Voxxy animation is to the TVfags
I can't stop staring at it
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what should i draw p.e.a.d m&m doing
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Ok I'm going to bed now after this shitty doodle lol, have a good night fags (maybe tomorrow I can squeeze in drawing something based on this Lucifer)
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Kek new reaction image just dropped
Gnight! [Spoiler] ahh I will carve out my heart and send it to you in the mail if so [/just kidding maybe]
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Eepy time
goodnight anons
Millie helping pick out a new suit
Nighty Night
Aussie bros? Hello?
it's a prison anon, they don't have internet
NZfag here: What's up?
Wtf do you want
Greetings from Asia *gong* *bows"
>Chick and Veronica being friends in their young teens
>Veronica starting her angsty moody teenager phase (and then it never really ends, but that's besides the point)
>Veronica inviting Chick to hang out one night
>He sees she's underaged drinking because she hates her life, and he strongly discourages it
>Later they go on a walk together, and she reveals she's going to a house party with people way older than her
>Chick worries about the bad influence it might have on her
>Watching as she walks inside, he steels himself, contemplating what to do
>Choosing to face the frightening prospect of a social event to do the right thing, he dashes inside
>He had a girl to save
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sex with Charlie
I shouldn't have read last thread
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Despite being from a werid 2000s Comedy, the idea of a Hitler maid feels right in home for the HH/HBverse.
Sad that an actual Hitler joke was cut from the HH pilot.
I need more wild televisions
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Is this bestiality?
Who drew that?
Due to threats to their habitat, they are becoming endangered.
I wonder if Little Nicky has appreciated in people's views of Adam Sandler filmography, because I remember at the time that critics hated it and audiences liked it.
Imagine explaining this image to a fan outside of /hhg/.
We say that about everything
Yeah its like catching your fahg son pounding the family pooch
The true question is what /hhg/ image or concept would have the most amount of layers to peel away and explain.
jello salad or the waterpark, maybe even "voxxy"
Where has DDanon scampered off to
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father and son
Papa's arms
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he took a selfie with lox
>but unironically
I really do hope God loves all of us unconditionally
Otherwise everyone on this board is fucked
injecting adam with 7 vials of morphine...
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Nobody is here Time to post my Attempt at a mid-atlantic accent and cadence reading old radio broadcasts...
vocalastor, you're back?
omg I just remembered one of you mfers had a sunflower in a pot??
we haven't had updates in weeks, how is it doing?

maybe I should ask during burger hours, I think they were in that timezone
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I am but a fraud
I am not attempting to usurp the true king of the radio,
I am merely a steward...
keeping the throne in good shape
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Both of their innocence corrupted, and they both become jaded.
I will free “Voxxy”
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i am unsure if the reverb actually adds to the broadcast or not... I feel the reverb makes it feel more like its in a room rather than a studio, so Im not sure if I ever do another one if the I should forgo the reverb

without reverb for context
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Why would Hitler be in hell?
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I love them.....
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no sex
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yes sex
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everyone ITT owes me sex
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Matching shirts
Are you a cute dusky skinned twink?
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Do the Vees sex each other
imagine having a alchol enema
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idk anon does this look like sex to you?
Not really...
i always thought the 'fangs' that charlie has were to represent the curve of her teeth further back into her mouth, but apparently they are just fangs
Double suicide
Even kinkier. They cuddle.
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Dammit, forgot pic.
Love Vox
Degenerate filth!
Mammon keep Bee on a leash
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Vox and Voxxy kissing
How long should I fast for?
4 hours
please eat 3 meals a day and take care of your health ;-;
oooooh there's merch in my mailbox, I'll go get it
They can kiss but no sex
ave you bongers bin to vote yet?
>brexit party still at 15%
why are they so dumb?
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Have a better Stolas
Im still going to bed
good night anon
What's your BMI
Hey cutie what's going on
As long as physically possible
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package is smaller than I expected
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(he's saying no because they're both bottoms)
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GOOD AFTERNOON! How are you all doing?

Oh? What's this?
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good chinese bootleg
afternoon blindam!
it's an acrylic stand from aliexpress
Oi, I heard you were looking for Guitarspear DD fics.
I will try for you anon
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Oh!? That looks great! How much did it cost and do they have anything Adam or Lute related?

Thanks, I appreciate it but RECanon already linked it to me yesterday.
it cost me 2.07€, but sorry they only had Alastor variants
>Thanks, I appreciate it but RECanon already linked it to me yesterday.
what really? based
I'm sad that things like OP picrel are never going to happen in the show because Vivziepop is afraid of twt backlash since she made the Jeffrey Dahmer joke in the pilot, imagine how funny it would be to see irl bad people in hell:

>Ted Bundy having a harem
>Jim Jones church (maybe Vox is a stand-in for this, taking in account that he was a cult leader in life)
>Al Capone/Pablo Escobar rivaling angel dust mobster family
>Charlie being legit grossed out by some of these people and having to rethink the hotel (I think this is gonna happen on the show, or at least it should be, Vivziepop has said she wants to explore how far is too far for redemption)
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>sorry they only had Alastor variants
Aww, dang. Thanks, though.

I have a friend of a friend that's cutting a piece of acrylic glass for me to replace a piece of tempered glass that I accidently plowed through with my hand, I want to ask him if he could make something like this for me but I feel like he'd think of me as a weirdo.
Is there someone else making and selling these with other characters?
Her not adding any irl event based comedy relief is a good thing actually, it would serve no purpose
>Is there someone else making and selling these with other characters?
there are tons of them just search
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Good morning frens, how are you doing today? ^^
It would have been funny desu, but the more I think about it the less I like the idea.
You can't redeem them, or at least you cant if you don't want your show getting fucking obliterated by the masses, and if you cant redeem them why have them there in the first place?

*sigh* I guess the only time I'll see Al Capone gang fighting angel dust will be in fanfics
hi writefag, doing okay and you?
I'm crying at the lack of good ship standees on both etsy and aliexpress
Chick being a responsible, kind person is based
Maybe Adam and the exorcists already killed them
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Yeah, I probably should've done that first.
Vivziepop has gone on record saying that Hitler died on the first extermination he experienced, I guess Adam goes for the worst of the worst first
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>okay and you?
Doing good, just wish I didn't have to wake up alone every morning.
Uncle Adam does that and like every overlord that's not Alastor is a historical figure so lol
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Good morning
morning meanieanon, did you sleep well?
Hitler was a good guy and is in heaven lmao, keep larping, also Adam Sandler is a kike and that scene from Little Nicky is cringe jewish revenge porn.
Heil Hitler, I look forward to shaking his hand in heaven.
Fankids, but it's The Big Bang Theory.
Nothing Viv says is canon.
Charlie Chaplin got redeemed?
Rajesh (kind of a stretch)
Did the wing cuddle help you get a nice dream?
Heil Hitler Morning
Based and will always be canon in my heart no matter what the swine says
>Chick is Sheldon
>Pery is Leonard
>Junior is Howard
>Abner is Raj
>Stacey is Penny
>Allie is Bernadette
>Either Veronica or Velvette is Amy
>Chad is Zach
Good morning.
how's everyone apart from Alastor based on irl people?, I could buy Rosie being like an Elizabeth Bathory but even that would be stretching it
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Morning :>
Never. You only want him for yourself.
read it again, I said every overlord introduced in that fic other than Al is an historical figure
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>Charlie being legit grossed out by some of these people and having to rethink the hotel

I hope that does happen, but I don't have much faith in Viv.

Morning meanieanon

Morning! :>
Eepy tummie
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I slept good ^_^ I'm off today so I got to sleep in...
Dreamless :,]
This. It’s even confused people here.
henlo tinyanon, how are you?
>I slept good ^_^ I'm off today so I got to sleep in...
aaaaah lucky you!
I actually did work this morning, but now I'm going to read a little until my working hours end
Does anyone have the Val x Andrealphus pic
oh I thought you were talking about the show sorry, that sounds like my idea for introducing irl people in the show, I'm gonna check the fic, thanks for the recommendation anon
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Hi Blindam, how's everything?
I'm alright, just going through a dry fast since I kinda fucked up on something yesterday. Unrelated but I might go back into drawing soon
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>Dreamless :,]
Damn, should I be more descriptive with Mothu to give you a better chance in one?
Last night would've been fun if I didn't fall asleep, because I didn't get a dream myself
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Ah, you know. Same old, same old.
How about you?
I remember an old livestream where Viv said Alastor was inspired by the New Orleans' axe killer and then she stopped and said something like "except he [Alastor] doesn't kill women or children" lmao
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nobody here has any bit of trust in vivziepop lmao? I get she's not a GREAT writer but even then she wrote episode 2 and 4 which are some of the best for me, wrote the lyrics of some of the songs, came up with the Vees, Vox relationship with Alastor, Lucifer and Charlie (not sexual, looking at you incest fags) relationship and lots of other shit that people here like, I mildly trust her with season 2

I'm not saying this because I want to fuck her (which I do), I want to fuck her because I genuinely like her writing
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>aaaaah lucky you!
>I actually did work this morning, but now I'm going to read a little until my working hours end
Ahhh sounds comfy
Morning blindam ^_^
>Damn, should I be more descriptive with Mothu to give you a better chance in one?
Heh well I'm not against that idea
>Last night would've been fun if I didn't fall asleep, because I didn't get a dream myself
Urk I fell asleep unexpectedly. My phone was on the floor when I woke up bahaha
I think everyone is aware atp you like her writing
In many of the circles I hang out in, including this one, a common phrase is "That's too smart for Viv", "That's too kino/good for Viv" or any variation of "Viv would never" whenever we come up with a vaguely interesting or clever idea
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and I want to fuck her don't forget it, that's the most important part
kek, I guess we just have to wait to see what happens
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>I'm not saying this because I want to fuck her (which I do)

Heavenly fucking shit, VoxTard, you'll get smothered to death if you try that.

Morning, how are you?
viv should create some catboy demons
Good morning
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Stressed since I nearly got my Adam folder found by my normie friends. Right now just sorting through it to organize so I can be able to hide all my pics as soon as possible. Other than that was just standard stuff for work and trying to maintain myself
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just wanted to say Europe is very homosexual
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I don't care Anon, some has to do it, I'll die happy
still whiter and less obese than (you)
I'm a fat bitch!!!!!!!!!
>just going through a dry fast since I kinda fucked up on something yesterday
hope it's nothing too bad!
and yay! can't wait to see your future drawings!
And a happy 4th to you too Nifftyfujo
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Happy Independence Day
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with huge tits and a stone cold bitch attitude

don't forget it Europoor
I liked it better when you sperged about Octavia/Valentino
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oh it's the 4th of July, happy independence day you fat fuck! Go do a crime
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I'm good, how are you doing?
Hallo, morning ^_^
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Huh? Was it on a phone or your PC?

I'll pray for you.

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Happy Independence Day!
Reminder to whip your slave this independence day
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pics or fake you americunt cow
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Don't let them on the plane
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for those of that are underage this is referring to Stargate
From exorcists?
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Proto M&M are cute
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>Independence day
>No British partner to roleplay as a colonial soldier with, (consensually) degrading and molesting them in the name of AMERICAN dominance

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>tfw no one to dress in 1776 attire and rape me at musket point
Why even live atp
I thought you were finally letting your rapist past go writefag
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I'm working on adopting a simpler style so I could spend less time overthinking on what to change every 10 minutes
Phone, my roomie wanted to borrow it since hers died and she wanted to take pics of our food at a good spot to upload but then she got too nosy in wanting to look at my gallery so I had to quickly get it back. I felt like my social life flashed before my eyes on the spot :<
when are we throwing tea in the sea?
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>Americans are exorcists
....Considering how big their military is, yeah that totally fits.
I'm in my bunker.

Same old stuff, and you?
Its just a little roleplay...
Sorry Rapefag I'm not British and we don't have aligning tastes
>I'm working on adopting a simpler style so I could spend less time overthinking on what to change every 10 minutes
but do you need to fast to do that?
also aha, sneaky roommate. But would it be so bad if they knew you like Adam? Can't say I have normie friends but I'm not afraid about them finding out about my hazbin obsession, some of them actually do know
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I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I don't drink
I don't cuss
I wanna have angels live like us

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I wanna eat where the heaven folks eat
cause I'm good at the bottom of my feet

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

We don't screw like the heaven folks do
we just screw til we get through

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I wanna be an angel more and more
so I can bitch at the snigger next door

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I'm glad this tune came along
we done wore out one snigger song.

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I wanna do right don't you understand
so I can play in a trashy holy band

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P

I'm a Pride-Ring Snigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A D P
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Just consensually want to rape eh...
Don't act like roleplaying scenarios isn't a thing people do!
Its perfectly normal...
I never tell my friends or family what I'm actually interested in outside of socially approved hobbies for image reasons. I worked too hard skinwalking that I don't wanna risk having it all be for to mean nothing
it's okay writefag, just don't "roleplay" with Velvete too hard, last time you did you traumatized him
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ah, this is sad to hear...
as long as you're happy with it I guess
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Hey, I'm former Masshole, so I grew up speaking the King's English. I could pretend to British.
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I have you guys tho and I lobe everyone here (platonically) ^w^
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lobe you too :P
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We've never done that we're just friends!


Aaaaa but I also need to finish that chapter today
I need to be raped in my dream tonight
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If it's a new-ish android phone, you can always press the guest account button and they can use your phone without seeing your files.

I lobe you both, I love you all, and I LOBE LUTE!
go to bed and find out :>
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Good Morning! Happy Independence day!
I want to watch some of you while you sleep
I'll set up a live feed and ask Blindam to put it on the site
hi screencapsis, how are you?
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I'd be more than happy to.

Morning screencap anon. Enjoy burger freedom day.
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Morning screencapsis
Can someone post that one webm of that deer sniffing food?
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This is kinda gross but I can't get the idea of her sinner form having those weird scent glands and doing that to Vox's pantsu whenever she smells them out of my head.
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Good morning hhg!
RAAAAH ITS JULY FIRST!! I made this gorgeous edit in celebration. Let's celebrate our freedom today!
You're all good people who deserve to have a great day!
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Behold, the spirit animal of American independence!
What the fuck is that?
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Good morning Blindam, how are you doing today?
Hi there Writefag!
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Did she deserve it?
Absolutely NOT! Fuck you Adam >:(
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Maybe Lute was a little bit too harsh
You know what would be good toxic chaggie? If Vaggie was an exorcist still
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Good morning charlieanon :D
slow day here, I'm reading while waiting for my work hours to be over
I hope you have a wonderful day~
hi cutie
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My wife
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Good morning vaggiefag. "Happy 4th of July". Anyways I'm doing good, and you?

Hey! Morning!
>Male-Lilith rejected THAT
What was his problem?
should I read more or play Prey?
he wanted loli angels instead
>a little bit too harsh
Oh really? you think?
low test, got patched with Steve
I think Lute was the correct amount of harsh, but she could have done something sexual too to make it even better
Need a good boy handjob from Charlie while she tells me how proud she is of me.
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>went on to hook up with a demon
>proceeded to fight alongside demons against her former comrades
I should've taken more than just an eye and the wings.
Enemies to Lovers Chaggie AU my beloved
Hi there!
If her chest doesn't start with A, I don't want her
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i’m doing well thank you! im planning on
looking at fireworks and grilling with family tonight. how about you? >>67116304
Thanks! You too!… if you’re a burger.
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sounds like a great plan
>how about you?
I stopped working for now and I'll play vidya, maybe I'll go out drinking with my mom this evening idk
I'm going to shave everyone's heads bald here
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And you should have lost more than just an Arm and Adam in that battle, you cunt
Is this is how you expect me to return to being an Exorcist again? piss off!
Need him
>Valentino has already planted the last of his eggs inside of you
>he then wrap his warm and silky smooth the wings around you to reward you for willing to carry his clutch
>as you slowly fall asleep, he pats your head slowly, drooling away
>"Mi Princesa"

>Urk I fell asleep unexpectedly. My phone was on the floor when I woke up bahaha
Yeah I was about subject Vaggieanon and Doeboy(if that larper ever comes back) into a breeding fuckfest between the two by blackmail(which Val would definitely get off to)
Now that you're finally back, let me get this clear again...this is a ONE time only! don't expect this to turn into a regular thing, got it?!
I really dislike this image.
Lucifer couldn't handle FemAdam
Adam and Madam having sex.
I really like this image
I need more lolimoth
He can't keep getting away with this
I'm neutral about this image
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Losing Adam was more than enough punishment. Bring him back!
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Stop sleeping with the humans, Lucifer!
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*penetrates her*
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>Mammon will never hold your face close to his
why live
Adam's demon harem.
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>Sera wants Lucifer to fuck her instead
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What is she looking at?
Adam’s boy moms
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I'm going to kill you nigger
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hang yourself nigger
we are only getting that motherfucker more turned on probably
The sexiest women in these threads.
Sorry Lute! i'm afraid that i can't bring back the dead! but now with him gone, maybe you will finally grow the fuck up and change for the better...
Say something nice about him
He's a fucktoy for human men.
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Stop being a FAHG anon
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Or...I could get Lilith to give her family a spanking while I go TOTAL DEMON DEATH.
Made for Human men
Needs Sinner Adam correction.
Big butt, small penis cute :3
Uncle Mammon and his Niece Charlie...
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I think he's actually really hot and hope he does something threatening and cool later. BTW I think he should've kept Chaz alive as a rape slave.
>Big dick
Pick one.
>this is a ONE time only! don't expect this to turn into a regular thing, got it?!
No, it'll be multiple times until I'm satisfied, or do you really want to see tu novia take my massive cock in her on the tv? Her jumping up and down, moaning louder and louder, her sweet breathes as we go for the 5th hour of our sexcapades ~
If you're planning on killing me, I have someone ready the video to be broadcast as well.
I want the both of you really get into making bebes, not one drop of cum goes unspilled
Sexual desire is disgusting and I hate having it
>Valentino has already planted the last of his eggs inside of you
>he then wrap his warm and silky smooth the wings around you to reward you for willing to carry his clutch
>as you slowly fall asleep, he pats your head slowly, drooling away
>"Mi Princesa"

My body has reached its peak... full of eggs...

>that larper ever comes back) into a breeding fuckfest between the two by blackmail(which Val would definitely get off to)
Kek I saw that
Big dick is back in Abner's ass?
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>kept alive as a rape slave
Draw fag… nice
i ate some grapefruit and it was very bitter
Every room in Vee tower smells like moth pheromones. It’s impossible to get rid of the fragrance.
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>He doesn't know
Certified tv boy certified pedophile
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That assuming that some certain young Seraphim named Emily doesn't make you finally see reason before then...
It seems that Niffty finally got one of the bugs
Why’s Alastor so good at rapping?
Who is he molesting
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>My body has reached its peak... full of eggs...
The beauty of a pregnant women~
>Kek I saw that
i loved giving those two prompts to work around for the ERPing, the Liltih Arc was a bit too fast desu. Do enjoy that pairing as well kek
A human man throatfucking Stella.
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Not if I use our loss to prove to Sera that her fears were justified, the demons are capable of rebellion. I will prove to Sera that the exterminations weren't enough.
You BASTARD! i...damn it...how the hell can Charlie be okay with this?!
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>Every room in Vee tower smells like moth pheromones. It’s impossible to get rid of the fragrance.
It's true, better get used to the lovely scent now
>The beauty of a pregnant women~
Just for you~ It was so warm cuddling under your wings. I want to lay there bundled with you forever~
>i loved giving those two prompts to work around for the ERPing, the Liltih Arc was a bit too fast desu. Do enjoy that pairing as well kek
The ERP lore is funny.
Post your favorite character reacting to all the posts you've made about them
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Say, Vox, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to the pentagram
To any succ that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him
They tell me eelboy the only one that get your hand-me-downs
And Velvette at the party, playin' with her potions now
And Val has a weird case why is he around?
certified tv boy certified pedophile
wop wop wop wop wop, Husk fuck them up
I love Alastor now
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He might actually just kill me
t. Radioapple drawfag
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(And damn it Lilith, why you just had to try to make me fuck the ONE guy i absolutely despise)
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Angry I think.
>all these replies
We're all gonna die HAHAHAHA
>You BASTARD! i...damn it...how the hell can Charlie be okay with this?!
I never told her that we were fucking on my 24/7 porno set, and the way she never let her grip loose on my cock made me only focus on her
Women do things in the heat of the moment, I bet you did the same with Doeboy when you needed "attention"~
>I want to lay there bundled with you forever~
Well be like this until la puta and her juguete de animal are willing able to breed one another infront of the cameras~

>The ERP lore is funny.
It really is kek
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Because Adam is hot. You should be honored, Vaggie.
>erp lore
Isn’t Alastor pregnant or something???
Lucifer and Lilith sucking Adam off.
my favorite part of the ERP lore is Mammon's custody battle over Vaggie
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She'd kill me outright and place my head on a spear
>charlie Lucifer and Lilith
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Because I think its funny and depraved, how dare you deny me my entertainment I've been planning your punishment, starting with the blade to slice out your other eye
Alastor's breeding multiple women again
>Lute, Charlie, Lucifer and Lilith
everyone owes Adam sex
They wouldn't react to anything because I never made a post about them
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>Well be like this until la puta and her juguete de animal are willing able to breed one another infront of the cameras~
Yay~ Hehe, that kinda makes me hope it'll be a while then~ You smell sooo nice too~~
>busy burying my face into his fur
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I'm putting Lute in the cuck chair
Even demon women?
/hhg/ stop giving me rape urges while I'm at work dangit
But it's already being used by Vox and Vaggie...
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>I bet you did the same with Doeboy when you needed "attention"~
Oh you hijo de...tsk...
Just...fuck... i'll be waiting for Alastor to come back, so that we can give you your..."show"...you pervertido de mierda...
especially the demon women
Would you ever guess this was hazbin hotel fanart?
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Good morning hhg~
How are you doing today?
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Sure...The bar must be really fucking low for you if you consider him "hot"
Kek, sorry Mammon, but this latina is NOT for sale!
Lilith please...i'm so sorry! forgive me!
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>Yay~ Hehe, that kinda makes me hope it'll be a while then~ You smell sooo nice too~~
>>busy burying my face into his fur
You best enjoy it, I'm planning on making 10 of them in however long till they tired themselves out for the next day~
>Just...fuck... i'll be waiting for Alastor to come back, so that we can give you your..."show"...you pervertido de mierda...
Oh we'll be waiting until then, when you find him, bring him and your culo over here and I'll make you a bigger star than the faggot wop
>Alastor, Charlie, Lucifer and Lilith
Puerto Ricans owe me sex
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Trying to work through finishing this chapter slowly but surely. I dunno why I feel so creatively exhausted lately. :(
>Hot MILF image
>Ruined by Lucifer being in it
Guy's hellbent on ruining everything for humanity, huh?
I'm going to rape your precious Adam
Post Nubian QVEENS
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Not if i rape him first
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Does Sera count?
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>You best enjoy it, I'm planning on making 10 of them in however long till they tired themselves out for the next day~
Oh, I'm enjoying it greatly~~
I didn't say that...! Hehe...
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Oh I understand that feeling. I'm still working on this week's NNN and I am afraid I might not be ready to post on my usual time. I believe in you.
>10 foot tall Adam gets on his knees
>He is now 8 feet tall
How is he supposed to suck dick in this scenario? Did Lucifer grab a ladder?
He dug a hole for Adam to kneel in
post more Sera
>A hole 5-6 feet deep
Thats a lot of effort for a blowjob, he might as well just do it himself at that point and save himself the chance of his back blowing out
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Best girl
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It might just be that I get more tired of writing something the longer I work on it. I finally finished the main bit of the chapter I just need to write its conclusion and then go back and redo the POV for the start of it and it should be done. Probably gonna be around 6000 words, maybe a little more.
Happy Independence From The Tories Day
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>Showing up to the party with the same dress on.
Both made for Sinner Adam.
>Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) is a benzodiazepine, or a central nervous system depressant. It is 10 times more potent than Valium. It is legally manufactured and available by prescription for the short-term treatment of severe sleep disorders. Though widely available in Europe, Mexico, and Colombia, it is neither manufactured nor approved for sale in the United States. Illicit use began in the 1970's in Europe and in the early 1990's in the United States. Rohypnol, also known as the “date rape” drug, is a tasteless and odorless drug that, until recently, dissolved clear in liquid, which masked its presence. It comes in pill form and is usually sold in bubble packaging by the manufacturer, which can mislead users in the United States into believing it is safe and legal. Since 1999, the tablets, which turn blue in a drink to increase visibility, have been approved and marketed in 20 countries. The old non-colored tablets are still available. Rohypnol can be ingested orally, snorted, or injected. The effects begin within 15 to 20 minutes and may last for more than 12 hours. Metabolic properties are detectable in urine for up to 72 hours after ingestion. Individuals may experience a slowing of psychomotor performance, muscle relaxation, decreased blood pressure, sleepiness, and/or amnesia. Some adverse side effects are drowsiness, headaches, memory impairment, dizziness, nightmares, confusion, and tremors. Rohypnol can induce aggression and/or excitability.
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>Both made for Vaggie.
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It would be a shame if someone were to use this information to drug and kidnap Adam...not that I would of course
Valentino get off the computer
Sinner women are scary...
we don’t talk about roo
He's raped millions....
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I hope you have done your vote today if you're eligible naughty boys and girls
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You should have stayed the fuck away from him Charlie...now look at what you are gonna make me and Alastor do for you...
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To make billions
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I'll let him make it a million and one
You'll learn to like it desuuu
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I see a lot of HHG cosplayers here at the Denver Expo. Have to wonder if any of them might be any of you!
I’m the Black guy cosplaying Alastor.
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And he will rape millions more with my help!
How can you be so in love with a man like that?! this guy is a degenerate monster!
I've seen you! We were actually pretty close in line at one point.
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